If NYC can make their tourists feel welcomed, then...


Jun 14, 2000
If NYC can make their tourists feel welcomed, then shouldn't Disney be able to, also?!

I guess this is a continuation of the "Disney's getting a lot of complaints..." thread, but it just kinda occurred to me.

I heard many times over from WDW that "due the the events of Sept. 11..."

Well, NYC hasn't used that line as often as Disney has. NYC has nearly everything up & running, except for Ground Zero. And NYC is in a big $$$ crunch from the lost revenue from the attack.

But, you can get info on what's on, which is almost everything & what's off, etc.

Now, before you all start yelling at me that NYC isn't our beloved WDW, I would ask you to please think about it. NYC is begging for people to come see The Big Apple! When the Oregonians [I believe that is where they were from, please don't bury me on this], visited NYC, Mayor Guiliani extended them the proverbial "Key to the City." They were honored as Grand Marshalls of the Columbus Day Parade. Their trip was covered by all the mass media. They were practically cheered in the streets. Sounds like something Walt would've done.

What they spent on their visit to NYC is what a lot of us loyal Disney fans spend visiting WDW.

Now, all I'm asking you nice & friendly DISer folk to do is to think about it for a minute or so before you start throwing tomatoes at me.

Thank you.
What is there to say - except you're right. But then - New Yorkers have always have class.

(Now we can both stand back as the tomatos fly!):)
NY is a city, not a Company.
New York was Wounded directly, Not indirectly.

New Yorkers are all bums(Meant as a Joke as I'm sure you all know.)

(A Chicagoan at heart)
I heard many times over from WDW that "due the events of Sept. 11..."

Well, NYC hasn't used that line as often as Disney has.

That's because Ei$ner is not the mayor of New York.


Kinda makes you think though…



Wait a minute!! Giuliani is going to be out a job soon!!!

And the way things are going…. Ei$ner will be too!!!

Do you think… Maybe… Could it soon be "Sir" Big Cheese!!??

Originally posted by YoHo
NY is a city, not a Company.
New York was Wounded directly, Not indirectly.

New Yorkers are all bums(Meant as a Joke as I'm sure you all know.)

(A Chicagoan at heart)


Thank You! You have made my point even stronger. NY is a city, making it all the more harder, which is made up of MANY, MANY COMPANIES struggling to stay afloat! And NYC was Directly Impacted, making it that much More Difficult for NYC to keep things normal & also be able to Welcome NYC's Guests With Open Arms!

Also, Sorry but I don't get the "New Yorkers are all bums" joke...especially from a Non-New Yorker who left his heart in Chicago. [Not that there's anything wrong with Chicago!] Perhaps you were hoping to hear the Bronx Cheer from me!


Thank You! That was sooooo sweet! :)

You can come duck under my garbage can lid with me. :jester:
Excellent point, Nuts4Disney!

In fact, DH, the kids and I have been discussing changing our planned trip to WDW in December to a trip to NYC instead. At least, the Big Apple seems to want our business, and goodness knows the folks there could sure use our vacation $$$. I appreciate that NYC is not playing the 'victim card', in spite of the fact that it WAS a victim.

Interesting human interest story I saw on Fox News - There is a music store located near Ground Zero in NYC (has initials as its name). Seems this store has been located in that area for a long time. In spite of suffering great damage and losses due to the attack, that business reopened a few weeks ago for business as usual. The owner paid every employee during the time the store was closed, and only very reluctantly laid off a few employees after opening back up to business. I am sure that the owner suffered severe financial losses due to damages, lost business days, and paying full salaries while being closed, etc. yet, the owner was thrilled and determined to be operating normally in spite of all that has happened. There were no 'excuses' given, just a dedicated effort to rebuild, reopen, and to take care of their employees and customers. I know that when we do go to NYC, I will go shop at that store to support that owner's determination to carry on 'as usual'.
My point was that New York is a more Human place and even though the fact that it was a direct target makes it a place to potentially fear, it also draws stronger to the hearts of the country. I actually think it was easier for the people of Portland (my new Home) to fly to NY then it would be to get those people to fly to Disney World. There are different sentiments.

As to the New York Bums comment. It was a call for a return to normalcy. During normal times, the people of the Second city don't have much respect for those of the big apple (in a humours manner of course, we aren't jerks) Heck, I always though Batman's Gotham had more in common with Chicago (As I recall from reading about it, chicago was a major influence) Yet New York is nicknamed Gotham. Organized crime movies often feature New York even though the Chicago Mob Dominated the New York mob for most of the Last century.

Second City/SNL

Its not serious. Its just kind of a running gag. We all stopped the silliness on 911. I say its time to bring it back. If I've offended, I apologize. It was not my intention.
OK, go to NY. I can't go to the Empire State Building. Nathan Lane isn't singing. A number of shows have closed. There is anthrax. From the sounds of it there is going to be a public service strike.

