I'm torn....stay at DLH or Candy Cane...


<font color=deeppink>Have a good laugh and read th
Mar 15, 2004
I know...everyone would say DLH!!! I made a ressie with AAA for DLH and 2-day hopper tix (enhanced...fastpass) for three nights. I could not resist by NOT reserving before I hung up. But yikes. the $$ ($1,200 room with a view).
I could save $$ ($565) if I stay at Candy Cane and still enjoy DL. But the thrill of sharing the joy of DLH with my DS19 for the first time in his life (DLH, not DL, been to DL several times with kids) before he grows up and no longer vacations with mommy dearest... :goodvibes The thrill of just a stroll thru Downtown Disney on our way to Disneyland....hopping the monorail to go to the room for a light snack or a bite to eat in the room and enjoy the view we are paying for.
He does not care where we stay. He said: 'as long as it is close by and cheap', but I KNOW when we pull up to the DLH and realizes we are staying there! he will be briming with the biggest smile just as if he were 10yr old. :goodvibes :love: But I know a room is a room. CCI is a great place, close by. In the summer you are like never in the room. Get home at midnight if that. up at the crack of dawn. But on the other hand I am turning 50! (June) This is a treat for me!
oohhhhhhhh, I have until April 30 to make a deposit on the trip......
what to do.....what to do.........what to do..............
Personally, for that savings I would pick the CCI. The shuttle gets you way closer then the monorail gets you do the DLH! Unless you really spend time in your room and at the pool, its not worth it. Not only is the CCI 1/2 the price, they feed you breakfast too- so you save even more.
We stayed at Howard Johnson and I have to say our kids were not remotely affected by this.

They were so excited about seeing Disneyland the accommodation was irrelevant to them. It was a place to selp in the few hours we werent in the parks - full stop.

If you have the money, sure, stay at DH. If not, stay somewhere cheaper and use the savings on things like ride photos, dinner at Blue Bayou etc.

That would add a lot more to the experience to me than the hotel room.
I would have to say DLH...no question! You just can't beat staying on property. That way you really never leave Disney! Can't you just get the basic standard room at DLH or even PP? I know it's more expensive, but in my opinion, I think it's definitely worth it. It just makes the trip more special. Whatever you decide...have a great time! :wizard:
you're babying your kids too much. ask them what they want & like.

it's that easy.
My son could care less....he is not a spoiled brat by any means. :teeth:
It is ME that wants to treat myself for MY 50th this year. :banana:
Trust me, I have stayed off site pretty much all my life. It's cool with me.
I am not spoiled either by any means. Just torn...that's all.
At the going rate of gas going up in price....I should stay off site and use that $500 for gas .......... :guilty: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Then treat your self and your family! Go with your gut , shop the rate a bit to be sure you can't get it for a little less. We are doing the splerge this time and I am more excited then my kids are .....and you know what , I work for the money and deserve it! If your wish is DLH you should you do it! These memories are so important and kids grow up so fast , if you can still get your 19 year old to travel with you it is all the more reson to celebrate! Have a great vacation! :banana:
I am in the same boat as you! We are going in June and have reservations at both the DLH and CCI. CCI is about 900 for 8 nights and DH is 2300!! That is a giant price difference but I am still torn deciding between the two. One of the biggest factors is the kid's love for the pool especially dd who is 6 and just discovered how fun the waterslide is. Part of it too is me-lol. I just love it there and feel so "at home" but I don't know how to justify the big difference in my right mind-lol!

We really made such good use of the hotel and all the facilities last time but it was raining in March so we kept leaving the park when it was pouring rain and the kids went into the pool for hours at a time. We ate at the hotel restaurants and the kids played at the arcade and also did the remote motorboats. I loved taking the monorail in and out and beating the entry lines.

We've never stayed at CCI and I hear their pool is nice but the rooms are small so I am really torn between the two. When I think hard about it, I think I must be insane to spend that kind of money just for the hotel! Then I say, well, we could just stay less days but that is why we are staying so long this time, to enjoy the pool and the hotel and not do the rush through all day at DL til we collapse at the hotel. Plus, last time we were upgraded to a suite for free so even at over $2K, it will never be as good as last time! Tell me what you decide, maybe it will help me....
Make sure you gat all the info on cancelling your package through AAA if necessary. I'd say go with your gut, and if DLH will make you feel special for your birthday and this last "eventful" trip with your son, do it with no regrets. :wizard:

I would however, keep checking websites like travelocity to check rates closer to the date. On another thread, a diser posted he was able to get $159/night for a DLH view!
We are doing the same thing! My son, 17, graduates next year so this is the last summer where he will still be living at home and vacationing with us. (he says as soon as he graduates, he's "outta here!" LOL Lil Booger!)

Anyway...we really want this trip to be special so instead of doing Residence Inn, which we were first going to do, we are doing 3nights at DLH and 3nights at GC with a theme park view! Yes, the cost is a big difference but money is money and memories are so, so special!

