I Better Vote Tomorrow...

Had to laugh....this site which is supposed to have NO POLITICS discussed....had an AD here on page one of this thread with box to click to "VOTE REPUBLICAN" and a big picture of the "President" on it.
Those types of ads are based on your viewing history on the internet. I currently don't see one, but I do see an ad for a website I viewed earlier today. Dis isn't controlling the specific ads being shown there.
It's up to you whether you vote or not. The only concern I would have is whether a local election official uses that as an excuse to purge someone from the voter rolls. There's been a few of those cases reported and it's concerning.
So Georgia has purged people who have not voted in 7.5 years as the law states. They were sent a notification by mail and given 3 months to respond. If they responded, they remained on the rolls. If they failed to respond they were struck as it was assumed they moved and did not update their voter registration.

Seems very fair.
Like in WA state where you vote via the mail. You don't get a sticker when you drop your ballot in the mail.

I like reading about how different places do things different ways. My son and I both voted by mail in a different state, and we received stickers with our mailed ballots.

I wonder if anyone neglects (or forgets) to vote but then still wears the sticker? :D
I didn't get a sticker when I voted this morning either. I suppose I'd need to take that up with my local board of elections though. Being able to vote is it's own reward, still worth it.

And there are lots of places you can vote without a polling station. Like in WA state where you vote via the mail. You don't get a sticker when you drop your ballot in the mail.

I miss NY's old voting booths with the curtain and the lever. The new scanners are a lot less gratifying. I took the voter worker education class so I know allegedly those scanners are hacker proof but I still liked those old curtain booths better.
First memory of escorting my mother to the polls as a child were of those hulking grey machines; they sure lasted a long time:).

I voted this morning and dinna bother taking a sticker either.
There is one member of my family who boasts that he does not vote; he's always been an odd one so no one bothers commenting when he makes provocative statements at family get togethers.
Had to laugh....this site which is supposed to have NO POLITICS discussed....had an AD here on page one of this thread with box to click to "VOTE REPUBLICAN" and a big picture of the "President" on it.

Those types of ads are based on your viewing history on the internet. I currently don't see one, but I do see an ad for a website I viewed earlier today. Dis isn't controlling the specific ads being shown there.

Get an ad blocker and you'll see no ads at all. I haven't installed a blocker on one of my browsers and the ads are quite annoying; same for FB which is even worse and gives me the perfect don't need to explain it reason not to go there. I don't need Big Brother further in my life.
This summer, my DH was in the hospital. We used my cell phone for contacts. About a week after he got out, I got a text with from the X party with his proper name asking if he needed an absentee ballot. hmmm wonder how they got that info????

This past two days , we have had at least 20 calls a day telling us to vote. We are doubly blessed. Since we have a multiple party household, we get calls from everyone under the sun to vote for.

We did get stickers today, in case anyone is keeping count.
...or I'm liable to get another nasty-gram like I did last week shaming me for not voting in 2015 or 2017.

The letter was from the "Center for Voter Information" and it said data comes from publicly available state voter files.

I probably didn't vote in 2013 or 2011 either.

In odd year elections nothing of importance IMO is on the ballot in Delaware. Governor is the same year as President. U.S. Senator and Congress are always even years too. So are most Delaware state positions.

I suppose there are county positions in odd years. Maybe school board too.

But I plan to vote tomorrow.

It's maybe more of a "thing" now because of the 2018 Supreme Court ruling that states have the right to drop voters who don't regularly vote, and fail to respond to a state notification (this is the key, because previous Federal legislation prohibited dropping people for simply not voting). The case they heard concerned Ohio and a period of 6 years. That's really only 2 mid-terms and a Presidential year. So for some reason, a person fails to vote in a Presidential year (illness, real life is chaotic, or choice) and don't read their mail, they could be eligible to be dropped in Ohio. There are similar rules for inactive voters elsewhere. Georgia is another state that was impacted by the Supreme Court decision. What other states adopt, along these lines, will likely be determined by the results of today's votes. Any further discussion down this path is more political than Civics so I'll stop now.

I assume there is going to be a lot more "use it (or you might lose it - or at least have to re-register)" talk depending on what states and municipalities do.
I find it interesting when services tell you to vote because you havn't. I also find it funny that I am being admonished by a person on Facebook to vote because things are so bad that if you don't vote it could effect our future existence as a country!

