I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Sending :grouphug: ....who would of thought this could happen...DH has taken a pay cut...we have savings but still scary times
My DH is ok for now, but his company will most likely file for bankruptcy within the next year. Then the pay cut will happen. I always thought I had a recession-proof job especially during a pandemic, but I guess I thought wrong. No one is immune. Maybe police officers are immune. Crime and car accidents are probably way down during the lockdown, but that should change when the chaos starts. I did see a lady lose it in the Costco line the other day. Thankfully the other person stayed calm.
The return to work on this is going to be a mess. Not just for Disney. A lot of people are going to be looking at a pay cut to go back to work and asking employers to leave them laid off as long as that extra $600 is there.
You cannot collect unemployment if you can be working. If they get caught trying to not work they’ll get hit with unemployment fraud charges. States and the government are using a carrot now, stay home here’s a check! The stick will definitely come once the economy kicks up again- if people don’t run screaming from their homes for work after having been driven insane for 2 months by their crazy family.
No, we haven’t started since we thought we needed them for our canceled cruise and the libraries are closed that take the applications and post offices aren’t taking appointments so we may need to actually the same day route in DC since we need them 7/30, assuming Australia doesn’t get canceled. I am just trying to understand the process if it comes to that.

If you are renewing, unless things changed in the last 3 years, you can mail in to renew you don't need an appointment. I'd go on the passport page and see what it all says. Most countries want you to have at least 6 months until it expires when you arrive as well.

I bet that a lot of the people on UE won't have health insurance and the extra money will help some with that.

Losing your job should be a qualifying event for them to apply through whatever portal their state uses. Though I know WA opened the portal for new people I think through the 9th, though that may get extended. But they shouldn't be stuck with cobra.
...and they didn't test the employees b/c they didn't have the tests? Are they testing employees now en masse?
What’s the point? They don’t have it today but their spouse might give it to them tomorrow, or the next day or the next week. Waste of tests. Only way to prevent it would be for their whole families to be quarantined at home and them to only go to work and home.
We need baseball back! Have a trip to SD and LA to see our Brewers play in July.

Yes baseball! At least I've been enjoying the iracing Nascar has been broadcasting and I saw Indycar is putting there's on tv Saturday so I'll check it out. Last weekend was only online and I forgot about it.

There's at least one old Mariners game they are showing some time soon, hoping I didn't miss it, that I do want to watch. Gaylord Perry's 300th win from 1982 cause old school M's is so fun. I watched Randy Johnson's first no hitter the other day from 90 I think and it was amazing how tight they wore their pants compared to today. I know today's are so much looser and for some, way too baggy, but I had forgotten how tight they'd really worn them at one point. Really made him look like a bean pole.
My DH is ok for now, but his company will most likely file for bankruptcy within the next year. Then the pay cut will happen. I always thought I had a recession-proof job especially during a pandemic, but I guess I thought wrong. No one is immune. Maybe police officers are immune. Crime and car accidents are probably way down during the lockdown, but that should change when the chaos starts. I did see a lady lose it in the Costco line the other day. Thankfully the other person stayed calm.
Unfortunately the climb in domestic violence will keep them busy when they aren’t guarding areas from being occupied by the idiot public looking to “enjoy the outdoors” 🙄
...and they didn't test the employees b/c they didn't have the tests? Are they testing employees now en masse?
No tests unless you’re symptomatic and sometimes not even then, depending on your location. Our hospital system now has its own tests and is batching them twice daily, but AFAIK employees not being tested routinely. When I asked, no one seemed to know. If you’re symptomatic and have contract with a known positive, maybe.
I think I'm finally caught up. I, too, saw those ambulances and healthcare workers headed to NYC. I remember the stories of the NYPD and NYFD people heading UP into the towers on 911 and thought that they were incredible brave and dedicated, and I think the same of the people pouring in to help those in need at the NYC hospitals right now. Just in awe of them.

We just received word my husband’s grandmother is positive and probably passing soon. She got it from a rehab center she was in.

I'm so sorry to read this. :hug:
My DH is ok for now, but his company will most likely file for bankruptcy within the next year. Then the pay cut will happen. I always thought I had a recession-proof job especially during a pandemic, but I guess I thought wrong. No one is immune. Maybe police officers are immune. Crime and car accidents are probably way down during the lockdown, but that should change when the chaos starts. I did see a lady lose it in the Costco line the other day. Thankfully the other person stayed calm.

Activity in general is down... but juveniles disturbing calls and DV calls are definitely up.

Unfortunately the climb in domestic violence will keep them busy when they aren’t guarding areas from being occupied by the idiot public looking to “enjoy the outdoors” 🙄

Sad but true.

Boredom and no money is not a good combination.

Also sad but true.
Not sure if this is known or not, but this morning I woke up to the following secure message from Chase about my Sapphire Reserve which is about to get hit with the increased annual fee this month.

We recognize this is a difficult time for everyone. As a way to help, we're providing you a one-time $100 statement credit toward the 2020 $550 annual fee on your Reserve credit card. On an upcoming billing statement (based on your renewal date), you'll see a $550 charge for the annual fee, followed by a $100 statement credit. We will continue to bill the $550 annual fee in 2021. Because this credit only applies to open Reserve accounts, if you've closed your Reserve account or traded to another credit card before your renewal, you will not receive the $100 statement credit. We know COVID-19 has affected people in many different ways. Please check chase.com/StayConnected for updates and helpful ways to stay connected to your accounts.

