How Do You Think We Stay So Happy?*Final Thoughts & Farewells* 10/7 p100

I don't think I've ever commented here because I'm always trying to catch up! I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading this and loved all the pics!
Thanks you ladies, for such a fun TR, and for all of the beautiful pics! It was such a treat to experience your trip with you!:grouphug: I agree with your thoughts about DISfriends! I have made some amazing friendships here!
Than you for such a wonderfully fun trip report. I dream of being able to do a girl trip someday, or even a solo trip. You all looked like you were having such a wonderful time. And I agree...even though I've only met a couple of people so far, Dismeets are wonderful! And so are the friendships you forge right here. I think you're right about the written part, you do reveal a lot more of yourself. Looking forward to sharing your upcoming adventures with you. :goodvibes
Boy Mary Ellen, you are truly poetic in what you write and your photography. This has been 100 pages of sheer fun for me. All I can say is


The most important thing I want to say is this -

If you are new to the DIS or you haven't met a DISer in real life, just DO IT! When I think of how far I've come from the time I first meet Christine back in 09 (my first meet) to where I am today. WOW! I was so nervous about that DIS meet. Would I recognize her? Would I like her? More importantly, would she like me?

I think the most wonderful thing about establishing a DIS friendship is that you really do it by choice, not because you happen to be neighbors with that person or because you attend PTA or soccer games together. You establish a friendship because you share a common interest, a passion. Through the DIS you get to know people on a different level and you truly feel like they are old friends by the time you meet! By writing instead of speaking you reveal more about yourself. You go to a deeper level. That art of communication by paper and pencil is fading, but on the DIS boards you cultivate that skill. It keeps your brain sharp.

Oh my goodness Mary Ellen! What a wonderful sentiment! So true!!!

My first Dis meet was Jen and LL back in January of 2010. It was brief and I truly wished I had more time to spend with them. Last Oct DH & I had the pleasure of meeting C for a lovely lunch at Via Napoli. It was a great experience and I truly felt like I had known her forever! that very night we had the pleasure of meeting Tracy! We meet during MESP so it was kinda of hard to talk but it was a fabulous meet! I only wish we had more time to talk!

I was soooo excited about this trip! I had so many expectations, and a few worries. But, it was a fabulous experience! I truly agree that everyone who hard the opportunity to meet their Dis friends should do it!!!! I highly recommend it!!!!

I wish I could tell you what my favorite things about the trip were! I actually laid in bed last night and thought about it! The whole trip was such a fabulous experience I can't narrow it down!

I truly enjoyed the relaxing! No fuss, no muss, no worries, just fun and relaxing!!! I can't being to tell you how much I enjoyed our time at the pool! Floating, mastering the art of noodling, chatting, laughing and, yes, enjoying a few adult beverages! This was a true vacation!!!

Bluezoo was definitely my favorite meal! the food was amazing, the wine was fantastic and it was just a fabulous night!

I really can't say enough about how much this whole trip was an amazing experience! I truly feel like added to friendships that will last a lifetime!!!

Up next for me;

First, in just 6 days we have a family trip!!! Staying at BLT from 10/15 - 10/23! I can't wait! We'll have the opportunity to see Christine, Tracy and Jen! I can't wait to see these ladies again! But, you can read more about that on my PTR, Pixie Dust & Wishes! Apparently I've Gone Insane!

Next, DH and I will be taking one of our fabulous alone trips in early December! 6 nights at WL!! Woo too!!

After that, I have a trip planned in March that will likely be changed to May in the coming days due to some family drama!

Of course, I am very much looking forward to the possibility of the another ladies trip for F&W next fall!

I can't thank Mary Ellen enough for taking the reigns on this TR! She did a fabulous job! I wasn't always here, unfortunately. With a busy, hectic, crazy summer I was gone for a few months. I fact I'm still catching up. But reliving the trip is such a great experience I can't wait to read it all!
There really were some amazing pictures in this TR! :thumbsup2

On behalf of everyone, thanks! I am so happy we were all willing to contribute to the photography and those PP shots were really well done.

And great final thoughts Mary Ellen! You are so right about DISers & what we share with each other. I hope to meet you one day! Maybe fall 2012... :rolleyes1

I'm glad you agree. And I do think a DISmeet is in order. You KNOW I will be there for F&W 2012.