Here is my reality: I live outside of Houston, Texas in a county other than Harris County (where Houston is). It is very rural, very conservative, and very "red". Forget what my personal views are but this county has not voted blue in forever so the reality of my vote is this I can jump on the bandwagon and make the "red" totals bigger, or vote "blue" and lament my defeat in every single race. Since we have no state issues to vote on, no bonds to vote on. and no state constitutional issues to vote on the reality is in this election cycle my vote means very little. The singular exception is our Senatorial selection which the entire country is watching and the entire country seems to be funding. Other than that my vote truly means "nada"

By the way I did early vote
My daughter got that nasty gram as well. The funny thing is she just turned 18! :rolleyes1

My daughter got one too and she's 19, this is the first year she is able to vote! She did consider it shaming her, but shaming someone who didn't vote in 2010 because they were 11 years old is ridiculous! My husband and I didn't get these at all and my daughter has received 2! Btw, she did vote, we all did mail in ballots.
Since we have no state issues to vote on, no bonds to vote on. and no state constitutional issues to vote on the reality is in this election cycle my vote means very little. The singular exception is our Senatorial selection which the entire country is watching and the entire country seems to be funding. Other than that my vote truly means "nada"
This makes me sad.


This podcast is a very good listen, a non partisan look into the business of politics and ways to take the power away from the two parties and give the power back to the voters so they do not feel like their vote doesn't matter.
We will vote tomorrow...just about always vote.

We are so tired of political ads. However, a candidate stopped by our house today, we were happy to meet him.

We had a local candidate drop stuff off on our doorknob when we were not at home. I do not support this guy, and was bummed not to get the chance to tell him how I felt. My husband, on the other hand, thinks it was good that we were not home, LOL! He knows I am not politically correct!

Nice, people being shamed for exercising their right to not vote.
Sometimes not voting is a message, I guess some people/organizations don't get that.

When people have died so that we can vote, not voting seems like such a lazy, selfish thing to do, IMO.
My husband got one also, which I did not show him because he would have been annoyed. It said he had an excellent voting record, but it basically said, "we are watching". Which is kind of a dick thing to say.
This summer, my DH was in the hospital. We used my cell phone for contacts. About a week after he got out, I got a text with from the X party with his proper name asking if he needed an absentee ballot. hmmm wonder how they got that info????

This past two days , we have had at least 20 calls a day telling us to vote. We are doubly blessed. Since we have a multiple party household, we get calls from everyone under the sun to vote for.

We did get stickers today, in case anyone is keeping count.
My mother spent the last year or so of her life in a vicious cycle of ICU, and rehab facility with brief stops living at my elder sister's house. Both the rehab center and hospital offered absentee ballots to their patients via the social workers' departments. All forms in house, no waiting, and in my mother's case, as the hospital and rehab center were in different counties from her residence, they knew the ropes, navigated the paperwork and assured she was able to vote. One less thing for elder sister and I to worry about and I thank them mightily.
I got a sticker! :thumbsup2
There were no stickers at my location this morning. A woman even walked out, then came back to ask for one, but they didn't have them. I don't care that much, but maybe the stickers are being phased out here.

I always vote on election day because for my precinct the lines are always short, much shorter than the early voting lines usually are. There were about 10 people there this morning, which is actually more than usual. It took me about 12 minutes or so to get in and out.
Same. Nice and quiet. Took no time at all.
I wish we could go back to not knowing if you voted, who you voted for, and not particularly caring either way. Or maybe when I was a kid it all went over my head.
I asked my mom once, who she voted for and she told me it was none of my business and your vote should always be kept secret.
Political affiliation is killing this country.
My mother spent the last year or so of her life in a vicious cycle of ICU, and rehab facility with brief stops living at my elder sister's house. Both the rehab center and hospital offered absentee ballots to their patients via the social workers' departments. All forms in house, no waiting, and in my mother's case, as the hospital and rehab center were in different counties from her residence, they knew the ropes, navigated the paperwork and assured she was able to vote. One less thing for elder sister and I to worry about and I thank them mightily.

But this was not in house. I had several texts from the X party about the ballots and also asking if DH would like to host a house party for "get out the vote". And this started back in July. It's not like he was in the hospital within the last 6 weeks.
I wish we could go back to not knowing if you voted, who you voted for, and not particularly caring either way. Or maybe when I was a kid it all went over my head.
I asked my mom once, who she voted for and she told me it was none of my business and your vote should always be kept secret.
Political affiliation is killing this country.
That’s what I tell my kids when they ask me, lol.


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