Ideas for the new park



OK- I know this is way off in the future, but with indications that Universal owns land the size of Vermont from the other post, I was wondering what the consensus was on the new park in terms of theming and rides, ect. I'm hoping for something based on the Universal classic monsters(Frankenstein, Dracula, ect). Who knows, maybe a suggestion here will reach the ears of someone who makes decisions- hey we can all dream, right?
Jurassic Park, really, I'm talking about the real thing. Universal can clone extinct dinosaurs and put them on this land behind fences, it would be great!
hey emerald raptor, we have enough chaos in orlando with the influx of snow birds and tourists, live dino's would really put us over the edge. there are probably those that would fire up the air boat and hunt them like gators. Or they could do it like gatorland and have dino wrestling.
i vote for just expansion, add another coaster, another spidey technology based ride. :)
You're right on some points, but still, you can't tell me it wouldn't ROCK to have a real Jurassic Park!
A classic monsters park is a neat idea. It'll be like an all year HHN.

All I want is another coaster. :)
Arrrgh! I saw your post and the first thing I thought of was the classic monsters idea, but you guys beat me to it. Maybe another islands type park with different sections, on of them being the Monsters idea. If they did it that way I think one of the other ideas should be a natural disaster section. Twister, Earthquake, Backdraft, and all of the sites on the Hollywood tram tour are just incredible. They could make an Indiana Jones type ride for the movie "Dante's Peak." The first time I saw that movie, that was the first thing I thought of. Maybe a flood based attraction.
Maybe an island based of "The Mummy".
I don't know, just my thoughts.
I just got an idea, think of the lake idea, but then change the kind of surrounding instead of a lake. Maybe a park built around a mountain "Universal's Cliffs of Adventure" ;) or a park built around a giant tree, even though that has already been done. Ooh, ooh... I got it! How about a park built on a toxic waste dump! ..... hmmmmm, sometimes irony is just too easy.
Just do a coaster world! hey i traveled 1000's of miles for a great coaster! so build 20 coasters. thats rather cheep.
hulk costs 17 mil
dd costs 30mil divide that by 2=15
so figure 15 milx20 coasters=300 mil+ a giga=350mil
put a couple food stands and some water rides and you have a happy guy here!
add cute bathrooms and nice walkways
and for the final cost of 600 mil maybe 650 mil?
ioa costs 1 bil!
anyone see what i see??
I know i need abjabra this year!
Originally posted by EmeraldRaptor
You're right on some points, but still, you can't tell me it wouldn't ROCK to have a real Jurassic Park!

you can have it tampa, no really, be our guest. we will even throw in the olympics :D


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