How will your Loyalty to Disney Change?


Mar 26, 2002
I have read several posts today where it seemed that people just wanted to express their feelings of hurt.

So I thought I would start this post.

I read redshoes post at lunch and spent time, when I had some at work, thinking about how the closing of VMK will change my being loyal to the Disney Brand.

All I know right now is that things will change for me, I am not sure how much or for how long, but I do know they will change. I am taking the closing harder than any of my friends and that may be because I was more loyal to Disney than any of them.

I am going to WDW this weekend because we promised a little boy we would take him. We are however, staying off property (first time in 8 years!) and we have said (for the time being) that we will probably not be renewing our APs. I am just lacking that Disney Spirit right now. This is the first time that Disney has "let me down" to where I couldn't get past it. (Other time and only time I have ever complained was when they changed Imagination and removed Figment and the Dream Finder).

I haven't canceled my reservations for 2 future trips, I haven't booked my first trip to Universal (Just yet that is) in 10 years, but I do know my spending and trip habits will change.

We did go to Disney more than usually because of VMK, heck, VMK made me want to go more. I did purchase more than I would have when there because of VMK, lots of us did.

I would laugh as it seemed Disney stock would spike while we were there. When we got married there 5 years ago, you should have seen the spike! We find that so funny.

Yes, I loved Disney before VMK was around and in time I will probably feel the same again.

It's VIRTUAL I know! For pete's sake I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing that from friends. Just tell me why I will never be able to feel or see the excitement of those red ears popping up in a doorway like they did during the Dreams Month. I will not be able see and then get excited to see some of the more popular Disers in the same room as me. Jedi's green face, Pink's annoyment of people asking her about her red space suit, Dreams blocking a bridge, trying to get in the same fireworks game as GoofyGeggy or Days. Spending race days with Ant in her room as we are both afk watching the race. Playing "Happy!" "Fan!" with HappyGuest. Freaking out totally from seeing aengus only once in my entire VMK life. Finally getting Briar to put me on her friends list! Getting just as excited about seeing Slinkyman out and about as I do seeing the hosts. Some of the people I just mentioned do not know me from Adam's House Cat as I am not Dis Friends with them and they will never know what they have meant, there are so many more that I will not be able to tell them how fun it was to know them on VMK, because that is the only way I know them.

The thing is; I know these feelings of hurt will pass, I know all good things must come to an end. I just hate that Disney is the one that put this ache in my heart.

Forever yours ~Fan
ok i ahve read many of these posts too and just saying i for one love all things disney. i go to disney every too ears and i buy all things disany WDW is my second home and how could i boycot it. also there are so many different parts of the disney coorperation the sales dont have anything to do with vmk so dotn hurt them for what on part of disney did
I grew up mostly in Fl and can remember going to WDW when you still had the ticket books (still have two of them by the way :thumbsup2 ) we used to visit at least once a year. When I got older my friends and I would drive down for the day all the time and just go and hang out it was great! Disney though started with some not so great business practices and we quit going. We took my little one to the Electric light parade cause it was ending but overall we had slowed way down. Then came VMK it was fun and reminded me about the fun I had and I could show the kids about the park virtually and when we went in person it was too cool cause they knew where everything was.
We are planning to go back this summer or fall but not to the degree of time and are not going to stay in park I had rather spend that extra money and maybe go to Sea World or Wild Adventures.

Disney I think has lost sight of the real Magic and are solely looking at the not so magical dollar.
Big hugs to Fan :hug:. I know what you mean about feeling hurt; it feels like an old friend has suddenly thrown a foot out in front of you and you've whacked face-first into the cobbles. I think part of the hurt is that it was so unexpected and sudden.

I'm not sure how much it will affect my feelings to Disney as a whole. I still want to work for Imagineering, I still want to visit the parks, but there is that little bubble of unhappiness that the game closing has made, and I'm not sure how long it will take to shake.

I thought we were past the pursuit of dollar over all else; I thought we'd got rid of that when Eisner left and we got Eiger instead. Please don't turn into your predecessor, Bob. :sad2:

I really don't know. I still love Disney as a whole. But I've also had my eyes wide opened about them for a very long time. Some of their business practices I don't like nad never have. But, you still have to take the bad with the good. Overall, the company still makes good family entertainment.

But, since the announcement, I haven't been in a very Disney mood. I own several hundred Disney movies. And I usually watch them all the time. since the announcement of VMk closing, I haven't even watch one. I just haven't felt like it.

