I can't hold this in any longer (griping inside)

Cynthia "Cseca" (and Jeff)

I for one, do not always send out multiple trade requests for the same pin, so do not assume that because you did not answer right away, the person has probably already made a trade for that pin. Many times if I don't receive a response, I go on to a different pin/request, so if you were to e-mail me a few days later--or a week-- I'd be thrilled if you were accepting, and appreciative if you were declining just to know that you got the request and at least considered it.

Nicole--I am also wondering if I have the nerve to actually do it--but, I am close to that point! And, of course, if I do do it, it will be with the utmost of courtesy!! Not to worry, Figgy!

:wave: :wave:
I rarely send out trade requst but I assumed that if people didn't answer they were just too busy not that they were rude.

But I must admit this thread has made me rethink my relationship with pins.
For some reason I've been getting lots of mail lately , spam, spam and more spam, prono web site invites, spam, trade request, spam, ads for hebal cures, spam, oh yeah and occasionally mail from my far flung family. If I only have a few minutes between task to check the mail, my finger is usually firmly on the delete key.

Did I did invite all these trade requests not disabling trade assistant ? Does that mean I am obligated to respond to everyone and gently, teach traders if they unknowingly propose a trade so lopsided as to be offensive? If the answer is yes than I have no business having trade assistant on when there are so many other priorities in my life right now.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Did I did invite all these trade requests not disabling trade assistant ? Does that mean I am obligated to respond to everyone and gently, teach traders if they unknowingly propose a trade so lopsided as to be offensive? If the answer is yes than I have no business having trade assistant on when there are so many other priorities in my life right now.

I have my trade assistant off. But I also maintain pin groups. By owning a public pin group I am required to have my email public, so I get trade requests. I don't answer most of them, although I do answer the pin group questions. I don't think people should automatically assume that because someone has an email listed means they are open to receiving trade requests.

Here's my rant though. Just because I own a pin group does not mean I own all the pins in that pin group, and that I have them for trade or for sale.
I find it frustrating at times when I send or receive Pinpics offer. I usually get the same people who send me requests and at one time or another have declined or accepted their offer. These same people never responded to my pinpics request when I made them. I tend to ignore certain people who have been rude in their replys or in their lack of replies. There are many times when I made a bad request and I have been declined and I asked what would they want in return and have been ignored. I have also received requests that I have said yes to but I never recieved a reponse. SO why make the offer? I even had one person always respond to my requests with I am not trading at this time but then get an offer from this same person a day or so later. I also had a person who was upset that I rejected their offers and even made counteroffers to that person but they refused because the first offer was "fair" Just because your pin is limited to 500 and my pin is limited to 1000 makes it a fair offer. I learned who some of the sharks are on pinpics and have tried to keep away from them. But I pledge that I will try to repond to all my requests on pinpics no matter who the requests is from. Sorry for rambling!! Just had a rough day at work!!
Did I did invite all these trade requests not disabling trade assistant ? Does that mean I am obligated to respond to everyone and gently, teach traders if they unknowingly propose a trade so lopsided as to be offensive? If the answer is yes than I have no business having trade assistant on when there are so many other priorities in my life right now.

Yes, you do invite trade requests if Trade Assistant is activated--that is the purpose of the trade assistant!! Are you obligated to respond? Well, I think that is the point of this discussion; of course you are not "obligated"; the discussion is about courtesy, not obligation. I do not feel obligated to reply to people when they make a request, I feel it is simple courtesy to reply, even when their offer is lopsided--as many of them are, and even when it is the same person, over and over making the same request. They are most likely not looking at their trade requests like I do, looking at their pending requests to see who they are going out to. And, I also have pondered whether I should try to "gently teach traders", but that is obviously something that would take time and finesse to do, so I usually just say "no thanks", or that I have something else in mind for that pin.

Another question for you to think about, that gave me more perspective on this topic.....if someone made a trade request to me in person at a park, or at a pin meet, would I simply turn my back on them and walk away without even a simple "no thanks"?

There is certainly no question I guess where I stand on this issue, but to sum it up, if you want to trade, and you want to use the trade assistant to facilitate your trading, then knowing you may receive lopsided requests, and repeat requests, and you may have to answer your mail is part of the cost of trading using this tool--there is a cost to any "activity" or "action", and I guess I feel like if you don't like some of the "costs" involved maybe you should reconsider whether trade assistant is the way you want to go.

Sorry for my rambling, and sorry for my "ranting"; this is probably my one and only, great big pet peeve about trading!! Thanks Nicole--glad you started this thread and not me!! :wave:
I have had my TA turned off for some time...the reason being that doing a weekly pin meet
my pins are constantly changing, and I didn't want to spend hrs each week adding and deleting pins

Sometimes, or should I say, most of the time, I have no idea what I have and don't have..With
the number of pins coming out every week, plus trading I am up to my ears in unsorted pins..

I have spent most of the recent pin meets, just socializing, not trading, except on rare occasions, because
I am so messed up as to where I am..I keep promising to catch up. but so far.....nada..

