"If you stop whining, I'll take you to Disney" Our August 2013 PTR!! (Updated 8/3)


Dec 27, 2008
So, most people would think that the title would be a parent saying that to a child. No. It was in fact my loving husband saying that to me lol.

Why this trip? Why the whining? Let me start off by saying that this would be our seventh trip together, my eleventh trip (thirteenth if you include the two trips to Disneyland). We both thought last August was going to be our last trip for a few years but that changed in June.

It was my first year of teaching. I was a Teacher Assistant for students with Autism for 6 years at a great school. Unfortunately, after I graduated, there weren't any teaching positions available and since we were newlyweds, I wanted to get a teaching position ASAP. I took the first job that was offered to me at a school that I thought was just like the one I came from. While I loved my students, the school itself was not for me. It was a very long, hard year. I thankfully found another teaching position for September in my hometown.

Now for where the whining came from. Before I knew I had something else lined up for September, I would come home and complain and cry to my poor husband every night. He couldn't stand to see me upset anymore and said that if I stopped whining and crying and stuck it out for the rest of the year, he would take me to Disney. Well that's all I had to hear! A few days later, I got offered the position in my hometown and everything else started looking up! I landed a great summer job and we were going to DISNEY!!!

Ok, now that you have the backstory. Here's who we are lol.

Me- Megan:


This is me and DH on my brother's wedding day. So, I'm Megan (as stated above lol). I'm 28 and I'm a teacher for students with disabilities. I originally went to school for Video Production at the Art Institute of Philadelphia and received my Associates Degree. I worked in the field for about two years but wanted to go back to school for my Bachelors. With my hours, I couldn't attend night classes so my now DSIL suggested I work at her school as a teacher assistant so I could. She is a Speech Therapist for the school I worked at for 6 years. I instantly fell in love and instead of going back to school for film or communications, I chose Special Education and English. I LOVE being a Special Education teacher.

This past year, I had a Disney theme in my classroom. I had Mickey head silhouette cut outs around my whiteboard, Disney font phrases around my room, the works. I'm not sure if my students loved it, but I sure did! My Disney obsession has been going on for as long as I can remember. However, I didn't take my first trip to the World until I was 13. After that, my family and I pretty much went to either Disney World or Disneyland every year until I was 21. Enter DH.

My Husband- Mike:


Mike is 27 (will be 28 at the end of August). When we first met, he owned his own landscaping company but made the switch to the fun world of accounting. He made a few trips to the World when he was younger.

Our Story:


We met August 13, 2005 through my best friend from high school. He was having a party at his house and decided to give the girl sitting in the corner by herself a chance. We started dating shortly after.

My birthday is in January and he surprised me with a trip to Disney World. It was our first trip together and after that, it became a yearly tradition for us.


Skip ahead to June 14, 2009 (warning, this is a long story lol). We had made our yearly trip to the World. By this time, we had been dating for just about 4 years. We started looking at engagement rings a few months before that. I thought an engagement might be coming, but he had told me a few weeks ago that he was really sorry but he just couldn't afford to do it by then. He promised to think of another creative way to propose. I understood. On this trip, we went with our best friend (who went down the same day as us) and Mike's family (who went down 2 days later). The night his family came down, we had our usual date night planned. Whenever we go with a big group, we usually take one night to ourselves. This trip, we decided to have dinner at Narcoosee's at the Grand Floridian and then to watch the fireworks from the beach by the Wedding Pavilion.

That morning, me, Mike, and Alex (the best friend) went to Animal Kingdom. We went back to the hotel for some swimming before dinner and to meet up with his sister and brother in law. When they arrived, Mike went with them to their room and was gone a long time. I didn't understand what was taking so long but also didn't really think twice about it. I went up and got ready for dinner. We had an amazing dinner at Narcoossee's. Since we knew we were going to the beach after, we had brought a bed sheet from home and a bottle of champagne. Mike kept insisting that we bring the champagne before we left and I kept arguing with him about how it was going to break. Thankfully, I gave in.

When we arrived at our spot, they were playing Wall-E on one of those blow up projectors a few feet away. While Mike and I were having a sand drawing contest (we are quite competitive with each other lol), I was zoned out watching the movie. All of a sudden Mike yells over, "Ok! I think I won!" I doubted it but I went over anyway. There in the sand, he wrote "Will you marry me?" I turned around and he was down on one knee. He asked me again and after I told him to "Shut the (bad word) up," I said yes. As soon as I said yes, Wishes started at MK. It was the perfect engagement. My parents even flew out a few days later to celebrate with us.


