How much do you spend on souvies?


Christmas at the Fort
Jul 26, 2000
:wave: Hello all~

Posted this on another board and got zip, zilch, zero in relpies so I thought I'd try here. :)

We will soon be taking our very first trip to Disney in March. I know I'm going to be overwhelmed with souvie shopping and just wondering how much everyone spent on their very first trip in souvies. DH thinks that it will be about $500 or so for the three of us (myself, DH and birthday girl DD who will turn 3) We're staying 7 days. Whatcha think? Keep in mind that this is our very first trip!!

Too much, too little, or just about right????
:p Misty -

Darn, like you, I was hoping more people (that have already gone) would have replied to your post!

We are going in 80 days (sound anxious?) and all I can tell you is what I have figured we will take. Our two children - son, age 9 and daughter, age 6 have each saved $100 as of this past weekend, but are continuing to get an allowance each week until we go. Each of them have a b-day before we go, so I am thinking I will give them each an additional $20 or $25 worth of disney dollars as a present. I am planning on taking $500 for MYSELF ALONE because I am the one I have to worry about!! My husband will probably only take about $300 as he probably will not buy too much. I might be taking a bit too much for myself, but I haven't been on a trip in 4 years and I have decided I am going to enjoy it.

I am wondering if my kids will have enough, this is their first trip also and I do want them to enjoy it, but I will be "advising" them on their purchases.

I am also taking about another $200 to do some x-mas shopping for family.

Whatever you decide, don't forget to leave room in your luggage for your "good stuff" when you come back home. I am actually taking an additional suitcase just for that purpose.
Okay, you're gonna hate me for this but you asked. We made our first trip last November and we spent about $1,000 in souvenirs for the three of us--dh, me and dd. We did purchase some big ticket (over $50 for me is big for a souvenir)--some snowglobes.

We went with the mindset that we were going to buy whatever we wanted, we weren't going to scrimp--after all, it was a once in a lifetime trip! (we've already begun planning the next one!:rolleyes: --

But next time we will spend less. Dh spent $150 on snowglobes for me and dd. So I'm sure you can spend less, we just didn't want to this time. But we will next. We will budget about $600 next time. Total.
Ok I think I am probably in the minority because we usually only spend between $100-200. It is myself and DD and DS and we usually decide on one must have souvineer and then we may purchase a few small items.

Everything I want goes through a test - will I use it/do I need it. I love having Disney items around but I want things that will remind me every day. Last trip it was a tote bag which I carry to work every day. This year I am thinking I would like to have a great picture frame or poster. The kids have saved up their own money and DS already has it earmarked for a "big pack of Legos". As much as I love to shop in real life I really don't enjoy the gift shops. I would rather spend my time on rides and seeing shows.

I can highly recomand the Character outlets though. This si the place where we can buy a lot of the frivolous things and don't feel bad doing so because we got a great deal. I usually spend about $50 here and leave with a huge bag of stuff. This is the one place I look forward to shopping. Guess I'm budget minded at heart!

First of all I would like to WELCOME schulzk!!! I see that this is your first post on the DIS!!! So glad to have you a'Board!' :D

About the souveniers, as you have seen so far, there are far ranging thoughts on this.
For OUR family, I tend to budget (not in stone, of course! :rolleyes: ) about $50 per person. We usually allow each of the kids to choose one clothing item, and then perhaps something fun. Then I will purchase gifts for those who have helped us with our trip - like those who watch our cat, etc.
I would say that we probably spend about $300-400 per trip.
Well, I am a big tightwad and spend between $100-$250 each trip. We are a family of 4 (me, DH, DD14, DS6) We tend to shop mostly at the Character Warehouse and Character Premier Disney Outlet stores. I was there last week and spent about $150-this included 2 beach towels at $20 each (my big purchases) and a 2001 Photo Album for $18. I get 2-3 T Shirts ($3-8 each)and usually, some $2.99 earrings.

We spend about a $100 each at the most, but we go at least once a year. We always get a new t-shirt each and I always get a new set of salt and pepper shakers (they are starting to take over a shelf in my kitchen).

