I won't give in till I reach the end... and then I'll start again (comments welcome)

That reminded me that all my best 5k came while training for much longer races. The « run slow to race fast » seem to apply here too. And of course the volume of training helps a lot.

100%. I wasn't doing nearly as much mileage when I started running 5ks a few years ago. I never would have imagined signing up for a 5k on a whim.
Ready for Dopey!

Today is the first day I'm officially training for the Dopey challenge. I'm going into this training cycle with a great mindset. Even though I don't feel it on a day-to-day basis, my recent races have shown me that my fitness is there. So despite work and the kids keeping me super stressed all the time, all my hard work is paying off.


I have no objective for the challenge, except what I wrote in the main Marathon thread:
1) Finish
2) Ride Everest
3) Finish with a smile on my face

For now, I'm reusing a McMillan marathon training plan. I don't want to push it, so I inputted a slowish 2:30 Half and a goal 5:30 Full to determine the training paces. I won't aim to finish the Full in less than 5 hours, since I have no idea how it'll go with the crowding, the heat and all that. I'll aim to run 5 times per week.

I don't have a POT since I don't see myself doing a 2:08 Half anytime soon. (And Sportstats still hasn't corrected my POT time for the Fairytale Challenge either grrrr). And 10-milers don't exist in a country that uses kilometers 😆

I'll also aim to do 2, if possible 3, strength sessions per week. I still hate weight lifting and have to argue with myself everytime. After doing it all summer, it is starting to get into my routine more, which helps. If anybody has any suggestions on making it less suck, please share :)

I'm in Sweden for a business conference this week, which might make working out (and maintaining a reasonable calorie intake) difficult. I'll do it though!
Ready for Dopey!

I was travelling for work all week. I was able to get 4 of my 5 runs in, but 3 weight sessions. Having a gym at the hotel is so convenient. Makes me want to equip myself better at home than free-standing weights.

Billy has been helping me work out my training paces and based on my measured heart rate, told me to slow waaaaaaaaaaaaay down, from an average easy pace of ~12mm to ~13:20mm. Can't say it doesnt hurt the ego ;) but if it helps me to finish this training cycle without feeling as exhausted, I'll absolutely try it.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 3:00
  • Strength Training = 1:42
  • Strength: 42:10, including bulgarian split squats, single-leg DL (my kryptonite), back rows and preacher curls
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run @ 6:57-7:26 min/km
    • Completed: 6.19 km ~ 45:02 (7:16 min/km)
    • Avg HR 152 bpm
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 22 minutes on the elliptical. Another bonus of having a hotel gym.
  • Strength: 33:58, including hamstring bridges, deadbugs, lunges, push-ups and hip airplanes (more kryptonite)
  • Planned: 40-50 minute Easy Run @ 6:57-7:26 min/km
    • Completed: 5.93 km ~ 47:00 (7:55 min/km)
    • Avg HR 144 bpm
    • Slowed this one way down per Billy's advice
  • Strength: 26:06 including goblet squats, shoulder press and 3x1min planks
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 4.02 km ~ 33:00 (8:12 min/km)
    • Avg HR 144 bpm
    • Kept this short as I had to fly home that day
  • Planned: 50-60 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 7.01 km ~ 55:00 (7:51 min/km)
    • Avg HR 153 bpm
    • I missed a speedbump in the first mile of my run and crashed hard onto the street. Right on my already-injured left buttock. I hope it won't make the old injury worse :(
A few pictures from my runs in Malmö:
So many bunnies everywhere 😍

Good vibes only!
40 for Dopey

My POT is back! :dogdance: I wrote to Sportstats three times to ask them nicely to fix it and I never got a response. Though this morning I could see my results are back up. I'm still going to try to race my 10k on October 15th, but I don't feel as much pressure now. I'll try to stick with the 1h pacer and see how it goes. I need a 1:01 10k for a Corral B placement right?

Slowing down has made my easy runs feel really easy. But my HR is still way too high. I reajusted my HR zones on my watch based on Billy's 126-144 recommendation and now at the same pace, a good % of my runs are in the dreaded zone 3. I can't see how I can slow down even more without shuffling. Maybe I should change my 90:30 intervals to 60:30?

