I want adventure in the great wide somewhere (comments welcome)

176.8 :)

I think using that massager on my calves and shins really helped, no more weird twinges. I did a 3.5 mile run/walk on Friday that was awful. I was pushing DS in a regular stroller as he hates the new jogging stroller for reasons unknown. We ran past a loose pit bull that completely ignored us but still unnerved me. I tried to come home a different way, but ran into traffic without sidewalks, so I had to go off road, ended up dropping my phone in a ditch, had to go back to find it... Ugh. After that, I took DS to a gym session (baby gym, lots of equipment to play on) and the one unpadded thing in the whole place - a wooden ladder- fell right on top of my foot and bruised it up really badly. :headache:

Saturday I did a 14 mile bike ride. Kind of windy but there was the tiniest hint of fall in the air. Dew point under 70 for the first time in months!

Today I ran 5 miles in less than an hour. 2/2 intervals at an avg pace of 11:27 per mile. I ran straight for the last mile :cool1: . My foot actually felt better running than it has walking all weekend. I guess it's just a different motion. I ran without my calf sleeves and my shins feel ok so far.

I tried to be 98% good with food yesterday and I think that helped with the scale. I hope it's going to start moving downhill steadily again.

In other news, I got two of my ADRs for the Princess Half Marathon trip made today. Early dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern the day of the race. Lunch at Yak and Yeti on Monday. I haven't been successful getting Le Cellier on Friday before the race, so I have Via Napoli as a backup. We'll probably do be our guest Saturday for lunch.
175.8. :cheer2:

Well, the baby is sick which stinks. I stayed home with him yesterday and he nursed most of the day. I think that pushed the scale down!

I ran today 3.17 miles in 36 minutes. I was disappointed in my speed since I was doing 3/1 intervals. But the heat and humidity were awful and I was up for hours during the night on Sunday and Monday nights due to the aforementioned sick baby, so my energy level was low.

I did manage not to eat terribly, which is a big accomplishment because being exhausted is a big trigger for me to eat carbs and junk. I'm thinking about cross training for the next two workouts and skipping runs for a week to help avoid injuries. I could bike and maybe try the elliptical or just walk with no run intervals. I am just so afraid of getting sidelined by an injury!

I did 3.05 miles at an avg pace of 12.11 min/mile pushing DS in his stroller on Friday. Ugh it was hot and humid. Is summer ever going to end??? I also saw a teenager get arrested after running his truck into some mailboxes.

Today I biked 16 miles in 1 1/4 hours. Avg speed of 12.67 mph.

I needed the bike ride because I ate Mexican for lunch, including chips and salsa. Mmmmm.

The baby is starting to get betteer after 4 nights of fevers and a strange foot rash. The fevers are gone bit the snot has arrived! After a misdiagnosis of athlete's foot they are now saying it's a viral rash. Ugh, I just want a well baby soon.

I don't know if my weight stall is a normal plateau or if I need to tighten up on my diet... I want my diet to be a forever diet, not something I go on or off, so I don't want to be too strict if possible.

I ran my own unofficial 10k today! :cool1: 6.23 miles at a 2/2 interval in 1:10. Avg pace was 11:15 min/mile. I'm really happy with that result. I've been waiting to sign up for a real 10k the weekend before Thanksgiving. I really wanted to see that I could do the distance first.

I also did yard work and mowed! Of course I ate chicken tenders and a biscuit for lunch. Hope it wasn't too much. The scale will tell!

I did 3.19 miles at a 4 min run/ 2 min walk interval, avg 10:45 pace on Tuesday. It felt pretty good but awfully hot!
175.2 :)

I ran 4/2 intervals for 3.06 miles at an average pace of 12.04/ mile. Pushing DS in his regular stroller as he still refuses to ride in the new jogging stroller. Ugh that's super hard work. I may have to reschedule my runs so I don't have to include DS.

Food's going ok, I've been much hungrier than usual but I'm trying to focus on healthy snacks to keep from getting too hungry and making bad food choices. Still heading down on the scale but slooooowly!

Whew, I rode my bike 19.53 miles in 1:30. The run keeper app says I burned 1,126 calories, but I'm thinking that's a little high. I got rained on throughout the ride.

Of course I'm starving now! I can tell that increasing my exercise past the one hour point is going to create some challenging hunger. I'm trying to get ahead of it with protein rich snacks. We'll see if it works.

