How many times have you had COVID?

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None of us, in our house, has had it.

I probably just jinxed myself and will get it next week - LOL!
First time for DH and I in May 2022 after Disney trip. DH was tested on weekly PCRs for about a year at work, and I have taken several antigen tests for various reasons. Both of us are vaccinated and boosted and had head cold symptoms mainly.. DD9 tested negative on several antigen tests and PCR (she is vaccinated).
I'm 10 days out from my first time - got it at Disney. Fully vaccinated + boosted. It was very mild, and I felt great by day 4.

DH (fully vaccinated at the time) and DS had it last August, but I didn't get it then. They avoided it this round.
Never, and not one of my family has had it (that we know of). We haven't hidden away, we've been out living life, travelling abroad, going to the theatre, cinema and restaurants, and still none of us have had it. Some are fully vaccinated and others aren't and still no COVID.
December 2020 and then again in Feb 2022(vaxxed and boosted). The second felt worse but after just two very rough days, I felt better instantly the following day...almost like I hadn't been sick at all. Which wasn't the case after the first time. It took a long time for me to feel normal again after the first case in 2020.
Zero. No one in our household has had it. We are pretty much back to regular life, but we do still wear masks everywhere when we are out in a public setting, even though at this point we are in the extreme minority on that for most places we go. I might relax on that after we get through our summer vacation - just really wanting to make sure we don't get sick and derail our travel plans. All of us are vaxxed and boosted (once), and will take any further doses if they are recommended for us.
Twice. Once in late spring 2020 and then a mild version last fall (2021).
My daughter came down with it in March when she was visiting here from Washington. Nobody else got it. I guess the Tacoma varient couldn't survive in Florida.
No Vax, no booster and only wear a mask when at the Dr's office.
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Twice for sure and once suspected. The first time I had it for sure was in the summer of 2020, and it was pretty harrowing-I was very ill, spiked a high fever and everything. It was horrible. The second time was not too long ago-my entire family got it except for my aunt, and I was only mildly sick. Sniffly and achy but not too bad. I'm vaxxed and double boosted, so I guess maybe that helped.

The suspected Covid was in February 2020. I remember it well because I was just coming down with a "respiratory illness" the day of my uncle's funeral, February 6th. I was still sick on my birthday, the 25th. That's when I was finally talked into going to the doctor. He called it "some sort of respiratory virus" and sent me home. I don't remember if he gave me any medication, but I got an inhaler.
I had it once, in June my husband and 2 sons had it the second time, not me. One daughter had it 3 times, 1 twice, 1 never, we are all boosted.
Zero for me. My husband had it once and my kids were forced to miss 10 days of school as a precaution (no one else in the house ever tested positive).
Twice for sure and once suspected. The first time I had it for sure was in the summer of 2020, and it was pretty harrowing-I was very ill, spiked a high fever and everything. It was horrible. The second time was not too long ago-my entire family got it except for my aunt, and I was only mildly sick. Sniffly and achy but not too bad. I'm vaxxed and double boosted, so I guess maybe that helped.

The suspected Covid was in February 2020. I remember it well because I was just coming down with a "respiratory illness" the day of my uncle's funeral, February 6th. I was still sick on my birthday, the 25th. That's when I was finally talked into going to the doctor. He called it "some sort of respiratory virus" and sent me home. I don't remember if he gave me any medication, but I got an inhaler.
:scratchin Yeah, those early-going days come into focus, now in hindsight. Our DS was working retail the Christmas of 2019 and contracted something that made him sicker than he's ever been in his life. It repeatedly tested NOT to be a known flu strain and certainly was beyond a simple cold. Interestingly though, we had company in for the holidays that year and even in really tight quarters, no one else in the household contracted it.
I have not officially had it, despite working in a Covid ICU and otherwise taking care of Covid patients and outbreaks in the hospital. Tested regularly. It’s probably just a matter of time, though, since everywhere you go now people are back to coughing and sneezing without abandon. We were at a restaurant the other night and a man behind us had a nasty wet cough, and two other people nearby were also coughing. One sounded like a seal.

DD also just came back from Disney with it. 😬 She’d managed to avoid it, too, for two-plus years despite working with Covid patients. She’d worn a mask indoors and on planes, but thinks it was the kid coughing in front of her waiting for the pool slide for ten minutes telling everyone around them he had “allergies”. (Air was hot and heavy.) She tested four times before she got the positive, and cried when she saw it.

DH has managed to avoid it despite working with others through the whole pandemic. Same with DS, although we think he was one of those people who probably had it shortly before the official word on it, in late 2019. He’d been to the doctor’s twice for a bad cough, which they said was viral, couldn’t shake it and couldn’t taste anything, and ultimately was hospitalized with double pneumonia and came close to needing dialysis. At the time, his college was one of the first places to have an “official” case in the area. I felt bad because I’d been the first to have symptoms, but I wasn’t sick-sick. Then he got it. If that was it, it’s possible we all had natural immunity. But we’re also careful. So who knows.
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