I Told You Driving Was Bad For Your Health! *2/2* NEW TRIP REPORT LINK P102

Hospice resale shops are regular thrift stores. I've been to several, especially in Florida. The thrift shops in southern Florida have some beautiful things, designer clothing, furniture, just about anything including an entire kitchen for $12,000. In case you want to know; the kitchen was taken out of a very expensive house that was being renovated. It was top of the line appliances & cabinetry. There was also woodwork & a staircase from the house the ex Mrs.Tiger Woods was renovating.
Great ending to your report! Looks like you had a fun last lunch on the pier. It is always so sad to leave but knowing that you will be back and you had things to look forward to at home helps.

Your pictures from Christmas are beautiful!
We have a Hospice thrift store in my town. I go by whenever I get over that way. They sell donated items and all the proceeds go to unfunded Hospice services. It's staffed mostly by volunteers. It's actually a great service, and every once in a while they get in some treasures - like vintage sewing machines and antique furniture :thumbsup2
I wish my mouth had a backspace key too. :lmao:

Great pics. Lunch looks good.

Your friend's garden/yard is lovely.

I know what you mean about not wanting to leave but life awaits and there's stuff to take care of. What a perfect pre-job trip.
So a fish camp can actually be a restaurant? Not a place to camp? Hmmmm. I asked T was they were and that was her answer. The restaurant we ate at was definitely bare bones, but it was fun. I enjoy places like that for a change.

So what is lobster in the "raw"? It's cooked, right? Just served in a no-frills style?
Here, I don't know that there are any Fish Camps that are a place to "camp" although some are near campgrounds. I guess that goes along with people out camping aren't going to be dressed in their finest, so a bare bones restaurant seems to fit right in, instead of a coat and tie type place. :)

Lobster "in the raw" is still cooked. They put the whole lobster in the boiling water, then serve it to you on one of those rectangular paper trays that you sometimes see french fries in, although a little larger one. I ate outside at a wooden picnic table, with plastic utensils and a bucket to throw the waste into. You use your hands to tear the lobster apart so you can eat it. No frills, and no extra high price tag, just all the good! :goodvibes
What a stressful drive to the airport! I'm so glad you got there in time :)

That restaurant looked like my kind of place, yummy popcorn::

Great trip, thanks for sharing it with us. :)
I think I will skip the tour of that town. LOL

Yeah - that main strip of A1A is not the most scenic, is it? :rotfl:

The location for lunch is nice on the water.
Food looked good.

It was a nice place to close out the trip. A little rustic, but perfect weather and the food and company were good!

Little rough getting to the airport but glad you made it.

Yes it was just a tad bumpy. :rotfl: But we made it with a few minutes to spare, so all was good!

Gorgeous pics of Longwood.

Thank you! I just LOVE that place!

Great updates and pics.

Thanks! :good vibes

Ok, seeing your photos of the side of A1A made me feel a little nostalgic. I lived south of there along A1A for many years, and that whole road has such unique and interesting sights.
I'm glad you had an enjoyable lunch. Beachside restaurants can be quite tasty, and they are the perfect spot to eat at before heading back home.

Glad I provided you with a little nostalgia. I bet that was an interesting place to live - being that the whole area is such a tourist area. Have you lived in Florida all your life?

I agree that finding a tucked away little beach restaurant is a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what we uncover in the Tampa bay area.

Love all your Christmas photographs! I think the snow on the ground made for some very pretty pictures, but I can also understand how someone who has to actually live with the snow might not enjoy even seeing it in photos. :rotfl:
It's good you were able to get in a quick tour of Longwoods before your pass expired; it looks like it'd be a fantastic place to visit to get yourself in the holiday mood.

Even though is was post holiday, it was still just as awesome. And I can honestly say I have never been there with snow on the ground. That was pretty darn cool. Usually the place is PACKED, but waiting until post Christmas when it was ten degrees out really worked out perfectly.

:crazy2: It especially hurts given the current temperatures.

