Hollyhocks (again!)


<font color=blue>Instant Human - <font color=brown
Jan 20, 2001
I am in need of another major WHACKING away of hollyhocks! The darn things reseeded so crazily that I am overrun! Here is a pic of the ones that are SUPPOSED to be growing. They are getting good size and appear healthy.


Notice the white paint spatters on the leaves! LOL! DH has been finishing up painting the fence and he is not always too careful. I got home last week and he had this really worried look on his face...

"um... you might want to go look at the stone garden walk way..."

moment of puzzled silence as I try to figure out what could possibly have happened to the stone walkway "uh... any particular reason why?"

"well, I was heading into the garden to paint the back section of fence - was trying to wrestle with the gate latch and carry the full bucket of white paint - when the whole bucket just sort of went flying. I had to scrub your stones - and those I couldn't clean up... I tried to replace."

LOL! Poor guy. :p I went out and inspected and he did a remarkable job of fixing up the stone walk way - honestly very hard to tell anything happened. BUT.... what he did do in his clean up that was NOT helpful... was he managed to whack my very hardily growing clematis so that it was nothing more than a stub. :( It had been vining it's way up the rapidly leafing out climbing rose... but unfortunately, now it has an awful lot of catching up to do. I may not have my great combo this year of the American Rose and the Purple clematis. :( I really love this combo to. I am keeping my finger's crossed that it will surge back. Most of you probably remember my picture posts from last year of this combo. Maybe I will post it again... because it makes me happy ... and because "memories" may be all I have of it for this year. :rolleyes:


Notice this was BEFORE the fence was painted. Now the fence is white... but the clematis is WHACKED.

Here is a closer view of the pairing.


The good news is... he is all done with the inside of the garden area! He just has one small section on the outside of the fence to finish. :) It really does look nice, and he really did do a good job of cleaning up. Poor little clematis. ;)
Just beautiful ! I love the purple and pink combo. The paint splatters add interest:)
I'm going crazy with the hollyhocks seedlings popping up everywhere too.
I remember that picture, a beautiful classic pairing of the rose and clematis, gorgeous Dixie! :) I sure hope the clematis rebounds for you!

Your pictures are always lovely (even with the paint splatters..:)), thank you for sharing them with us!! :)

Kim :)


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