How bad is Mission Space - orange?

Hi, Dis community. I need advice. Should I do Mission Space - Orange? I have done the green option with no trouble, and part of me wants to be able to experience orange. I love roller coasters, but spinny-rides aren't a favorite now in my middle age like they were in my youth. I have a friend who said he was nauseated for hours after Mission Space - Orange, and he did not recommend it. My friend is not feint of heart--an ex-Marine captain who's in good shape. I am 50 years old, also in good shape, but not a mountain of a man. Do I dare on our June trip?
Once you know that you don't do well with spinning rides and experience some motion sickness, I'd call it and not bother with it. My husband has never beeb a big fan of spinning/strobe light rides even when he was younger and now he sits out on MS, Teacups, Expedition Everest and a few others that he knows he does not tolerate well. He is in excellent shape and super fit but getting queasy has nothing to do with your health and everything to do with your brain and your senses.

My husband just knows that it's not worth it running the risk that he will feel like crap for any amount of time for a ride, whether it's first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. Now there are a few rides that he knows he can take dramamine and he will feel ok but those are typically 3D rides like FOP and a few others. But he knows dramamine really doesn't cut it for spinning and lets me do those with our kids- I get the joys of spinning :crazy2:
I’ve road both back to back ( my youngest wasn’t tall enough for orange at time) and I honestly could barely tell a difference.
My husband who can't ride any roller coasters was fine with the green. I can ride coasters and I had to close my eyes on the green cause I was gonna hurl... :sick:
Just rode it. Yikes. Make it the LAST ride of the day if you want to experience it. It made 3 out of 4 of our family nauseous. Me, wife and 15 year old son were sick and had to go back to hotel for a couple hours. 18 year old son was fine. The 18 year old is the one afraid of roller coasters and the rest of us ride roller coasters. Go figure.
I ride everything, I got on VelociCoaster this week and loved it! I always skip mission space. I did orange orange once a few years ago and we all had to go back to the resort. We were dizzy and nauseous. It’s just a lot of spinning abs hard to handle for most.
I rode it once and almost puked on the ride, then had to lie down outside, then had to go back to the room for the day because I felt so nauseous. And after that it took about two years before I could ride any sort of thrill ride and I never had a problem before. I'll never ride it again. But our daughter likes it. Now I don't have to wonder why I see people lying down on the ground outside the ride when we walk by.


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