It's strange, but since the scale losses have slowed down, I've gotten a lot more comments from friends and coworkers on my weight loss. Maybe I'm building muscle?
174.4 :cool1:

We had big thunderstorms last night so the baby woke up and nursed most of the night, so that loss might be from that!

I ran 6.23 miles at a 4 min run / 2 min walk interval. 11.01 pace! It felt ok, the humidity was awful, 75 degree dew point. Yuck. I did feel pretty sick after I got home so I think I need to stop at a water fountain at the halfway point and maybe consider some sports beans or something on the long run. I did consider that the hour and a half bike ride yesterday with lots of hills might have been too much the day before a long run.

We tried to get lunch at a healthy spot but it was packed so I figured the universe was sending me to Popeyes! :rotfl2: I guess a bad meal once a week is reasonable.

Today I RAN 3.16 miles at a 10:17 pace. I worked in short (30 seconds or so) walk breaks after each mile. Other than that, I just ran. Yay!

I also made very good meal choices today. We met up with the in-laws for dinner at an Italian restaurant. I resisted the yummy dinner rolls and the pasta dishes and the pizza. I got a summer salad with blackened chicken. Yay!

I do love pizza, but it is not my friend in weight loss. Maybe I can plan it for a long run day, but not on a regular basis.

Today I ran 3.16 miles 4/2 intervals with the jogging stroller, in 34:31 at 11:03 avg pace. I managed to get DS into the jogging stroller with a little bribery (potato chips) and a little crying which I ignored. After about 5 minutes he accepted that we were going to use the new stroller and he decided to enjoy the ride.

My work has a fitness program where you can choose to track your workouts and get an annual fitness assessment and blood work and if you do well enough you get $350. The fitness assessment has stretching and strength and card sections. I ended up getting a PERFECT score on all three sections!!:banana: :banana: :banana: they said that it was super hard to get perfect scores, so I really feel like this training (almost eight months!) has really made changes to my fitness and health, eve if I'm technically still in the obese BMI section.


I skipped my long bike ride Saturday since my long run last weekend wiped me out. We had a bad night last night, DS woke up all night long, crying and wanting to get out of bed. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. He finally settled down at 5:30 am, so I didn't start my run until 9:30, it was 86 out with a dew point in the mid 70's. It was just about the worst run of my life. I totally ran out of steam around 3 miles.

I was going to try for 6.2 again, but ended up quitting at 5.3. I walked most of the last mile. It was just awful. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep, the heat, or something else. Maybe I'm ramping up too fast. So disheartening.
I'm taking one whole week off. My last run was so terrible and my legs just feel awful and I got a flu shot. So I think a planned week of rest might be in order. I'll be back to posting one week from today!

I ran 3 miles on Tuesday and messed up my hip. Well, it's not really my hip, it's my lateral iliac crest (the pointy boney point on the front top of the pelvis). I don't know if I messed it up doing situps or swinging my leg over baby gates. :confused3. But running really aggravated it. The orthopedic doctor isn't sure if it is ITBS or something else, but he is sending me for physical therapy next week. No running for a while. :worried:

Did a 3 mile walk this morning. Not running at all was rough. My hip/iliac crest is still tweaky. I've got physical therapy scheduled for Friday, I'm really hoping they have a quick fix.

I started a new diet this week. I like South Beach but I think it wasn't giving me enough energy for the longer workouts. My new diet is called The Good Mood Diet and it focuses on feel good foods like fish, whole grains, dairy and fruit. So far so good. I am sure it's a healthy diet, I just hope it restarts my weight loss while giving me the fuel to work out at a higher level.

I still can't run, so I walked 5 miles today right at 16 minutes per mile. Then I mowed the grass. My physical therapist said it's tendinitis in my hip flexor. I think they don't really know. In any case, they don't want me to run at all yet. I have PT twice next week, I'm really hoping to be able to work in run intervals next weekend.

There's also a 10k on Thanksgiving morning in town which I'm super excited for. We have a big running community here which is great, but it means the local races are intimidating. A ten minute mile pace is in the bottom quarter of finishers usually. I'm hoping not to be last, my delicate ego really can't take that!

The good mood diet is going pretty well. I'm using it more as a guideline than as a strict diet, so as long as the scale goes down I'll be happy!


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