I was thinking about you on Friday when I rebooked my return flights on SWA and got $69 in credit. Woo Hoo! That means I paid $146 RT for my flights thanks to that $100 gift card they gave me for my flight delay! :cool1:

Since you are the SWA master, I knew you would be proud! :laughing:

Great final review and I agree these boards sure are the best for meeting people and forming friendships! :goodvibes

I'm glad you enjoyed it! This has been a great trip report for meeting new people and I'm so grateful for that!

Loved it all.

Now to catch up on the new one. :goodvibes

Hey Pat - Are you home now?

Thanks so much for joining in with our TR. It was great having you along for the ride!

MEK, I love the great pictures of all of you DISer's and the final wrap-up.

If I hadn't taken a chance on meeting a complete stranger, I would have never met my "little sister" -- Nicki who is one of the most important people in my life.

Kathy - thanks so much for being part of the TR audience. And thanks for reminding me that this is where you and Nicki met! I think that's so cool. It's great that technology has allowed us to meet people that we would never have met 10 or more years ago.

I don't think I've ever commented here because I'm always trying to catch up! I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading this and loved all the pics!

Welcome littlezar! It's never too late to join in this TR! Thanks so much for commenting. I am so glad you enjoyed our TR and pictures. Make sure you follow along on my new TR (see link on my siggie).

And you are a mom of 4 boys? :worship: My brother and SIL have 4 boys. Never a dull moment in that house. :laughing:

Thanks you ladies, for such a fun TR, and for all of the beautiful pics! It was such a treat to experience your trip with you!:grouphug: I agree with your thoughts about DISfriends! I have made some amazing friendships here!

Tammie - I'm so happy you enjoyed our TR and I'm very glad I got to know you through this TR. People like you made it so worthwhile to put the time and energy into writing this. :goodvibes

Than you for such a wonderfully fun trip report. I dream of being able to do a girl trip someday, or even a solo trip. You all looked like you were having such a wonderful time. And I agree...even though I've only met a couple of people so far, Dismeets are wonderful! And so are the friendships you forge right here. I think you're right about the written part, you do reveal a lot more of yourself. Looking forward to sharing your upcoming adventures with you. :goodvibes

And - Tina - another new reader for my TR's. Thanks so much for joining in. I'm so glad you enjoyed our TR. I know when you Max gets older you'll get a chance to do a girls trip. But right now you get to keep experiencing the world through his eyes and that must be such a treat. I didn't go to Disney for the first time until my boys were older and I regret that.

Boy Mary Ellen, you are truly poetic in what you write and your photography. This has been 100 pages of sheer fun for me. All I can say is


And thank you, Sheree, for reading from start to finish! I'm so glad you enjoyed this TR and thank you for your kind words.

Remember - F&W 2012 - Be There!!!!!! ;)

Oh my goodness Mary Ellen! What a wonderful sentiment! So true!!!

My first Dis meet was Jen and LL back in January of 2010. It was brief and I truly wished I had more time to spend with them. Last Oct DH & I had the pleasure of meeting C for a lovely lunch at Via Napoli. It was a great experience and I truly felt like I had known her forever! that very night we had the pleasure of meeting Tracy! We meet during MESP so it was kinda of hard to talk but it was a fabulous meet! I only wish we had more time to talk!

I didn't know the whole history of your DIS meets, but its interesting that we all met some of our co-travelers at different times.

I was soooo excited about this trip! I had so many expectations, and a few worries. But, it was a fabulous experience! I truly agree that everyone who hard the opportunity to meet their Dis friends should do it!!!! I highly recommend it!!!!

I wish I could tell you what my favorite things about the trip were! I actually laid in bed last night and thought about it! The whole trip was such a fabulous experience I can't narrow it down!

I truly enjoyed the relaxing! No fuss, no muss, no worries, just fun and relaxing!!! I can't being to tell you how much I enjoyed our time at the pool! Floating, mastering the art of noodling, chatting, laughing and, yes, enjoying a few adult beverages! This was a true vacation!!!

Bluezoo was definitely my favorite meal! the food was amazing, the wine was fantastic and it was just a fabulous night!

