How am I always a day late & a dollar short??


<font color=deeppink>Tinkerbell <font color=teal>W
Sep 18, 2000
on these discounts!!!???? I miss the good airfares, I miss the good resort rates, D*mn! OK, my friendly fellow DIS'ers - it is up to you to watch out for me....

from now on I need an email to every time I good rate comes out, ok??? Thank you for your anticipated cooperation! :D

(really I'm just kidding, really just needed to
I'm right there with you! I've started signing up for all the airlines email updates trying to find these amzing deals, and still I just hear about them after the fact off this site. I'm joining the vent!
Me,too!! I need a RANT!!

Where are all the cheap airfares for the NW Coast,huh? Sure we are geograghicaly Chalenged,But someone could toss us a bone every now and then!! We love WDW,too!! DL is Fine. But it's not WDW!! "I want my WDW"!!! And I want it Before March 2002 when our AP's expire!!

Come on fulfill my Disney Cravings,PLease????? I'll reward you with loyality and my hard earn $$$!:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
LOL LoDivaLoca!!:D

Welcome to my world!:D I know exactly how you feel.:rolleyes:
Are you signed up for Travelocity's Fare Watcher- they will e-mail you for up to 5 cities of any changes in fares (if $25.00 more or less). It's a great way to keep up with airfares, but you have to act fast once the low fares are posted.
my home page start up is and i also make sure i check these
boards everyday, thats how u can stay up on whats going on, i also belong to
every frequent flier club and all the mailing lists i can to keep up with the info.



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