It seems that this harkens of the WDW troubles. I think people should go and make the best of it. Mayor Rudy has done an incredible job. But ultimately he has less control then Eisner. Can Rudy keep Broadway lit... Not if people aren't going. Will people go if there are cutbacks? You tell me.
Thanks, TXDeb,

I was not actually intending to have everyone change their WDW plans for NYC, but a really Big Thanks for the support.

As for the downtown music store with the initials in it's name, I am guessing that you mean "J&R Music World." But I am not sure & I am not looking to give out free plugs to any company, especially if I am wrong. I would caution that if you decided to go for a trip to NYC [along with WDW or in lieu of WDW] Downtown near Ground Zero may not be one of the best sites for tourism. I don't know that it's open to the public & even if it were, I don't know that you & yours might want to bare witness to it.

As much as you might like to patronize the business of that music store, I would suggest touring midtown & uptown. [BTW, J&R is a chain & I believe they have mid & uptown locations.]If you come, see the shows, the stores, the museums, the restaurants...there's plenty to do & see midtown & uptown.

So if you decide to come, then let me say "Welcome To NYC!"

If not, Thanks again for the support & warm sentiments!
OK, go to NY.
Thanks for your okay on our possible trip plans. ;)
We're thinking about it!

I can't go to the Empire State Building.
I'm so sorry. I'm glad that isn't one of our main interests.

Nathan Lane isn't singing.
That's too bad. Glad a lot of other people are, though.
Since my daughter is a dancer, we enjoy a lot of the dance company performances, and she likes to take class at the NYC studios. They are often as enjoyable to watch as the performances. She has several friends in NYC dance companies and performing in Broadway shows, and it is always fun to visit with them. We enjoy seeing them as much, or more than seeing the 'stars'. Also, helps us stay in touch with what is going on in the performing arts and theatre world in NYC. All of her dancer friends are still working, so the arts are still alive and well in NYC.

A number of shows have closed.
Luckily, the ones that I want to see are still open. I have already checked.
We have a lot of things that we like to do in NYC. It's a large, unique, wonderful city filled with all sorts of great things to do and see. There is still plenty to do there, and in the surrounding areas, even though a couple of shows have closed and Nathan isn't singing. Some of the best things are not the typical tourist things anyway. There is a magic to NYC just as there is to WDW. It's a different kind of magic - but magic all the same.

Besides, there is always shopping. :D

There is anthrax.
I know. It's horrible isn't it? There's also anthrax in Florida, New Jersey, Indianapolis, Washington DC and probably other places too. We have it here in Texas already because of all our cattle. Not quite the same as having it come through the mail, but it is still here.

And to Nuts4Disney:
I love NYC! It has always been one of my favorite places to visit. I love sitting on the edge of the fountain at Lincoln Center people watching, just as much as I love sitting in front of the castle at WDW. It's a great city, and I have come to appreciate it even more after watching the courageous and inspiring way NY'ers have pulled together after 9/11!
Hi TXDeb,

I'm glad you have alternatives ways to do NYC. I have a have alternative ways to do WDW. NYC is not the NYC as it was when I first. Why do they get slack when WDW doesn't? Is it because we can blame certain people at Disney for for it's downfalls and have no single person to blame for the shortcomings of a city. Are we going to get upset if a stockbroker loses job, or just get upset when something can get blamed on a shortage of CMs at WDW.

I guess my point is that we are creating a double standard or comparing apples and oranges. I'm sure the person who has to wait at the corner deli longer since there are less employees to wait tables is more likely a comparison to WDW then NYC is.
Umm - I believe that the current 'shortcomings' of NYC have more to do with a the effects of a terrorist attack, while a lot of WDW's problems come from bad business decisions made before 9/11. Do you really want to 'blame' NYC for being a direct target of terrorists?

What I hear from WDW is how we have had to cut this, or close that "because of 9/11," while I see a whole city of people in NY trying to get past 9/11 and get back to normal in spite of taking a direct hit from the terrorists, with the resulting massive damage and casualties. I like that fighting and optimistic spirit of the NY'ers.

I am glad that you are happy with WDW. I think that is great for you. However, I reserve the right to consider all of our options in making vacation plans, and to decide where I feel that my family will have the best time and get the best bang for our buck, whether we decide to stay with WDW, go to NYC, or choose someplace else in this big old wonderful country of ours. There are a lot of great places to visit and only so much time and money, so we feel the need to look at all of our options, especially since WDW may not provide the quality vacation that we are used to experiencing there.

I don't have to by a ticket or pass to go into NYC itself, so perhaps I do feel a little freer in cutting it some slack! ;) :D

We haven't made up our minds yet. Just looking, watching what happens in the next few weeks, and considering options.
BTW - Just wanted to add that I don't fault Disney for all of the cuts. Some cuts were inevitable and prudent. I do believe that some of their decisions will end up hurting business even more, however.

