How Exotic Can A Western (Cruise) Get?

We had hoped to catch Jodie & Mike @ the NBA on our way out of the park:woohoo: snuck up on them. So nice to see friends in the box in 3-D

:3dglasses :lmao: :rotfl:

keishashadow said:
......I wasn't sure if our room keys had the VIP mark on them; indeedy we were special this trip.:)

I'll bet you were 'special' :thumbsup2 Way to go.... :banana: (can't wait for our turn ;) )

keishashadow said:
Lobby tree was huge and looked just right. Gingerbread village and train set up was the best we saw during the trip.

:goodvibes Looks kewl....someday i get there at the holidays :rolleyes:

keishashadow said:
here's the room layout, family crashed

The only difference i see is the bedspreads :confused3 Is the carpet the same? Will have to look back at my pix..... I believe the wall between the beds and sink area was painted lighter, but it's still dark wood and such (aside from the flat tv's and upgrades of the sorts).... The curtains and lights all look the same.... kind of a cheesy upgrading, dontcha think???

keishashadow said:
Now, for the SWAG:banana:
Table full of goodies:
*huge fruit basket!! If this is the size of the standard one they give in the room, i'm changing my designation from beer in a bucket.

No...that is not the standard's huger :laughing: ....definately not the 'norm' because we've gotten it twice!

keishashadow said:
Other than different types of apples, oranges & my beloved :banana: 's friends not food! (not sure what 1/2 the stuff was...sufficed for a nice breakfast the following am)

:lmao: ....wanna bet? :rolleyes1

keishashadow said:
DS got his own basket even bigger than the other, filled with more candy than you'd find in an Easter basket. Loaded with stuff from the gift shop: a freezer Shrek mug (that has become a fav); light up Shrek ball; soft beach towel (dora?); and...Gingy!


Where's the Dora towel? :confused3 I wanna see Dora!!! :mad:


keishashadow said:
After we were done admiring our goods, we unpacked our necessities. Reality encroached when I realized DH didn't pack the phone charger

uh-oh....that is why we double check what each other has packed..... we are usually good, as i take care of clothes and tolietries and DH takes care of 'electronics' stuff ;) That was so nice (& typical great service) of UO to find you stores to check...heck, someone was probably thrilled to have something 'different' to do for a change! :laughing: Glad you were able to find something.....that mgr. at the store did his good deed for the day.... (can only think he didn't want the 'hassle' of a return after your trip and the paperworks involved :headache: )
I shut my eyes when we passed the gates to WDW:sad1: , 1st time i've ever just waved at it.

see? You survived :hug:

keishashadow said:
Actually, I had cancelled a 7 night DCL cruise the same week and would've been able to book 2 additional balcony cabins and had change left over.:thumbsup2

:eek: yikes! (again....Disney and the almighty dollar! :sad2: )

keishashadow said:
Lunch trays in hand I approached an elderly couple at a large table and asked if we could join them...NOPE; old dude said he wanted peace and quiet.popcorn:: Shaking our heads...

:eek: What an @$$!! Okay, then AT LEAST get up from the BIGGER table and let bigger parties of people sit at them and go find a SMALLER table :headache: How freakin' rude....and I would have said so too! I woulda plopped my big ole butt in a chair anyway and had he said something I would have mentioned he didn't 'own' the ship or chairs and if he didn't like it, HE could move...hey, i can be JUST AS rude buddy :snooty: !!

keishashadow said:
I do have small hands, the perspective of the pic makes it look like Shreks paw lol and the drink even bigger than it was!

who ya tryin' to convince? :confused3

Didn't want to repost 'em all...but loved all the pix AND DS Simpson's shirt :thumbsup2 ..ship is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Tuesday - Land -Ho, Grand Cayman

View when I opened the curtains
note the pirate ship
transport boats from another ship, couple others were port; didn't get crowded

Up bright and early to grab some carbs on the Lido deck; no crankin from the troops:thumbsup2

Wanted to grab an early launch since we were on a private tour, no issue; on one of the 1st ones and in port early 7:30...too early; the stores were still closed:rotfl: . Made contact with our tour operator; told to return in 1-1/2 hours, off to explore.

Say hello to my 'lil friend - Sr Frog (is there any cruise port where he doesn't reside?)

def not overdeloped, check out what runs around the tourist area...think pigeons



not sure if you can read the small sign he's holding
DH found a Harley shop opening early & snagged a tshirt.

