How far apart in age are your kids?

2 years between the first 2. Then 5 1/2 years until the next one. I've never been one to be able to choose age gaps because of fertility issues. But in retrospect, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Having the first 2 so close in age was great. They shared a common group of friends, and had lots of friends with siblings the same ages (because the 2 year gap is so common). The 3rd is the only girl, so feels a little like an only sometimes, especially now that they are older. Having 2 older brothers also made her more assertive and outspoken since the tendency was to gang up on her sometimes.
Ours were 2.5 years apart. We tried to have them much closer, but this is how it turned out.
In retrospect, I think 3-4 years would have been ideal. I feel like the second one (who was very laid back) lost some attention in his early months because the older one was such a handful.
And I got lucky that our second has decided on the Air Force, because paying for two kids to go to college at the same time was going to be a challenge.
I have three kids. The older two are 3 years apart, which is the gap we planned. The youngest is 7 & 10 years younger than her siblings, which was entirely unplanned (we'd given up on having #3 by the time she came along).

The spacing has worked out better than I expected. When our youngest was a baby we actually talked about trying for a 4th child because we sort of thought she wouldn't be close with the older two, but the big kids have always doted on her and they're still really close now (at 9, 16, and 20 - when you'd expect the older kids to be too busy for their little sister). Hopefully that remains the case over the next few years as the older kids move out and DD is left behind as basically an only child.
Almost 7 years between my two. Didn't plan it that way, that's just how it worked out. The only thing negative I can say about the age difference is that my youngest never really got to be a "baby." He has spent his entire 8 years of life trying to be like his brother and his brother's friends. It's probably just his personality, though. He's very competitive and hates when his older brother does something he can't do.

I'm a middle child, there are 8 years between my older brother and I and 6 years between me and the youngest.
13 months and if I had to do it over again I wouldn't change a thing. They are 29 and 30 and like twins, super close. I have a DS and a DD.
Three years. Almost exactly. July 21, July 13 and August 14. And even though the youngest was a surprise, she still made in in the summer :)
I have two and they’re nine years apart. Two only children essentially. While that big of a gap has some definite cons, I would have lost my mind if they were closer than 4 years apart.
4.5 years and I think it was perfect.

They only overlapped in day care for ~6 months before our older one started kindergarten.

They are now 16yo and 12yo and get along really well. When our second was born, our eldest was a huge help...and continues to be as they both have gotten older.

Now that we are talking about college for the 16yo...I'm thrilled that they won't both be attending at the same time!
2 1/2 years between 1 and 2, 19 months between 2 and 3. They're each 2 years apart in school. The 2 youngest are both girls and bicker like crazy. I like 2 1/2 years apart better.
Also 6 year difference for me. Allowed me enough time to be there for each kiddo's life startup and a breather between college years.
2 kids, 17 months apart and I love that spacing! They've always been close enough to do everything together and be on the same level with everything. There were never any issues with one being old enough and the younger one still being too little, they've always moved onto everything together. No having to say when you get older you can do such and such and no trouble with the older not wanting the little one to follow around. Having them close enough to be on the same level with everything has been great! They are 16 and almost 15 now and I would say that spacing has been great through every stage. I loved having them close when they were little and still love it now. Originally I planned on them being 5 years apart and was shocked to get pregnant when my baby was only 8 months old but it has been the best!

My two boys, ages 17 & 16 are 17.5 months apart. It was nice that they had a playmate al the time. I did find it challenging when my oldest was a toddler and my youngest was an infant. Negotiating the playground was a bit tough at times. Of course looking back, I wouldn't change a thing!
How far apart in age are your kids?

And would you choose the same age gap over again?

From #1 to #2 - 18 months.

#2 to #3 - 4 1/2 years.

I did lose a pregnancy between #2 & 3, that would have made the gap more like 2 years on either side of it.

We didn't chose the gaps. That's what God thought was appropriate.
Mine are 17 months and 23 months apart. We didn't really have a choice; I struggled with infertility and since infertile women tend to have increased fertility just after a pregnancy we tried again as soon as we could.

I love them being close together, though. It was easier when they were babies because they were all relatively in the same stage at the same time, and it's easier now because they all do the same types of activities and such (they're 8, 11, and 12 now)
Well I only have 1 child at the moment but my husband and I are planning on trying for a baby of our own and if successful there will be about 18 years between them. Not exactly ideal but it is the way my life worked out.

If I were to choose an ideal time span I would probably go for 3 years. My brother’s kids are a little less than 2 years apart and my SIL has her hands full with them due to it.


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