I really can't say enough about how much this whole trip was an amazing experience! I truly feel like added to friendships that will last a lifetime!!!

I'm so glad you had a great time. Being that out of all of us you have the youngest kids, you were definitely the one most in need of a trip. It's so great that you were able to travel with us.

It really was a true vacation. I could not have asked for a better va-kay and the only blotch on the whole thing was the night I had that horrific headache. But, everything else more than made up for that nuisance!

Up next for me;

First, in just 6 days we have a family trip!!! Staying at BLT from 10/15 - 10/23! I can't wait! We'll have the opportunity to see Christine, Tracy and Jen! I can't wait to see these ladies again! But, you can read more about that on my PTR, Pixie Dust & Wishes! Apparently I've Gone Insane!

Next, DH and I will be taking one of our fabulous alone trips in early December! 6 nights at WL!! Woo too!!

After that, I have a trip planned in March that will likely be changed to May in the coming days due to some family drama!

Of course, I am very much looking forward to the possibility of the another ladies trip for F&W next fall!

You are very fortunate to have two wonderful trips coming up. I'm so glad you are going to get to hang out with the girls again. And if everyone has as many drinks for me as I've been promised I should have one heck of a week!
I better watch it or I might not get packed for HHI!

I didn't realize your May trip is just for you and DH. That's wonderful and I am so bummed that I had to push my trip back a week or we would have been at VWL during the same time!

And F&W 2012 - I am counting on you!!!!!

I can't thank Mary Ellen enough for taking the reigns on this TR! She did a fabulous job! I wasn't always here, unfortunately. With a busy, hectic, crazy summer I was gone for a few months. I fact I'm still catching up. But reliving the trip is such a great experience I can't wait to read it all!

I had a lot of fun doing this TR and there was only one rough patch were I felt like no one was reading. Other than that it was very a enjoyable experience because it was always fun!

Thanks so much for posting your final thoughts Melissa! :goodvibes
Hey Pat - Are you home now?

Thanks so much for joining in with our TR. It was great having you along for the ride!

I got home late last night. I almost had a delay in Baltimore ( plane was coming from Phoenix) but in the end we were on time and I wandered in about midnight. Laundry is now all done, and I am catching up.

I did finish up the old one and started the new one.

New report is up.
Eat, Run And Celebrate
Well, I wish I had as poetic a final post as others, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.

I had such a blast on this trip! Loved seeing Epcot at F&G beautiful! We stayed at the Beach Club and, for me, it just doesn't get better than that. I think we had the perfect mix of big group, small group and solo time - which I think is an important factor in a successful trip. Particularly with so many Disney experts with their own favorites, priorities etc. :upsidedow

All the meals were great but oddly, I think my faves were the lunches: Chef's, Brown Derby, and Via Napoli. In fact, hitting all of these again next week. :yay:

So that's what is next for me. My annual pilgrimage to my personal mecca of Food & Wine. "It's the most wonderful time of the year...". :)

Thanks and hugs to the lovely ladies who made this May trip so much fun. I will be seeing many of you next week. Cynthia and Mary Ellen, I hope you can make your F&W 2012 plan work. I am quite sure you will love it!! ::yes::
I didn't realize your May trip is just for you and DH. That's wonderful and I am so bummed that I had to push my trip back a week or we would have been at VWL during the same time!

May is actually supposed to be me, the kiddos, my sis Jen, and her kiddos. But drama with the other sister, the one we talked about during our trip, is messing it up. She doesn't know we are going but has thrown a wrench in the works anyway! Lonnnnnnng story!

My annual pilgrimage to my personal mecca of Food & Wine. "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

:lmao: I LOVE this!! "my personal mecca" Sooooooooo true!!!!!!!!
Well - you know what Denny said about mine, don't you?

Maybe not - the night I was editing and that picture came up I got so excited. I said, rather loudy, "You should see this picture I got. I can't believe I took such a cool picture".

And his replie - are you ready - "You know what they say. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes".

Can you believe I am still married to him??????

:rotfl: I could totally see Jeff saying that!


If you are new to the DIS or you haven't met a DISer in real life, just DO IT!

