"How a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad" - A Christmas week in a magic world


Oct 1, 2014
Hello everyone and welcome here for my first trip report of my first time in Disneyworld.
After more than a month back from my trip I finally take the time to start this. I want to do this before going to Disneyland Paris so I won't compare the two parks (that will be for another topic). So I have to hurry up because I'll be there in a week and 2 days.

It's my first big post so most of you don't know me yet : I'm Steven, I'm 30 (was 29 during my trip), I'm french and I'm a Disney fan.
And here I am :


I just said I'm a Disney fan and I've been one from a long time but I didn't know it before my trip. I knew I like Disney, I loved the music from the movies (frozen, lion king, aladdin...). And that's all that I knew. But now that I'm back I realize that it was more than just that, I mean all my wallpapers on my phone, my computer, my computer at work are Disney pictures. At work we all have a little avatar that we put on a board near the tasks that we are working on and mine is the Genie. And who planned a Disneyworld trip if he is not a fan. So now I know I am and that's really great, I enjoy everything thing even better than before :).

As a french I already had some experiences with Disney Parks, after all we have Disneyland Paris. But I've only been there two times, once when I was a child with my parents and brothers, like when I was ten maybe. And the second time I was a student and we went with some friends from college, I was around twenty so it was almost ten years ago. In this two trips to Disneyland Paris I've never done Walt Disney Studio (the first time it was not open yet I think). So my experiences was small and far.

So why did I decide to go to Disneyworld. I have to bring you back to a previous trip I made to explain : back in october or november 2012, on an impulse I decided to book a trip for New York City for Christmas 2012. My first real trip outside of France, alone. And it was amazing, and when I got back home I had an opportunity to do a second trip in NYC on may 2013. And then I decided that I should see NYC once a year. So came 2014 and I was wondering what time to go, and it was easy to decide, I turned 30 the 31st of december, so I said "ok I can do my birthday/new year's eve on times square, nothing can be bigger for a 30th birthday", and it was being in NYC in 2014 and 2015 all in one trip ^^. That was decided but not booked yet, and the more I was thinking about this trip to come the more I had the idea that it should be a two weeks trip with another destination the first week (so the Christmas week).
But where to go before New York? You already know the answer, but I didn't know it, at first I was thinking to go to Canada, because I want to live there someday (I'm actually waiting for my visa but it's a very long process) so I could have visited it first. "Ok so I'll go to Montreal for Christmas", but then "what will I do a whole week there?", and then "where else could I go? what would be crazy enough for me?", and that's when my sleepy Disney side woke up and remembered me that there was a Disneyworld in Florida. So I began to look into it, and it was soon obvious where I was gonna spend my Christmas week.

And that's where this report can really start, sorry for this big introduction without picture (it's hard to take a photo of what's going on in my brain).

And now start the preparation of this amazing trip.
I spent a lot of time on the internet, on Disneyworld website first, it was clear that I couldn't afford to stay on-site, and one of my goal during this trip was to meet people, so I tried airbnb, and find something in Celebration, never heard of this town before but after searching a little I thought that it seemed to be a really beautiful place to stay, and pretty close to the parks. And I discovered disboards.com :) looking to maybe meet some people while I'll be in the park. One question that came up when I was planning this Christmas week was : should I take a 4 or a 5 days ticket. I was there from saturday the 20th (more in the night between saturday and sunday) and saturday the 27th (and I knew I was spending most of this day in the airport), so I really had 6 full days there from sunday to friday, and I knew that I was pretty sensitive to jetlag so I was wondering if I should keep my two first days in a calm, just visiting the area around or just one. I asked around me and everyone said that 5 days was a too long time to spend in the parks. So finally I decided to take a 5 days ticket, not just because they told me otherwise, but that was what my instinct told me to do, I wanted to do the 4 parks and I knew that doing Magic Kingdom in only one day coudn't be enough for me.
I stop here with the preparation, there's many things I could had like the choice of my fastpass+ but I will include that during the report.

