I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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You all are very nice.

I don't think I was nice as much as selfish, lol. I had a Grand Plan a la @AmyAnne and planned on DH giving DD his car, his getting mine and then viola! new car for mom. Sigh, DD felt DH's car was too pretentious (in the neighborhood where her school was, actually valid) so he kept his, I kept mine, and she has the newest car in the family. :sad1: Now she's away he'll sell his in Jan and use hers occasionally but mostly we'll share mine.

Also, I was tired of picking up/dropping off for activities (mostly) and knew that her BFF who had been her chauffeur would graduate a year before she would and I didn't want to spend any more time driving her hither and yon than necessary. TL;DR- when she got the car I could sleep in/not stay up! Sleep is my friend :)
So I tried regular chat to see what would happen because I knew it wasn't right. Well Hyde went through my previous chat and everything and told me I got incorrect info earlier and that he could helo me. He booked my fps but I can onky change them by calling in which I thought was odd but confirmed by the info on it. They look weird and have wording I've never seen before. Anyone know what kind these really are?

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The wording makes me wonder if it'll let me make fps on monday, not that I'm trying to game the system from this, I just wanted to be able to book what I should have been allowed to book.
These FP look exactly like the Club Level Additional Purchase FP. They must be governed by the same rules which means the rep on chat is correct you cannot change anything about them, only Disney customer service can. They work the same in practice, just tap your magic band. It’s annoying how you have to click for more info to see the times though on the app.

I skimmed your comments and it sounds like you’re trying to make FP for your whole trip despite a split stay? Unfortunately when I did back to back split stays last year (fully on-site) I had to book everything as 2 separate trips on two different mornings. Holy smokes does that suck for us on PST so I really feel for you! Anyway your next FP window should open based on the start date of your 2nd stay. These customer service booked FPs shouldn’t interfere with your ability to book those FP. Sending you a PM with a bit more info...
So I tried regular chat to see what would happen because I knew it wasn't right. Well Hyde went through my previous chat and everything and told me I got incorrect info earlier and that he could helo me. He booked my fps but I can onky change them by calling in which I thought was odd but confirmed by the info on it. They look weird and have wording I've never seen before. Anyone know what kind these really are?

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The wording makes me wonder if it'll let me make fps on monday, not that I'm trying to game the system from this, I just wanted to be able to book what I should have been allowed to book.

You may actually get to book 3 additional FP on those days when the window opens for the second stay. They do look like the additional club level FP and close to the anytime FP you get when a ride goes down during your window. Those don’t count against your original 3 FP (unless they were able to code them that way).
Sort of Churning related (because I need a reason to use those AA miles!)

Have any of you ever done MouseAdventure? I've done several in DL but (obviously) zero in WDW. It really requires an intimate knowledge of the parks so it probably wouldn't be good for us as first time visitors (if we go) but I was just looking to see what your expert experiences are (if you've ever done it).
I don't think I was nice as much as selfish, lol. I had a Grand Plan a la @AmyAnne and planned on DH giving DD his car, his getting mine and then viola! new car for mom. Sigh, DD felt DH's car was too pretentious (in the neighborhood where her school was, actually valid) so he kept his, I kept mine, and she has the newest car in the family. :sad1: Now she's away he'll sell his in Jan and use hers occasionally but mostly we'll share mine.

Also, I was tired of picking up/dropping off for activities (mostly) and knew that her BFF who had been her chauffeur would graduate a year before she would and I didn't want to spend any more time driving her hither and yon than necessary. TL;DR- when she got the car I could sleep in/not stay up! Sleep is my friend :)
Poor DS will almost be off to college before he can get his license. He asked for a Tesla. Umm, pretty sure that is not happening.

Hopefully he makes friends who can drive him around while he waits.
Poor DS will almost be off to college before he can get his license. He asked for a Tesla. Umm, pretty sure that is not happening.

Hopefully he makes friends who can drive him around while he waits.
Hahaha!! I was grateful I got a car at all. What I wanted was never, ever going to be part of that picture as I wasn’t paying for it. (And you couldn’t pay me to own or even drive a Tesla right now. Way too many stories out there of freaky autopilots & horrid customer service.)
People still use AOL??? I didn’t know it was still a thing. I remember in 6th grade you were cool if you chatted on AOL lol.
Some people even still pay for it. Don't get me started! At one point in the last five years I found out both of my parents were paying for it (they are still married and have broadband internet). Thankfully now only my dad pays for it.
My DD mocks mine all the time. I tell her "it's five years older than you" and she replies "not making the point you think you are, mom." 🤣

Yeah I have fun with the looks that I get now when I say @AOL. :rotfl2: Its older than both my kids and honestly when I got it I had no idea that I would have it so long or that it would be something that I used as often as my name. At this point changing its such a hassle, its a game now - how long can I keep it?
People still use AOL??? I didn’t know it was still a thing. I remember in 6th grade you were cool if you chatted on AOL lol.

Yep, its still around. Or at least the email platform is, you don't have to log into their system anymore! :rotfl2:

Some people even still pay for it. Don't get me started! At one point in the last five years I found out both of my parents were paying for it (they are still married and have broadband internet). Thankfully now only my dad pays for it.

We had to change my FIL's account so that he was no longer paying a few years ago. Who know how many people are still paying for it?
Another person with an aol email address, and a daughter who mocks it. I don’t understand why. It works seamlessly, I’ve had it forever, and it’s free. But, my daughter has influenced me so much that I did break down and get a Gmail address. No one who knows me uses it, though....I’ve had aol too long.
Yes because back in the day people used aol to connect to the internet by dialing in. Once broadband arrived, only fools like my parents continued paying for it:) (and they're really not dumb)
Ooooh, I had no idea lol. I use gmail because I store everything on Google Drive and Google Photos and because they gave me one for my college account. Before that, I used MSN or Hotmail.
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