I look forward to future girl trips. They really are liberating. If you're a DISer and you are considering a girlfriend trip, Just DO IT! It's so liberating. It makes you appreciate your free time, while at the same time it makes you appreciate your family. I think its essential for all women.


My top 10

10. My solo photo journey on the Liberty Belle
9. Seeing all the F&G Topiaries
8. Breakfast at Kouzzina
7. Single Rider Line!
6. Seeing Ratatouille at Les Chef's
5. Scrub and Rub (aka Balinese Body Polish and Massage at Mandara Spa
4. Lunch at the Brown Derby
3. Meeting Mary Ellen finally!
2. "Vacationing" solo. For real. Traveling solo and vacationing solo are two entirely different things!

And my number one is...a tie

1. Africa Trek
1. Pool time with no one saying "mom, mom mom!"

Up next for me? Not really sure. I've just (well not just, it's been over a month already!) returned from an amazing DCL cruise to Alaska on the Wonder. We are currently booked 8/1 on the Dream but that might move when the 2013 itineraries come out. If we keep it we will be celebrating Kendall's 16th on a 4 day cruise on the Dream which would be pretty cool. (of course the Med in 2013 might be cooler, but that might also be my own personal pipe dream :rotfl:) Either before or after the Dream, we will likely skip (I know, I know) WDW and instead do 4 days at the beach somewhere. Possibly Vero but the rates are pretty scary (even with renting points) at that time of year. Not the time of year I really want to go but we are definitely hamstrung by school and sports. Oh well.

My side of the family (about 20 of us) hope to do a group trip but the dates are very much in flux at present so who knows when that will happen. The fact that it likely WILL happen in the next 24 months is why we'd skip WDW this summer as Jeff won't go twice that close together. I'm hoping for New Years Eve 2012 for the giant family trip but it's more likely to be 2013 which sounds SO far away! :eek:

I'm hoping to room with Mary Ellen for Food and Wine 2012, that's the only "official" WDW trip I have planned in the next year. Very glad to at least know there is one I can count on even if we don't have exact dates quite yet.
Great final thoughts! I still have yet to meet a Dis'er, I was hoping to on this trip, since so many were going when I went, but it just didn't work out! :confused3 I think my best chance would be to do a solo trip when a bunch of Dis'ers are going and meet them then!

I really want to do that African Trek after reading about yours, I saw the bridge you cross on the safari, and the little huts where you have lunch, and it made me think of your TR when I was there!

There are some great pics in this TR, someday I'll get a real camera and learn how to use it and hopefully be able to take nice pictures too! I love the one of the drummers, amazing! :cool1:
I am so happy you all enjoyed yourselves so thoroughly! What a fantastic vacation! You really hit the nail on the head when you said JUST DO IT!!! I love my DISfriends, it's amazing that we have built these friendships all because of this website and our DISease in common! :rotfl:

You have also gotten me even MORE excited for my family trip in just 29 days- can't wait to go home to BCV, and I'll be eating at La Hacienda, Brown Derby, and Kouzzina (for breakfast) so thanks for all that food porn- YUM!!

Great job, ladies...I hope our paths cross oneday...or again, depending on who you are!

I had SUCH an amazing time this trip it is hard to come up with a top ten list :goodvibes but I shall try and come up with some favorites:

Loved meeting everyone...some I had met briefly before and some were new. Totally clicked with my roommate C...we are so alike in so many ways :rotfl: and I don't know if that is always a good thing :laughing:

My favorite dinner was Blue Zoo. I absolutely LOVED the fish I had and can't wait for a repeat this Saturday :yay: I loved all of my meals with Tutto coming in last. I think it's still a mental thing because of Alfredo's. I need to stop living in the past ;)

The Africa Trek was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and I highly recommend it to everyone. Can totally see myself doing it again someday :thumbsup2

Loved all of the pool was such a relaxing trip and was so nice to just sit back (on a lounge chair ;)) and take it all in. Each and every trip you take to Disney is different and I think is a reason we all keep going back. I really liked walking around by myself but then knowing that in a few hours time I would be meeting up with someone.