Time to meet our guide and a nice couple from New York/Jersey area i had met on the cruisecritc board. We were on the same tour with Nativeway, got separated on the bus ride to the marina wound up on different boats. Passed 7 mile beach, etc.; nice ride; funny to count 3 Burger King joints.

Directed to the 2nd boat, got lucky less than a dozen or so peeps; allowed for more interaction/attention from the guide. A good hearted soul, really made the extra effort to ensure we had a great time.

Here's the canal heading out to sea, large expensive looking houses & boats

This one is Sylvester Stallone's house. He blocked off the canal; now the boats must take a longer route

went thru the mangroves instead

ready to explore, do u see the hidden mickeys?

At this point I realize that I need to upload all the pics from our water cameras (sorry) which contains most of the "meat" of this day. Will have my better half get to it this week & post a sep. entry-sorry.

Note that we had booked a tour thru an independent (our 1st time). While the price was less expensive pp; the main draw was to get into a smaller boat. The ones from the cruiselines were packed, some a double level. They were practically on top of each other in the water. We, having the advantage of a smaller group had quite a bit of hands on time; def. the way to go IMO.

There were 3 tours i wavered between:
*Stingrays & snorkeling in the Coral Gardens
*'rays & Starfish exploration
#'rays, reef snorkle & Rum Point for leisure time & lunch

Our guide not only provided ALL of the above...while we were dining he set off & brought up several conch shells. When we returned to the boat he explained that he ate it every day he could find it (food being very expensive on the island). He proceeded to clean & prepare it with hot sauce, which must of took care of the cooking process - otherwise we'll call it sushi.

I'll skip to the Rum Point portion of the tour. Food was good, had a reserved picnic table on shaded beach area. This is a resort; was surprised as to the small size of the beach/watersports,etc. Wouldn't have been happy if I had booked the Rum Point only tour.


big pieces of coral lying about
jik anyone doesn't know what the sea sickness patch looks like

didn't know you got ss...does the patch work? :confused3

keishashadow said:
Once underway on the Legend you've got 2 hours before you pass under the famed Skyway bridge (the one that in 1980 had dire results when hit by a tanker in foggy conditions). The new one is a marvel and the ship must wait for low tide to slip under. I am not kidding you when i state that the top of ship JUST MISSES THE BRIDGE.

:eek: :duck: can't believe they JUST make it under WITH low tide! :eek:

keishashadow said:
Quick change into dinner duds

aaawwwww :goodvibes ...what a great pic! :thumbsup2
Tuesday - Land -Ho, Grand Cayman

View when I opened the curtains

note the pirate ship

beautiful view :teeth:

keishashadow said:
not overdeveloped.... not sure if you can read the small sign he's holding

nope...not overdeveloped at all...mof, very clean looking...brightly painted houses/buildings... (then again, aren't most caribbean places like that?)

And...NO....I can't read the small sign, but I sure can see where you are standing in front of :thumbsup2 :banana: :banana:

keishashadow said:
This one is Sylvester Stallone's house. He blocked off the canal; now the boats must take a longer route

:eek: what a d*ck!! Really...for the amount of time he proably actually spends there... :sad2:

Sounds like a great day and tour....personally booked sounds like a lot more time :thumbsup2 Was that recommended while researching the cruise?? (We're always afraid and book w/ cruiseline :laughing: )

Sounds like a wonderful day!! :goodvibes

(and yes...I noticed DS's tshirt :rolleyes1 )
see? You survived :hug:

think i was hyperventilating

:eek: yikes! (again....Disney and the almighty dollar! :sad2: )

mouse owns me, universal's rapidly coming in #2 lol

:eek: What an @$$!! Okay, then AT LEAST get up from the BIGGER table and let bigger parties of people sit at them and go find a SMALLER table :headache: How freakin' rude....and I would have said so too! I woulda plopped my big ole butt in a chair anyway and had he said something I would have mentioned he didn't 'own' the ship or chairs and if he didn't like it, HE could move...hey, i can be JUST AS rude buddy :snooty: !!

i would've gotten "the look" way too soon from my family

my mom spied the towel (it really was soft); written in Spanish pink background & some "critter" on it? was happy to give it to her, she liked it better than the jewelry i bought her:rotfl2:

thanx for noticing, my tan is fading fast, need to get myself to the beds this weekend. was afraid even with a base that i'd burn when out & about the islands, no problem though.