I'm sure I will eventually get over this feeling of betrayal. By nature, I'm a very forgiving person.

But, I will go back to buying only used movies instead of buying new and putting new money into disney's pockets. After all, I no longer need those codes. I'm very happy now that I never got around to buying more of the pirate pins for their codes. I was getting ready to buy some when the announcement was made. I don't collect pins and the ones I do have are just sitting in a box. I seriously doubt they'll be worth much on the second market for a very long time since so many were bought.

So, I'm sure eventually, I'll go back to loving Disney. But I do believe that if they go through with closing down VMK that I'll have lost a bit of my respect for the company.
Disney is about the magic, you know?
Well, it is like they opened the curtain and we saw the man behind the curtain.
I don't feel so loyal.
Well I will continue to go on Disney cruises. But as for going to the parks. Not a big item for me. Already decided that before and after the cruise we will not be staying on site or going to the park.

We always did and especially if there was a VMK quest card redemption going on.

I must say I feel very betrayed by disney. The one place where you really could be happy has been tainted. Even if we do save VMK they took part of the magic away.

I know Disney is a corporation and has to make money. But to do this when 1000's and 1000's of kids and families are begging please don't. Has totally ruined my full support of Disney. I see them as a cold corporation now and more and more with price increases less about the magic and more about making making the biggest profit possible. No matter how many kids it hurts and how badly they betray their roots.

I feel that Disney has lost its magic and betrayed Walt's vision. In the grand scale of things I do not understand why they can not keep VMK alive. But then again there are "100's of free Disney games" on the internet."

Problem is they just do not understand what they created and the harm they are doing. To me that is where the pixie dust died. I wish so much one of the big bosses would get it. Welcome to the 21st century where people are just numbers that you really do not matter. What is it we are not telling them. Why are they so cold to the pleas. How can they not care. That is why the world Disney does not bring joy to my heart.

Disney has been known to be heavy handed and not listening to protests.

But this is the frist time they have been so callous to kids. To me that is why Disney can never ever hold the same spot in my heart.

I still love the Mouse. But when I go to Disney the innocense is gone. And the constant saying of if you can dream it then you can do it just a lie now.

On May 22nd 2008 will be known as they day that faith trust and pixie dust died.
Warning: This post is not for those that attack people for the sake of defending a themepark or Disney Corporation or those that get upset when something negative is said about Disney. I am sure Aengus will remove my post if he feels it is not acceptable for the question. :rotfl:

I have very mixed feelings. :upsidedow

Disney replaced magic with money a long time ago. It has gotten worse since Iger took the boss's seat. I thought Eisner was bad, no so much anymore. :rolleyes1

We have seen the fall within their own corporation by the inconsistencies in the way their Corporation is ran. Their CRO customer service is a joke. Guest Services customer service is worse. It is only the people in the parks that I have found are still keeping Walt's vision somewhat alive.

Disney needs to go back to the drawing board and go back to the heart of Walt and what Disney represents to many of us. Exceptional customer service, fantasy, dreams coming true and a model corporation for all other corporations.

When I started seeing how much money Disney was investing in time-share and then time-share across the globe I realized something was not right. I read an article somewhat recently where Disney Corporation said their future is in time-share and vacation homes. And even more recenty I read an article about Disney selling homes on Disney property. :sad2: I don't know about you, but I have no interest in looking down from the top of Everest and seeing cars pulling up in their driveways. Talk about killing some magic. May as well go to Six Flags.

I love Disney. I have a room in my house decorated in Disney. If I told you how much money in Disney merchandise was in that one room you would look like this guy ----> :eek: and him ----> :faint: .

I go to WDW each year and spend a minimum of 10K on a vacation. That is a good chunk of my annual salary for one corporation.

I shop at the Disney Stores all of the time as well as disneyshopping online. While I do shop at places like Foley's, Dillards, Macys, Target and Kohls, Disney Corporation gets more of my money than any of them combined.

When Disney announced VMKs upcoming closing, I was obviously upset about the game being closed, but I am more upset over their marketing and labeling.

When I was in WDW in 2007, I spent A LOT and I mean A LOT of money on codes. I did not care about the pins. My daughter spent a HUGE portion of her Disney Dollars on codes for VMK as well. She is 9.

When VMK made their announcement, I was more upset over the money both my daughter and I spent for codes for a game than I was about the game closing. Not because of the money, but the principle.

