I found a good bag to carry in the parks....


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
Hi DIS'ers. I know that many of us are in search for the perfect fanny pack or back pack to take into the parks with us. I found something really cool and different at Old Navy. It's called a sling bag. Cost $10.00. Found it near the back packs. They came in red/gray, khaki green, and blue/black. It's designed to wear across your chest diagonally, with the strap running across your back. You could also wear it backwards, with the pack on your back and strap across your chest. The part of the bag that holds stuff is shaped kind of like a surfboard. It has 3 separate compartments on the front. One is designed to hold a portable CD player, but it would be perfect for a camera and film. Another pocket is big and wide enough for a cell phone, 2 way radio, or disposable poncho. The other pocket has a couple of credit card slots in it, so you could use it for a wallet. In addition, a zipper runs the entire way of the bag for the very large compartment on the back. This bag would be appropriate for a man, woman, or child. Hope this helps someone. :)
I've been looking all over for an alternative to a fanny pack. I'll be about 6 1/2 mo. preggers for the trip & a fanny pack just won't do. :)

I'll check out Old Navy! I really appreciate your post!!

Have a great trip!!

Thanks for the info, I will look into it too. All the "sling-backs" I have seen are to be worn in the back and I am NOT comfortable with that!
FYI, these are also called messenger bags in some areas. Easier to get at stuff without taking the bag off as you do with a backpack.

Actually, these do not look like messenger bags. They did have messenger bags at Old Navy, which were marked as such, but they are completely different looking. The messenger bags puts the load of the bag over your hip or the side of your stomach, but the sling bag I wrote about carries the load over your chest and stomach going diagonally. These look like they would be more comfortable to carry and distribute the weight more.
We leave tomorrow and I just finished packing each of my bags...
my regular luggage and then what I need for the parks. My vital important stuff such as: D/L , credit cards, plane tickets, park passes and eventual room keys, health insurance card (make sure u bring yours just in case!)& DC card are in a 5"x6" slim nylon type wallet that can either hang around your neck OR you can adjust straps to go across your chest, its very lightweight, has credit card slots, and has a spot for cash/disney dollars, pen,
and also has little zippered compartments for whatever else u can think of, its very thin as far as width goes, so I couldn't stick my camera in, however I decided that a cloth waist pack that I have would be perfect for: film, camera, extra batteries, hairbrush and anything else I decide at last minute like sunscreen etc....
I know I will want my camera available at all times, so having this around my waist seemed best, its not too bulky and my hands will be free, but all my important stuff will be right on me and I will feel more secure, I hate to carry anything as sometimes during excitement I could easily leave something on a ride or rest stop...
This is my way of traveling around WDW. BTW, I got the credit card wallet thing at Spiegel Ultimate outlet online for 13.99.


Thanks for the info! We are having to go to WDW in the summer months now that DS is getting older and I found that my fanny pack that I have used for multiple trips without problems was very hot to wear this past year on my waist! I did not like the sweaty feeling with that fannypack around my waist! I put it away after the first day there in June and went to our backpack for the rest of the trip, but backpacks can be annoying, too. I will definately check into this one!:D
I hope our Old Navy will have one of these. It sounds perfect for our trip in 28 days. I have a large waist pack which can also be worn over the shoulder. But this sounds like it might have a little more room which is what I really need, for all my stuff.
This sounds great! I have been using a fanny pack which also has a shoulder strap. By the end of the afternoon, my back is killing me and I really don't put that much in it! I'm definitely going to Old Navy tomorrow and look into this...Thanks for sharing!
I just bought the same one for my trip! Once I saw it I said.. That's just perfect for Disney!
Does anyone know the official name of this bag at Old Navy? I went there this morning, and saw nothing like that. The only thing I saw was something called a Camo bag for $12.95 (besides the regular back packs).
Here's what I got a while back.. I hate fanny packs and refuse to wear one and this thing is great! It's pick pocket proof and has room for a diposabl;e camera, water bottle sunglass case and a whole bunch of other stuff.. :D I'll let ya'll know how it worked out when I get back. :)

13 days left :D

The picture of the one above looks nice, but this one is totally different. The tag says Old Navy Street Sling. I looked for it on the Old Navy website, but did not see it.
this is the type of bag that they recommended at the ergonomic center to us during our pt there.
Again, that's a really cool backpack....but that's not like it either. Here's a weird way of describing the one at Old Navy, but here goes: Think of a banana (spelling? I mean the fruit). (Told you it was weird description!) The top of the banana is at your left shoulder, and the bottom end of the banana is directly under your ribcage on the right side of your body. So, the banana (bag) is running across your chest/upper stomach. An adjustable strap is attached to either end of the banana, and runs diagonally across your back. At the top of the banana is the pocket that would be perfect for a cell phone, 2 way radio, etc. In the middle of the banana is the pocket designed for a CD player, which would be great for your camera and film. At the bottom of the banana, is another pocket with credit card slots, kind of like a built in wallet. On the back side of the banana, next to your body, is a large compartment that runs almost the full length of the bag. This pocket is gusseted, so you could really stuff it full if need be. Personally, I am just going to put flatter stuff in this pocket to keep it from getting too bulky.

Okay, so now either you have a picture in your mind of what it looks like, or you think I am just totally nuts. (Or maybe both?!?) If I could figure out how to post a picture to this site, I would haul out my digital camera. Gee, when they said a picture was worth a thousand words they were right.

I think this is sort of what Sherry7 means:

or this one See the long zipper in the back?

This one looks like what was described
GOT IT!!! Went back again today, and asked for the Street Sling and they had a few left. They were in blue and black (which I got), or rust and black. Is kinda shaped like a banana. Doesn't look like any of the pictures previously. Thanks for the name!! (And the tip!)
None of the pics that tink2dw posted matched unfortunately, but the third one is in the ballpark.


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