how affectionate are you in disney


<font color=blue>Then it's just a fun time<br><fon
Apr 21, 2006
My girlfriend and I are going in August. We live in a pretty liberal college town and are out to everyone around us, so we don't really think much about censoring any affection--I mean things like holding hands, putting arms around each other, pecks on the cheek, hands on knees. In fact, going on trips or visiting family requires a lot of conscious effort on our parts to be less affectionate.

So I was wondering--how affectionate are you all (that is, people in same-sex relationships) while you're in Disney? I'm not concerned about what other people think, but more about our own comfort levels (i.e. not having to see others' dirty looks and such).
We have definitely been on the receiving end of some nasty looks, pointing, and even laughing. (During holding hands for a firework show, or walking down main street hand in hand) Nothing ever got out of hand, or where we feard for our safety. Just your normal ignorant people. We have only been brave enough to kiss on HM if I recall. We pretty much stopped showing all outward signs of affection at Disney unless we were "hidden". We try to act as if this makes it more specail... but inside we know the truth. Ahhh one day. :love:
smartestnumber5 said:
things like holding hands, putting arms around each other, pecks on the cheek, hands on knees.

That's pretty much what we did at Disney. Or at least what I did... my fiancee isn't as much into the PDAs as I am. We only had one bad experience because of it - posted in the thread I started about bad experiences. Most people are too polite to say anything nasty, but there's always the chance that you'll be the lucky one who gets a dirty look or something.
I would like to comment on all PDA's, whether they be same-sex or not. I think your basic holding of hands, or quick peck kiss (whether cheek or lips) shouldn't be a problem for anyone. HOWEVER...I get totally disgusted when I see a couple (once again, straight or not) open mouth, tongue, rubbing, etc. I just think that is inappropriate for public viewing. It causes people to stare, stop and even make comments (not that I would make comments, but you can't help but find yourself gawking.)
So, that is my opinion since you asked!! :)
Luv4Mickey said:
HOWEVER...I get totally disgusted when I see a couple (once again, straight or not) open mouth, tongue, rubbing, etc.

Ok, that's just gross!! If I saw anyone doing that I would make gagging noises at them for sure.

I really hate everyone's PDAs except my own. Eew.
I so agree with Luv4Mickey.
"Over the top" PDA are gross... no matter who's doing it.
And frankly WDW is not the place for it.
Get a room!
My girlfriend and I were at Disney last week. *sigh* We did pretty much what we do at home, as far as PDA - hand holding, peck-type kisses, etc - and didn't notice any staring or dirty looks. Maybe we're just oblivious, or maybe we really didn't get stared at, I don't know. The only time we were conscious about any PDA was on the bus to Epcot. We'd started talking to a family while we were in line for the bus, and when we got on their about 8-year-old daughter sat next to us and was talking to us. We just didn't want to "impose" any confusion or questions on her or her family, so we made sure to be platonic. Normally we don't care what random people think, but this little girl had taken to talking to us, so we were careful.
My Partner and I are usually pretty good about PDA we live in the metro and still get looks even at the mall. So family oriented places like WDW are no place for affection. Thats why you upgrade to the jaccuzi suite. We totally respect the fact that most parents are either too uninformed or to confused what to tell the kids about alternitive lifestyles that we tone it down.
Luv4Mickey said:
I would like to comment on all PDA's, whether they be same-sex or not. I think your basic holding of hands, or quick peck kiss (whether cheek or lips) shouldn't be a problem for anyone. HOWEVER...I get totally disgusted when I see a couple (once again, straight or not) open mouth, tongue, rubbing, etc. I just think that is inappropriate for public viewing. It causes people to stare, stop and even make comments (not that I would make comments, but you can't help but find yourself gawking.)
So, that is my opinion since you asked!! :)
I agree with that... I dont think it makes a difference who it is, holding hands and a quick kiss is ok but anything more than that is inappropriate.
Luv4Mickey said:
I would like to comment on all PDA's, whether they be same-sex or not. I think your basic holding of hands, or quick peck kiss (whether cheek or lips) shouldn't be a problem for anyone. HOWEVER...I get totally disgusted when I see a couple (once again, straight or not) open mouth, tongue, rubbing, etc. I just think that is inappropriate for public viewing. It causes people to stare, stop and even make comments (not that I would make comments, but you can't help but find yourself gawking.)
So, that is my opinion since you asked!! :)
I agree with that... I dont think it makes a difference who it is, holding hands and a quick kiss is ok but anything more than that is inappropriate. Except that I probably would make a comment. I would tell them to please stop because it is a family-friendly environment!
I want to thank all of you who are responsible adults and who respect those who dont share the same alternative lifestyles. I am straight and a mother of two and honestly I am not ready to explain certain lifestyles to them since they are young and wouldnt understand, other than the basic terms. I am going to Disney after gay days but if i were going during that time, i would be very worried about any inappropriate actions, from straight or gay couples. Even straight couples with bad judgement on PDAs make me cringe in front of my children. So, thank you for realizing that many people while open minded about your lifestyle, are uncomfortable with how to handle explaining it to children esp. at WDW where really isnt a place for PDA of any type of couple. :thumbsup2
Hollybh said:
I want to thank all of you who are responsible adults and who respect those who dont share the same alternative lifestyles. I am straight and a mother of two and honestly I am not ready to explain certain lifestyles to them since they are young and wouldnt understand, other than the basic terms. I am going to Disney after gay days but if i were going during that time, i would be very worried about any inappropriate actions, from straight or gay couples. Even straight couples with bad judgement on PDAs make me cringe in front of my children. So, thank you for realizing that many people while open minded about your lifestyle, are uncomfortable with how to handle explaining it to children esp. at WDW where really isnt a place for PDA of any type of couple. :thumbsup2