Was planning to keep the card open anyway, so this was a nice surprise! Hopefully it's not an April Fools joke!
One thing I think we all should think about when accepting this renewal statement credit is that since Chase started sending out 1099-MISC forms any statement credits have been counted as income. This has included "retention offers" and paperless statement incentives (in addition to support click bonuses). It's possible that we could be taxed for the $100 statement credit.

There's no language in the SM that warns about the potential for it to be counted as income like it does in the support program pages. But it's also not disclosed when accepting a retention offer and yet they've been included in the 1099's.

Chase has been availing themselves of the $600 per SSN reporting threshold for the 1099-MISC form, also something else to keep in mind. It's possible to be under the threshold and not get a 1099.

I haven't decided what to do with mine yet. Original plan was for P2 to get it this year since we were going to book our cruise for next year in a couple months. Then they upped the AF but the sign up bonus would take the sting out of the higher AF still. But the CSP has a higher sign up bonus (but no waived AF so only marginally better) and still available through support, so I could work that angle for a bit more UR out of the deal. Then I'm still contemplating the AmEx Marriott Brilliant and that would take away some of my spend available for Chase. Still have to run a bunch of numbers to see the best way to go, but I'll be estimating worst case with the $100 reported on a 1099.
Apparently it's national burrito day.... and I reeeeaally want a burrito... but I reeeeaally can't be bothered to leave the house!
Funny because were about to eat burritos for dinner and I had no idea. I made them myself.:crazy2: My Hispanic friends like to tell me they are "white burritos". I haven't figured out how to spend 5 hours making those amazing refried beans. I just open a can. My favorite hole in the wall Mexican restaurant went out of business because of all of this.
You cannot collect unemployment if you can be working. If they get caught trying to not work they’ll get hit with unemployment fraud charges. States and the government are using a carrot now, stay home here’s a check! The stick will definitely come once the economy kicks up again- if people don’t run screaming from their homes for work after having been driven insane for 2 months by their crazy family.

Assuming the employer turns them in. This happens a lot in the trades. Construction slows in the Winter and companies lay people off. Come spring, some have got used to sitting at home doing nothing and want to collect the check a little longer. It's up to the employer then whether they let them or or turn them in to unemployment for refusing work. Sometimes it comes down to how good of a worker they are. With this deal where they make more, there will be more trying it. Not saying it's strictly legal, but it does happen quite a bit.
Officially laid off this week (nurse here, hours were cut last week), so I'm trying to navigate the unemployment thing, we'll see how that goes. I don't think DH is too sad, he works from home, kids are home, and he wasn't excited for me to go out to work during this. So I won't be hopping a bus to NYC to help out, and feel no guilt for it. Our state seems to be doing ok, people are taking the social distancing seriously, for the most part.
My mom is driving me a little crazy. She's super bored and calling a lot. We're running out of things to talk about. Nope, nothing new in the past 3 hrs, since I talked to you last... :rotfl2:
I’m sorry you were laid off 😕 But I had to laugh cause I think we are long lost sisters. My mom is also calling every 3 hours to ask if we’re all ok. Um, yep, still are...she’s so bored. Meanwhile I feel busier than ever trying to keep a house of 6 people happy and fed (teens are bored and sad, boys are eating through the pantry constantly).
Took me two chat people to get my answer from Amex, I hung up on the first when I realized that Tripti didn't understand my question when they started talking about relief. Slightly reworded my question and got my answer right away from Moti. Extention through to Aug but I think I'll meet it well before that just maybe not by my original June 24th date.

And our gov just announced our stay at home is through May 4, hoping we get sprung for my bday on the 5th but I doubt it at this point. Guess I'll get Red Robin since our fav mexican won't be open I'm sure since they aren't now. Unless we do get sprung and find out in enough time, they'd want the cinco de mayo sales I'm sure. Wonder if I can still get my free sundae at RR for a bday pick up 😁

My bday is May 5th also, and I'd really love to be able to do SOMETHING to celebrate with friends and family. Alas, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll likely be at home with DH and DS only, as I have been for over 2 weeks so far. Here in Louisiana the stay at home order was just extended today to April 30th, which includes school closures. I've been able to work from home for the last 2 weeks since my boss told the owner I'm "freaking out about all this" 🙄
I'm glad I can work remotely though, since only my parents or DHs parents would be able to watch dS for us while he is out and neither of them should be at this point due to various medical issues. I personally think the order will be extended again. Guess we will see. Part of the order is to have all non-essential businesses closed, however around where I live almost every business has deemed themselves essential based on the broad categorization of essential businesses by the government. Some areas have started instituting curfews and I suspect that will come soon for my small town. If the order is extended again it's likely our kids wont be returning to school at all this year, as the last day is already May 22nd.

Right now DH is basically the only person in our home that goes out. I did a grocery pickup at a local grocery store last Wednesday, and that's the only time I've left the house in the 2 weeks I've been at home. I am going a bit stir crazy and so is DS, so we try to make time to be outside in our yard at least once a day. They are expecting our peak to be around 4/9. Just praying this is all over soon and we can start to see some semblance of normalcy again.
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