how did you choose your username for the dis?

We used to call my oldest daughter binky when she was baby and 503 is that Month May and day 3 she was born. binky503
Of course it had to have a Disney theme to it...
Splash Mountain is the family's favorite ride....
DH always refers to us as 'the crew'
So it just came to me, of course I had to get the family's approval first :thumbsup2
My DD13 wanted me to use it. When she was a newborn and we were in the grocery store this older lady came up to me and said "What a little queen!". Ever since, the nickname queenie princess: stuck. She thought it would be appropriate to use since this board is for Disney.
Being the youngest of three children and the only girl in the family, I do feel like a princess! :rotfl2: So, it just fit and my best friend called me Kimbers for a while and I liked that though I just go by Kim.
DCSxTwo= My oldest son died at birth and his initials are DCS, when my second son was born I wanted him to have the same initals in memory of my first son. x is for times, and the two is for the two boys. I use it as all my usernames with one exception and that is because I joined it before my second son was born. I use it as a tribute to both my boys.
This is a very interesting thread. I read all of them. Some people are very creative.

Mine, not so much:

'Ohana = family in Hawaiian (which I am, well 1/4 of me, anyway)
Mama = mother (which I am)

But, I have yet to stay at the Polynesian. :lovestruc Someday.....
1 ~ had to be Disney oriented
2 ~ I LOVE villians
3 ~ I didn't want a common villian
4 ~ I loved Bug's life and all the things they used to create their small world (I love Borrowers, Stuart Little etc)
5 ~ Love Hopper's attitude
6 ~ Love Kevin Spacey, who was Hopper's voice
A friend keeps a Live Journal and has nicknames for all her friends. To protect the innocent. ;) So I am Chinadoll in her blog, and I really like it. (I have dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes---very Snow White.) And '03 is when I got married.
mine is my kids names (maggie and dennis).
but some think it means where my daugher is when i'm dis-ing.
mags in the den!!! :rotfl: i still laugh about that!
My dis name is my first name "Jen" short for Jennifer and my fiance name Austin written as his nick name that I call him: - "Austy" "JenAusty" :love:
mine's boring... when I first found the DIS, I signed up right away, not realizing that I should have made up disneyish name .. so, at that time, I had 3 kids, so I chose mommy to my 3 bad thing about that was about a year or so later, #4 was born, and I cant change it now!
See my signature ;)

My dog "MacKenzie" is a mischevious West Highland White Terrier (aka known as a Westie)

iluvwesties (aka Carol) :wave:
I'm a therapist and thought out of all the Fab 5 characters Donald probably needs therapy the most.

Donald also happens to be my favorite since I was a kid!
Next to the Haunted Mansion, I love Pirates of the Caribbean. My ringtone is the theme song.

Suzimom, I hear you. . . my name is Susan not Sue!
Long story.

Back in '97 I wanted to participate in an online public chat with my favorite pro wakeboarder. I had to register very quickly for ICQ (remember that?) or was it IRC? Same difference. Anyway, just used the first thing that came to mind.

Wakeboarding was, at that point, a big part of my life. So I chose my initials and "wake". It somehow stuck, and I use it on all online registrations now. Easy to remember, and NEVER taken!


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