My next trip is coming up in just three days. I am taking my niece and we will be staying at the BC for 8 nights. F&W is my absolute favorite time of the year to visit and I am thrilled to be staying at BC for C's private entrance :yay: I don't write TR's :rolleyes1 but I do a lot of FB updating while I am there.....mostly pictures of my food and drinks :rotfl:

Looking forward to seeing what F&W 2012 brings :goodvibes

Thanks again ME for the TR :hug: Can't wait to read about your next adventures!!


I got home late last night. I almost had a delay in Baltimore ( plane was coming from Phoenix) but in the end we were on time and I wandered in about midnight. Laundry is now all done, and I am catching up.

I did finish up the old one and started the new one.

New report is up.
Eat, Run And Celebrate

I hope you had a great time. I just subbed to your new TR. Looks like its going to be a ton of fun! And congrats on DVC. I didn't realize you were a new member. You will :love: it!!!!!

Well, I wish I had as poetic a final post as others, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.

I had such a blast on this trip! Loved seeing Epcot at F&G beautiful! We stayed at the Beach Club and, for me, it just doesn't get better than that. I think we had the perfect mix of big group, small group and solo time - which I think is an important factor in a successful trip. Particularly with so many Disney experts with their own favorites, priorities etc. :upsidedow

I agree. I think the fact that we did lots of solo things but met up for meals and pool time really helped with the success of our trip. It was great. It's hard for me to believe that the whole summer has passed since we were there and its already fall. Crazy!

All the meals were great but oddly, I think my faves were the lunches: Chef's, Brown Derby, and Via Napoli. In fact, hitting all of these again next week. :yay:

BD was definitely my favorite lunch, although Chefs came pretty darn close. And VN and the hotties. Wow - they were all so good. I usually don't have a sitdown lunch so these meals were all such a treat for me!

So that's what is next for me. My annual pilgrimage to my personal mecca of Food & Wine. "It's the most wonderful time of the year...". :)

Thanks and hugs to the lovely ladies who made this May trip so much fun. I will be seeing many of you next week. Cynthia and Mary Ellen, I hope you can make your F&W 2012 plan work. I am quite sure you will love it!! ::yes::

I can't believe your trips are just days away. I know you will all have a fabulous time. I am still disappointed I won't be there, but I am really looking forward to HHI. It is a nice consolation prize.

And - I will absolutely 100% be going for F&W next year. Since I will be a newby I will totally need the assistance of you more experienced Food and Winers! Can't wait!

May is actually supposed to be me, the kiddos, my sis Jen, and her kiddos. But drama with the other sister, the one we talked about during our trip, is messing it up. She doesn't know we are going but has thrown a wrench in the works anyway! Lonnnnnnng story!

Oh Melissa - How can she be messing with your plans if she isn't even going? She must be trying to plan something. Ouch. I can only imagine the drama you are experiencing right now. I so hope you can work everything out to your satisfaction! Fingers crossed.
I hope you had a great time. I just subbed to your new TR. Looks like its going to be a ton of fun! And congrats on DVC. I didn't realize you were a new member. You will :love: it!!!!!

I did have a great time. My Balitmore delay turned out not to be much of one. I had enough time to walk around a bit and get McDonalds ( I really wanted Nathans but what can you do?) The McDonalds experience was interesting but I will save that. :laughing:

And - I will absolutely 100% be going for F&W next year. Since I will be a newby I will totally need the assistance of you more experienced Food and Winers! Can't wait!

I really think Food and Wine is going to be a regular occurence for me. Make sure you have some middle of the week time since it gets real busy on the weekends. :thumbsup2
Mary Ellen I like the fact that you do a wrap up.Your trip sounded like so much fun. The fact that your gruop could go their separate ways at times made it even better. One day I will get to do a trip like that, even better if I could do the F&W in 2012. :thumbsup2

I'm so sorry but I once again got way behind. I'm not up to date but need to hop over to your new report and try to get up to speed there.

I truly enjoyed this report. It has really made me want to take a girls only trip too. Thank y'all so much for sharing.
:rotfl: I could totally see Jeff saying that!

