I Know It's Only Rock N' Roll......


<font color=navy>I Owe, I Owe, so Off to Work I go
Apr 30, 2002

What a Concert!

AC/DC was AWSOME! I've even come out of there a Rolling Stones Fan! Big Time! The Guess Who! It's great to hear bands that can actually sing! Even Dan Akroyd and James Belushi put a good show on!

This definately took me back a few years!

But boy am I gonna have problems hearing! My ears are ringing!

Well I better get to bed, I still have to make it to work tomorrow!

Nighty Nite!


Hi Janet, glad you made it through the concert okay and had a fabulous time. I watched as much as they showed on the TV throughout the day and it looked like everyone was enjoying themselves. The Rolling Stones were awsome, weren't they!

Have a good night's rest and tell us more about your day tomorrow! :)
Hi Janet! Was wondering if you had a good time. What time did you get there? Listened to part of it on the radio and so wished that I could have gone. Darn work.
Glad to hear you had a great time! The Guess Who, Rush, AC/DC and the Stones looked great from where I was watching on the television.
Wow Scratch, you hip woman you!

Did you use one of the 3500 Johnny on the Spots? I saw an aerial view of those things all lined up :p

Concert was fantastic! Had a great time - never could have imagined that many people at one spot and no major problems. AC/DC was definitely the best, even though going in I was looking forward to the Stones the most. Great time, great people - was cool just to be a part of it!
Disdad, and Scratch, were you less or more, than a kilometer away from the stage? :)

I'm kind of sorry (I think), that I didn't go.
Scratch & Disdad

Glad you both had a good time. I was disappointed with Muchmoremusic coverage of the concert.:mad: :mad:
Should have got the tickets when I had the chance. It looks like they emptied the park faster than they thought.
Hope they make a highlight CD of the concert?
Just as the Isley Brothers got on stage.

I was impressed at just how smoothly everything went. They were definately well organized. I was lucky because I was given a Molson's Pass to their Pavilion. The only problem was you could not get a cell phone signal therefore could not meet up with anybody I was suppose to meet. I looked but could not find my party! That did not stop me from having a great time! The Pavilion was just right of the stage. If you have a copy of the Sun, you can see this big white thing to the side of the stage. That's where I was, back corner of the tent! GREAT VIEW!

During Timberlake I ventured out side the Pavilion to see if I could spot any one else and just to check out the merchandise. The lines were ridiculous! I still can't figure out how some people got so drunk! But I guess when theres a will! They also said that there would be no "Mary Jane" But she was everywhere! The police did not do anything.

It's the first time I've seen AC/DC live! OH MAN, The Place was a Boppin! I only stayed for half of the Rolling Stones 'cause I was getting a ride outa there so that I would not get stuck! I'm glad I did. It was amazing how many left after AC/DC but it was more amazing to see just how many were still there!

Ackroyd and Belushi were great also. Oh and the Guess Who! Fabulous! Now this is what music is all about! Sounding the same LIVE as in the Studios!

I felt bad for Timberlake, I did not realize what had happend until this morning but honestly, he stunk! Can't sing worth anything!

I am so glad I went! Even happier I was in the enclosed area. I don't know if any of the pictures I took are gonna turn out but the pictures in my mind are there forever!

Snowwark you're so right, I'm gonna use this long weekend to recoop! The old bod aint' what it used to be!LOL

Great Time Had by ALL!


Well, do you think that the concert captured the attention of the rest of North America and has convinced them that Toronto is safe from Sars? I saw very little coverage on any US channels or nerspapers:mad: !!!

I know that those there had fun, but did it serve its purpose?
I was in Cincinnati last two days and I flipped through every channel many times and did not see one mention of the concert...not even on CNN. I really expected to see a lot of coverage, but not even my US co-workers in my meetings this morning knew much about it. Certainly doesnt appear that this was any big deal in US!! I was desparate to find out how things were going with the concert, and was frustrated to find out no one was even mentioning it in their newscasts. So fill me in, what was the problem with Justin Timberlake?? He seemed like an odd choice for this concert!
It got Toronto up off it's duff and back into a crowd!

It's been scary going to places that you usually see packed, practically empty! It may not solve the problem but you have to start somewhere!

No Flames here but since nothing bad happened during the concert the US Stations were not interested! They don't like having no drama!

They certainly were here when SARS broke out and there was "bad things" to report! Where were they when the GOOD was happening!?!

Enough said!

You gotta crawl before you can walk!

Timberlake and Christina A. were both in Town doing Concerts the night before and the night after.

At least she had the common sense to stay away!

It's like having the Rolling Stones doing a show at the Opera! Not a goood! You don't put Bubble Gum Music with the Real Stuff!

It was a kind gesture but really I think he just wanted to be able to brag that he was with the Stones! Maybe if he was part of the afternoon set it would have been a lot better. I heard there were a lot of bad act then too!

I saw an interview with Justin after the concert and he even admitted that he was the odd man out. I think he said something like if he was going to see AC/DC, he wouldn't want to see himself there. :p I think you're right, he just wanted to say that he had been there...

Glad to hear that you had a great time Janet! :)
Scratch - thanks for the great report.
We just returned from a month in Toronto area, and after hearing all the hype I really should have gone - but as I thought we were cruising down I-75 on Wednesday. I was really hoping some of the radio stations enroute would talk about it - but we didn't hear anything. DH said that an Atlanta radio station gave away 4 tickets, but we were listening once near ATL, and they didn't mention it at all!
We stopped in Windsor before crossing the boarder to pick up all three papers (I so miss Globe, Star, etc) I just finished the July 30th edition of National Post - the pre-concert stories were great!
I mentioned the concert to a friend here, and she didn't know what I was talking about. Oh well, not to worry - I'm sure there are enough of us ex-pat's down here to dispense some of the SARS rumours and talk about the concert :)
I agree - US networks would have been only interested if something negative happened. That's the way the news is here. No matter - Toronto is a great city, and Canada a great country. A great history making event happen on July 30th that millions will never forget!

Aside - we just did the southbound I-75 from Windsor to ATL non-stop in about 14 hours. Dave Hunter's book is great - a must for I-75. If anyone has any questions about the drive I'll be happy to try to answer.
I read that Sir Mick took his kids to see Justin Timberlake. They probably think their Dad is an old..._ _ _ _ .....(rhymes with dart).....lol.....:p :cool:
At times we moved up to be close to the stage but the crowding gets to me so we mostly found a good spot near some speakers and a big screen to watch. And wandered around checking out the sights ( people watching ). Went to one beer tent - found the furthest one away and only waited 10 mins to get in and then walked right up to the bar and got beer. Line ups at other beer tents were huge. Same with washrooms - never waited to get into one. Had some great Canadian beef on a bun! Went to eat when Justin Timberlake was on - not big on him at all but I still don't think people should have thrown stuff at him when he came back on later in show. Also heard some complaints about water but it was easy to find them giving it out - got 2 bottles at a time on 4 different occasions, don't think I've ever drank that much water in one afternoon.

I went on the spur of the moment - my brother called me up the day before and said someone gave him a couple tickets so we decided we might as well check it out and I'm glad we did, had a great time.

I hope that some of the proceeds from the food and drink and merchandise go to the hotel and restaurant and medical employees all hurt by the SARS problem.


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