You can say that again! I am so jealous of everyone leaving for Disney trips right now. I could really use some of this -> :beach:

:eek: One-stop shopping?

Yum, yes…When you are on vacation is all about the convenience. :rotfl:

Hey, check out this nice sweater...

See, I sort of picture a store full of bed pans, commodes, and walkers. Apparently that is not the case.

Sometimes? There's nothing better than finding a great dive!:thumbsup2


Thanks for not posting all of them. :rotfl:

You're welcome! ::yes::

I mean, how is THAT possible???? There had to be a gas station somewhere. :confused3

Well, at least you know how far it is to Miami. That seems like the only option at this point.:thumbsup2

A little side trip to Miami would not have disturbed me in the least. ;)

Going home is always sad. :sad:

BWI is a nicer airport, too.

I totally agree. I love BWI. I wish it was just a tad closer, but I still love it!

Gorgeous pictures!

Thank you. The Christmas display there is so awesome!

I also love the beach in the offseason. It's really great having the place to yourself.

It really is. We are so fortunate that we live so close. It's nice to know I can hop in the car and be there in a hour whenever I want to go.
The Longwood Gardens are beautiful! Wow, I miss Christmas. :laughing:

I know you are a big Christmas fan! I seriously think a month of Christmas decorations are not enough. I think they should stay up ALL winter! :rotfl:

Longwood is an awesome place. I'm so glad its close to my home!

Phew! Thank God y'all didn't miss your flight after you got lost!

Thank goodness we left as early as we did. We REALLY needed that extra time! That's for sure. :scared:

Great Updates Mary Ellen, those scallops looked wonderful !!

They were quite tasty. I wasn't planning on eating much other than a sandwich, but I couldn't resist!

I had to cuckle at The Taco Store , above was a Cat ad !!! Mmmm what were the Tacos made of !!!:rotfl2:

:rotfl: Yuck! The signage was pretty funny during that strip of A1A. I actually forgot to post the funniest picture. I'll do that in my next update.

Poor you and the search for Gas and MCO !! Glad you made it in time !!

I am too Rosie. It just goes to show that Denny and I should never stray too far off the highway. No good ever comes from that. :rotfl:

Loved the pix of the Christmas decorations at Longwood !!!

Thanks. Longwood is such a beautiful place. I absolutely love visiting there at Christmas time.

K&T's yard IS gorgeous!

It really is. Just like a little oasis. I know that K has spent some time picking out some unusual plants. It must be cool to be able to enjoy that all year.

Thanks for giving us a duck update.

Do you remember that nest? I would have to go back and look for the picture, but when we were there in 2012 they were still eggs. So cool to see them hatched and alive and well.

I love your pictures from the drive along A1A

Some interesting sights, don't you think? ;)

Cat grooming? Who is the poor sucker who has to lick the cats?

:rotfl2: I would NOT want to be that person. I know my long haired cats had to be sedated every time they were groomed. What a chore. :faint:

Yet another reason why driving is bad for your health!

:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: You can say THAT again!

Loved your pictures from Longwood Gardens. The ones of the greenhouses looked like snowglobes.

Thank you! I enjoyed playing with the fish lens. It puts a new twist on things, that's for sure.

This picture is awesome!

Thank you! :goodvibes
Wow what great updates and photos!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Crazy photos driving through town on your last day. Hospice thrift store? ew.

That was a crazy ride down A1A and I forgot to post the most comical picture of them all. How could I forget that? :confused3

but you have such a great eye for those shots that even the little bungalows and shacks look eye catching and colorful.

Awww - thanks! I really do think its fun to try to capture everyday shots and see how they turn out. Mostly they are things you tend to ignore, but they can look different behind the lens of a camera.

OMG for not being able to find your way back to MCO. oh that car would have been most unpleasant had it been Joe and I. eek!! Glad you finally made it. Sad as it is to end vacation, you really did have a lot to get home for. You needed another vacation right after LOL

I know I was a lot more stressed than Denny. Thankfully, he knows how to just roll with it. Not me - I tend to panic. :rotfl: Shocker, right?