Now the journey begin (yes it's for real this time).
I will be very quick with the travel part, I woke up really early on the 20th of december, took a train at 6am to the airport in Paris (3 hours of train), everything went well at the airport and hop I'm on the plane. There's no direct flight from Paris to Orlando, the cheapest I found was with a stop of 5 hours in Chicago, well two hours when I booked the flight but two weeks before the hours of the flight from Chicago to Orlando was changed by the airline (I wasn't really happy about that, I was supposed to be in Orlando at 6pm and now it was 11pm, that's late but there was nothing I could do). I don't know what happened to me on this plane, I was a little sick at first and I coudn't sleep at all, so when I arrived in Chicago I was really bad, tired and mostly dehydrated, and it was getting worse everyhour, I was scared of missing my second flight because I was spending my time in the restroom passing some water on my face but as soon as I was leaving the restroom I felt bad and I didn't know if I could just stand in line before boarding. But I manage to do it, asked for a glass of water as soon as I was on the plane and forced me to sleep during this flight. And I finally arrived in Orlando (one hour late so after midnight), took a cab to Celebration and got there at 1am (so it was sunday already), met my host and went to sleep like 10 minutes after.

Here is the end of this introduction, soon there will be pictures, starting with my first day on the next post. Sorry this one is so long, and a little messy. I hope there are too much mistakes in my english (my english is still a work in progress).
The fist day is coming soon :).
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Sunday 21st december 2014 - Part 1 - Celebration

Like I said at the end of the first post I fell a sleep a little after 1am. And I woke up early, 5am I think (yay jetlag). I took a shower, didn't understand how to get hot water so didn't stay long in it. And then I was ready to leave.
For this first day I knew that I was gonna be tired of the trip and the jetlag so I planned to visit Celebration and to go to the Disney ticket center to withdraw my ticket so I didn't have to do it on my first day in a park.
Now was the time to get out, with my camera (yes plenty of pictures coming), starting with this one :


That was the house where I stayed, my room was on the first floor, it was a big room, 4 windows, one is hiding behind the tree and the other one one on the side of the house.

I walked down the street, found a beautiful place to take a picture of the sun behind the trees


Then going to the center of the town hoping to find some place to grab a breakfast, and saw some amazing buildings on my way, the architectural style of this town is amazing, don't you think?

But the nature is beautiful too

And of course the Christmas spirit is in the air


I finally found somewhere to buy a breakfast, just an orange juice for this morning, I was looking for something like a croissant but I couldn't find one, there was only big cakes with a lot of things on it, and I didn't feel like eating all that.
It was still early in the morning and the town was pretty empty, I walked a little more and took some pictures and then I went back to my room, took my paper with my reservation number for my 5 days ticket, my memory maker card, looked on the web where was the closest bus stop and now I was on my way to Disney transportation and ticket center.
A long way, it took me more than half an hour to get to the bus stop, it was way further than it appeared on google map. But I took some pictures on the way, like this hospital that look like a resort to me :


Next post : Disney :)
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Sunday 21st december 2014 - Part 2 - Downtown Disney

At the end of the previous post I left you on my way to the bus stop. Then I took the bus obviously, direction Disney Transportation and Ticket Center. And that was "oh my god I'm in Disneyworld", there was the monorail there and Cast Members, and other people, and a shop, and a little food distributor next the restrooms (remember I only took an orange juice for breakfast so this distributor was a life savior, I took a cereal bar of some sort). And get in line to withdraw my 5 days ticket. And while I was there I took a magic band and linked my ticket and my memory maker to it. I chose a blue one (if you see the color I'm writing with here and the Genie as my avatar you can guess what is my favorite color).


Here it is at my wrist. Now all is ready for my first day in the park tomorrow, and what I want to do now is go see Downtown Disney, because all this beginning of excitation needs to be fed with more Disney stuff. So I asked a nice Cast Member how do I go to Downtown Disney from there and she explained me to go to the polynesian resort and take the shuttle. That's what I did, and soon :


Sorry for the poor quality of some photos, I have a good camera but I don't know how to use all the settings correctly yet.
I won't put all the pictures I took this day, just some of them to make you feel the Disney magic.


Did I alrealy say that I love Frozen ?


