I know it will end up on the boards one way or another so...


<font color=FF66FF>Leader of the Conga Line to ton
May 18, 2000
Well I avoided starting this thread last night, and I have replied to almost every thread on the first page, trying to get in a positive frame of mind to put a post up here.

It is not news on Disney property anymore after last night's pin meet and I just don't know how to say this my backpack with almost 300 traders in it was stolen yesterday at the Artist signing.

I had really hoped that it was just accidentally picked up because we all know that all pin bags look alike. But after having many discussions with many people the sad reality seems to be an opportunist just flat took it. Everyone looks the same on Disney Property with the same yellow poncho on.

How??? Ok well here goes. Mind you I KNOW this is my fault. I know I am responsible for my own actions. I know I have no one to blame but myself. But in instances like these you look around and say how could this have been avoided. I was very mindful yesterday of my cell phone, book bags, new purchase packages and such. I had my DH Gary and I friends around me and we were all somewhat claustrophobic and overwhelmed. There was a great deal of pushing and crowding as the end neared.

Two friends were in front of me in the Artist signing line. 8 or 9 complete strangers. Or have I ever seen their faces before?? Yes, maybe I have. Those of you who have been to ANY of the Artist signings before remember how Gestapo-like, in a Disney sort of way Disney has been about only your party go up on stage (or wherever) for the signing and the next party not go up until the first were off the signing platform??

Well this one was run nothing like those. This one was not even fun like the one at DTD inside Wod in December that was less organized than some before. At least at DTD the owner of the pins were the only ones allowed at the table with the artists like in all the previous pin signings.

The artists were in the back of County Bounty, back in toon town. They were backed up to the lanes where guests go through cattle rails to get in the queue for the characters they want to meet. A CM stood at the back of the line to tell all that the Artist line was closing so they could get off stage and get a bite to eat. It was after all, almost 2:00. As we approached the Artists we first cam upon a gray plastic 2-tiered cart then the Jeff signing surface about 3'x2' and then the Michelle signing area about the same size there was may 8-10 inches between the two of them

There were 8 or 9 people let in the line behind us. As we approached the small little table where Jeff sat there was that plastic cart for us to put our things on as we prepared our pins for the signing. We put our things on this cart as we approached it. Used the scissors to open our plastic bags, take the pins off the card backs and get them ready for signing. Michelle Morrow designed all the princesses, front of the medallion, the Artist Choice, and the free gift pin. Jeff designed the princes, the map and the back of the medallion. So needless to say the line began to back up at the Michelle table. EVERyone bought the princesses prepaid. Everyone did not necessarily brave the lines and weather to get a pin that will be a rack pin for the next several weeks. This caused the line to back up at the "Jeff" table. No CM was there to assist with the pushing and shoving that ensued. People were trying to get to the cart, which they could not reach as guests had no place to move to advance the line. (And what was their hurry anyway??)

Jeff was sitting there with nothing to do but talk with us and I think his tummy may have been speaking to him louder than any of us. So being the person in just the right place, I began to reach back for people's maps and pass them up to Jeff for him to sign. Passing them back to their owners. Now mind you I am standing right next to the cart where I placed my things they are at waist level. The family of 12 that has been holding up movement finally begins to move and the line advances toward Michelle and her table. Securing my pins, pin cards and pin backs all precariously balanced on my maps I reach over to get my pin back pack, and there it is ...GONE!!!

We look everywhere. Where could it have gone? We ask everyone in line to check to see that the pinbag they are holding is theirs. They all claim they have theirs. Remember everyone is wearing a poncho, well not me or Gary, but that's another story. Hmmm someone must have accidentally picked it up. But who?? They would had to have been behind me and ... hey wait a minute there were 8 or 9 people in line behind us now there are only 6.

The security guard talks to us and asks about the other people. Well the CM remembers nothing. Her job was to pay attention to who got in line at her end, not to pay attention to who got out. So no help there. Could people that were going into the character greeting have just picked it up on their way into a completely different room with other exits? The cart was exactly at handrail height. Guess we won't ever know the answer to those and other questions. Did anyone pass us all and go out the front. NOPE!! Not a chance.

What was in it ??? Hmmm the backpack itself. Then, my VIIx palm pilot, my Bausch and Lomb lighted magnifier. My renowned concave pin-viewing magnifying glass. 40-50 yellow and black rubber backs. 2 packs of the secure lock sets. Three pens, checkbook, no ID, two tubes of Mickey bubbles with rubber stamps and almost 300 pins. I only know that because a dear young child by the name of Natalie sat in my lap Friday night. She asked me "How many pins do you have Miss Kathryn?" I said "I don't know Miss Natalie, Let's count them and see!" We were both pretty amazed. I would have guessed about 130-150. But I had just filled it to the brim with the big princess ball coming up this weekend.

I had just traded for 2 LE 100 auction pins Friday Night. One was Mickey sitting at a desk and one was Donald (I forget about that one). The CM LE 6000 watch pin. The LE 6000 CM Walt and Fab 5. A dear darling person whose name I have completely forgotten GAVE me the purple Tinkerbell LE 1953 still sealed in the box as a gift!. I got the President's Day pin,

Ever trader from $4.00 to the MSEP spinner, wet paint, Port Orleans, and my Tink pins of yesterday. LE 1000 and 3500. Well I feel like crying again.