i agree as to the stoopid pastel comforters:confused3 Thought it was bad enough last trip; from looking @ the pics the green & teal are distracting & cheap looking imo. Know some peeps thought the rooms were dark; i found them "exotic & luxe looking". Seems as though most of the deluxe resorts are going for a modern or laura ashley/country home vibe:confused: .

your cruise will be here before you know it:wizard: ; really wanted to see the pirate ship. DS has asked for another DCL cruise as a graduation present (this coming from the kid who sez he's so sick of disney);) . Those double dips sound great, do they have them on a regular basis...was wondering how to search for them.
beautiful view :teeth:

nope...not overdeveloped at all...mof, very clean looking...brightly painted houses/buildings... (then again, aren't most caribbean places like that?)

And...NO....I can't read the small sign, but I sure can see where you are standing in front of :thumbsup2 :banana: :banana:

:eek: what a d*ck!! Really...for the amount of time he proably actually spends there... :sad2:

Sounds like a great day and tour....personally booked sounds like a lot more time :thumbsup2 Was that recommended while researching the cruise?? (We're always afraid and book w/ cruiseline :laughing: )

Sounds like a wonderful day!! :goodvibes

(and yes...I noticed DS's tshirt :rolleyes1 )

clean :sad2: , wait till i get to describing belize:scared:

nativeway was rec. on cruisecritic forum. Guide really knocked himself out to show us a great day. You could tell he took great pride in his country and his work, very refreshing. Look forward to returning here someday.

You could tell he took great pride in his country and his work, very refreshing. Look forward to returning here someday.

good to hear :thumbsup2 People like that always make it much more enjoyable to tour with!

I forgot to ask....were you allowed to bring any of that coral home??? ..... and did you bring any coral home? :rolleyes1
Can't wait to read more. The kids really want to cruise but it will have to be Disney. I am afraid with their age differences any other cruise just wouldn't give them both enough to keep them occupied.
Can't wait to read more. The kids really want to cruise but it will have to be Disney. I am afraid with their age differences any other cruise just wouldn't give them both enough to keep them occupied.

Probably a good point.... I'd make it Disney too ;)
good to hear :thumbsup2 People like that always make it much more enjoyable to tour with!

I forgot to ask....were you allowed to bring any of that coral home??? ..... and did you bring any coral home? :rolleyes1
black coral is absolutely forbidden
you are not to touch the "live" coral - razor sharp anyway they say
i was afraid to get caught with the piece i found on the beach @ Rum Point; snagged a tiny piece i hid in my towel (gee officer, don't know how it got there lol)

did find interesting shells on beach in Cozumel...sea shells that filled in with coral, etc. will have to take a pic & post.

lori - my DS doesn't like to "hang with strangers":confused3 as he puts it. IMO most kids would jump @ the chance. he just prefers to tag along with us on vacation; is used to being with older bros & socializing with adults. On our DCL he was 12, that in-between age. He wanted to go to the play & climb area (me too; looked fun) couldn't because of the age restrictions. We forced him to attend the club for 1 night so we could spend 2 hours @ the disco; would've thought we abandoned him:rotfl: . Same thing @ kids club @ HRH; must say when he partook of it when he was 11 while we hung out @ Citiwalk for a few hours; i wasn't thrilled either. Believe they were understaffed & used to handling younger kids only. This cruise, by the time we went to gamble after late show it was 11:00 pm or later & he was content to just go back to the cabin, watch some tv & crash.
Okay Janet, first of all, you have to give links for us clueless folks to find our way over here! Second, I hadn't even heard you were posting this until today! What's up with that? But I've found it now, so you're stuck with me!

I'm going a bit on memory here, so I'll try to comment on what I can remember or scroll back to, then I'll have to go back through.

First, Lori, I can't imagine going on DCL with a 16 year old! :confused3 Matt especially (at 8!) found it to be too babyish even then. I can see girls of any age enjoying it, but would never take any of mine on it again - particularly not for the huge price markup! I think Royal Caribbean would be a great alternative for both of them (and much cheaper!). I agree that 12 is probably the hardest age on any cruise line, but my guys loved the 9-11 group and it looked like the older teens had a lot of fun. The 12-14 group seemed a bit "too old for scavenger hunts and broom ball" and "too young for dancing and music". I'd think that Carnival would be fun too.