Disney Corporation never told me that the money we were spending was being used for their promotional purposes only and that they would be taking it away soon. Yes, you can use the ban arguement, etc, but we do not do things to get ourselves banned.

I feel like Disney used my love for their company and label as well as my love for VMK against me to make a little money in the parks and now they are stealing it away from me. Disney Corporation has made me feel like they can try to sucker me and lure me by using "magic" and "experience" but when they are done with me and what I have to give I am no longer a loyal Disney customer, but a number on a sheet of paper.

I had a Disney Cruise booked next year. I cancelled that trip and booked it with Princess Cruise Lines instead.

So has my loyalty changed? Yeah, but only after theirs did.
Disney has been known to be heavy handed and not listening to protests.

But this is the frist time they have been so callous to kids. To me that is why Disney can never ever hold the same spot in my heart.

On May 22nd 2008 will be known as they day that faith trust and pixie dust died.

I totally agree. The "wonderful world of Disney" will not be so wonderful after this date.
nothing will change for me, i'll still go to disney world every year, buy disney movies, etc. i'll miss playing vmk, but it was only a game and games come an they go. i won't be playing any other disney game, they just don't seem to do nothing for me. so for now i just have a little more free time on my hands. i might find another game to play online or go and buy a Wii.
My Disney loyalty won’t change at all. I can see why many of you are feeling disappointed, after all, Disney is a company that sets the expectation that it will be perfect, and when Guests come in with that expectation, anything less can be jarring. At WDW alone there is the expectation that nearly 60,000 Cast Members will perform their roles perfectly, all the time, making one negative Guest-cast interaction unacceptable. There’s been lots of talk about Guests spending their money and vacation time elsewhere. If a Guest would have more fun spending time in “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter,” Universal Studios, or with Shamu, I think they should, because those places certainly have a lot to offer. Companies will always make unpopular decision, but kids are only young once and there’s only so much time and money for vacation, so I would suggest spending vacation time where you are best able to enjoy time together. There’s life beyond Disney, that is for sure.

That being said, when it comes to the “complete package,” I think families find it at Disney Parks. Disney has the market-share it does because of the experiences that it offers its Guests; even those cynical about the company know that a Disney experience is unlike any other theme park or resort experience, anywhere. In a post-9/11 world, “productivity” has become the name of the game, whether you’re an airline or a theme park or any business. Each company is considering how to best proceed through these times and into the future. I had some qualms with Mr. Eisner, but I think Mr. Iger is doing a fine job with the way he is managing operations, especially considering the financial climate we’re currently weathering.

Things aren’t like they used to be and the one thing that remains constant is change. The “good old days” aren’t always as good as we remember them, either. When WDW opened in 1971, there was one theme park and three resorts. If things hadn’t changed since then, WDW wouldn’t be what it is today. In order to move in a positive direction, controversial decisions had to be made and other things had to be sacrificed. That’s why I’m excited every time Disney makes a change; I have great memories from the past and an anticipation for the future.

That's my opinion.
Thank you all for your words. I have found comfort in the fact that some of you do feel as I do and have found the words of those who's loyalty will not change uplifting.

Yes, I am finding it hard to find that pixie dust right now.

Belle's words - "the day that faith trust and pixie dust died." do keep repeating in my head. But also the words of Celebration "Things aren’t like they used to be and the one thing that remains constant is change. The “good old days” aren’t always as good as we remember them, either." this reminds me that if it wasn't for change - Epcot coming to WDW, I wouldn't have my beloved Figment.

You all are helping me see both sides and I really really appreciate it.

Like I had said previously. We ARE off to WDW in a few minutes and maybe a good dose of Disney is what I need to help me remember the magic, maybe it will make it worse, idk.

But I do know that I am glad that I have you guys around to show me I am not alone and to remind me of where this change may lead.

Thank you all and keep the thoughts rolling in! ~Fan
i will still love disney but this is unfair ppl cant play online for free any more :confused3 this is so cheep
None what so ever. Although I am a die-hard VMK fan, I still love Disney. I'm arriving back from my disney trip 3 days before VMK closes, and still plan on going on many more disney trips, playing Disney online games, and everything else associated with Disney. I am heartbroken at VMK closing, but, I can see why VMK is closing from a business standpoint. My argument:

VMK doesn't generate revenue. People may say "Trips are booked to go to the parks because of VMK", but, the fact is I highly doubt that many trip bookings are due to the fact that VMK Central was in the parks. It no doubt made a minor contribution to trip bookings, but not that much. Second - although people buy the Pirate Quest pins - those don't generate as much revenue as much as say 7,000-8,000 players with a paid monthly subscription to their game. I agree - they should make it pay to play, and I hope VMK sees our point of view. Lastly - the price of hosting, maintaining, and everything else of VMK is just to much.

