how affectionate are you in disney

Just found this thread, and can I just say how sad it makes me that you even have to be concerned with this?

I was at Epcot on June 10th, and there was a lovely couple at the water fountains that were taking pictures of each other. It was evident that they really wanted a picture together by the fountains, and since my girls were sleeping in the stroller, I offered to take one of them. I was so surprised when one asked, "Do you mind if we kiss?". My response was "Only if he doesn't want you to kiss him!"

I would think nothing of giving my DH a peck while at Disney or anywhere else, and I'm so sorry that society as it is right now makes you think twice about being affectionate with your partner. I only hope that my generation teaches their children to be much more understanding of one another.

To paraphrase the late great Albus Dumbledore, there is nothing wrong with having more love in the world.
Twingle said:
Just found this thread, and can I just say how sad it makes me that you even have to be concerned with this?

I was at Epcot on June 10th, and there was a lovely couple at the water fountains that were taking pictures of each other. It was evident that they really wanted a picture together by the fountains, and since my girls were sleeping in the stroller, I offered to take one of them. I was so surprised when one asked, "Do you mind if we kiss?". My response was "Only if he doesn't want you to kiss him!"
Okay, you've just gone on my 'People who give me faith in humanity' list, right near the top.

To paraphrase the late great Albus Dumbledore, there is nothing wrong with having more love in the world.
I very rarely use this particular expression, but... word.
I'm normally so disgusted by posters who say, "How will I explain it to my kids???" when referring to what may happen during Gay Days, and I just give it a :rolleyes:

However, on our last trip, we went smack dab in the middle of Gay Days, and we took a friend for my DD. DD's friend is 9 years old and her family is very conservative Christian, so for the first time I found myself asking the question, "How will I explain it to this child?" :lmao: I've already explained it to my own kids, but what do you say to someone else's kid when their views aren't nearly as liberal as your own???

We happened to be at 'Ohana during a rather large gathering, where numerous men were dressed up in flamboyant red hats and they were having a total blast. They were SO cute, and they were just so open and having a good time -- I saw plenty of PDAs (nothing that wouldn't disgust me anymore than if a straight couple were doing it, know what I mean?), and let me tell you what. The girls both took it in stride and didn't notice a thing.

In other words, they weren't unduly traumatized. :rolleyes:

Oh, and for the record, I decided that, if the subject came up with DD's friend, I was just going to give her an overly simplistic explanation of "sometimes boys like boys, and sometimes girls like girls" and tell her to go to her mother for more details.
MrVisible said:
Okay, you've just gone on my 'People who give me faith in humanity' list, right near the top.

I very rarely use this particular expression, but... word.

:hug: Well, you just made my day. Glad that I could give you some faith from the hetro front. I promise, not all of us are trying to force you into a "traditional" arrangement.
Wow. I'm blown away. I'm sorry that this is even an issue. I'm in my own little world, worrying about bills, car repair, getting my teen aged son to take his grades seriously. I never thought that sharing a sweet, loving gesture for some couples would be something to question. Being a mom I do appreciate the thoughtfulness you all seem to give to others and their ability to handle situations that may make them uncomfortable. And as a parent of a very bright and curious 10 year's a subject that came up years ago and not at Disney. When my daughter was 7, she was invited to a birthday party of a little girl from her gymnastics class. I didn't know the parents other than waiting for the girls to finish gym class. So when I called to get more info on the party and to get to know them I realized they were a 2 Mommy household (hope this is an appropriate term?). I knew it was time to have a talk, before she got to the party and put her foot in her mouth..(gets that from me). So I told her that her friend has 2 mommies. She wanted to know how, and why...of course! So very matter of factly I said, "God makes all of us just the way He wants us. God doesn't make mistakes, so if you love a man or a woman when you grow up, that's what you're supposed to do, just be a good person." her reply..."Oh, okay. That's cool! Two mommies!"

What a traumatic experience, I think I was holding my breath the whole time!!! So if she sees any pda's anywhere between same sex's all love.

She's almost 11 now, and the other day, her best friend's mom told them they can't hold hands any longer....isn't that just sad???!!! Made me so angry. Two lovely little girls that adore each other just learned shame for being themselves by a parent. Such a sad world when cruelty is considered cool, but signs of affection are frowned upon.