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a sarcastic husband, but it still made me feel bad because I was so excited over getting that shot! :sad2:

My top 10

10. My solo photo journey on the Liberty Belle
9. Seeing all the F&G Topiaries
8. Breakfast at Kouzzina
7. Single Rider Line!
6. Seeing Ratatouille at Les Chef's
5. Scrub and Rub (aka Balinese Body Polish and Massage at Mandara Spa
4. Lunch at the Brown Derby
3. Meeting Mary Ellen finally!
2. "Vacationing" solo. For real. Traveling solo and vacationing solo are two entirely different things!

And my number one is...a tie

1. Africa Trek
1. Pool time with no one saying "mom, mom mom!"

Great top 10 Cynthia! I forgot all about Remy! That really was fun! I agree that the BD lunch was also fab!

Up next for me? Not really sure. I've just (well not just, it's been over a month already!) returned from an amazing DCL cruise to Alaska on the Wonder. We are currently booked 8/1 on the Dream but that might move when the 2013 itineraries come out. If we keep it we will be celebrating Kendall's 16th on a 4 day cruise on the Dream which would be pretty cool. (of course the Med in 2013 might be cooler, but that might also be my own personal pipe dream :rotfl:) Either before or after the Dream, we will likely skip (I know, I know) WDW and instead do 4 days at the beach somewhere. Possibly Vero but the rates are pretty scary (even with renting points) at that time of year. Not the time of year I really want to go but we are definitely hamstrung by school and sports. Oh well.

My side of the family (about 20 of us) hope to do a group trip but the dates are very much in flux at present so who knows when that will happen. The fact that it likely WILL happen in the next 24 months is why we'd skip WDW this summer as Jeff won't go twice that close together. I'm hoping for New Years Eve 2012 for the giant family trip but it's more likely to be 2013 which sounds SO far away! :eek:

I'm hoping to room with Mary Ellen for Food and Wine 2012, that's the only "official" WDW trip I have planned in the next year. Very glad to at least know there is one I can count on even if we don't have exact dates quite yet.

I hope you are able to work out all your future plans. I know I've said this before, but it must be so hard to have to work out plans for SO many people. I don't envy you at all!

I am very excited for F&W next year. What do you think? 6 nights again? I think that was a good length without being too short or too long. I'm thinking (very tentative) 10/16 or 10/17 to 10/21 or 10/22.

Great final thoughts! I still have yet to meet a Dis'er, I was hoping to on this trip, since so many were going when I went, but it just didn't work out! :confused3 I think my best chance would be to do a solo trip when a bunch of Dis'ers are going and meet them then!
Food & Wine 1012 Jen!!!! Be There!!!!! Guaranteed DIS meets! I can't wait!

I really want to do that African Trek after reading about yours, I saw the bridge you cross on the safari, and the little huts where you have lunch, and it made me think of your TR when I was there!

Whenever I see that bridge in the future I will always think about our African Trek. I probably won't ever do it again (although you never know), so it was such a special, unforgettable experience. If you ever get the just, go for it!

There are some great pics in this TR, someday I'll get a real camera and learn how to use it and hopefully be able to take nice pictures too! I love the one of the drummers, amazing! :cool1:

Wait! Didn't you just get a new camera???? I am sure your pictures will be fabulous and photoediting goes a long way (although time consuming). Melissa's drummers is a spectacular photo and I'm sure that has minimal or no edits. It's the beauty of the digital camera!

I am so happy you all enjoyed yourselves so thoroughly! What a fantastic vacation! You really hit the nail on the head when you said JUST DO IT!!! I love my DISfriends, it's amazing that we have built these friendships all because of this website and our DISease in common! :rotfl:

DISease! Aint that the truth? :rotfl2: It really is an affliction, but I can think of many much worse diseases to have!

Yeah - its been a blast meeting people through the DIS. I hope my HHI trip mates don't think its too weird when I start collecting TR fodder and taking pictures of their food. :rolleyes1 I know they don't quite get the DISease! :laughing:

You have also gotten me even MORE excited for my family trip in just 29 days- can't wait to go home to BCV, and I'll be eating at La Hacienda, Brown Derby, and Kouzzina (for breakfast) so thanks for all that food porn- YUM!!

I know you will love them all (not sure which ones you have already been to). Your family trip will be so much fun!!!! What a great time to visit!

Great job, ladies...I hope our paths cross oneday...or again, depending on who you are!