On August 13, 2011, we were married. It was six years to the day that we met. It was important to me that we have a very personalized wedding. I wanted us to be represented throughout everything. We are both New York Mets fans so our colors were navy and orange. Our first dance was to "I Wanna Grow Old With You" from the Wedding Singer because it fit our personalities perfectly. I wore my converses during the reception to touch on my punk side. It had a few Disney touches (including our cake topper that I absolutely LOVED). It was a perfect day.


Last year, we celebrated our first anniversary in Disney. We had dinner at Artist Point. We couldn't make it to our spot because they were doing construction at the Grand Floridian for the DVC. However, this year we are definitely going to make it because we are having dinner at Narcoossee's again!

That's us! That's our story. A long, elaborate story but the best story a girl could hope for. :love:

Stay tuned to the next post and I'll give all the details about our upcoming trip!
Joining in from the Aug board! Love your engagement story!

Also a fellow NJ teacher! (I teach 6th grade literacy!)

Can't wait to hear about your trip!
Our Travels:



Since we booked our trip last minute, we had a hard time finding cheap airfare. I was checking airfare like it was my full time job lol. Mike doesn't like to fly for anything more than $100 each way. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and this time, it just didn't. We wound up booking a flight through JetBlue (since I'm a TruBlue member and we're determined to get a free flight lol). It came out to about $200 each way but I threw it on my Disney Visa to collect the points lol.


We're leaving August 16th at 7:30 out of JFK (about an hour, hour and fifteen minutes away). Which means to get there by 5:30-6, we have to leave our apartment no later than 4:30-4:45. My FIL will be taking us to the airport since he has to go see a client up there that day. Hope he can see him early! Lol. Normally, I would say no problem about leaving that early! Except, I have the Backstreet Boys concert the night before at PNC Bank Arts Center. Yes, the Backstreet Boys lol. When I was younger, I'm pretty sure I went to see every concert of theirs when they were in the area from the time I was 13 until I was 18. When I found out they were going to be in NJ, I jumped at the opportunity to buy the tickets. This was before I realized we were going to have such an early flight but oh well! I get the Backstreet Boys and Disney all within 24 hours!! :banana: I'll just have to head out a little bit early to ensure I get some kind of sleep (and I'll beat most of the traffic leaving PNC).

Anyway, back to flights! We'll land in Orlando around 10-10:30 am.

On the way home, we have a 10:30 flight and fly into Newark around 12:50. My mom will be picking us up. Whenever we go somewhere, my mom and my FIL like to take turns on who is going to drop us off and pick us up. We're very lucky :goodvibes



We'll be staying at Pop Century!! I'm so excited because we haven't stayed here before. We normally stay at All-Stars but after staying there last year, we needed a change. The buses were not that great from All-Star Sports last year and I think that's what did us in. We waited an hour and a half for a bus at DTD and that was after Mike went to about 5 different buses asking them to send a bus to us.

So this trip, Mike said, "How about we stay at Pop Century?" I enthusiastically agreed! A friend of mine works for Disney as a performer and gave us her friends and family discount so we saved 40% on our room only reservation! :yay:



Mike's company just merged with a larger accounting company. With this came perks such as a website filled with discounts (kind of like the NJEA website). We were able to snag 4 day Park Hopper Passes with 3 days free! We definitely lucked out with that and the company merged at the right time lol. I'll get to my itinerary later.

El Gato:


This is our cat, Cali. She's a smoosh-and-stuff. All she wants to do is cuddle and be wherever you are. My mom calls her the "Grandcat" (since we haven't given her grandchildren yet lol) and Mike and I call her the "El Gato." We adopted her about 2 1/2 years ago when we moved into our apartment. We can't have dogs here and wanted a companion so we rescued her. She's just so cute. Look at that faceeeeeee.

Anyway! My mom is going to stay at our apartment Saturday and Sunday of our trip to take care of her. I have tried, on numerous occasions, to explain to my mom that she's a cat. She doesn't need someone watching her 24/7, just someone to supply her with food, water, and a little bit of love. But my mom insists that when she stays at our apartment, it's like her own vacay lol. Mind you, she only lives about 20 minutes away lol. Ok so! My mom will be watching her Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday (she's going to stay at our apartment Thursday night since she'll be picking us up at the airport and we live a little closer). Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, my FIL will watch her. He doesn't give her much loving because he's a little allergic and just doesn't like cats in general lol.

I think that's it for the general plans of everything. The next post will be all about our first day! Thanks for reading! :yay:
Day 1: Magic Kingdom!!!


