Holiday Games

Spoons. It’s a card game...with spoons. Incredibly fun and mildly violent depending on how you play and how ruthless you are. It’s similar to musical chairs.
Canasta is always a favorite.
Same with Texas Hold Em.
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Spoons. It’s a card game...with spoons. Incredibly fun and mildly violent depending on how you play and how ruthless you are. It’s similar to musical chairs.
Canasta is always a favorite.
Same with Texas Hold Em.
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I used to love playing Spoons. I used to always tell the family we would exchange the spoons to steak knives just for the heck of it!! Never did of nurses in our family!! :rotfl:
the current favorites in our house:

bugs in the kitchen
family scavenger hunt (if you don't mind people snooping through your house)
I used to love playing Spoons. I used to always tell the family we would exchange the spoons to steak knives just for the heck of it!! Never did of nurses in our family!! :rotfl:

LOL it can seriously be a dangerous game! It was so fun though. People would literally leap out of their chair and over our dining table. It was nuts. We ended up breaking our dining room table after a couple holidays 😆

I’m so happy another person knows of this game!
Cards Against Humanity.

But that may just be a my family kind of thing. We're weird....and awesome.
We played Scrabble at my parents' house this past weekend. They had Thanksgiving early. It was a lot of fun!
Kids love playing Texas Hold-em. They got poker chips for Christmas a few years ago and we play poker every holiday and very often, well, all the time when it's not a holiday.

They brought a new game to my attention if you're just hanging out sitting on the couch. They casted their phone to the TV and brought up Wikipedia. Someone had to recommend a topic and someone else a 2nd topic and you went from Wikipedia of the first topic and followed links on the site to arrive at the 2nd topic on Wikipedia. It was neat.


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