Some random pictures


I love the Genie, but you already knew that


I loved what they were playing even so I can't remember what it was now ^^


Lego pictures


More random pictures


One of the things I absolutely wanted to do during my trip was pin trading. So I bought a starter set

and soon I already had my first traded pin

this pin will stay very special to me, as the first traded one but also because everyone noticed it and were wondering where it came from, I only discovered the answer to this question on my last day in hollywood studios but it's a story for another trip day. And there's a little story about this pin on christmas day in Magic Kingdom, so be sure to follow me until I write about this day :)

It was now 5pm and it was the best I could do for this first day, still pretty tired from the travel and I didn't manage to eat a lot in this day. So I decided to make my way back to my room. I took the shuttle back to the polynesian resort and before I took the bus for Celebration I took this photo, and was really excited about my first day in Magic kingdom the next day :

The bus stop was still a half an hour from my room so I had to walk again despite being very tired. On my way I took a couple of pictures of some christmas lighted houses, but I have some better photos on another day so you'll have to wait.
One advice I can give from this experience : take good shoes. Mine were old and I didn't know why I didn't wear them anymore before this trip, after have walked a whole day with them I remembered... my feet were in a really bad shape after that, it was kind of a pain in the ... foot everyday after. Luckily the Disney magic outclass everything else.

Before I stop this post, here were my pin at the end of this day :


Next post : my first day in Magic Kingdom
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Quel un premier jour intéressant! J'ai visite le Downtown Disney en été, mais en hiver est tres beau aussi! Ma magasin préféré est la boutique avec tous les tableaux, mais j'ai oublié le nom de la boutique. J'attends avec impatience pour votre post prochain!
Quel un premier jour intéressant! J'ai visite le Downtown Disney en été, mais en hiver est tres beau aussi! Ma magasin préféré est la boutique avec tous les tableaux, mais j'ai oublié le nom de la boutique. J'attends avec impatience pour votre post prochain!

Merci beaucoup :).
Loving it so far! Can't wait to see how your pin collection transforms.
Monday 22nd december 2014 - Magic Kingdom : Part 1 - Main Street and Adventureland

Hi everyone, ready for my first day in a Disneyworld park? I was, I woke up early, took a hot shower (yes I found out how to have hot water), took a taxi and destination Magic Kingdom, well in fact the transportation and ticket center to take the monorail.
But not so fast, I will start with a little preview of what I planned for my days in the parks. Like I said in the introduction (if you weren't brave enough to read it I can understand) I took a 5 days ticket, and I planned to do : the 22nd in Magic Kingdom, the 23rd in Animal Kingdom, the 24th in Epcot, the 25th in Magic Kingdom and the 26th in Hollywood Studios. And that's what I did :).
For this first of my two days in Magic Kingdom I had a reservation for lunch at The Crystal Palace and I don't remember what was my choices of fastpass+ but it was probably something like Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise and Splash mountain, or maybe not. But it was in this areas, I decided that as I was two days in this park the first day I would start by the left, so Adventureland, Frontierland... and the second day I would start by the other side, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland...
You may think that as a first timer, coming from so far that I didn't know if I would come back another time before years, I would try to do everything. I wanted to do a lot of things of course but I didn't care about doing all the attractions, just being in the park was enough for me, I could spend hours just walking randomly in a Disney park and be just happy to be there, feeling the magic in the air. And that was something I already felt during my trips in Dineyland Paris, I love rollercoasters, I really enjoy them, but I'm also someone really calm and I enjoy as much doing some quiet ride (especially on water like it's a small world) or doing nothing, sit somewhere and watch the people be happy around me in this fabulous environment. So that was my spirit during all this trip, it was not a big deal if I couldn't do everything.

So now let's enter this world :


That's the view from the monorail.
Oops I skipped a part, I was at the transportation and ticket center before the opening. Just to be sure to do as much as I could while taking my time. And something really amazed me, there's one Cast Member and only one opening the gates in front of the crowd, and he ask the people to wait for his signal before rushing in, and he give the signal once he has oppened all the gates and people start to move. So why I say that it amazed me, I don't think you can do something like that in France, if you open a gate in front of a french crowd who is waiting with excitement (of course it's exciting to go to Disney), they will rush in no matter what you say. Impatience, lack of discipline? I don't know but I'm pretty sure that this system couldn't work.
So now I'm in the monorail Wouhou, my camera is ready and I try to catch everything even if we're moving


and now I'm in, and it's christmas and it's wonderful and it's magic and it's everything


and all of my childhood come back, it's look so much like the main street in Disneyland Paris (especially with a far memory whithout the details of it), it feels like home, like you know where you are and you feel so good.
And you take that street and you have the most amazing view on your dreams


And I am here


I did a little stop on my way to grab a breakfast at Casey's Corner


And some more pictures


I didn't talk about it on the previous post but one thing that I liked was this quotes from Walt Disney on the walls around the constructions areas