I may be flamed for this but...

Anyways, I hope VMK stays open just as much as the next person, but I realize why it is closing.

Off Topic - Probably my longest post on dis.
I agree with everything VMK_Mouse just said. Iger was hailed as the second coming of Disney, yet all I seem to be seeing is Pixarization of the parks, over-marketing of Hannah Montana and High School Musical, the horrible waste of 7 million bucks that is Club Penguin, and now the loss of VMK. Tell me again why I should call him better than Eisner?
stitchon! We are in the same city! Woot!

OK I have a different take on this. Please don't flame me - I too am entitled to my opinions....

I am in California. I worked at Disneyland through college. I have about as much Disney magic in my veins as you can have. I glove Disney.

That being said, I do honestly feel betryed.

Despite an OP said we did book a trip to stay onsite at Disneyland which we never do....just to get the stitch cards. My DH went to a trade show in Orlando. I convinced him the family should go to - our first trip to WDW in 2006 - why?? We wanted Kali River Rapids Couches. People did book trips for the cards. VMK does or at least did generate money.

For all of you who disliked Eisner....Igor (pun intended) is showing his true Pixar colors. And from an ex-CM point of view, while consolidating the parks (Disneyland and WDW) business practices I am sure seems great and makes sense on paper, my last trip to Disneyland (which BTW is Disneyland and not ever DLR:rolleyes: - see I told you I had it bad) some of the original Disneyland magic is gone. I see a lot of things WDWish about Disneyland. And honestly I don't like it. And I don't want shirts or any other merchandise with "Disney Resorts" on it. If I am at Disneyland I want my shirt to say "Disneyland". Not Resorts or DLR. Disneyland. Period.

I don't think Disney has been honest about why they are shutting down VMK. I truly believe it must be a contract issue with Sulake. We may never know. To me it just does not seem like a wise business decision when the fan base says "let's make VMK a money maker" most would pay to play. There has to be another reason than simply "it was a promo".:mad:

We are going on our 2nd Disney cruise in July. We are going with several families and have had this planned for some time though not sure I would have cancelled an already paid for trip. But we have no other trips to Disney planned and I don't see it happening anytime soon. We even backed down on buying a DVC contract after the announcement since we don't really want to go.

I am sure when my infant DD turns 2 we will take her to Disneyland. Until then...we will see how it goes. To Disney I say that is the best you can expect from a lot of people who are disappointed by your decision to close down VMK.
VMK doesn't generate revenue. People may say "Trips are booked to go to the parks because of VMK", but, the fact is I highly doubt that many trip bookings are due to the fact that VMK Central was in the parks. It no doubt made a minor contribution to trip bookings, but not that much. Second - although people buy the Pirate Quest pins - those don't generate as much revenue as much as say 7,000-8,000 players with a paid monthly subscription to their game. I agree - they should make it pay to play, and I hope VMK sees our point of view. Lastly - the price of hosting, maintaining, and everything else of VMK is just to much.

I may be flamed for this but...

Anyways, I hope VMK stays open just as much as the next person, but I realize why it is closing.

No flames here. I understand that it isn't generating revenue. My beef is that they're pulling the plug without ever having even tried to make it profitable. They're just giving up on it for no good least, not one that they've seen fit to share with us. If they were honest about why they're closing VMK instead of hiding behind the "promotion" excuse, that might help. As it is, they're tossing aside this entire community that they created for no readily apparent reason, and that smacks very heavily of not caring at all. If VMK absolutely must (and I mean MUST) be closed, fine...but I can see about a billion ways in which it could have been handled better as far as the public goes.

I've figured out where my blah-ness about Disney stems from with all this. Disney is something that I associate with innocence, and I gain my own innocence back when I watch their movies and, especially, when I visit the parks. That innocence, joy and carefree feeling of "Disney will take care of us!" makes me feel like a kid, and is what brings me back again and again. However, in order for innocence to be present, there must be trust. I don't have that anymore. Disney will NOT take care of us. They're showing that very clearly, and I'm really not sure I can ever get back that trust and innocent feeling. If not, I might as well go just about anywhere else.
When I discovered Disney as a kid, I liked Disney and WDW was synonym for me of the best theme parks in the world, then Disney started to go down in my esteem mainly when I heard about Celebration for the first time, and I started to discover other theme parks ..