So, before I get started with going through each day, I should mention that we were chosen to test the new MagicBands and Fastpass+. I'm excited about the MB's. I got pink and Mike got green ("Because geniuses pick green." Yes, that's a direct quote from my wonderful husband lol). I'm not too excited though about the Fastpass+ and here's why.

We pretty much have our regular FP plan down to a science for each park. Being that you can only get 3 FP+ a day (4 with the extra one you get for MK), I can safely say that the only park I feel this would benefit would be Animal Kingdom. For us, AK is a half day park. We don't stay for the parade, we don't really see any of the shows, we just do the rides and the trails (depending on the weather, the crowds, and how lazy we are feeling that day lol) and head back to the pool. But! We are talking about MK, not AK so back to the plans!

So, as I said in my previous post, we land in Orlando around 10:10 which means we'll probably get to Pop Century by 11:30ish which means to MK around 12:15ish. Since we are getting to the park halfway through the day (and at the busiest time of day), I decided to try out the FP+. Here are my times:

" Space Mountain (12-1:00)
" Jungle Cruise (1:45-2:45)
" Haunted Mansion (2:50-3:50)
" Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (4:05-5:05)

Now for my reasoning for each one. When you book the FP+, you pick your 3 rides. If you are going to MK, it gives you the bonus POTC FP+. After I completed my plans, I switched POTC to Haunted Mansion. Space Mountain is one of our favorite rides in MK and there is usually a line that comes with it. So we'll start at Space Mountain, and then head over to Adventureland to ride Jungle Cruise. I wanted to make sure we got on Jungle Cruise since it's going into refurbishment. Then we'll ride Pirates and the walk over to BTMR will get us there just at the right time (I hope). If not, we'll pick up a dole whip! :yay: Every time we went to go on BTMR last year, it was closed so we didn't get to ride it. I'm determined to ride it this year!!

After BTMR, we'll head back to the hotel where hopefully our room will be ready (I didn't do online check in. I know it takes a lot of time to go through regular check in but I enjoy the whole process for some strange reason lol). After we get ourselves settled, we'll head to DTD for some dinner at either Earl of Sandwich or Wolfgang Puck Express and to pick up some things at the Hess station across the street there. Then we'll head back to the hotel because I'm sure we'll be exhausted from traveling all day and to prepare for day 2!
Day 2- Epcot!!


Little side note about this picture. This is Alex, our best friend and best man at our wedding or aka, my husband #2. This was from our engagement trip (the night before we got engaged). Alex should not be allowed to pack for himself for anything, every again. You see those shorts? Those brown, plaid shorts? Yea, those were the only shorts he brought with him for the ENTIRE week. Yes, the ENTIRE week. Now that would be fine if it were maybe January or February and he did laundry every other day. And it always would have been fine if he brought shirts that matched the shorts. No, this was June. And no, he had ridiculous shirts that did not match the ridiculous shorts. In example:

This outfit. The bright pink and black shirt with the brown, plaid shorts, and blue and white sneakers. Apparently, he was going for a fashion statement that no one else understood lol. He tried out for American Idol that day and made it to the show! Unfortunately, he didn't make it through to the big, end of the day show but he did really good. During each audition (you go through 2 auditions before the show) and during the actual show, everyone commented on this outfit. So again, this is Alex lol. Anyway! Back to the PTR! Sorry for the sidetrack, it needed to be shared lol.

Epcot! So I again booked FP+ for this day because Spaceship Earth is going into refurbishment the next day and I again needed to make sure we were able to ride it at least once on this trip. Here are my FP+ times:

• Test Track (9:55-10:55)
• Spaceship Earth (11:25-12:25)
• Soarin (1:00-2:00)

TT was closed last year so it's been a while since we have been on it and Soarin is a must FP. We'll probably ride Mission Space (green side! No orange side for me because I get bad motion sickness on that even with Bonine lol) after Test Track and Living with the Land (Mike's favorite) after Spaceship Earth. We'll probably head out after this because we have dinner that night. Once we get back to the hotel, we'll probably just shower and get ready for dinner.

