How many Presdents and First Ladys have you seen in person

Canada's Prime Ministers return to private life after office and rarely have a very high profile. They also don't retain any special status or have a permanent security detail. Definitely no motorcades or anything. Stephen Harper lives in my neighbourhood. He drives a grey Lexus SUV and we've seen him around occasionally.

I literally ran into Mulroney at Trudeau airport. I was going up the stairs in the Maple Leaf Lounge and he was crossing the top of the staircase (having taken the elevator). I wasn't looking at where I was going and walked into him. He laughed. His handler (an airport person) was less impressed. This was a couple years ago (so long after he was PM).

We had a chalet next door to Martin (long before he was anything) in the Laurentians. One weekend, the hill up was totally iced over and the cars couldn't make it up. So, he piggybacked me up the hill. I have no memory of this - my parents told me the story when he was running for PM.

I played tether-ball with Trudeau senior and had a kiss with Trudeau junior (we were both under 10 - it was a dare) at summer camp.

When Chretien was Leader of the Opposition, he attended my school's Model UN and I was responsible for showing him around.

For US Presidents...

I was touring the WH when Reagan landed in Marine One.

Clinton gave a speech at the retirement community where my grandparents spent the winter, while I was there visiting. So, we went to see it. Both he and Hilary were there.
Bill C was at a fundraiser or something in Westport, CT mid week. It was my day off and I lived 15 min away so why not. Snipers were all over but no one was out on the streets looking for him. He waved to me (maybe he thought I was Monica with dark hair, LOL!). I watched the helicopter leave too.
Never met a President, but I did meet a president's daughter.

I had a good friend in high school who went to the GA Governor's Honors summer program the same year as Amy Carter. They became good friends. He found out that she was attending a "girls in science" something or other at a local community college, so we cut class and drove over there. We met her in the parking lot- she was quiet but very nice.
I attended a conference at which Michelle Obama was a speaker. It was absolute madness—had to arrive hours and hours before she was slotted to speak, people sprinted to get seats up front and saved full rows for colleagues who strolled it later. She was a lovely and eloquent speaker, and I was happy to have seen and heard her, but the entire experience was super stressful!
I literally ran into Mulroney at Trudeau airport. I was going up the stairs in the Maple Leaf Lounge and he was crossing the top of the staircase (having taken the elevator). I wasn't looking at where I was going and walked into him. He laughed. His handler (an airport person) was less impressed. This was a couple years ago (so long after he was PM).

We had a chalet next door to Martin (long before he was anything) in the Laurentians. One weekend, the hill up was totally iced over and the cars couldn't make it up. So, he piggybacked me up the hill. I have no memory of this - my parents told me the story when he was running for PM.

I played tether-ball with Trudeau senior and had a kiss with Trudeau junior (we were both under 10 - it was a dare) at summer camp.

When Chretien was Leader of the Opposition, he attended my school's Model UN and I was responsible for showing him around.

For US Presidents...

I was touring the WH when Reagan landed in Marine One.

Clinton gave a speech at the retirement community where my grandparents spent the winter, while I was there visiting. So, we went to see it. Both he and Hilary were there.

You KISSED Justin Trudeau?!?

Never met a POTUS or FLOTUS, but I did get to meet Dr. Ron Paul while he was running for president, so that was pretty cool.
I've never seen a First Lady, or any active Presidents. I have seen two Vice Presidents. I saw Bush Sr. when he was on the campaign trail in 88, and I saw Quayle in 91 or so.
As to the current administration, I used to work with a guy who later married a woman who was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice with President Trump
I was totally jealous that my sister got to shake Ronald Reagan's hand when he was campaigning in his first presidential election. I have never met a president, even a quick handshake, but I saw president Trump once.
I saw Clinton in his motorcade, when he came to our city to make some kind of speech.
No First Lady that I recall. My Presidents will date me ....

Jimmy Carter
Met him at the grocery store where he was shaking hands while running for Govenor

Gerald Ford
Came to my high school and I got tickets to go to gym and hear him speak. Not a big gym so it was cool to be so close. He went right past me as he was leaving.

Then the end of that year was Presidential Election between Ford and Carter, irony. Carter won. Honestly I don't even know who I voted for but a gang of us headed downtown Atlanta to the Election Headquarters at the World Congress Center. We never made it in to the room where he was (huge place) but my lay to claim was one of his top advisers and man who had a short stint in administration was coming up steps I was going down ..... he "had been celebrating" and promptly tripped and fell on top of me. Awkward.
Saw W. while working the Daytona 500. I was standing by myself, preventing pedestrians from walking along the tram line. His motorcade drove right by me, and he gave me a thumbs up as he went by.
We visited Plains, Ga., a couple of years ago to attend the Sunday School class President Carter teaches. It was one of my best life experiences. He's a brilliant, humble man. After the church service, he and Mrs. Carter pose for a photo with every single person who wants one. So we got to meet both of them and have a lovely photo from that day.

If it is at all feasible for you to get to Plains, I encourage you to take advantage of this amazing experience. He still teaches many Sundays throughout the year. It really is incredible.
I was at a Houston Astros game a few years back and George Bush (41) came up to our section in the nose bleeds and mingled with the fans. It was pretty cool.
Saw the Carters at a sporting event in NY. They were with Ted Turner and Jane Fonda, who were married at the time. I was about 4 feet away as they walked past, and Pres. Carter smiled and waved at me.
When Reagan was governor, my friend and I rode our bikes (for some strange reason) to his house. As we were talking to a security, he came out into the carport area and waved at us. Saw him again as president later at the capitol. Bill Clinton did a townhall meeting in my little town. I was clearing the sidewalk for the sheriff's department. He was walking by shaking hands. Awhile later I was relieved by another worker so I went to the local hamburger place and while waiting for my food, his motorcade shows up. They order chili, he gets out, takes a bite of the chili for the cameras then gives it to someone who threw the rest away. (that frostie place was also in the movie "Breaking the Rules" with Justin Bateman and Annie Potts.
Not while in office but I've seen Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter a number of times since I live in Georgia and Americus is sort of a go to place for me to go for long weekends. There home is real close to there and on the way to a park I love to visit. They are out and about a lot.


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