Getting home really was the start to a stressful summer, so I'm so glad we had this last week of relaxation.

Longwood Gardens was beautiful -- both trips! I can't believe how empty it was when you went there. I've only ever been once, with my sister & 3 friends, Katie in a stroller & my niece & nephew ewre little tykes. it was so crowded for Christmas that it was scary. literally. but your trip was enough to make me want to go back again.

Longwood can be insanely crowded. In fact, every time I go it usually is. But I did find that the last weekend before the Christmas display goes up is perfect for the fall display. And the longer you wait for the Christmas display, the better. I think it goes almost to the end of the second week of January. It's also better earlier in the day.

The fish eye lens photos are pretty cool. How nice to be able to head over to Rehoboth spur of the moment.

I love that we can do that. It makes the trip down there that much more fun. I was glad I got to take the lens with me and break it in!

the Halloween items decorated for Christmas ... very "nightmare before Christmas" ish.

It was. It was a cool display!

looking forward to your highlights of the trip ME!

I'm working on it. It's a big project, but I'll get er done! :upsidedow

What a great trip! And fun with pictures along the road at the end.

It was such a fun trip! Really one of our best.

Yeah - those pictures were interesting, weren't they? :rotfl:

I would have been flipping out lost on the way to the airport!

Believe me, I was! Fortunately Denny kept a level head. ::yes::

Absolutely gorgeous pictures of Christmas at Longwood! WOW!! I agree - your pictures would make great Christmas cards!!

Thank you! I love Longwood Gardens. I have been going there during Christmas for years. I am spoiled now for going when it was so empty. I'm going to have to do some careful planning.

Looking forward to your final thoughts!

Coming up! :thumbsup2

Hospice resale shops are regular thrift stores. I've been to several, especially in Florida. The thrift shops in southern Florida have some beautiful things, designer clothing, furniture, just about anything including an entire kitchen for $12,000. In case you want to know; the kitchen was taken out of a very expensive house that was being renovated. It was top of the line appliances & cabinetry. There was also woodwork & a staircase from the house the ex Mrs.Tiger Woods was renovating.

See - I didn't know that. I totally had the wrong idea as to what was in a hospice resale shop. It's really amazing what some wealthy people are able to get rid of.

So, moral of the story is if I ever see another hospice resale shop I should stop in. Cool! :thumbsup2

Great ending to your report! Looks like you had a fun last lunch on the pier. It is always so sad to leave but knowing that you will be back and you had things to look forward to at home helps.

Thanks! We had a fun last day and a great trip so that makes the trip back home a lot easier. And its always better to have another Disney trip to look forward to. That's a necessity!

Your pictures from Christmas are beautiful!

Thank you! Longwood Gardens is such a beautiful display. I love it!

We have a Hospice thrift store in my town. I go by whenever I get over that way. They sell donated items and all the proceeds go to unfunded Hospice services. It's staffed mostly by volunteers. It's actually a great service, and every once in a while they get in some treasures - like vintage sewing machines and antique furniture :thumbsup2

That's interesting. See - I did not know that was what a hospice resale shop was. That makes total sense. So sort of like Goodwill with the proceeds going to hospice. I do love looking for hidden treasures, so that's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing and correcting my misconception.
I wish my mouth had a backspace key too. :lmao:

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one! :rotfl2: In fact, on some days I need it more than once. :rotfl2:

Great pics. Lunch looks good.

Lunch was fun! After the Disney bubble it can be great to try something different.

Your friend's garden/yard is lovely.

It really is. I always want to take a lot more pictures, but I just can't. So I always take pictures from the back of the house and leave out all the identifiers. The whole house is surrounded by some interesting foliage.

I know what you mean about not wanting to leave but life awaits and there's stuff to take care of. What a perfect pre-job trip.