I took about 48 hours off after my painful run on Tuesday and my leg is feeling better. Both my yoga teacher and my osteopath have told me to back off on single-leg exercises à la single-leg deadlift or single-leg glute bridges. My left leg is way too weak at the moment to handle it. I need to focus on better completing my exercises than going into a full range of motion. I'm too wobbly and I end up doing the exercise wrong. That, and to stay seated as little as I can at work to avoid putting more weight on my injured ischium.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 3:50
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 2:24
  • Strength: 34:32, including bulgarian split squats, single-leg DL (the day after my injury, I'm such an i), back rows, preacher curls, 3x1-min side planks, balancing table pose
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run @ 6:57-7:26 min/km
    • Completed: 4.85 km ~ 37:30 (7:44 min/km)
    • Avg HR 145 bpm
  • Strength: Did 1-hour recovery yoga with my yoga teacher and we had a long talk afterwards about my injury. I've had the same yoga teacher since I was pregnant with Jamie, so she's seen me evolve physically through many stages of my adult life.
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: Rest
  • Strength: Rest
  • Planned: 50-60 minute Easy Run @ 7:32-7:57 min/km
    • Completed: 7.36 km ~ 57:31 (7:49 min/km)
    • Avg HR 147 bpm
  • Strength: 53:58 including 30-min hip yoga & 10-min banded glute exercises
  • Planned: 60 minute Long Run @ 7:35-8:14 min/km
    • Completed: 7.9 km ~ 1:00:00 (7:35 min/km)
    • Avg HR 156 bpm
    • Ran this continuously without run/walk intervals. My overall speed was better, but I stayed in zone 3 for the entire run.
  • Wanted to go cheer flav on at her Half finish line, but J had his private school entrance exam yesterday morning. This momma didn't know I had to provide my son's IEP so he didn't get any accommodations for his test. Here's hoping 🤞 It's not always easy helping my challenged kids through their school careers
  • Planned: 60-80 minute Long Run @ 7:35-8:14 min/km
    • Completed: 9.39 km ~ 1:15:00 (7:59 min/km)
    • Avg HR 149 bpm
    • It's been hot here as well. Slowing down as much as possible still couldn't keep my HR down.
    • Convinced J to come with me for the last 15 minutes with 30:30 intervals. Without his sister to "slow him down", he wants to race the MW 5k. Time for him to put in the effort then!
Normally this week would still be more base building with easy runs. I might try a goal pace run on Wednesday or Thursday to see how fit I am for my 10k.
40 for Dopey

And my POT is gone again. Sportstats cannot get their s... together 😂 I'm sure it'll be okay. I'll just go to Runner Relations at the Expo otherwise. Right? Right?? :P

I have a 10k next Sunday that I wasn't sure I wanted to race. I'm not feeling confident at all that I can pull off a 1:01, based on my current energy and stress levels. I'll see what happens then. As WillRunForPizza and DopeyBadger wrote in another journal, I'm better off starting conservatively and see if I can finish strong.


Had a rollercoaster of emotions this week. My kid passed his high school entrance exam, which I did not believe honestly. We're so proud that he tried his best. I keep bringing up running analogies to my kids to get them to get off the couch and do stuff with their days, like I'm never gonna win a race. I haven't even come close to placing in my age group ever. I still show up at the starting line every time. I race for fun, but also because I'm proud of all the effort I put in with each training cycle. Also had a terrible time at work, which doesnt help with said high stress levels.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 4:20
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 1:38
  • Took a total rest day
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run @ 7:32-7:57 min/km
    • Completed: 5.84 km ~ 45:00 (7:42 min/km)
    • Avg HR 147 bpm
  • Strength: 35-min recovery yoga which was interrupted by an urgent work call. Booooo
  • Planned: Off, Cross-Train or 30 minute Easy Run
    • Completed: 3.67 km ~ 28:34 (7:46 min/km)
    • Avg HR 149 bpm
    • First 15 minutes were with J, so I opted for 30:30 run/walk intervals
  • Strength: 30:23 including some wide leg squats. My inner thighs were feeling it for two days afterwards
  • Planned: 50-60 minute Easy Run @ 7:32-7:57 min/km which I swapped out for a goal pace run
  • Planned: 15-25 minute Warm-Up + Goal Pace Intervals: 3 x 2 miles (3 km) at 5:57/km with 3.5 minute slow jog in between + 15-25 minute Cool-down
    • Completed: 10.01 km ~ 1:08:33 (6:51 min/km)
    • Avg HR 170 bpm
    • Boy did I struggle. I finished the first 2 miles in 19:12 feeling dizzy, then quit the second interval after 2k, then did 1k instead of 2 miles in the last interval (but at least I hit goal pace)
    • I have to mention it's been summer in October, so it was a 79 FL 90 at 6:30 pm, which might explain why it felt so hard.
  • Was supposed to do my stength work, but instead took time off to watch the Gymnastics Championships. Those are my Super Bowl
  • Planned: 40 minute Easy Run + Strides: 6 x 20 seconds at 5k effort with 1 minute slow jog in between @ 7:32-7:57 min/km
    • Completed: 5.36 km ~ 40:04 (7:28 min/km)
    • Avg HR 152 bpm
    • I am just now seeing the Strides part of the workout. It was raining buckets yesterday morning, so don't think Strides would have been the smartest thing to do.
    • Did I mention it was raining buckets? I'm either super impressive or super nuts to go out in that kind of weather
  • Strength: 32:48 including some SLDL, standing arnold presses and side planks
  • Planned: 70-90 minute Long Run @ 7:35-8:14 min/km
    • Completed: 10.58 km ~ 1:20:00 (7:33 min/km)
    • Avg HR 148 bpm
    • It rained nonstop for two days until lunch, when the rain stopped to make way for the intense wind. Fall running is supposed to be the best :)
    • Colours are amazing though

