Hogwarts RP 9

Georgie: She stared, trembling. "C-Corbin, please come back."
Doodle98 said:
Georgie: She stared, trembling. "C-Corbin, please come back."

Corbin: "I'm trying. I'm trying!!" Suddenly a huge burst. What looked like a ghost of Savi quickly flew away. Corbin lay unconscious on the ground.

Linus: "Melanie take care of him. I'll get Georgie to Mungos." He went to Georgie. He used a spell to knock her out and then moved the rock. He disapparated with her.
Corbin: "I'm trying. I'm trying!!" Suddenly a huge burst. What looked like a ghost of Savi quickly flew away. Corbin lay unconscious on the ground.

Linus: "Melanie take care of him. I'll get Georgie to Mungos." He went to Georgie. He used a spell to knock her out and then moved the rock. He disapparated with her.

Melanie: She went straight to Corbin and examined him. He didn't seem to be hurt, so she made a couch appear and laid him on it.
disneyanney said:
Melanie: She went straight to Corbin and examined him. He didn't seem to be hurt, so she made a couch appear and laid him on it.

Corbin: He was crying. "Why? Why me? Why? It was like that for weeks. The sad thing, I was in there the whole time and couldn't do anything. That man, he was there with you and with my daughter. Why?"
Corbin: He was crying. "Why? Why me? Why? It was like that for weeks. The sad thing, I was in there the whole time and couldn't do anything. That man, he was there with you and with my daughter. Why?"

Melanie: "I-I don't know." She looked at him, clearly concerned.
Georgie: she slowly opened her eyes and examined her surroundings. She concluded that she was in Mungo's. "I-I can't feel my leg." She pulled the blanket from her lap and stared in horror. Her leg was gone. It had been amputated. Tears filled her eyes. "N-no." She looked up at a healer.

Healer: "The bones were completely shattered, no fixing them. Every bone in that leg of yours. Muscles were crushed and your skin was mangled. There was nothing we could do but take it off. But don't worry, being a wizard has it's perks, you will get a prosthetic that is just like your old leg."

Georgie: "O-okay." She laid back down, taking slow, shaky breaths.
Doodle98 said:
Georgie: "What? N-no. Mel did." She pulled the blanket back over her lap, not wanting to look at her leg.

Linus: "I don't think so. Not at all." He disapparated.

Corbin: "Thank you Mel. You saved me."
Linus: "I don't think so. Not at all." He disapparated. Corbin: "Thank you Mel. You saved me."

Georgie: "W-wait-" she reached out to him and sighed when he disapparated. She patronused Melanie. "They took my leg off."


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