Hi Ho Hi Ho Theres lots and lots of snow.....arrival and Day 1

J Marley

DIS Veteran
Jan 3, 2007

We flew out of Belfast with Easyjet on a late evening flight

The boys waiting to get on the plane.


We landed at 9.25pm and our driver from BS Transports was there waitng for us.We had booked a shared taxi and had to wait about 15 mins for the other family.Soon we had arrived at The Cheyenne and checked into our room in the Doc Holiday block.We unpacked and headed of to the bar for a quick drink before bed.......2 large beers and 2 apple juice E18 :eek: Soon we were in bed with the alarm set for 6.30am for EMH.


We awoke to this


Snow everywhere ...and little did we know it wouldn't stop all day.Thank goodness we had salopettes for boys.I had on a pair of tights under my jeans and 3 pairs of socks ...my feet were still cold during the day.We headed of to the parks for EMH.

The Disneyland Hotel

Walking down Main Street

A very very spooky looking castle

We headed into Fantasyland and got on Peter Pans Flight three times.Because of the snow Dumbo was closed and only reopened on our last day.We rode The Carousel and Pinocchio a number of times and then headed over to Discoveryland where McAuley was itching to get on Space Mountain...the last time we were here he was too small. A first for me too.I thought it was ok but rather bumpy compared to RnRC.Next we had a few shots at Zurg on Buzz Lightyear I am such a rubbish shot.

So now it was nearly 10am so we rushed over to Frontierland to ride the Wilson family favourite ride of BTM but alas it was closed because of the weather :sad2:


instead we headed over to Phantom Manor and as we were queuing we noticed that they were testing BTM with sacks in the trains so we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best.

When we came out of Phantom Manor we boarded the Molly Brown for a trip around the frozen lake

By this timeBTM was up and running :cool1: the queue was 10 mins ..brilliant... this is without a shadow of a doubt my favourite ride....we whoop whooped our way round :thumbsup2.We picked up a few fast passes for later and headed off for a hot chocolate to warm up.

This is where things started to go a bit pear shaped ......My DH Rodney had had a bit of work done to his tooth at the begining of December and when he took a drink of his hot chocolate the pain started :headache: ... he was in agony but the pain did eventually die down when he sucked in lots of the freezing air.....but lets not get excited it will return :rolleyes1

Next we headed to Woody's Roundup so Jacob could meet the man himself

We had a trip round Adventureland spot the frozen water wheel

Hakuna Matata was opened so we stopped for another heat up and some chips but when the chips got near the tooth it started again :headache: This was spoiling eveyones mood so we went looking for some painkillers.I asked a lovely CM where we could buy some painkillers and she said there was no where in the park but suggested we go to First Aid where the nurse could give Rodney some.The nurse was brilliant gave Rod some brufen and gave us directions to the Pharmacy in Val d'Europe.............So off we headed on the train hoping to get back in time for the parade.

We got to the pharmacy and got Rod sorted with strong painkillers and headed back to the parks.WE arrived back at 3.45 pm just in time for the parade ...we found a spot and waited...the snow now became really heavy and we were covered.....we waited and waited....and got colder and colder.....and then we waited some more.Eventually we heard an announcement that the parde would be delayed because of the weather.Then lots of people started leaving and we could stand it no more ...the boys were cold..we were cold so we left for The Steakhouse.

This is the second glitch of the day :sad1:

We arrived in The Steakhouse cold and hungry.It was empty but it still took a long time before the hostess noticed us and led us to a table.It took an even longer time before she returned to take our order.I explained to her that we had H/B Premium vouchers but apparently The Steakhouse do not accept these vouchers at face value, we could have eaten off the H/B plus tab menu costing E35 but we couldn't choose off the A la carte menu which is what I wanted to do.I was not a happy bunny and told her that I was very disappointed with both the situation and her very slow service so far and we got up and left :mad:

Instead we went down the road to an unexpected meal in Cafe Mickey where we could use the H/B premuim vouchers at face value.The boys had a ball meeting all the characters.



As we were squaring up the bill I asked our waiter were they not singing Freedom tonight and he rushed off :confused3

The next minute the music came on and the dancing started ..our waiter came down to the table and got McAuley up to the front to dance with all the other waiters :thumbsup2 Then he came for me too :rotfl: It was fantastic

I am so very happy that we went to Cafe Mickeys it was a much better experience for the boys :thumbsup2 .I would not recommend The Steakhouse to anyone on these boards ...... snooty attitude and slow service.

We headed back to hotel and were asleep by 9.25pm.What a long day we had
Great start - I suffered very badly from toothache the whole trip so I feel your hubby's pain
What a wonderful sounding first day (other than the tooth ache).

I know it must have been freezing cold but the park looks amazing with all the snow around, especially BTM and the frozen lake!
Welcome back, great start! Your poor DH, toothache is vile but glad you got some painkillers and he was ok.

Glad you managed to warm up and enjoy your meal at Cafe Mickey! Love the photos :)

Look forward to more!
fab piccies :thumbsup2 your boys are so cute!

sorry about the lows :(

but your cafe mickey trip sounds like it made up for it a bit :goodvibes
thats a pity about your dh tooth and the steakhouse. at least you had a good experience at cafe mickey. we had great character interaction there the last time.
Your boys look like they had the time of their lives!

More please - the parks look very pretty with real snow and ice, but you guys who have reported back from your trips this week have convinced me - no early January trip to DLRP for me - I don't do freezing ;) .
I'm glad you enjoyed your day, despite the hiccups. Poor hubby - toothache is miserable and I have found to my cost before now that there is nowhere at DLRP that sells painkillers.

Thanks for the headsup about the Steakhouse. :thumbsup2
yaaaaaaaaaaaay great start!:thumbsup2
sorry about ur dh - hope it isnt too bad when checked out.........
loving the snow pics - but am quite happy with the snow we had in dec as at least it wasnt as freezing - theres loving snow, and theres freezing..... ill stick with being happy with a small amount lol

love the pictures, and grrrrrrrrrrr @ steakhouse - not one ive tried, nor will i!!! cafe mickey much much better - and yaaaaaaaaaaaay they danced for u too - what a bonus!!!! cant wait to read more!!!
The boys look lovely in the photos. so happy.Glad you had a better time at Cafe Mickey
Fabulous start to the trip report, love the picture of your boys with Prince John - priceless!
That's a shame about the problems at the steakhouse - we were there lunch time on Sunday for the brunch and had our own problems with using half board as I mentioned on my TR, so you're not alone.

Sounds like you had a good day otherwise though :goodvibes
Shame DH had problems with his teeth. That would definitely spoil my mood :eek:

Looks like your boys had a whale of a time :cool1:
What a great (freeeeezing) start. Sorry to hear about Steakhouse and also your hubby's tooth! Glad all of you had a fab time at Cafe Mickey though - a great end to the day.


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