So most often when I do receive these trades from Pin pics, I can't remember wether I have the pin or not
and if it does sound like an interesting trade...it takes me awhile to see if I even have that pin anymore..

I have sent out emails to say I'm looking, and then most often no I no longer have it...sometimes, (awful admission here)
I say that anyway, because I don't have time to search..

So my question is..how do I get off of Pinpics..(I know that is like blasphemy) to save myself, and others this frustation..

Donna if you would like to disengage from the pinpics trade lists. There are really 2 ways to do it.

1. Email me and I can clear all your wants and trades. That way if you want to continue to try and keep track of your collection itself through the database you can.

2. Go into your profile and delete your email address. This will automatically stop the emails from people looking for direct trades with you from coming. Put a little note at the bottom saying that you are taking a break from online trading etc..... That way the hard work that you have already put in to entering your collection won't go to waste. That way if you ever do decide you want to get back into online trading all you will have to do is enter a new email address and the database will update and you will be ready to go again...HEHE

I'll take door number 2...that sounds like a deal...I will take of it later

again thanks..

It has happened to me too. After countless times of using TA, I got my first rude response from another "trader" . I've made so many trades, I have to admit, I just forgot it could happen. Well, I thought and thought, and you know what I did? I copied and pasted the message that person sent me, and emailed it right back to them. I didn't add or change a thing, I just sent back their rude response, with nothing to add. At least now, when they read it, they'll only have their own words to re-read, and nothing else. And since my email automatically includes the senders email with the new message, all they had to do was read the entire message to see it was their own response sent back to them. If they didn't like hearing it, they shouldn't have sent it in the first place. I also made a note of who the trader was for my own "list". I thought that might at least help that trader to see how it is to be on the receiving end of their own message.
Another question for you to think about, that gave me more perspective on this topic.....if someone made a trade request to me in person at a park, or at a pin meet, would I simply turn my back on them and walk away without even a simple "no thanks"?

Ruthie - Glad someone else saw my point exactly. :)

The entire world is busy these days but what are we teaching the future generations if we don't take the time to be kind and courteous to one another?
I admit, I am guilty. :( I download e-mail both at home and at work and sometime I get too busy and the TA request is forgotten. My apologies to everyone that I have ignored and I will try to be more considerate in the future.

However, that being said, I myself have received several TA requests from pinpics members that I responded to right away agreeing to the trade. The TA's are sent out at 3am and I am usually online around 5 or 6am. I set the pin aside and wait for a response, assuming since the request was sent to me that it will be agreed on. Several days later, I receive a reponse that goes something like this "Thanks for the offer, but I am not interested in trading." HUH???????? The person sent me the request/offer I was simply agreeing to it!!!! That has soured me a bit to TA but I have no other way of trading, except on the boards (not allot of response there), because I live over 1000 miles from WDW and 1500 from DL. So I haven't yet considered turning that feature off at pinpics.
Well here goes.......

Ruthie and I had a long talk about this one fine day when I was visiting Virginia and here is what I said...... ( or sort of-- it's been a long time! LOL)

Anyway, I used to answer all of them, but then I found I was getting the SAME exact trade requests over and over from the same people-- I still have that pin for trade, but I have already said no thanks a couple times ... why keep responding? I'm sure they don't want to keep hearing my No thanks
second example: I do say No thanks and then get some rude comments back because I don't want to trade

I truly don't think this should be that big of deal-- I have never sat around waiting for responses to my trade requests.. if I get a response great, if not-- I really don't think it's a big deal.......
I don't really like that you now get a list of who all your requests went to... I think that just feeds the aggravation for some people. I read my results a couple of times and recognized some names... but then I DID start to wonder hmmm. why didn't so and so answer-- so now I just don't read them adn it doesn't bother me at all.....

So all that said, since the topic keeps coming up repeatedly and there are always peope that seem to really get upset.... I am now on my way to turn off the trade assistant-- I would hate to think I am the cause of someone's ulcer ;)

something michelle/disneylvr posted makes me wonder if i'm doing something wrong myself, (and i'm the one who started this thread!).

Michelle gets peeved when people who offered trades to begin with turn her down after she agrees to trade. now, michelle, i understand these people are maddening because they make it sound like YOU are the one who made the original offer.

but here's my quandry... i send out several trade requests for the same pin at the same time, hoping one will get a response (see original post as to why). when i get back more than one person interested in my trade and i have to turn someone down, am *I* being rude myself?

this happens to me also when i respond to a trade, and the person who made the offer has to say "thanks, but i'm already trading w/someone else". i must say this doesn't bother me. i obviously was late in responding, it's my loss.

when i'm the one who has to say "no thanks after all", i usually add that i have such and such pin available, pehaps they would be interested in a different trade?

so, ultimatley, my question is, is it bad trading etiquette to make simultaneous offers?

if so, i'm in trouble. oops.