I am really mostly upset with the way that the cuts were handled. Not being honest and upfront with guests about the changes is really uncalled for. Too many people have been given the run around, treated rudely, or flat out lied to when they were just trying to clarify some of the changes so that they could adjust their vacation plans accordingly. Guests who were staying on-site showing up at the Studios to be told at the gate that there was no more EE is unexcusable. The CMs should be briefed with up to date info, and taught how to help guests to adapt their plans to the new changes. I can handle working around the cut hours, closed attractions, and shows - I can't handle PAYING a company to treat me with disrespect.
Well said TXDeb! BTW, Texans sure have the same spunk as us NYkrs have, I'll tell you that! We seem to be on the same page here!

The point that I would like to convey here to everyone is not that NYC is better than WDW, or that everyone should change plans & come here.

But rather, that if NYC, which was just 1 of the places the terrorists attacked, can get organized & together so that it's citizens as well as it's visitors can know what's going on & what to expect, WHY CAN'T WDW?

Why all the game playing, the vagueness, & the WDW rumours that inevitably turn out to be true? Why can't we get straight answers from WDW when we call about our travel dates & plans? Is that really too much for WDW's Resort Guests to ask for?

Why hasn't WDW contacted its scheduled resort guests via snail mail, email, fax, or telephone to let us know what's going on? How about a new promo from WDW...a message from King Eisner would be nice. Disney Co. has never been shy about using its marketing resources before!

NYC isn't playing these games with what it's doing & not doing! That's my point. I think NYC's info is out there & upfront for citizens as well as for tourists. The changes that NYC makes are largely done as a response to things outside of NYC's control, like newly discovered terrorist info.

Are we to really believe that WDW is run in such a slip-shod way that they are making all these decisions from the seat of their pants, shooting from the hip daily. And even if I were born yesterday, & was to believe that, wouldn't it be more courteous for them to advise their guests who ask, rather than playing the head games with us?

Sometimes I don't understand the loyalty to this company. Why do some people take it as a personal affront if someone has a negative criticism about Disney Co. My intention isn't to shut down Disney Co. with my comments. I would hope to see them listen up & take heed & improve, because I am so fond of them.

FYI: As for the Empire State Bldg...as far as I know, the observation deck is open. I just heard about Nathan Lane. If the poor guy can't sing it's because he got polyps in his throat, BUT THE SHOW IS STILL ON! As are most of the other shows, attractions, etc., without much if any changes. I am unfamiliar with any public service strikes. And I feel that using the Anthrax situation is a really low blow. If we could control what is going on with Anthrax, don't you think we would! At least we are not hiding the issue, or saying it isn't happening & waiting to surprise you with it when you get here.

And YoHo, I am lost about all this Chicago, mobster, Batman, Second City/SNL stuff. And I think that NYC was pretty "human" as well as humane before this attack occurred. But I don't think it's useful for us to be bickering amongst ourselves, so I will graciously accept your apology. Thank You.


You post more quickly than I do!

Everytime I post something you're there ahead of me saying something similar. I guess great minds think alike! :D
Originally posted by Nuts4Disney
FYI: As for the Empire State Bldg...as far as I know, the observation deck is open. I just heard about Nathan Lane. If the poor guy can't sing it's because he got polyps in his throat, BUT THE SHOW IS STILL ON! As are most of the other shows, attractions, etc., without much if any changes. I am unfamiliar with any public service strikes. And I feel that using the Anthrax situation is a really low blow. If we could control what is going on with Anthrax, don't you think we would! At least we are not hiding the issue, or saying it isn't happening & waiting to surprise you with it when you get here.


Should I cancel my trip since Nathan Lane isn't singing? No. But , isn't that the cutback mentality. "It won't be what I heard it was" The show goes on!!!! Aren't most of the shows and attractions ongoing at Disney as they are in NYC? Tell me where the difference is. Is Disney obligated to tell us their every move? I think things would change before the ink was dry. It is very easy to say to go to NYC. NYC may not be the ones you will end up playing games with. It will be the businesses that you deal with.


I agree that no guest should have showed up to a park for EE to be told that EE was canceled. I find that reprehensible. I guess my point is that we expect more from Disney. We hold them to higher a standard. I also feel that if you put them on an even playing field expectation wise they measure up very well against anyone.

I am sorry that you are taking this so personally.

Our points of view seem to be lost on eachother.

Perhaps we should agree to disagree & move on.

I'm not taking this personally. Moving on is fine. I admire the fact a New Yorker (as I am originally from Boston) won't beat you to death with their opinion. :D

I think the best compromise is to agree to disagree!
Just checking in to agree to the suggestion of moving along to other topics now.

BTW - Eeyore2U, Boston is another one of my all-time favorite cities. :)

Nuts4Disney - My thoughts and prayers are with the people of NY, and I continue to be inspired by their courage and determination. If my family doesn't make it there in December to visit, we'll be back soon!

Originally posted by TXDeb
Nuts4Disney - My thoughts and prayers are with the people of NY, and I continue to be inspired by their courage and determination. If my family doesn't make it there in December to visit, we'll be back soon!


TXDeb :wave:

Thanks for the all the good wishes, thoughts, & prayers.

I hope you have a great vacation where ever you decide to go!:)

If you ever have any questions about NYC, give a holler! :)


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