I need a Disney fix!!


<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/" targ
Jul 11, 2001
I've priced out a quick trip to Disney for September, so for about $650.00 I can do four nights at the Hotel Royal Plaza, airfare, food and transportation (have an AP). The problem is that I just did a week at the end of July and my DH will flip if I go again so soon. But I do my best writing away from home. Give me some good excuses so DH will let me go, please!
You said you did your best writing away from home- that sounds like a good reason to go. Also, you really want to get the most out of that AP ;) . Personally I don't think one can ever take too many trips to WDW.
I don't know your situation, but if you're paying for it, I don't really see what his gripe would be. Esp. if it's common knowledge to him that you do your best work away from home.
I agree with EsmeraldaX: If you are working and paying for the trip yourself, he should not complain. But not all husbands are that way are they? (My husband would just go with me, he loves Disney as much as i do!!) How about asking him to go along?
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I went ahead and made my ressies today for four nights at the HGVC at Seaworld and my flight out of Pittsburgh.


My DH hates anything Disney so he wouldn't go if I asked. Which in a way is good: I get to spend some time alone.

DISCLAIMER: this is really none of my business.

However, there are some aspects of this thread with which I take exception.

1) "Disney fix." I understand that to be casual language referring to one's "hobby" of all things Disney. In this case, though, it may be more of an obsession if it could impact your marital relationship.

2) Will the DH "let you go?" Aside from acquiring some "good excuses" here, the question you may want to ask yourself is: whose decision it it? If it's not a joint decision made unanimously, it's a unilateral decision taken by one or the other.

3) If it is up to you, since you keep your own money in a separate place, have a ball. On the other hand, if you want to be joined with your partner for life, physically, emotionally, and financially - talk to him, not us. :cool:

4) Spending time alone can be good. But it may be better if you both agree on it. Ha! [not so fun]Alternatively, you can both get to spend lots of time alone.[/not so fun]

Please don't take offense, this is just my opinion and none of my business (except it was posted in this not-so-private forum).

After twenty years of marriage, being alone sometimes (sans DH and DS) is a good thing.

DH goes camping, I go to Disney. And if you didn't notice, this board kinda caters to people with a Disney obsession.

Absence makes the heart go fonder, right? Have a great time--I can't get away until December so enjoy for me, too!

And "Billy B1," get a life--RAMWDWFAN sounds pretty stable to me--another Disney fanatic.
" You know, I paid for 365 days entry into the parks. You don't want me to waste all these days that are already paid for? Do you?" snicker snicker
Originally posted by RAMWDWFAN

After twenty years of marriage, being alone sometimes (sans DH and DS) is a good thing.

DH goes camping, I go to Disney. And if you didn't notice, this board kinda caters to people with a Disney obsession.

4) Spending time alone can be good. But it may be better if you both agree on it. Ha!
With respect to your second point, and leaving aside your snide remark about what I may, or may not, have failed to notice, to whom this board caters is beside the point. What may be of more personal relevance to you is what you do.

Originally posted by Floundering Crab
Absence makes the heart go fonder, right? Have a great time--I can't get away until December so enjoy for me, too!

And "Billy B1," get a life--RAMWDWFAN sounds pretty stable to me--another Disney fanatic.
Wrong, it makes it grow fonder.

Boohoo! I am rubber and you are glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Could you be more childish? For her sake I hope your instant internet psychological diagnosis is correct. Have you ever identified an unstable personality by 3 messages? Or, were you simply contradicting my suggestion that the need for a Disney fix may be serious in the event one's relationships became adversely affected?

Originally posted by amymouse
" You know, I paid for 365 days entry into the parks. You don't want me to waste all these days that are already paid for? Do you?" snicker snicker
This is the talking AP's. :) Also, it's the "I paid / we paid" dilemma. If you paid it's not his business. If you both paid, it is. I think we're all agreed on this. :cool:
I would have thought that the "snicker snicker" after my remark would have made it clear that I was saying this "tongue in cheek."

Does every thread have to turn into a name-calling debate-fest?

I think I've had enough of that on the AP threads.
Originally posted by amymouse
I would have thought that the "snicker snicker" after my remark would have made it clear that I was saying this "tongue in cheek."

Perhaps you may want to eschew the "snicker snicker" in the future because it's not so easy to discern what you mean if you do not mean what you say.

I was pretty sure you were offering a reason for her to use to persuade her DH to let her go to WDW. By being "tongue in cheek," are we to understand now you meant it's okay to waste the days on an AP? I'm pretending to be confused. :confused:

Regarding your other problems, there hasn't been any name-calling here, in my opinion, and if this is tiresome to you, well...
I'm sort of surprised to see an exchange like this here on adults/solos boards because this sort of bickering doesn't really belong here. This is a Disney internet board, we're supposed to be having fun--so, let's plan some trips and have some fun.

<b>RAMWDWFAN</b> It seems to me that it isn't your husband who may need to convinced that you should make this trip, I think <i>you</i> are feeling guilty and needing reassurance.

If you do your best writing there, then go and get lots of great work done. If you have the money and your husband can get along and take care of himself for 4 days (most husbands can handle 4 days alone) then go.

So, are you writing a book?
I say if it doesn't put a dent in the "family funds" then go for it! Enjoy yourself and bring home a nice present for hubby.;)
Wow! I didn't expect my little question to start all this!


Yes, I'm writing a romance novel and can't seem to get a lot done at home. In between my practice and taking care of the house I'm too tired to write in the evenings. When I'm away from home, I average about five pages a day.

I'll be staying at the Wyndham for four nights and probably not going to the parks (unless I do a tour).



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