I know that TA will, at times, send out multiple requests for the same pin. So if 3 people agree to the trade obviously someone is going to get turned down. I only have gotten peeved when I agree to a trade and then the person doesn't respond for 4 days and then tells me "Thanks for the offer, but not interested in making the trade." So Nicole, I wouldn't get peeved at you. I have decided to not let anything about TA bother me anymore. I have made several successful trades using it and that is all that matters. :) :) :) Even though I am still looking for Cast Member ID -Mickey Mouse!!! I can't seem to make a trade for it.

Michelle, you hit the nail on the head with one sentence: "I have decided to not let anything about TA bother me anymore." No one should take anything that happens as a result of PinPics trade requests personally.

It's kind of like applying for a job. You have to send out hundreds of resumes before you get an interview, and dozens of interviews to get an offer (except for Nat, of course). And we all know lots of employers won't even tell you if they got your resume. It does not mean you aren't a very valuable employee with lots to offer, it just means you haven't found the right fit yet.

So recognize that when you find the right pin fit, a trade will occur and don't sweat the ones that don't work out.

My personal rules -- in case anyone is interested in trading with me.

I try to keep my pinpics up-to-date within 1-2 weeks of a WDW trip or local meet.
I try very hard to respond to all trade requests, even if it's to say, "no thanks."
I am happy to listen to counter offers, and have been known to make a few myself.
If I say "no" to you, please don't hesitate to ask me why. We both might learn something.
I do make simultaneous requests for the same pin to different members, but I try to ensure that I am offering different pins.
I always review my pending requests and delete requests when necessary.
I keep a personal list of "non-responders" and I no longer make offers to those members.
I also have a list of people I do not know well, but with whom I have successfully traded.
I take a couple of precautionary measures if sending a request to an unknown member:
  1. I check their references on Dizpins. I specifically look to see if they have traded with people I know and trust.
  2. I look at their Pinpics wants and trades lists. If they seem to have nearly every pin on the planet, I will generally delete the offer. (This silly step prevented me from being ensnared by you-know-who from Colorado.)

    In summary:
    I love Pinpics trading!
    I study the possibilities carefully before I send out a request; I try very hard to make (what I think is) a fair offer.
    I try not to get annoyed by the non-responders and quirks of the system.
    Britt & Figgy continue to improve the process, and that will just make it better and better.
It is a trade ASSISTANT it just helps hook up potential matches. Maybe for some reason you are not a match. I have to line up behind Robyn and Judith on this one. and Micehlle you were so right. Why let it bother you. Jobs and bills are typically worrisome. A hobby should not be.

I have the TA turned off. I have had for a long time. I too grew tired of the same erson sending me the same requests EVERY SINGLE night for two weeks straight.

The work Britt and Susan put into this needs to be rewarded. If it doesn't work well for you. manipulate it a bit until it does. JoJo is right. There is a match out there.
Well Jojo and Kathryn, I have to disagree with you to a point.

I DO agree that this shouldn't be a big deal. Getting upset serves no constructive purpose, and this is supposed to be fun.

However, there have been a lot of posts on the board lately about people's frustration with uneven trades being offered through the TA. My point is that not answering a request with a "no thanks" only encourages more unbalanced offers.

Think about it. We all know it can take a lot of time to research and present what we feel are fair offers. If the person receiving those offers can't even be bothered to respond, why should we take the time to send a balanced offer? Just as it is much easier to *not* respond to an offer we don't want, it is much easier to check every trade the TA produces rather than go through them one by one.

More ignored requests are going to produce more imbalanced offers. More impalanced offers are going to produce more ignored requests.

Just my theory... Nicole

You know I love you to death, and we agree on a lot of stuff, but I have to disaggree too. I am not, repeat not, taking it "personal"; I know it's not about "me" (as in the person doesn't have a problem with me, or trading with me)--it's about them!! It's about their personal philosophy on trading and on courtesy, and that is still the point of the thread. I am offended and frustrated by rude behavior no matter where it occurs, and in what manner. Not taking discourteous or rude behavior personnally does not address the problem of whether people who are confronted with that behavior should just turn "the other cheek" and put on a happy face, or whether we have the right to address with that person the fact that we find what they are doing rude. Sometimes I think that we have become a culture of rude people, just because everybody is allowed to "get away with it" so to speak.

And, Robyn, extreme compliments on how truly organized, sensible, and concise your "personal" rules for trading!! What a trader!!

And, yes several trade requests can go out for the same pin to different people; remember, if you don't know, you can go to "my pinpics" then "review my pending requests" and see who is there, and delete anyone you don't wish the trade to go to. Sometimes I delete those who never answer, sometimes I decide I have a better chance with a person I know, and delete everybody else. I also go to extreme effort, in that when I check a box by a pin, I go immediately to review, and see who that request for that pin is going to; then I go back and do another pin, and so on. So, I know for each and every pin request that I have made who has what pin and who that request went to. It is a lot of work and very time consuming, but that is a way to control your requests, and helps me not to send the same request to the same person over and over again.

So, enough rambling; sorry to rant again guys!

By, the way, have had much more luck this week and more responses; hmmmm; I wonder if people are reading???:wave:


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