High School Class Reunion

@SC Minnie (the quote quoted the wrong person!

We had a few like that. Our high school has a Alumni homecoming event every spring and most of the reunions are around it so those that do have to travel can make both easier. A group from the class a couple years ahead of us put together a music festival for the Saturday after homecoming. Everyone that has ever graduated from our school was invited and it got to be a really big thing there for awhile. We had a lot of fun every year.
I have never been to one. I think there may have been one reunion that I was aware of, but I didn't go. Part of me would want to, the bigger part would avoid it like the plague. I am somewhat of an introvert; I was voted the shyest of my HS class. I don't do well when I am not familiar/comfortable with a group of people. However, when I am comfortable, I am a total ham. The thought makes me revert to adolescent angst, and I would hate to show up only to be ignored.
I went to my 30th last year where my classmates declared me hilarious. “How did we not know how funny you are? Ummm you never talked to me in high school!” True story lol. Anyway, reconnected with some old friends and made some new friendships. I’m really glad I went.
I have no desire to go to my reunions. My class skipped the 25th because the two classes before our had horrible turn out and left the organizers with bills they had to cover.
I have a friend who is about to have his 35th and being the social guy he is, he will likely go.
High school wasn’t the most pleasant time of my life. I have no desire to go back and visit the people who helped make it that way.
Agree! HS wasn’t horrible but I was not considered the in-crowd. Have a few friends I keep in touch with, that’s it. FB is my connection. A few would love to meet up with, others avoid like the plague. Our school was so cliquey. College was a 180 for me. Would love to relive those years, NOT high school
I went to my 1st, 5th and then my 10th last year. I really didn’t want to go to the 10th, but my Mum pointed out that you never know who won’t be there by the time of the next one and that I may regret it. A few months later I was diagnosed with cancer and while I definitely do plan on still being here for the next reunion, it did make me realise that life is short and make me glad I caught up with those people.
I never went to any, the people worth staying in touch with are still my friends today.
Like the pp, once I graduated I moved on.
A group of girls keep organizing it, every 5 years. I skipped my 25th and said never again, but these women, bug the heck out of us. I think our 40th is next year, because the group of women keep bragging about getting together to plan. I think what bugs me is that they don’t ask anyone else to their group to help. Cliques never end. Plus my dh is an introvert, but give him a beer and he will talk someone’s ear off. But most men are like that, it is usually the guys that do not want to go home, they babble more than the women.
I never went to any of mine. I just do not have much interest in it. I went to a small school and lived in a small town. I pretty much already know what happened to everybody because of Facebook anyway.
I went to my 20th and it was not such a great time. I next went to my 40th, and it was a fantastic time. People were people, instead of their high school persona. At the 20th, people were still clinging to that. At the more recent one, I had the best conversation with the high school quarterback, who is someone who would have paid me ZERO attention in high school. What was interesting to me is he, and several other people, said they were "intimidated" by me in high school because I was so smart. It was an interesting perspective for me, At our reunion, neither of us was intimidated by the other. :-) Anyway, I had a wonderful time talking to people from all sorts of high school groups.
Yep been to my 10,20,35 and 40th. A lot of us are still friends to this day. Was a small graduating class. A little over 100. In fact there weren't but a little over 700 kids in the school when I graduated. Then every year we have two all class reunions. One right after Christmas and one in spring. We are a close knit (some might say weird) group of alumni
I went to my 20th and it was not such a great time. I next went to my 40th, and it was a fantastic time. People were people, instead of their high school persona. At the 20th, people were still clinging to that. At the more recent one, I had the best conversation with the high school quarterback, who is someone who would have paid me ZERO attention in high school. What was interesting to me is he, and several other people, said they were "intimidated" by me in high school because I was so smart. It was an interesting perspective for me, At our reunion, neither of us was intimidated by the other. :-) Anyway, I had a wonderful time talking to people from all sorts of high school groups.

My dh went to his 30th last year and he said the same thing. He really enjoyed himself and found that everyone there was genuinely happy to see everyone.
Of course he still keeps in touch with many of his HS friends so it isn't that surprising he had a good time drinking with them LOL
I haven't gone to one yet. I'm waiting for my class to grow the heck up and start having reunions adults would attend, but our 5th, 10th and 20th were all in bars in a trendy suburb about 25 miles from where we all grew up/50 miles from where I live now, and all of them were over Thanksgiving weekend (two on the Wed. before, aka "biggest bar night of the year", and one on Black Friday). The woman who was senior class president owns the bar where our 20th was held, so I suspect this is just how they're all going to be. And by 5 years out of high school, never mind 20+, I was pretty much over drinking in the kinds of places where you have to scream to be heard over the music.
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I haven't been to one but will be going to our next one, in 2021. I'm now FB friends with a lot of my class and I'd like to visit with them again.

DW never went to one of hers, went to one in 2010 and she's done. A lot of people she didn't especially care for acting weird, as she put it.


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