VMK was a game that I liked but playing it with the fact things were not always fair was not changing my way of seeing Disney. Now, Disney with the fact they decided to close VMK wont go up in my esteem. Walt Disney was great ..
... Disney started to go down in my esteem mainly when I heard about Celebration for the first time, and I started to discover other theme parks ....

I am just curious as to why Celebration made you seek out other theme parks. :confused3
My Disney loyalty won’t change at all. I can see why many of you are feeling disappointed, after all, Disney is a company that sets the expectation that it will be perfect, and when Guests come in with that expectation, anything less can be jarring. At WDW alone there is the expectation that nearly 60,000 Cast Members will perform their roles perfectly, all the time, making one negative Guest-cast interaction unacceptable. There’s been lots of talk about Guests spending their money and vacation time elsewhere. If a Guest would have more fun spending time in “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter,” Universal Studios, or with Shamu, I think they should, because those places certainly have a lot to offer. Companies will always make unpopular decision, but kids are only young once and there’s only so much time and money for vacation, so I would suggest spending vacation time where you are best able to enjoy time together. There’s life beyond Disney, that is for sure.

That being said, when it comes to the “complete package,” I think families find it at Disney Parks. Disney has the market-share it does because of the experiences that it offers its Guests; even those cynical about the company know that a Disney experience is unlike any other theme park or resort experience, anywhere. In a post-9/11 world, “productivity” has become the name of the game, whether you’re an airline or a theme park or any business. Each company is considering how to best proceed through these times and into the future. I had some qualms with Mr. Eisner, but I think Mr. Iger is doing a fine job with the way he is managing operations, especially considering the financial climate we’re currently weathering.

Things aren’t like they used to be and the one thing that remains constant is change. The “good old days” aren’t always as good as we remember them, either. When WDW opened in 1971, there was one theme park and three resorts. If things hadn’t changed since then, WDW wouldn’t be what it is today. In order to move in a positive direction, controversial decisions had to be made and other things had to be sacrificed. That’s why I’m excited every time Disney makes a change; I have great memories from the past and an anticipation for the future.

That's my opinion.

A true Disney Die-Hard fan to the core, I must agree with the above sentiments.

I have walked the same earth when Walt did. I grew up watching the Wonderful World of Disney (next in color - anybody remember those days?) each Sunday night. I remember waiting for that program with great anticipation so that I could hear Walt and see what new marvels he had created. I remember my first trip to Disneyland in 1967 - well before a lot of you were even born. I remember the tears flowing when I heard that Walt Disney had passed away. I remember a world BEFORE WDW!(that amazes my girls to no end). Disney is part of my blood and will always be.

I was fortunate to be part of the Walt Disney Company even for a brief moment when I worked for the Stores and they still belonged to Disney. Up until then I guess I viewed Disney with rose-colored glasses. But I soon realized no matter what we imagine Disney to be, it is a business nonetheless and as such, it needs to be profitable to continue, to survive. Knowing this, my devotion for Disney has never wavered.

I remember the days when the company was not doing so well. I remember my stock going down the toilet almost to the point of no value whatsoever. I also remember "glory" days when the company could do no wrong.

But everything, every aspect of life must adapt. We live in tough times. The price of gas is at an unbelievable $4 a gal in some areas - who would have thought. Food prices, home prices, airfare, college, etc. all on the rise. Tough times lie ahead. But I know, even if for a brief moment, I can revisit my happy place and put all my cares away. Nobody can take that away from me or the feeling i get, like I have dipped myself in a fountain of youth, if only for a moment and I am young again, with no cares.

Yes, I am deeply upset that VMK is closing - mostly because of the good friends I have come to make in the game. But I take comfort knowing that our friendships will continue even after the closing - we have become that good of friends. I can only look back and thank VMK; for it wasn't for VMK, I would have never met these wonderful awesome people.

I may not always like the decision, but do we ever like everything that a business, company or even life may throw at us?

The Magic is still there - we just have to sometimes look deep for it, but rest assured it is still there. I still believe and will always believe.:wizard:

Disney will always be a part of my life...............


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