Dinner is at Narcoossee's at 6:10, back to where we got engaged :love: We have the same plan that we did that night (minus the proposing of course lol). Our 2 year anniversary is a few days before that so this will be our anniversary dinner. I'm really excited to go back. We loved everything about that restaurant! So we'll probably leave by 4:45-5:00 just to make sure we get to the Grand Floridian in time. Last time, we were 15 minutes late for our reservation and I refuse to let that happen again lol. After dinner, we'll go back to "our spot" and watch the fireworks (yes, champagne included again! And probably some more sand drawing competitions lol).
Day 3- Hollywood Studios


(yes, that is the High School Musical 3 parade and yes, I was very excited about it lol. I'm a closeted High School Musical fan lol)

On our third day, we will be going to Hollywood Studios. I chose not to do the FP+ for this day (for right now anyway. We'll see how it goes after the first 2 days). We like to do ToT and Rockin Roller Coaster more than once and we can usually get plan it so we can ride them a few times with waiting on line and using the regular FP system. So we are just going to go about our normal plan. I should say that we don't do rope drop. I know, I know. But we still are able to get FP's for Toy Story and get everything done that we want to get done. So, we usually arrive around 9:30ish (give or take), run to Toy Story, get a FP, and head to ToT. Depending on the time frame of the first FP, we get a FP for Rockin Roller Coaster (if possible).

Then we head to Star Tours. I usually keep my eyes closed during this because again even with the Bonine, I still get motion sickness on this. But, Mike loves it and I'm not going to make him go on by himself. He just doesn't know that I close my eyes lol.

Then we used to go to Muppets from there but since that's under renovation, we'll go to Great Movie Ride. From there, we'll head to Toy Story or Rockin Roller Coaster depending on our FPs. Then we have reservations at Hollywood and Vine for the Fantasmic Dinner Package. This is our 4th time doing it and we finally were able to see Fantasmic last year. I'm hoping I don't jinx myself for trying to do it again lol.

After linner (lunch/dinner), we'll head to Animation Academy where we can have our usual drawing competition to see who drew a better picture lol. Then, One Man's Dream and then maybe a show. After this point, we just see what the lines are like and ride whatever. Then its off to Fantasmic!

After Fantasmic, we head back to the hotel and either collapse on the bed, go swimming for a little bit, watch the nightly movie, or MK has EMH. It's usually choice A but we'll see how it goes lol
I am still waiting for the right time to sit and read all if these posts. I am in love with your title and cannot wait to read about how you whined your way to a WDW vacay lol.

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Subbing in. LOVE the pics AND your engagement story is amazing!!

Thank you!! He did a pretty good job ;)

I am still waiting for the right time to sit and read all if these posts. I am in love with your title and cannot wait to read about how you whined your way to a WDW vacay lol.

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Hahaha I couldn't believe I actually did it!
Day 4- Epcot and EMH at HS!


(on our way to Epcot during a rain storm last year)

Today we are back to Epcot! I didn't book any FP+ yet because I want to wait and see how the first 2 days go. So as of right now, we are going about our normal Epcot day. Here's how it goes:

Arrive at Epcot, FP Soarin.
Ride Living with the Land (Mike's favorite)
Ride Nemo
Head over to Mission Space/Test Track
If possible, FP which ever one has a longer line and ride the other one.
Ride Ellen's Energy Adventure
Depending on when we have to go back for our FP for Soarin, either ride Soarin or head into Innoventions.

At this point, it should be time for our 12:15 lunch at Marrakesh. We love it here! Our friend recommended it to us last year when we went and couldn't believe we haven't gone before. The chicken couscous is out of this world. I've tried replicating it, and its just not possible. I originally had this planned for dinner but then I realized that its pretty much the same menu for lunch so to save some money, I switched it to lunch.

After this, we'll probably walk around World Showcase for a little while. We'll probably have a few drinks and then head back to the hotel for some swimming. We'll eat dinner at the hotel a little later than usual (since we'll be having a big lunch) and then head to HS for EMH.

We've never done EMH at HS before so I don't really have a plan for this yet. I know people have said in the past that its quite crowded so we are just gonna have to see how it goes and ride what we can.

That's it! Day 5 will be Animal Kingdom and EMH at Epcot! Thanks for reading!
OMG I love your story. What a dream come true! You guys are so cute! I'm also a teacher (3rd gr) and my DS 4 has ASD so I give you credit for going into special education- not an easy field and you sound so passionate!

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Looks like we check into POP the same day. We will be there early since we are driving from CT and staying in Orlando off site for 2 days beforehand for extra pool/fun time.

Unsolicited advice- stick with the cat (and I am not a cat person). I LOVED our dog and treated him like a child until I had a baby and the dog got jealous and barks at me and pretty much is just so so so annoying! I don't have time for him anymore! Plus we are trying to sell our starter home and that is really difficult to do with a hairy dog living there! LOL

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Day 2- Epcot!!

