If the Presidential Candidates were Campers...


I guess we really aren't going to get much "CHANGE" are we?:lmao:
Hmmm..... interesting statement. "Innocent people into nothingness". I recall vividly 3000 innocent people being blown up into nothingness on Sept. 11th.

I for one, don't give a rats behind if the entire country is blown to bits trying to find Osama...or his body if he's dead.(which I don't think he is) Not one bit. I'll sleep at night just fine...better than I have since the murdering ******* blew up the city.

Just my opinion...guess you can tell I've got some pretty strong feelings when it comes to this. Comes from smelling the smoke of your city burning..and seeing grown men cry trying to find their boys in a pile of rubble. It doesn't matter if your boy is a man...he's always your boy. Then reading obituaries for over a year in our local papers. Now we deal with the illness and death that ground zero workers are experiencing. Guess I'll have to excuse myself from this part of the discussion. I just want someone to get the guy...I don't care who. I want someone to say "YOU DON'T DO THIS TO AMERICA"...
:thumbsup2 AUNTIE FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Oh My LORD!!!!!! We are in serious trouble, folks!!!
With of course fringe benefits for his closest and dearest friends.:thumbsup2
I guess we really aren't going to get much "CHANGE" are we?:lmao:

Probably not...

Only no matter who wins and who looses there will a peaceful transfer of power. There won't be any military take overs or rioting in the streets. Sure there are bound to be dissapointed people from one camp or the other..but life as we know it will go on. This is what seperates us from so many other countries where a vote is meaningless. While I'm not overly enthused by our choices, I will vote and thank those who fought and protected my right to do so.
You are quite right Phyllis, we are very lucky to live where we do. Even with all our issues, and problems-it could be much worse. I lived overseas for several years and life is much different. I think a lot of the problems we have today stem from everyone forgetting how good we actually have it. And what goes into us keeping life the way it is.
Can I park my camper on the front lawn of the white house? Now that would be one heck of a site pic.:thumbsup2
John - "a camper in every driveway".

Phyllis - "we have to find a cure for teenage boys flatulence".

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Can I park my camper on the front lawn of the white house? Now that would be one heck of a site pic.:thumbsup2

Now wouldn't THAT be something. The front lawn of the white house turned into full hook ups..no...what was I thinking...it's the WHITE HOUSE! It would have to be preferred hook ups..complete with cable! :thumbsup2

Don't forget...Tina's 5th wheel rental would have it's own permanent site too!:rotfl: We couldn't have her towing from Fl. all the time. :laughing:
John - "a camper in every driveway".

Phyllis - "we have to find a cure for teenage boys flatulence".

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh man..you are right about that::yes:: ..I would definetly have to get some smarty pants scientist types workin' on that right away. I'm figuring this problem with the ozone layer and global warming is probably a direct result of teenage boy flatulence to be sure! Gotta be! Anyone who lives with one knows that. You see....yet another reason for woman in the white house. To tackle these really important issues that effect our everyday lives.:laughing:
vote for gatordad, he's over 35 and will invite our enemies to drink beer.
As a 40yr old male...I must say...my flatulence potency has definately improved with age......Teens may be able to do it more often, but experiance proves that ONCE CAN BE ENOUGH if done properly!!!

Leave it to the Irish to cut through the crap and make the whole issue crystal clear...

Thoughts from across the pond.

An email from Ireland to the brethren in the States...a point to ponder despite your political affiliation:

'We, in Ireland, can't figure out why people are even bothering to hold an election in the United States.

On one side, you have a pants wearing lawyer, married to a lawyer who can't keep his pants on, who just lost a long and heated primary against a lawyer who goes to the wrong church who is married to yet another lawyer who doesn't even like the country her husband wants to run.

Now...On the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate "Mc" terminology married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship.

What in Lord's name are ye lads thinking over there in the colonies

'nuf said.

There is no way, no matter what party they are from, I would vote for someone who can't put his hand on his heart for our national anthem, can't wear a flag pin on his lapell, until there is an uproar about it, and who's own wife has admitted to not liking our country. My husband fought, and lost a lot for this country and if Obama wins I am soooo happy he is no longer active duty. I would not be able to show my respect to that man. He is in no way fit to be Commander and Chief.

And I'm sorry if I offend, but please, whether or not you agree with what your pastor spews off at the mouth about, you stayed a member of that church for 20 years. I know if I didn't agree with the teachings and beliefs of my church, I would find another one?......

I feel that people just forget these issues. The only thing we really hear about with McCain is that he is old. Well, I would much rather have an old guy who has somewhat of a clue in office, rather than a guy that can't even show proper respect for the country he wants to run. I too am scared that this guy might be voted in. He may be bringing "change" but I don't think it is the change we really want.

Phew, I've said my peace, I'm done.

again, 'nuf said :thumbsup2

too funny!
As a 40yr old male...I must say...my flatulence potency has definately improved with age......Teens may be able to do it more often, but experiance proves that ONCE CAN BE ENOUGH if done properly!!!

We are talking about farting here right?...
I mean with that statement..I'm just makin' sure. :rolleyes1



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