Please accept my apologies. I wish straight people were as considerate of others. Oh and my kids need to see others that can be openly affectionate since their parents have been married for over 20 years now...not too much kissing and cuddling any more going on here!! Life can just get in the way. I'm just too darn tired :faint:

GotFids said:
Please accept my apologies. I wish straight people were as considerate of others. Oh and my kids need to see others that can be openly affectionate since their parents have been married for over 20 years now...not too much kissing and cuddling any more going on here!! Life can just get in the way. I'm just too darn tired :faint:


Thanks for the support. Parents like you are why gay marriage is not going to be an issue for the next generation of America. (I just wish we could get through this generation with a little less hate)
DH an I were at WDW during gay days 2006 and we saw the casual stuff that the OP described by all types of people. We found nothing bother some about any of it. Our only complain is the people who wore shirts with implications that younger kids can read and then question. We find them funny in a group of all adults but so very wrong in a place like WDW. Everybody please leave them home when you visit WDW.
I live my life the way I live my life and that means in my home, in my city and yes even Walt Disney World. I am not changing and hiding who I am to accommodate anybody, regardless of age. Sorry if what I do or wear offends you . Actually I am not sorry, there is a need for dialogue in this country and it that’s what starts it then so be it.

After reading that I see that I come off a little harsh, but I purposely do not try to wear things or act in a way that are offensive to people. I just act and wear things that reflect me as a person.
PghLybrt said:
I just act and wear things that reflect me as a person.
The shirt that I was refering to was about a man's private parts. This does not belong at WDW.I don't think that is what you were refering to.
mickeyfan2 said:
The shirt that I was refering to was about a man's private parts. This does not belong at WDW.I don't think that is what you were refering to.

i see tons of those johnson tshirts on young boys and (straight) guys who find them funny ( not to mention all the abercrombie tshirts)...i find them distasteful.......but i am sure there is objections to some of my choices too.
LOL.. I rember when I was about 6 years old we went to Disney during gay days and I clearly rember waiting in line to get on the monorail and wondering why all these guys were holding hands and acting friendly to eachother.. Right on the spot my dad explained it to me and I rember saying really loud "EWWW THATS REALLY GROSS".. haha :rotfl2:

But on a serious note, I really can't understand why you feel uncomofortable explaining it to your kids.. I don't understand the conflict in that really :confused3
MagneticxBoy said:
But on a serious note, I really can't understand why you feel uncomofortable explaining it to your kids.. I don't understand the conflict in that really :confused3

I had no problems explaining it to my kids, but it was so different wondering what I'd say to someone else's child! I know my views are far more liberal than any of my friends.
Marseeya said:
I had no problems explaining it to my kids, but it was so different wondering what I'd say to someone else's child! I know my views are far more liberal than any of my friends.

I have no problem with making other people's kids better people, but I know that's just me.
I really commend you for that.

My kids are too young to have a lesson about the birds and the bees yet and I don't want actions in public of insensitive people (gay or strait) to force me into having to explain it too early! (unless some of you who have the attitude of "I do whatever I want when I want and I don't care about you people would like to explain it to my kids!)

Thank you!,


lillielil said:
I have no problem with making other people's kids better people, but I know that's just me.
lillielil said:
I have no problem with making other people's kids better people, but I know that's just me.

"Better" is too subjective. It's not my place to impose my views on someone else's young child. A teenager, I wouldn't have a problem having that kind of talk with, but not one who's so young.

I know this is kind of comparing apples and oranges, but I wouldn't appreciate another parent trying to make my kids "better" by converting them to Christianity, so I don't feel the right to impose my views on their kids either. :)
DVC~OKW~96 said:
I've seen some pretty dreadful t-shirts on people in the parks over the past couple of years too. I guess WDW must not censor the messages on them anymore?

i also noticed this when i was there last week. i forget exactly what the shirt stated but i remember finding it offensive - not directly toward me but i just felt it was inappropriate for the atmosphere. i was nervous about wearing short shorts to the park, and here was this man in a beat up, offensive shirt! i feel like disney is so innocent and there are so many young kids around i want to set an example of sorts, and of course i dont want to offend parents! this may not be pda but i also noticed a LOT of rude, dirty comments being made toward me and my best friend. men didnt even try to disguise their remarks, even right in front of children! i couldnt believe this, i was shocked. :sad2:


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