Okay, back to Janet! What were the couch things you were talking about? Were they the cushions you took off to make the couch into a bed?

How was Grand Cayman? Is it pretty much back to normal? We were supposed to go there on our Sept 2004 cruise, and Hurricane Ivan went through about 2 days earlier. My uncle owned a house there and it was completely destroyed and/or looted. They were just relieved they'd gotten out while it was still possible. Is everything back to how it was?

We certainly didn't get anything like your toy/fruit baskets at RPR - don't think we got anything, let alone anything like that! But I guess we're not gold people!

I also am glad that Southwest enforced the rules. Hate it when someone "special" is obnoxious enough to get the rules changed for them! Sorry Dollar wasn't up to speed - we used Alamo with their new "kiosks" and DH was back with the car keys before we'd figured out which luggage claim we were even supposed to be at (let alone had any of the luggage appear yet!).
hee-hee i meant conch not couch...ya know conch (mollusk/sea snail, tastes way better than it sounds)

always hate to announce a TR seems show-offy?

always more afraid no one will read or comment;)
Okay, not too much more to say. The guy was a jerk, and like Barb, I would have just sat down anyways! Maybe said something like "I was just asking to be polite, but since you're not, guess it doesn't matter!"

I loved the pics of you and DH at dinner and look forward to reading more about the meals. We've found that no cruise line really does buffet meals well. The made-to-order omelets are really about the most you can hope for. When it was just DH & I, we'd eat all our meals in the dining room because we liked sitting and having food brought to us and meeting people there. When we've gone with kids, we've had to tradeoff time spent there with antsy kids for more mediocre meals!

Can't wait for more!
Okay, not too much more to say. The guy was a jerk, and like Barb, I would have just sat down anyways! Maybe said something like "I was just asking to be polite, but since you're not, guess it doesn't matter!"

I loved the pics of you and DH at dinner and look forward to reading more about the meals. We've found that no cruise line really does buffet meals well. The made-to-order omelets are really about the most you can hope for. When it was just DH & I, we'd eat all our meals in the dining room because we liked sitting and having food brought to us and meeting people there. When we've gone with kids, we've had to tradeoff time spent there with antsy kids for more mediocre meals!

Can't wait for more!

I had to count to 10; DH was raised by a very southern/proper mother; a true gent in every way. I'm the family bull dog; they have to reign me in - or so they say..."the look" usually does the trick.

Just luv when I hear "... how nice your husband did you wind up marrying him?":rolleyes1 :lmao:

a real turn the other cheek sorta guy, rises above the fray; almost zen-like...easy to do when you have an enforcer on the payroll;) Still, wouldn't trade him for the world, we complement each other well

I wasn't wowed by the DCL food, nor the Carnival food...would give the edge to DCL because they crumbed the table...and their cheesecake was decent.

Carnival had excellent soups! Stawberry & a pumpkin offering were delish! Decent to good appetizers & salads along with well-prepared entrees (although of very small portions, as in most fine restaurants).

The meat dishes (esp. steak/prime rib were great); various chicken preps very good too; other than the shrimp offerings I thought the seafood to be rather uninspired:confused3 . Especially the salmon, both the smoked & fresh had an odd texture - soft?

Didn't care for any of their vegetable offerings at dinner, rather boring. They did have a vegetarian selection available.

It became apparent that the best choice was usually the one inspired by the celeb chef (who's name escapes me). By the end of the week I was sick of the chocolate melting cake; their apple pie one night was fine, just not a wow. Honestly, for me; it's all about the desserts (only tend to indulge when on vacation so I set the bar high lol)

While I understand the logistics of serving so many people and international taste/vs americanized offerings; i still thought something was missing from calling it extraordinary cuisine. As the week progressed I was very glad that the servers "kicked it up a notch" and I started to look forward to the overall experience.

*as per Grand Cayman, our 1st visit; looked fine to us; just not too many a matter of fact; none of the ports we visited (other than Isla Roatan) had many trees of any size that I noticed near the docks...assume the storms tend to mow them down, especially cozumel. Many peeps complained about the coral formations as to size (storms) and color (global warming?); again i had nothing to base a comparison on; will say the coral was muted but lots of plant & marine life
We certainly didn't get anything like your toy/fruit baskets at RPR - don't think we got anything, let alone anything like that! But I guess we're not gold people!

