If any one lives near Goffstown, NH I know a great garden place


<font color=FF6600>Proud American who loves her li
Aug 19, 1999
I don't know if we are aloud to share this kind of information but, I have this great garden place I go to she sells perenials 6 small starters for $2.00 she usually has foxglove, coneflower, black eyed susans, liatrias, poker plants, columbine, others and always something new every year.

If you don't live close by I would be more than happy to pick up and some how arrange how to get your plants to you within the NH, MA area

She opens May 1st. My girlfriend and I have a standing date after work at the garden shop every May 1st after work.

You can either email me or let me know on this thread.

Happy planting,

Laura - where is it? I want to go. I buy 6 packs of perennials from Murrays in Penacook but they have gone to $7.50 per pack ($6.00 last year and it used to be $4.00).

I live in Merrimack. I'd love to have you see my garden. (Well maybe not - it never looks like I think it should and somebody plants those d==m weeds in it.

Please respond on here or e-mail me - or pm me.


I live here in Milford and would love to know a new place... I do a lot with Lull farms in town here and in Hollis and House by Side of the Road in Wilton... But I would not mind getting some good deals...
Good Morning Ladies,

The place I go is in Goffstown it's called Deverients (I never spell it correctly) It's on Route 114 next to the Villa Augustina (Catholic School) Do you know where I'm talking about? She opens tomorrow May 1st.

I am going and can let you know what she has this year but, the perenials go fast in fact by the end of May she is usually whiped out. I'd love to meet you both perhaps we could meet there one day? I'll be there tomorrow between 3:30 and 4:00 when I get out of work or we could plan another day.

Hey do either of you also scrapbook?

Talk later,

Will have to make a trip there... And as for meeting I love to meet fellow DISers... I just went to a meet in the mall in Nashua a few weeks ago.. Pin meet. I do have one at my house every year as well. I will post the dates as it gets closer.

On a side note... Nat is short for Nathaniel... Don't feel to bad.. On here it happens all the time... My wife loves it when it happens.. :)
Laura - thanks so much. I have my grandson home today with a strep throat so I probably can't go until tomorrow.

I would love to have a meet at my house - but things are in an uproar. The house is up for sale but no decent offers yet and I am getting discouraged. My daughter wants to move in and pay the mortgage which would allow us to go to Florida and come back in the summer and that is so tempting I think we are going to do it. That way I can keep my garden.

I'll let you all know later. Sam's Club has my smoked brisket again so if I can host a meet that's what I'll serve and that should encourage everyone to come.

Unless I can get there by myself (I get lost here in Merrimack) I'll be there tomorrow. Thanks again. Barbara
ooh, ooh, ooh...where is that jumping up and down icon when you need it????
I can't wait to call my girlfriend and see if we can plan a "road trip" to this *new* find. We make an annual pilgrimage to Blake Farms in Hooksett, Goffstown isn't that far away.
I used to work at Murray's, and I agree, their prices have gone up a lot.
Hoping to chat with some other NH DISers and gardeners!
Laura - I went there yesterday. Perennials were $1.80 a six-pack. She didn't have the variety that Murrays does, but they charge $7.50 for a six-pack. Still a bargain somewhat, but what a difference.

She wasn't officially open, but she let me buy some anyway. I mentioned "Laura" and she said she knew just who you were. She said you were a "Perrenial Freak" and that you come maybe 10 times a season. She was looking forward to seeing you.

Thank you so much for guiding us there. I will go there again. Thanks for your offer to pick up plants but it is a short drive (certainly shorter than going to Murrays) and I like going.

I'm sure my garden isn't anything like yours - I have been commuting to Boston for the past 14 years and I get no help from my husband either inside or out, so my work has been limited. Now that I am retired, I am "good to go" if we don't sell the house.

I would love to have you stop in on your way home from Nashua. My e-mail is mceleri@netzero.net.

Thanks again. BTW I pointed out Murray's price to her and she said that the perrenials she plants are just as easy as planting annuals and she doesn't see why she should charge more. What a nice lady.
For Laura and other NH or nearby folks - I can divide a lot of phlox and some daylilies. If anyone wants to stop just let me know. Barbara
I'd love some phlox and day lilies.

I'm so glad you like the flower place I've never been to Murray's and don't even know where it is. I also like Pompaneha on 101A.

Happy planting. I have 72 new babies to plant Yes, I admit I am a Disney, Garden, Scrapbooking nut. I'm missing a season I'll have to pick something else to do to. LOL



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