So now direction Adventureland, with a little look back to the castle


I was talking about my childhood coming back, and that was the case here too, I'm not sure that it's a real memory but I felt like Adventureland was the first area I did too during my two trips in Disneyland Paris when I was young. Anyway it was still early and there was no long line anywhere so I decided to do the Magic Carpets ride and took some pictures from the sky


and then I did Pirates of the Caribbean


the Jungle Cruise


and Walt Disney's enchanted tiki room. I didn't take a lot of pictures in the attractions/shows because I wanted to enjoy it and not look through my camera (I have a lot of the jungle cruise though but I won't put all of it here). And I'm not sure this last three attractions were in this order but I don't think that really matters ^^.
Now I was done with what I wanted to do here and I didn't use my fastpass+, so I tried to connect to the wifi and it worked so I used the app to change my fastpass+ for some other attractions later, that was cool (I liked all this new system, it was really great for me). Then I was heading toward Frontierland but on my way between the two area I saw the kiosk of A pirate's adventure - Treasures of the seven seas, and I walked in without knowing what it was. And I obtained a treasure map


I was really excited about that. Like I said I love to just walk in the park, so it was a good way to just hang in the park and still do something entertaining. And once I realized that when I get to the spots on the map there was a little special effect activated by my magicband, I was like the happiest adult-kid on earth. I did only two treasure maps, because I wanted to do more of the park but I could have spent more time here. I took pictures of some of the events but I won't spoil it for those who didn't try this yet. My favorite was the canon, when you activate it you hear a shot and then on the building across the street there's a bell moving and ringing, like if the canonball hitted it.
I finally went on to Frontierland. But I have to stop this post here so it will be for later :).
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Monday 22nd december 2014 - Magic Kingdom : Part 2 - Frontierland, The Crystal Palace, Fantasyland and Liberty Square

Hello everyone, I wanted to start this post earlier to write a lot of my adventures today but instead I watched The Lion King (who can blame me, it's a wonderful way to spend a sunday). But I will at least try to finish the report of this day in Magic Kingdom.
So I stopped the last one between Adventureland and Frontierland. Like I said I was able to change my fastpass+ but I wasn't remembering what I had, and thanks to My Disney Experience I can still see what I did. So on this morning I had Splash Mountain, and on the afternoon "it's a small world" and the Haunted Mansion.
In Frontierland I only wanted to do Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Raidroad, I don't remember which one I did first but I have only pictures of Splash Mountain.


While exiting this attraction slightly wet I saw people in line waiting to meet Woody and Jessie, so I got in line for my first character experience in the trip :).


But I must say, I don't know how to interact with "real fictional characters", probably because of my logic adult side. So the meetings were short but still I was excited everytime I was in line to meet one, and I had prepared a little book to get their autographs before my trip :


So this two cowboys toys signed it :)


You can see on the pictures that the paper is special, it was really soft and it helped start the discussion with some of the talking characters. I still need to add pictures in my book and some stickers to make it more Disney.

After Frontierland it was lunch time, I had a reservation for The Crystal Palace at 12:15pm, I was 10 minutes early but I didn't wait that long to be taken to my table. I decided to make that reservation late in my preparation of the trip, so it was not really a choice, more a what was left to take, but I loved the idea of a buffet, I love to be able to see what I'm gonna take to eat. And I discovered corn dog nuggets, it was delicious, never ate something like this before. And another surprise, I didn't notice it was a character dining when I reserved it, so that was great to meet Pooh and his friends, the Cast Member coming with Eeyore was really nice, she even knew the french name of Eeyore (it's Bourriquet).


And they signed my book too :).


I usually took pictures of all the things I'm about to eat on my trips, but I totally forgot to do that in Disneyworld. It was good to finally have a real lunch, my first real meal since the beginning of the trip, I was feeling better (the jetlag effects appeared a little later everyday ^^). After this lunch it was time for a little walk in the park, my next fastpass+ was "it's a small world" so I decided to walk to Fantasyland, from The Crystal Palace I arrived in Fantasyland by the Cheshire Café

And there was Alice and the White Rabbit just next to it. It was important for me to have a picture with her, my goddaughter (my best friend's daughter) is named Alice, and my best friend is getting married soon (in june) and I'll be her best man, and she decided with her fiancé, to do an Alice themed wedding. And this Alice looked so cute.