The first trip we took to WDW, I don't even remember what the cost was but the memories are still with us and we still view our photo album and talk about that trip to this day! And we love that we did it just 'right' for our family. (that's another thing...every family is different so what is perfect and special for your family may not be for another so *you* have to decide for yourself what is special and what isn't) :)

So if you can afford it and it's not going to put you in dire straits...go with your gut! ;)
I have no sound advice, I'm in the same boat as you! My DH and I are sneaking away for an adults only trip in July. I have reservations at both GC ($1,900 for a theme park view) and CCI ($850 for a deluxe spa room). I'm having a really hard time deciding which way to go. Let us know what you decide!!
We'll be staying at the CCI in July and am looking forward to it. I've never stayed at a DLH, so really can't comment on it. Personally, I just need a nice comfortable bed to rest when I want to take a break from the park.

My parents took us to DL on a family vacation in summer of '86, the summer before I graduated high school. They didn't know when we all (4 siblings) would be together again to do something like that. Well, it's been 20 years, and we're doing it again. My parents are footing the bill and taking all of us, and our spouses and children, once again to the happiest place on earth-21 of us in all. It's their gift to us as we celebrate family and the gift of life. This past year my father battled cancer and won, so we are celebrating with him.

By cutting costs in lodging, we will be able to stay longer, thus enjoying the parks to the fullest extent. The memories with one another and the enjoyment of the parks themselves is what matters, at least for us. Coming from Hawaii, the pool is not a big deal. I also think the convenience of CCI beats anything else out there-the complimentary shuttle, continental breakfast and comfy beds. Besides, we plan to spend most of our time at the parks, not in our room.

Do whatever it takes to make this trip with your son memorable. I still have pictures and memories of our family trip in '86 that I share with my kids now. Hopefully, in years to come, you too will get an opportunity to enjoy it again with grandchildren in tow.

Have a great trip!
I would say if you can afford the extra money stay with Disney. Yes it is just a room but you get the extra disney touches plus the neverland pool for your kids. We stayed in the Sierra tower of the DLH in Dec. and loved it. We have found that when you visit Disney it is always more special ( yes and expensive) to stay with Disney.
We've stayed at both. Personally, if you're willing to splurge, by all means stay at DLH. But if it's a lot of money per night to you, the Candy Cane Inn is great. Honestly, despite the bathrooms at DLH and the pixie dust on the ceiling, we thought the rooms at Candy Cane were cuter, and as someone said above me, their shuttle will get you less of a walk. DLH is a fun thing to do though if you want to do something special :) It is fun to see a character in the lobby of your hotel every morning.
Personally, I'd stay at the Candy Cane and use the money saved on special stuff like souvenirs you wouldn't normally buy....but then again, I've done it both ways.

LOL Once upon a time, my brother and I had a room at the Disney Pan Pacific (that was before they changed the name) for 2 nights before we were supposed to drive to Vegas for an evening and then return to Anaheim for a convention at the Hilton. Our travel agent had gotten us a really good rate at the Pan Pacific. Well, this was the first time EVER that I had stayed in a Disney hotel (it would be years before I stayed at Dixie Landings in Orlando). I was captivated by the hotel...and especially by the Mickey soap. Ahhh...nothing is as wonderful as Mickey soaps and shampoos. We were in love with the hotel...so much so that 1 hour after we checked in, we extended our reservation for 2 more days. Of course, these extra 2 days (in AUGUST!!!) were at the rack rate (yikes...who pays rack rate? WE DO!) So, instead of driving off to Vegas for our $39 a night room there, we ended up paying $200+ for our Disney room. Was it worth it? You betcha it was. We had a ton of fun doing DL for so many days. Over and over and over again and collecting so much Mickey soap.

Now, even with all that fun and soap collecting, that was the last time we've stayed at a Disney hotel in Anaheim. Later stays have been in the Fairfield, Portabello, and the Candy Cane Inn...mostly because we'd rather spend the money on stuff other than a room. The Candy Cane Inn was a wonderful place to stay. You save money on breakfast too since it's included. We'd rather use money on great dinners in the park or Downtown Disney and in the stores.

So what you have to ask yourself is whether the hotel is a great keepsake memory for your 50th and your vacation with your 19 year old or will it be that fantastic leather jacket you saw on Main Street!!? LOL for the savings, your son could get a magnificent souvenir as well. Or maybe a special dinner at the DLH...steak perhaps? I would never have traded my experience at the Pan Pacific for anything but gee whiz, a Mickey Mouse leather jacket would look nice in my closet. :rotfl:
DH and I decided for our first trip to DL to splurge and stay at the DLH. With 2 little ones, we actually will spend time in the room, so staying someplace nice means something. Also, both boys love pools so we will make good use of that in the afternoons.

When the boys are older and don't care about the 'magic', and we spend all day in the park, I think it will be worth it to stay someplace less expensive and spend the money on other things, like Fantasmic tickets or special souvenirs.

But it sounds to me like this is as much a treat for your 50th birthday as well as a treat for what may be your last vacation with your baby boy (who happens to be 19, but he's still your baby!)

I say stay at the DLH because it sounds like your heart's desire. Or if you're not comfortable with the cost, maybe stay at the CCI for part of your stay, and finish the trip out at the DLH!


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