Please do not chastise me, I feel bad enough. I KNOW that while I do not feel as if Disney provided as safe an environment for us to have our pins signed as they have in the past, I have final ownership over my safety and property. I am just SO hurt and disappointed. .

So if you don't see me on the boards for a while. Know that I love each and everyone of you well almost :D I will be at my pin meets even though I have nothing to trade and I will be in chat. But I feel very violated. Gues my pin trading cruise won't involve much pin trading :(
I'll cry with you!
If someone is good at stealing, it doesn't take long and most won't realize what is happening. Only saying because I have witnessed something like this and not realized at the time what was going on until it was too late and they were long gone.
Hi Kathryn,
I am so sorry to hear about all your pins..... :( ... I sure hope that whoever took your bag got hit with guilty consience so bad that they had to return it.
I would have been crying for being so mad if it happened to me.
Please let us know if there's anything we could do.....

cynthia :(
Kathryn I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune. Unfortunately I have seen how easy it is for something to disappear. We used to have an alternate school that was renting out the upper floor of our building. Lot of little things, and a few bigger things, disappeared. Can't say I was sorry when the BoE decided not to continue funding this.

Sending lots of Pixie dust your way in the hopes that it was an honest mistake and someone returns it.
Oh Kathryn, I'm truly so sorry to hear this :( and I'm hoping that somehow, someway soon, your bag will turn up. Wasn't there a similar story on the board not long ago about this happening to someone at the trade tables at Epcot? I may not be remembering it correctly, but there was some talk about the stolen pins ending up on *-bay.....anybody remember the details?? Anyway, I hate to suggest it to you, but reality might dictate that you keep an eye out on the auction sites for awhile just in case.

Again, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.....we all know that on a realistic level, they're just pieces of metal, but the feeling of being violated like this can last so long.....:(

Oh Kathryn,
I am so sad that this happened to you, our lovely pin director.
There are tears in my eyes as I read this.
If I can send you a couple of DL pins as traders, so you have something for you trip let me know.

Nothing I can say to you will be sufficient. Of course I am very sorry for your loss, and I am sorry that whoever has taken your property would be as low as to do something like that.
I hope it was a case of mistaken identity and the person will return the bag. You do have ID in the bag, you have your checkbook. Make sure everyone at WDW knows so that if it is turned in they can contact you, and go to Lost and Found alot. Peggie

My heart goes out to you! What a loss. Please let us all know what we can do, you who have done so much for the rest of us.


I'm so sorry. I can't believe that someone can do that. Is there a way that we can help you. If everyone sends you 2-3 pins. At least you can trade again. I would love to send you some can you send me your address.

Cathy cmlee230@aol.com

We need to help each other out. All my friends here help me!!!
:confused: I'm so sorry to hear about your pin bag being stolen. I cried as I read your post. How could anyone do that to another trader. I believe what goes around comes around and the person who took your bag will get their's in return. I'm praying for you it was a mistake and you will get a message this week that your bag was found.
Kathryn, I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you. What a sad commentary on life that someone had to steal you backpack :(.
Sorry to hear this Kath... Hope they show up and it was all just a mistake...

I know that it is very sad for something like this to happen to you, I had a friend that had the same thing happen to them once.

They were able to get the value of the pins back from their home owner's insurance.

While it can never replace the pins you had, it certainly would help you start a new collection with the money.

If you figure 300 pins at $8.00 that's about $2,400.00 even with a deductible on the policy you should get something back.

Hope this helps you start a new collection.

Tap and Dap

Add my voice to the chorus of outrage for you. It is interesting that you thought we all were going to blame you - I'm sure that crossed noone's mind.

I hope whoever did this gets lots and lots of pin pricks that get all infected and nasty.

Sorry Kath. To hear someone would take the oppotunity to help them selves to you youre pins is sick. I know how hard you work at trading so it really hurts to think someone would do this to you.

I just would like to say to the person who took them,

Thank goodness that there are more good people than bad. Kathryn I hope they will return them to you.
Take care , Kris
Good will win over evil!::

What a horrible experience! I always think of those visiting WDW as kind hearted like us. I suppose not. I'll send you a couple pins also. :)
Kathryn, we send our hopes and prayers that somehow you will get your backpack returned to you with everything still intact. I hate to hear of things like this happening and anyone losing any pins.
I know it took what felt like forever to have a lost car key turn up (of course it showed up the day after I paid a locksmith $100 to get into my rental car) So I am holding out hope that someone realizes what they have done and returns it.

If would be interesting to see who turns up with a whole bunch of new traders though.

Kathryn, I'm so very sorry that your bag was taken. That is such a shame.
I know you feel violated beyond belief.
Kathryn...how sorry I am to hear about this. I'll keep good thoughts that it is really an unfortunate mistake and the person responsible will realize it and contact you....Charlene


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