On my run this afternoon, I listened to the Rise&Run podcast with Brittany Charboneau, where she kept repeating "Running is a privilege, not a punishment" and "Please don't take it so seriously!" which was good to be reminded of. It's going to be my mindset for my race on Sunday

Have a great week everyone!
I have to mention it's been summer in October, so it was a 79 FL 90 at 6:30 pm, which might explain why it felt so hard.
Oof - yeah, that would do it. What are you all doing up there to get such crazy weather this week? 😅

Was supposed to do my stength work, but instead took time off to watch the Gymnastics Championships. Those are my Super Bowl
So good! Simone is amazing, and did you see the Algerian gymnast's (I forgot her name) bar routine from the all-around?? My eyes almost fell out of my head, it looked so hard.

Good luck on Sunday with however you decide to play the race! Hope you have a great time - and better weather than this week, lol.
40 for Dopey

Only 11 weeks till we leave! We're scheduled to arrive on NYE's in WDW. I feel like now is the time Dopey training will really ramp up.

Another rollercoaster this week. My mom had to have surgery near her left temple for a possible benign tumor. She's doing well physically but I can tell she's scared of the biopsy outcome.

Running wise, it was a down week in my training plan, which coincided well with my race today. I used that as a mini-taper.

Weekly Summary:
  • Running = 3:05
  • Strength Training (Lifting & Yoga) = 1:43
  • No running
  • Strength: 25 minutes, including walking lunges, standing shoulder presses and sumo squats
  • Planned: 40-50 minute Easy Run @ 7:32-7:57 min/km
    • Completed: 6 km ~ 45:00 (7:29 min/km)
    • Avg HR 140 bpm <- Wooo!!
  • Strength: 55-min recovery yoga
  • Planned: Off or Cross-Train
  • Skipped strength training part of my mini-taper
  • Planned: 10-20 minutes Warm-Up + Fartlek Workout: 6 to 8 times 1 minute at slightly faster than 5K effort with 1 minute recovery jog + 10-20 minutes Cool-down
    • Completed: 6.3 km ~ 45:36 (7:14 min/km)
    • Avg HR 152 bpm
  • Planned: Off or Cross-Train
  • Planned: 30-45 minute Easy Run @ 7:32-7:57 min/km
    • Completed: 4.4 km ~ 35:00 (7:57 min/km)
    • Avg HR 152 bpm
    • I could not keep my heart rate down, even by slowing down as much as I could. I was obviously nervous for today's race
  • Strength: 24 minutes of core-focused yoga
  • Planned: Was supposed to be a 70-90 Long Run but I used it as an opportunity to RACE
    • Completed: 10.11 km ~ 1:00:11 (5:57 min/km)
    • I did it! 😌 🥳 and I stayed positive and in a great mindset the whole time.
    • My goal was to stay ahead or with the 1:00 pacer the whole time. I focused on not going out too fast and had to slow myself down a few times. I didn't see the pace group much, which meant that I was faster than a 10 minute mile. I started struggling at the 7k mark - I focused on keeping on running, no matter what speed I was at. The 1:00 group caught up with me at km 9, where I was about to start walking. They gave me to push to finish without stopping.
    • My splits were 6:02, 5:54, 5:56, 6:01, 5:58, 5:55, 6:02, 6:02, 6:02, 5:47 so I'm pretty proud of my consistency, even if I struggled a bit more in the last quarter of the race
    • This is officially my 2nd fastest 10k ever.
    • I wore my Endorphin Pro 3s and like in May, my feet got numb. I don't think I'll ever wear them for anything more than a 10k run.
    • I was probably the only person on course who had anything remotely close to a costume. I miss runDisney 😄

Next week is when the training load starts to really increase. I have a 60 minute long run Saturday followed by an 11-mile long run Sunday. We can do this!

Have a great week everyone!


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