I was lucky to have both of them on the pictures, while I was waiting "White Rabbit took a break", and he was back just when it was my time :). Two more autographs in my book :)


It was now time to go to "it's a small world", another childhood memory of Disneyland Paris came back, because the song stay easily in mind I guess. I didn't take pictures in the attraction (I'm always afraid to let my camera fall). So here are some pictures taken in Fantasyland :)


I love the medieval side of this land. That makes me want to be a prince, or at least a knight in shining armor, and find a princess to save princess:.
Enough with the dream, my journey continues. My next faspass+ was Haunted Mansion so I was heading to Liberty Square. I still had some time so on my way I stopped in The Hall of Presidents


It was an interresting show, even though I didn't know most of the presidents.
Now it was time for Haunted Mansion, it was my favorite attraction after my first time in Disneyland Paris, especially the ballroom with all the ghosts, and it's still my favorite part of this attraction.
But sorry no pictures of it. After this it was time for a snack


That was not so great but I had to try it :mickeybar.
I cut this post here because I've reached the maximum number of pictures, the rest come right next
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Monday 22nd december 2014 - Magic Kingdom : Part 3 - Time for some lights

I think I did one attraction after that, but I can't remember between Peter Pan's Flight and Mickey's PhilharMagic which one I did this day and which one I did on my second day in the park. I think it was Peter, because I have this picture taken that day (but maybe the two attraction were done on my second day, or maybe it was the Prince Charming Regal Carrousel that I did this day ^^)


I was really tired after this long day, I took some picture as the light started to appear in the park


And I found a spot to see the castle before A Frozen Hodiday Wish


This white lighted castle is so beautiful.


And I made a video for A Frozen Holiday Wish, that's why there's no pictures of Elsa and Anna here.
It was now time for me to make my way back to my room, I knew that I could see the firework on my second day. But still I took some pictures on my way back



And here was my pin collection at the end of this day. I bought the Genie :genie:, I decided to buy one new pin each day in a park. And the two others, Minnie and the padlock, were trade not with cast members but with two child who asked me to trade while I was sitting near Prince Charming Regal Carrousel.


With my fastpass+ experience of this day I decided to change my choices for the days to come, like taking some later when lines start to be longer. And I had some luck, as I was able to do Haunted Mansion this day which was one of my fastpass+ for the second day, I changed it and discovered that there was an opportunity for the meeting with Anna and Elsa (wasn't available when I did my choice the first time), so I was happy as Frozen is my new favorite Disney Movie. And I decided to make some reservations for the lunch in every park in restaurant with buffet, except Epcot, I already had a diner reservation with the candlelight package.
But this are stories for next posts.

And this is the end of my first magic day in a Disneyworld park. In the next post : Animal Kingdom. See you soon :)
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Wow! C'était une journée très excitante! Vous avez fait beaucoup des activités pour un jour pendant la semaine de Noël. J'etends beaucoup des personnes disent les parcs sont trop d'encombré et c'est difficile faire beaucoup d'activités, mais vouz avez passe un bon moment!
Grande rapport! J'aime vos épingles aussi! (Est-ce que le mot correct pour le mot anglias "pin"?) Je peux commencer "pin trading" parce qu'il semble amuser!
Wow! C'était une journée très excitante! Vous avez fait beaucoup des activités pour un jour pendant la semaine de Noël. J'etends beaucoup des personnes disent les parcs sont trop d'encombré et c'est difficile faire beaucoup d'activités, mais vouz avez passe un bon moment!
Grande rapport! J'aime vos épingles aussi! (Est-ce que le mot correct pour le mot anglias "pin"?) Je peux commencer "pin trading" parce qu'il semble amuser!

It's a correct word but most of the time we call them pin's (I don't know why we have the "'s"). It's fun to trade them, but there's a moment when you have only pin you like and it's getting harder to decide to trade them. So I don't know if I will trade a lot on my next trips or just grow the collection by buying new ones.

It was my first time so I don't know if it was more crowded than usual, but I thought it was fine, but Christmas day was really really more crowded earlier than the other days.
Tuesday 23rd december 2014 - Animal Kingdom : Part 1 - Discovery Island, Dinoland and Asia

Hello everyone. A new day a new park, I hope you will enjoy it.
For my second day I was going to Animal Kingdom and I had a reservation at Tusker House Restaurant for 11:50am and all my fastpass+ were for the afternoon, I had Festival of the Lion King, Kilimanjaro Safaris and Finding Nemo The Musical (in fact it was not what I had first, I had a fastpass+ for Expedition Everest but there was not a long line when I got there so I managed to change it using the wifi and the app like my first day).
I planned to visit the park by starting with Dinoland, then Asia, Africa and finally Discovery Island. But I did some back and forth :).
I arrived at the park pretty early (like one hour before the opening hour) and admired the christmas tree with all the animals