It really was just what I needed before starting my new job. I really had no idea what the next 6 months would hold. I look back on this trip with much fondness!

Here, I don't know that there are any Fish Camps that are a place to "camp" although some are near campgrounds. I guess that goes along with people out camping aren't going to be dressed in their finest, so a bare bones restaurant seems to fit right in, instead of a coat and tie type place. :)

So a fish camp can simply be a restaurant where the focus is on the food and not the fancy? I like that!

Lobster "in the raw" is still cooked. They put the whole lobster in the boiling water, then serve it to you on one of those rectangular paper trays that you sometimes see french fries in, although a little larger one. I ate outside at a wooden picnic table, with plastic utensils and a bucket to throw the waste into. You use your hands to tear the lobster apart so you can eat it. No frills, and no extra high price tag, just all the good! :goodvibes

That sounds like the perfect way to enjoy a lobster. OMG - It's not even 8 am and the thought of lobster is making me very hungry right now! Yum!

What a stressful drive to the airport! I'm so glad you got there in time :)

OMG - SO am I!!!!! Thank goodness we left with plenty of time to spare because that gas fiasco ate up a lot of it. :faint:

That restaurant looked like my kind of place, yummy popcorn::

It was really fun and it does remind me of some of the places you might find along the Eastern Shore or Chesapeake bay. It was a fun way to share a final meal together.

Great trip, thanks for sharing it with us. :)

You're welcome. Thanks for following along. Stay tuned for final thoughts! :thumbsup2
There are so many great thrift stores in Florida, they are run by all sorts of organizations. Humane societies, hospital auxiliaries, among others and yes you should definitely stop in!

I had lobster in the raw & didn't know that was the term for it. We ate at a place like that when we were on Cape Cod, some of the best lobster ever!
There are so many great thrift stores in Florida, they are run by all sorts of organizations. Humane societies, hospital auxiliaries, among others and yes you should definitely stop in!

Well, if I see one during my next trip I will be stopping. The only bad thing is I don't like being tempted by stuff I can't fly home. :rotfl2:

I had lobster in the raw & didn't know that was the term for it. We ate at a place like that when we were on Cape Cod, some of the best lobster ever!

Here we go talking about lobster again at 8 in the morning and its making me hungry AGAIN! :rotfl2:
So guys I am working diligently on my final update! I am to day 4. I am working overnight tonight so I'm not sure when I will be finishing it.

Stay tuned! popcorn::

Final Thoughts, First, & Favorites

I have this personal tradition for TR's. I like to do a post with my final thoughts, my first experiences, and my favorite moments of the trip.

I loved this trip. In many ways I loved this trip better than our October trip (which I will be writing about shortly). I think a big reason why was this trip was so spontaneous. It almost didn't happen, but we made it happen. I didn't have high expectations for this trip. It was simply intended as a last minute trip to serve as do-over for our April trip (which Denny spent part of in the hospital) and as a way to rest and relax before starting a new job.

Despite my mediocre expectations, this trip turned out to be so much more.

Now let's do a little recap, shall we?

Day 1

After circling MCO for an extra hour, we arrived in the pouring rain.

Despite a late arriving flight and a rainy ride to our off site resort, we still managed to get into Epcot and have some dinner in Morocco.

We watched Illuminations and I took pictures with my cell.

Day 2

We just made the opening show, but had to wait behind a huge crowd so our view was terrible.