She was a VIP so, they got an 'extra good' gift..... ;) If you qualify for your LF bennies, then you would get whatever welcome gift you've chosen and it will be on your profile.

always hate to announce a TR seems show-offy?

always more afraid no one will read or comment;)

Don't you know the homies at all? :confused3

I had to count to 10; DH was raised by a very southern/proper mother; a true gent in every way. I'm the family bull dog; they have to reign me in - or so they say..."the look" usually does the trick.

My DH is both.... he'd been the 'bull' in that certain situation....screw him...move over gramps! :snooty:
Just luv when I hear "... how nice your husband did you wind up marrying him?":rolleyes1 :lmao:

Honestly, for me; it's all about the desserts (only tend to indulge when on vacation so I set the bar high lol)

Yeah, when DH and I got engaged, both my younger brothers said at some time to him something along the lines of "You seem like such a nice guy. Why would you want to marry my sister?" :rotfl:

I'm not as much of a dessert person, so actually my favorite part of cruising is all the appetizers. I love trying all the different soups and salads and weird appetizers that I'd never pay $8 apiece for at a nice restaurant, but can try as many of as I want. And I'm not a picky eater, so I usually like most (if not all) of them. Entrees, I'm just like "bring me the basic steak" or whatever because I'm usually so full by then. Also LOVE having the cheese plate for dessert. Man, I need to go on another cruise!
lori - my DS doesn't like to "hang with strangers":confused3 as he puts it. IMO most kids would jump @ the chance. he just prefers to tag along with us on vacation; is used to being with older bros & socializing with adults. On our DCL he was 12, that in-between age. He wanted to go to the play & climb area (me too; looked fun) couldn't because of the age restrictions. We forced him to attend the club for 1 night so we could spend 2 hours @ the disco; would've thought we abandoned him:rotfl: . Same thing @ kids club @ HRH; must say when he partook of it when he was 11 while we hung out @ Citiwalk for a few hours; i wasn't thrilled either. Believe they were understaffed & used to handling younger kids only. This cruise, by the time we went to gamble after late show it was 11:00 pm or later & he was content to just go back to the cabin, watch some tv & crash.

Mikey's favorite trip ever was when we went to VB for a week. We hardly ever saw him. He was always off with some of the other kids and their families fishing , boogie boarding, playing cards, whatever. I think for him vacations have always been messed up because the little sister is involved. Also he loved being able to sleep until he woke up naturally. Going back to the cabin would be just fine for him.

How old is your youngest?

First, Lori, I can't imagine going on DCL with a 16 year old! :confused3 Matt especially (at 8!) found it to be too babyish even then. I can see girls of any age enjoying it, but would never take any of mine on it again - particularly not for the huge price markup! I think Royal Caribbean would be a great alternative for both of them (and much cheaper!). I agree that 12 is probably the hardest age on any cruise line, but my guys loved the 9-11 group and it looked like the older teens had a lot of fun. The 12-14 group seemed a bit "too old for scavenger hunts and broom ball" and "too young for dancing and music". I'd think that Carnival would be fun too.

Are there not many other teens on the DCL? He wants to cruise so bad he would be happy with any. He would also like having the seperated clubs to go to. I know some of the others would probably be better for him, but if Ally isn't happy, no ones happy!

Yeah, when DH and I got engaged, both my younger brothers said at some time to him something along the lines of "You seem like such a nice guy. Why would you want to marry my sister?" :rotfl:

I'm not as much of a dessert person, so actually my favorite part of cruising is all the appetizers. I love trying all the different soups and salads and weird appetizers that I'd never pay $8 apiece for at a nice restaurant, but can try as many of as I want. And I'm not a picky eater, so I usually like most (if not all) of them. Entrees, I'm just like "bring me the basic steak" or whatever because I'm usually so full by then. Also LOVE having the cheese plate for dessert. Man, I need to go on another cruise!

:scared1: And did you knock them silly?

I would prefer the deserts myself.
But I can't believe Ally wouldn't be happy on Royal Caribbean. Unless she's in this "It MUST be Disney" mindset, but I really just don't think it's worth paying twice as much for Disney.

I believe Janet's son is 14 (or at least was at some point on the thread!).


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