I wish it was WDW instead trippie - UPDATED WITH MORE PICS!


Why do all of the photo's of you contain a bottle or a glass :hippie: . Hummm i see a common theme. !!! Good trip then !
Can we see a pic of Callums coyote thingy :)

if you really want nightmares Kay, yes of course! :lmao: he took it to his dads at the weekend to show him and now its been left at my mums but will post one in a couple of days.


Irongirlof12 said:
Why do all of the photo's of you contain a bottle or a glass . Hummm i see a common theme. !!! Good trip then !

I needed to be pissed to get through the trip!:rotfl2:
an early start again today to catch the rocky mountaineer. we left Kamloops at around 8:00 am and needless to say I slept most of the way on the train again :lmao: no piccies as such although will look to see what Dad has on his camera.
No more bear sightings either!

We arrive in Vancouver around 6:00 pm and take a cab to The Empire Landmark hotel where we're due to stay for the next two nights. Its boiling hot which makes a change from the chill of jasper and the air con on the train. The city is its usual beautiful bustling self.
On arrival at The Empire receptionist Jock takes ages faffing about with the computer trying to check us in. 'Uh oh' I thought 'Hotels Overbooked' thought things had gone a little too smoothly so far!
'Hotels overbooked' says Jock with a grin (*** is he laughing at thinks I)
'but I do have an upgrade available, henceforth we're ensconced in two matching penthouse suites on the fourtieth floor :woohoo:


(note spiral staircase leading to upstairs master suite)
great views from here!



feeling somewhat whacked by all the sleep on the train we have a wander up Robson street then retire for an early night, planning on a major sight seeing trip around Van tomorrow as theres so much to see and we haven't been here for years.

day 12: a disappointment!
Wow what an upgrade. Bit of Disney magic north of the border!

I would have been clinging to that balcony rail though.
Carol, just be catching up on your trip report.

Some wonderful sights, it's amazing how blue the water is in some of your photos.
Re: the GG 'smell' comment. I'll have you knbow I smell of roses at all times. You must have been stood next to Matt.

Hey Carol,
Wow that sounds like a trip. If I had seen your pre-trip report earlier then I could have asked you to say hello to my DS Simon who works at Grouse Mountain. I will be very interested in your exciting trip report when it's finished.

What a duh brain I am. I've just seen your finshed report, so am off to read it.
after the glorious weather as we arrived in Vancouver yesterday we'd had a full days sight seeing planned, we'd head out to Stanley Park, th ereal life and soul of Vancouver, a place where its so peaceful yet vibrant and interesting. We were also keen to go back to Grouse Mountain and jump across on the Capilano Suspension bridge.
On waking I pulled the curtains back to find the thick sea fog had landed, we couldn't even see the mountains across from our hotel! you could tell immediately that it wasn't going to shift so it would be a waste travelling up grouse if you couldn't see out.
These are a coupl eof googled images to give you an idea of what we missed.

the gondola to Grouse

a view from the summit
also here is a couple of the capilano bridge which is well worth a visit and great fun!


so we spent the day instead shopping (Its ok Ian, I will be posting pics of the shoes and boots just for you :lmao: )
and I had some really good bargains! :woohoo:
we also wondered around Gastown and Canada Place watching the cruise ships come in and out.

After dinner that evening we had to pack again to get ready for the next mornings start to catch the Whistler Mountaineer (sister train company to The Rocky Mountaineer) to go to Whistler, surprisingly enough!

Day 13, the Whistler mountaineer
I will let Ian know that there are pics of boots and shoes to come Carol, he will be quite overcome I am sure LOL
another early check out for the 08:00 train to Whistler,


and yet another beautiful landscape to take in on the way.
thats th ebig problem with Canada, you get all sceneryed-out early on as every view is more amazing than the last.
Arrival in Whistler at about 11:00 and, of course, too early for hotel check in, we do the paperwork, leave c/c details etc then head out to whistler village for a wander about.

whistler is an all year round resort but probably famous for being the number one ski resort in Canada. This time of the year it hosts mad adventure sports such as Mountain biking, off road Hummer trips (see Wickseys report! :rotfl2: ) and the little escapade that Callum and I are joining in tomorrow.
A very leisurely day is spent mooching through the shops and eating plentiful ice creams (gotta love the Moo's!) before checking into the hotel and spending a few hours relaxing in the swimming pool.
Its a very young town and I spy lots of luscious talent wandering around :rotfl2: (but mainly grumpy out of season snow boarders)
We ate that evening in The Old Spaghetti factory - I must say they do a very nice Sea Breeze (and Pina Colada, and Strawberry daiquiri and....)

needless to say, I slept well that night! :rotfl2:

Day 14: Our big adventure!
My and callums big treat doesn't start until 1 o clock so we're impatiently pacing the village this morning!
a few nice treats on the way help of course!

(no, they're not pizzas - they're huge cookies, mums is topped with nuts and mines a rocky road, v v nice but v sickly, i only managed about three bites but luckily Callum helped out)

We check into our tour office at 13:00 and meet Dave from Melbourne (or DK as he likes to be known) then George from Birmingham to go..................................................

ZIP TREKKING!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: yay! what fun.
we're in teams of ten and we were placed with a lovely bunch of Air Canada Air Hostesses doing mad things for each of their 50th birthdays.

out to Eco-treks cabin to get all harnessed up (deviant thoughts of bondage shared with the girls from AC) and we nominate Callum as group mascot i.e. he gets to go first :rotfl2:

We start on a very small zip line, a training one just to have a go and get used to safety procedure. this zip line is about 30-40 feet off the ground so not much different than one you'd get in a good adventure playground.

this is callum taking the first zip.
once we'd all done that we took to the hills in a mini bus heading up the mountains past the site where they're building the new Olympic facilities. (would really like to try their new bob sled run and Luge - if you haven't yet looked up luge please do - its great :scared1: )
This is line number two behind Callum

the lines got steadily higher and longer

you may be able to make out lines three four and five in this pic - number 5 is known as the Eiffel Tower as its the same length as the Eiffel when placed on its side.
300 feet was the highest and there were a series of suspension bridges and platforms connecting each one

above: Callum tackling the Eiffel, unfortunately he didn't have the weight to get right across and slid back until he was dangling above the river, DK had to zip out to him and fix a pulley then pull him back in.

me and callum in full bondage garb - talk about a wedgie!

DK (sitting) and George our expert guides - what a day, what a brilliant experience!

had to partake of a few more daiquiris and cocktails that evening just to take the adrenaline down a peg or two, mind :lmao:

Many thanks to Rob who finally persuaded me to do this, stating I'd win big on cool-mum points! (I think I did!)

day 15: ta ra Whistler, back to Vancouver
thats the big problem with Canada, you get all sceneryed-out early on as every view is more amazing than the last.

Got to agree with you there Carol. Dad and I fell in love with the people and scenery in Canada when we went coast to coast by train a few years ago and we have been back every year since.

Good to see a bit more of the zip-trek - Dad said he would have had a go if we'd had more time there.


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