My biggest thing is pictures, I take at least 2 rolls a day, I don't include this in the budget. I also like to purchase a family picture every couple of years of our group in front of the castle, this has been my favorite thing to bring home.
My family is not big on souviers so we get by with anywhere from $50 -$100. We've been many times and have found that we buy less and less. I do use a lot of 'hidden mickey' type items in my house. For instance I use black metal napkin holders that have a cut out of mickey in them. Most people look twice before they ask "are those mickeys?".
When the ds and dd were still at home, they saved thier own money and usually took around $50.00. Sometimes they spent it all, but most times they didn't.
Everybody is different and if you know you really like to buy souviners, then take plenty of money; you can always bring home what you don't spend.
Thanks for all the great replies. :) Seeing how this is our first trip I think we'll splurge a little bit with the souvies. Dunno if or when we'll get to return. Since we're going to Disneyland I don't think they have a character outlet. But I did hear that they've got a great selection of Disney items at the local wal-mart. I'm going to have to check that out!!!:cool: Once again, thanks for all the replies. Keep em comin'!
Sorry,I didn't see your other post!! Here is the way we do it! our Dd saves up or earns $100. that she can spend any ay she wants!! Then Dh and I budget $100. apeice. But if their is a have too,we splurge. My big splurge was a $20. dollar water resistant shoulder bag,good for stoying cameras,and other things in to keep dry while on water rides!!

The thing I wished I had gotten was a Castle Bank w/the Fab five and Tnkerbell on it.
We don't have a budget for sov. but last year we got a lot of the 2000 stuff, sweatshirts for three and small things. My daughter choose a Barbie and a disney doll. We spent $300.00 or so....doesn't look like a lot compared to some of the posts. We always get a nice Christmas ornament too.
and have hidden them until we go to WDW for my DS. It is much cheaper than buying them on the property. I plan on "planting" a few of them each day in our room and telling him that they are gifts from Mickey.

My favorite is the Remote Control Roller Skating Mickey I got off Amazon. The cheapest I had seen it for was $ 29.99 at Wal-Mart. I got it for $ 10.00 and NO shipping charge (thanks to Mary at Also, got a Talking Eeyore for $ 10.00 no shipping, saw the exact same thing at the Disney store for $ 29.99!

I did purchase $ 160.00 in Disney Dollars at the Disney store for my 4 year old DS to use. I figure he can spend $ 40.00 a day on what he wants.
Well this past January was my first visit to the 'World' as an adult, so I spent a decent amount - had to be at least $500 (just myself!) See, I'm a HUGE Nightmare b4 Christmas fan, so that stuff got me, then every other little goodie I saw. (Got the Tink "members only" figurine, etc.)

If you're on a budget (and aren't we all?) - limit it to like $200 max for yourself. When I go back in Nov., I'm gonna try to limit it to that.
In the last six trips we bought one child's t-shirt, a necktie, a pair of earrings and a stuffed Simba. We only buy things that are only available at WDW; if we can buy it elsewhere we resist the temptation. We deliberately don't leave much room in the luggage, that helps, too. I like saving little ephemeral things better; daily schedules, etc. They carry more memories for us.
We are regular guests, and I work at the Disney Store, so we spend very little. As another poster said "only things that are only available at WDW".

On my last trip I bought...

2 pair costume jewelry earrings--the Disney Store no longer carries them. About $15

1 blown glass manatee at Arribus Bros. About $10

1 WDW exclusive watch, limited edition numbered. (I collect these) About $80

1 Original artwork of Chernabog as a birthday gift to our son. (His fav Disney character.) Don't recall, around $200

1 Make Your Own Park Music CD Around $20

About $10 misc. purchases in the Company D Store (Cast members only) I bought a few luggage tags, a plastic cup for water for my desk at my "other" job, and a Team Disney umbrella.

This was a LOT for us though. The trip before that I think we came home with 2 golf shirts for hubby (both on sale for under $15/each), an autograph book for my neice to use on an upcoming trip that we picked up at Belz for $1, and a Chernabog photo frame ~$3.

I guess a lot depends on what you are planning to buy. T-shirts run $12-40, sweatshirts run $18-100. Snowglobes are generally $60-100.

I would definitely look through your local Disney Store before you leave, often they have much of the same merchandise, and it's about 20% cheaper!! Plus your Disney Club card isn't valid in most WDW stores.

All I can say is that if you are a pin collector, make sure you bring enough money!:D

There are some really beautiful pins down there, and they make great gifts as well!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I hardly spend any money on souvineers. This year we went to Orlando for 9 days. I came back with two souvineer mugs from Animal Kingdom Lodge that I bought for our sons during our stay there. They loved the refills! Dh and I took the Keys to the Kingdom tour and we got a free souvineer pin from that. The tour was great! However, my older ds, 16, spent the most. He loves Sci Fi and when we went to Disney MGM, he found the shop with Star Trek stuff. He had been saving his money for our trip & he ended up spending $80.

Last year, I bought some postcards, and that was it!


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