Food & Wine 2012 Ellen! Surely you can sneak in a little getaway! :rolleyes1

DO IT!!!!!
I had SUCH an amazing time this trip it is hard to come up with a top ten list :goodvibes but I shall try and come up with some favorites:

Loved meeting everyone...some I had met briefly before and some were new. Totally clicked with my roommate C...we are so alike in so many ways :rotfl: and I don't know if that is always a good thing :laughing:

So funny - because I completely forgot that this was your first time rooming with C. It just seems like you've been friends forever!

and - being alike - OF course its a good thing!!!! ;):laughing:

My favorite dinner was Blue Zoo. I absolutely LOVED the fish I had and can't wait for a repeat this Saturday :yay: I loved all of my meals with Tutto coming in last. I think it's still a mental thing because of Alfredo's. I need to stop living in the past ;)

Wow - you really aren't wasting any time in getting back there! :thumbsup2 Very cool! We must put it on the list for next year, although I am somewhat curious to try Shulas. I agree - Tuttos was dead last for me!

The Africa Trek was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and I highly recommend it to everyone. Can totally see myself doing it again someday :thumbsup2

Agreed! Everyone who has an interest and loves the AK should give this a try. I'm really glad we did it!

Loved all of the pool was such a relaxing trip and was so nice to just sit back (on a lounge chair ;)) and take it all in. Each and every trip you take to Disney is different and I think is a reason we all keep going back. I really liked walking around by myself but then knowing that in a few hours time I would be meeting up with someone.

So true - every trip is so completely different. I think my December trip will definitely be more park commando and less relaxing, but it will still be a great trip. Every trip has its own flavor, its own feel.

I hope its warm enough in HH for me to practice my noodling, so I can be much better at it next year! Which won't be saying much! :rotfl:

My next trip is coming up in just three days. I am taking my niece and we will be staying at the BC for 8 nights. F&W is my absolute favorite time of the year to visit and I am thrilled to be staying at BC for C's private entrance :yay: I don't write TR's :rolleyes1 but I do a lot of FB updating while I am there.....mostly pictures of my food and drinks :rotfl:

8 nights - that is so great!!!!!! I hope you have a fabulous time. What am I saying - of course you will. FB updates please!!!!!!

Did you have to waitlist for BCV or where you able to get it at 7 months? I want BWV for next year.

Looking forward to seeing what F&W 2012 brings :goodvibes

Can't wait!!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Thanks again ME for the TR :hug: Can't wait to read about your next adventures!!


It was my pleasure. I have to update the final links and then I will feel like I am caught up.
I did have a great time. My Balitmore delay turned out not to be much of one. I had enough time to walk around a bit and get McDonalds ( I really wanted Nathans but what can you do?) The McDonalds experience was interesting but I will save that. :laughing:

Oh NO! I can only imagine so many things going wrong at McDonalds? :rotfl: I hope I get a good laugh out of it! Glad your delay was minimal!

I really think Food and Wine is going to be a regular occurence for me. Make sure you have some middle of the week time since it gets real busy on the weekends. :thumbsup2

I am definitely going to arrive middle of the week. I heard its crazy on the weekends. Can't wait to see it for myself. Sounds like so much fun!

Mary Ellen I like the fact that you do a wrap up.Your trip sounded like so much fun. The fact that your gruop could go their separate ways at times made it even better. One day I will get to do a trip like that, even better if I could do the F&W in 2012. :thumbsup2


I love doing final thoughts and a trip review and I like when other people do them as well. It really helps me pick up what I might have missed.

I think tracy said it really well when she said she like being by herself but knowing that in a few hours she would be meeting up with everyone. I felt the exact same way. Best of both worlds! :goodvibes

I'm so sorry but I once again got way behind. I'm not up to date but need to hop over to your new report and try to get up to speed there.

No worries. It is so easy to get behind on TR's. It happens to me all the time.

I haven't written that much on my new TR yet, so you should be good.

I truly enjoyed this report. It has really made me want to take a girls only trip too. Thank y'all so much for sharing.

Thanks. We are all so glad you liked it and you definitely should do a girls TR in the future. F&W 2012 is a thought????? :rolleyes1:rotfl: I know I keep pushing it, but I think it would be great to have a giant DIS meet! A girl can dream, right?


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