Little side note about this picture. This is Alex, our best friend and best man at our wedding or aka, my husband #2. This was from our engagement trip (the night before we got engaged). Alex should not be allowed to pack for himself for anything, every again. You see those shorts? Those brown, plaid shorts? Yea, those were the only shorts he brought with him for the ENTIRE week. Yes, the ENTIRE week. Now that would be fine if it were maybe January or February and he did laundry every other day. And it always would have been fine if he brought shirts that matched the shorts. No, this was June. And no, he had ridiculous shirts that did not match the ridiculous shorts. In example:

This outfit. The bright pink and black shirt with the brown, plaid shorts, and blue and white sneakers. Apparently, he was going for a fashion statement that no one else understood lol. He tried out for American Idol that day and made it to the show! Unfortunately, he didn't make it through to the big, end of the day show but he did really good. During each audition (you go through 2 auditions before the show) and during the actual show, everyone commented on this outfit. So again, this is Alex lol. Anyway! Back to the PTR! Sorry for the sidetrack, it needed to be shared lol.

Epcot! So I again booked FP+ for this day because Spaceship Earth is going into refurbishment the next day and I again needed to make sure we were able to ride it at least once on this trip. Here are my FP+ times:

• Test Track (9:55-10:55)
• Spaceship Earth (11:25-12:25)
• Soarin (1:00-2:00)

TT was closed last year so it's been a while since we have been on it and Soarin is a must FP. We'll probably ride Mission Space (green side! No orange side for me because I get bad motion sickness on that even with Bonine lol) after Test Track and Living with the Land (Mike's favorite) after Spaceship Earth. We'll probably head out after this because we have dinner that night. Once we get back to the hotel, we'll probably just shower and get ready for dinner.

Dinner is at Narcoossee's at 6:10, back to where we got engaged :love: We have the same plan that we did that night (minus the proposing of course lol). Our 2 year anniversary is a few days before that so this will be our anniversary dinner. I'm really excited to go back. We loved everything about that restaurant! So we'll probably leave by 4:45-5:00 just to make sure we get to the Grand Floridian in time. Last time, we were 15 minutes late for our reservation and I refuse to let that happen again lol. After dinner, we'll go back to "our spot" and watch the fireworks (yes, champagne included again! And probably some more sand drawing competitions lol).

OH so hysterical! I need to set Alex up with my sister- also a NJ teacher! ;) I'm assuming he doesn't have a gf or wife based on his poor packing/wardrobe choices lol. Morris county.
OMG I love your story. What a dream come true! You guys are so cute! I'm also a teacher (3rd gr) and my DS 4 has ASD so I give you credit for going into special education- not an easy field and you sound so passionate!

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Aww thank you! I definitely love it! I give you credit too!

Looks like we check into POP the same day. We will be there early since we are driving from CT and staying in Orlando off site for 2 days beforehand for extra pool/fun time.

Unsolicited advice- stick with the cat (and I am not a cat person). I LOVED our dog and treated him like a child until I had a baby and the dog got jealous and barks at me and pretty much is just so so so annoying! I don't have time for him anymore! Plus we are trying to sell our starter home and that is really difficult to do with a hairy dog living there! LOL

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Awesome!! Maybe we'll see you around! Hahaha we'll definitely keep her. Idk though, she may go through the same issues your dog went through lol. She stands on my nightstand and meows at us when we are trying to go to bed if Mike isn't laying on his back so she can lay on his stomach lol.

OH so hysterical! I need to set Alex up with my sister- also a NJ teacher! ;) I'm assuming he doesn't have a gf or wife based on his poor packing/wardrobe choices lol. Morris county.

Lol he's a piece of work. Unfortunately, he lives in Los Angeles now. He moved there the year after we got engaged but tries to come home once or twice a year depending on his schedule. Unless your sister is planning on moving to LA!! ;)
Day 5- Animal Kingdom and Epcot EMH!!


(yes, its the same shorts)

Today we head to Animal Kingdom! This is usually a half day park for us. Again, I haven't picked any FP+ yet, but I'll see how it goes the first 2 days. This park may be ideal for us to use FP+. Here is how our usual plan goes:

Arrive, FP EE, ride EE.
Ride Dinosaur
Ride EE again using FP
FP Kali River Rapids
Ride Safaris
Do the walkthroughs (Maharajah, Rafiki, etc)
Eat lunch at Flame Tree BBQ
Ride KRR using FP
Ride It's Tough to be a Bug

We don't usually stay for the shows or the parade. I might try to convince Mike to stay to see Nemo this time though. We'll see how we feel. This is our only day at AK right now.

We'll head back to the hotel and do some swimming, shower, and either have dinner at the hotel or grab some QS at Epcot. We'll see how we feel. We'll get to Epcot before Illuminations so we can grab a seat and enjoy the show. Then we'll ride everything we haven't gone on yet.

Stay tuned for Day 6 at Magic Kingdom!!!


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