I suspect that you will see over-the-top PDAs any time of the year at WDW. People like to say that teenagers are the main culprits, but I saw adult couples touching inappropriately when I was at WDW in Sept. It's not a constant nuisance, but it does happen often enough. Unless something is completely outreaegous, your young children are unlikely to notice.

While I get very offended by over-the-top PDAs (groping, deep kissing, suggestive chatter, etc.), I do think it is sweet when I see couples---straight and gay---showing their affection with a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug, etc. Disney can be romantic and we need to acknowledge that too.
Disney for us will be no different than any other time or place......

We hold hands, sit close, love pecks etc....
We have 3 kids and I do understand that other parents are not ready or capable of explaining our relationship to their young children. Therefore, we never act rediculously gross! I agree with many of the other posters, that wether gay or straight, some things are just not to be done in public!

However, should a magical moment happen, and I need to hug or kiss her, the fact that we are in public wether disney or not, is not going to stop me.
And anyone can feel free to give me all the dirty looks they want, go ahead and make your comments.... I just dont care! And I would not stoop to their level by responding either!
Just my honest opinion!
Hollybh said:
I want to thank all of you who are responsible adults and who respect those who dont share the same alternative lifestyles.
As a responsible adult who believes that PDAs aren't appropriate, you're very welcome. And thank you for the thought.

I'd like to make a polite request, if I may. Please consider possibly discontinuing the use of the term 'alternative lifestyle' to describe gay peoples' lives. I understand that you mean no harm by doing so, but I do feel that it's somewhat degrading.

If you'd use the term 'orientation' to describe being gay in the future, it would please me mightily, and I'd consider it a personal favor.

Thank you for taking this into consideration.
PDA. I have seen any number of opposite gendered couples behaving in a manner that made me believe they should leave the park and find a private bedroom somewhere. I've only seen a couple of very young same gendered couples showing blatant affection (by very young I mean early twenties).

I don't mind hand holding, arm around a waist, or shoulders, hugs, quick affectionate kisses... between anyone. I often take my partner's arm, but that is more for my comfort than to display affection! :rolleyes:

I've seen some pretty dreadful t-shirts on people in the parks over the past couple of years too. I guess WDW must not censor the messages on them anymore?

I've heard some comments as my partner and I have passed by some people. We had a group of four or so men behind us last year at Gay Days and the youngest (early twenties) was rambling on and on about Lesbians. The other men kept shushing him and one finally said, "Will you just shut up?!" He wasn't being offensive as much as he was being stupid. Meh. Who cares?

So, are we affectionate? Yeah, sorta but we really do contain our displays to our home. Ingrained safety mode. :confused3
I went to the MK this past Saturday (Gay Days) after work with three female relatives, all straight. It was nice to see all of the couples watching the fireworks holding each other without fear of being stared at. But my 15 year old niece was appalled! Appalled at the fact that guys and gals who are in love with each other would hold each other during wishes? NOPE! Appalled at some of the very hot couples that were here age, that apparently she had no chance of dating! She just kept saying "It's not fair, those guys are both so hot!" Sorry girlfriend! I think this next generation will be much more accepting towards tactful PDA's in the future.
as grandparents of teenage grand kids we knew we were coming down during this time frame and really wasn't sure of what to expect and did tell the kids this was the time frame we would be there and I must admit I often don't have an open mind on things but I want to express how proud I was of your gathering. I never saw anything that I was ashamed of my grand kids seeing or witnessing. In fact I would rather be in the parks during this time then spring break time. thanks
Despite what some say about gay days, most of us just want to go to the parks with friends and family and enjoy the Disney experience, just like you.

Glad you had a great time.........planning for next year yet?
Well you will need red T-Shirts for next year so you will fit in.....perhaps they could say.....

"We're not gay, but we sure enjoy spending time at the Magic Kingdom with them!" :rotfl:

Glad you had a great time!


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