Soon I was in the park and I could see the amazing tree of life

On my way for Dinoland I walked in front of the entrance of It's tough to be a Bug so I stopped and entered it, and took some pictures of the beasts in the cavern walls


It was a really fun show. As I walked out of it I was here :

But that's not where I wanted to go, so I turned back to find Dinoland. And on my way I surprised this little guy playing on a tree

Now I was on the right way :


yes definitly I was in Dinoland :)


Two attractions to do in this area this morning (as I had a fastpass+ for Finding Nemo The Musical on the afternoon), first Dinosaur for a trip into the past


And then a little spinning in Primeval Whirl before walking throug the Dino-rama and meeting this big guy


It was now time to go looking for the highest mountain of the world


Right after this one I did Kali River Rapids, and I learned a new english word, I knew the meaning of wet, now I also know what is soaking wet :). This adventures had awaken my exploration spirit so I went on with the Maharajah Jungle Trek

And I took a lot of pictures


But I won't put all of the pictures of animals I took this day (when I say a lot it's really a lot), I'll try to keep the best, like this tiger just above.
During this walk in the jungle I crossed the path of a bird, a blue bird with red eyes, and he was staring at me with what seemed to me a nasty look, I didn't dare to move


And one week later I was in New York City and I decided to visit the Central Park zoo, and look who I met

Scary, I'm pretty sure he told all his friends to stare at me like this.
But I managed to get out without being attacked :)
And I decided to see more birds with the Flights of Wonders


It was a beautiful show but it was hard to take good pictures when they were flying.

I stop here, on the next post I'll be in Africa, see you there :)
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Tuesday 23rd december 2014 - Animal Kingdom : Part 2 - Africa

Hi, how are you today? Ready to follow me in Africa?
I just came from Asia at the end of the previous post, and it wasn't time for lunch yet so I decided to walk through the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail to see more animals (I love animals so this park was really great) and take a lot of pictures


I had to speed up at the end to be on time for my lunch reservation. I had time for some pictures while I was waiting to be taken to my table


And while I was eating I met this guys


There was Donald too, and I don't know why I don't have a picture with him, I hope I didn't accidentally delete it. And that was an opportunity to add four new autographs in my book.


The Tusker House is good, like I said I love buffet, each time I try to eat a little bit of everything ^^.
It was now time to use my first fastpass+ : Festival of The Lion King


It was an amazing show and I was in the Lion area so I worked on my roar :)
After the show I had some time before my next fastpass+ so I took a little pose in front of the tree


My next faspass+ was Kilimanjaro Safaris so I jumped on a truck


And once again I took pictures of animals


There's a lot more but I've reached the limit for this post so it will be in the next :)
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Tuesday 23rd december 2014 - Animal Kingdom : Part 3 - Africa and Rafiki’s Planet Watch

I continue with the pictures from the safari


There's a lot more of them, some are a little blurry because taken when the truck was moving.
I was now done with Africa, it was time to take the train to Rafiki’s Planet Watch


I took a little break on a bench in front of the Conservation Station


And while I was there Chip and Dale arrived


But it was not time for pictures, a Cast Member with a guitare came with them and they gathered kids in a circle and the Cast Member started to sing Head Shoulder Knees and Toes, that was fun.
While everyone was dancing I entered the Conservation Station and there was Rafiki inside


And I got his autograph (I love the R)


Then I went back outside and it was time for some pictures with Chip and Dale


And time for a double autograph


Then it was time to meet some friendly animals


I got out after washing thoroughly my hands and it was time to get back to dinoland for my last faspass+, Finding Nemo The Musical


I loved that show, but I love everything that is musical so it's not a surprise, one of the things I love the most in Disney movies was the songs.
By the time I was out of this show it was dark outside so I took some pictures


and time to eat :)


On my way out of the park I took a last picture of the tree


And of this tree too


But the day is not over, on my way back to my room I stopped in a street of Celebration where there was some wonderful christmas lights and decorations. So it will be the subject of the next post along with my pin collection at the end of this day. Bye :)
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Hi just discovered your TR - loving all the pictures you have!
(This is also incredibly helpful for me as I may potentially be doing a solo trip in April!)


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