We saw the castle

and this famous bathroom

And we met a nice couple who took our picture

We rode Big Thunder

and braved Splash without a poncho

Denny took his first ride here

We made time for an old favorite

and took a shot at buzz

Balloons are always a favorite moment

We saw Brazillian tour groups

A favorite attraction

We enjoyed Bay Lake

A night time cruise through the jungle

A perfect night in the MK

And a perfect night for a cruise back to the car

Day 3

Brunch with Friends

Followed by shopping and a visit to a local church

An illegal picture of the cave drawings on Space ship Earth

Continued In Next Post

Continued From Previous Post

A new find on Spaceship Earth

and a ride where Denny went missing

Another trip back in time with Ellen

Sharing a laugh

at this

(which you would only understand if you read Cynthia & my previous TR lol)

A trip around the world showcase

Capturing a magical moment

Capturing a moment of boredom in France

Dinner with a view

And a final DIS meet to end the day

Walking back through the world

With a glimpse of some fireworks over our shoulders

This day was also complete with a sign from a very special lady (this was not the sign - rather it was a white bird we saw on the way out)

Day 4

Began with a front row ride here

A dizzying view

Of course we paid a visit here

Favorite redneck ride photo of the trip

Continued In Next Post
Continued From Previous Post

and no trip to AK is complete without a safari ride

I still have to wonder what is going on here?

Of course pride rock was empty - no shock there

But I did see some other big cats doing what cats do best

Wait, wait - what is this? Well, a blurry picture of the king of the jungle

We closed out AK with one our favorite shows

We braved the elements to visit Celebration

But settled on dinner here

We saw a beautiful sunset

Seeing this gave us a great idea. We'll be back!

Another night visit to the MK

A visit with a pirate

Fireworks from BTMMR

No night time visit is complete without a visit with the Madame

and a few happy haunts

We enjoyed the end of the parade

Day 5

Started with a special flight and an amazing view

We spent a relaxing morning here

Continued In Next Post
Continued From Previous Post

We took a private tour of the VGF models

and closed out our evening here

We tried our hand at a rebel spy

found a hidden key

Said hello to these guys

followed by dinner at Mama's

We ended our evening here

and here

and here

Good night Boo

Day 6

We took our last drive through here

to head here

for two trips on Test Track

and one trip here

We stopped here

for a taste of the Beverly - Not!

We enjoyed the beautiful summer day

before heading to lunch here

where we scored a tank side seat

See ya next time Crush

We said goodbye to Epcot and Spaceship Earth and drove to Daytona

Continued In Next Post
Continued From Previous Post

Day 7 & 8

We enjoyed a bike ride around Daytona

and a trip to the beach

and a climb up a light house

On our final day we saw some interesting sights on our way to New Smyrna Beach (I forgot to post this pic last update - Do you think she's wearing a shirt?)

where I learned about Fish Camps

and how to take "selfies" with my camera

After a less than relaxing ride back to the airport we departed for home

As many times as I visited Disney World I know there are "firsts" for each new trip. Therefore, I present to you my June 2013 Trip Firsts

First Lodging - First Time Staying Off site in a villa/condo - The Polynesia Isles

First Restaurants


Celebration Town Tavern

First Drinks

Tha famous Mai Tai at the Poly

The Frozen Kirin

First Attractions

Characters in Flight

with an amazing view

First DIS meet with Kathy, Mary, & the Girls

The Legend of Jack Sparrow

The New Improved Test Track

First Really BIG On-ste Disney Splurge

Continued In Next Post

Continued From Previous Post

First Visit to Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine

First Visit to the Vera Bradley Outlet

First Disney Rainbow

First Photograph of the Coffin in HM

Of course, some of my favorite moments were squeaking into Epcot right before it closed, meeting Kathy and seeing Mary, the girls, Anita & Marc (not pictured) again, going up in the Character in Flights balloon, visiting our first water park in years, seeing Celebration in the rain, and seeing that wonderful sign from Tracy.

Simply put, it was a great trip and one that I will always treasure!

And you know what - staying off site do not "suck". Sure I would have preferred to be at a Disney resort, but since I know WDW so well, I used that insider knowledge to our advantage and built multiple resort visits into our trip.

The up side to staying off site was it made us more open to venturing outside of the bubble. I really enjoyed visiting the outlets and Mary Queen of the Universe. If I had been staying on site I know I wouldn't have done that.

So, once again, thanks for following along with me and remember to stay tuned for my next TR coming soon to a DISboard near you!



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