image post processing


<font color=darkcoral>Right now I'm an inch of nat
Aug 16, 2003
i tried batch processing my raw whole card yesterday ( Canon digital photo pro) and it did something( says it converted them) but now when i open individually to edit, it still opens the raw converter ( the adobe one) that only opens when there is a raw file and i have to convert this cause i saved them in tiff/32 bit?
Here is what it sounds like to me. You batch processed in the Canon software, so any modifications would only show in the Canon software now. The Adobe software will not read those modifications, so it thinks the image is unchanged. It must open straight to Adobe due to that being the default program. If you open the Canon program and open from inside it, you should see the modifications that you did. Also, the Canon software may have saved the converted TIFFs to a location on your computer where you do not expect to see them.

One last thing in case you are not familiar with RAW, the RAW file never changes. To do anything with the image, it must be converted like you did, but from there to use it on websites, printing, slideshows, etc. you open the TIFF or JPG file and not the RAW. It is like a digital negative and you would likely archive it off your drive on to a DVD or something.

on farther inspection i think what i did was once i canceled the first batch, neglected to reset the save button so maybe it by passed the organizer somehow...i can open them as tiff files via "file" in the editor, just not "edit"through the organizer...
This sounds like one more reason I am glad I got Lightrom!

Go download the trial, it will make your life easier if you work with RAW!
This sounds like one more reason I am glad I got Lightrom!

Go download the trial, it will make your life easier if you work with RAW!
i did once already so i can't again and don't think i am up to spending $$ now so i have to plod along with what i have right now;)
We just got home late yesterday afternoon. The trip was WONDERFUL. I got to experience the last few days of the lovebugs (ick). The weather was great - some rain but not tons. Temps were great - high 80's to low to mid 90's.

I am not sure how many photos I took. DH wrote them to dvd straight from my card reader ( all as raw files) and I haven't even looked at some of them yet.

He has to load them onto the new external hard drive for me because my pc will not read a DVD.

I learned a lot during this trip. Never once used my 70-300mm lens. Used the 50mm prime a few times, but I am not happy with the pics I took with it. I tried to use it for low light shots - spectro and wishes. I still can't get the focus right on it and they are not as sharp as I want. Then I switched to my Sigma 28-70mm and did a bit better. I have to say though, the lens I used the most was my canon 28-135mm IS lens. I really need that image stabilization. I just wish I had an IS lens that could zoom in more. Maybe one that goes to 200mm. I think that would be perfect for me.

I so did NOT want to haul my tripod around with me and only did so on our last day. I used it for Wishes and from what I could see via the cameras screen, I got some good ones. I set the XTI with the 28-135mm camera on the tripod and used my remote shutter release. DH handheld the 30D with the Sigma lens on it and he also got some decent hand held shots.

I about jumped out of my skin (happy) with some I took of waterfalls at AK and also the Poly lobby. Hopefully I can start sharing some of them early this coming week.

It is good to be home - but I have to be honest - I am missing the serenity of the WL.
Welcome back Jennifer. Looking forward to seeing your pics!!
Welcome Bacn Jen! You didn't miss much around the DFW Area- Hot and Muggy! Can't wait to see your pics popcorn::
Hi Jen! We just got back last night, too, and I've got a lot of pictures to go through, just like you. Unfortunately, there's laundry to do, bills to pay, work e-mails to go through so I'm not completely clueless when I go back tomorrow, etc. Can't wait to see your shots! I got some good ones with my Canon S3, so I'm sure yours are great, too, esp. your night shots. P&S cameras like my Canon can only do so much for night shots; I had a really difficult time finding the right setting to use.

Maybe if you and I post just a couple of pictures per day, we can drag out our vacations into July!;)
welcome back
glad to hea you had a great time
looking forward to seeing all your photos
Hi Jen! We just got back last night, too, and I've got a lot of pictures to go through, just like you. Unfortunately, there's laundry to do, bills to pay, work e-mails to go through so I'm not completely clueless when I go back tomorrow, etc. Can't wait to see your shots! I got some good ones with my Canon S3, so I'm sure yours are great, too, esp. your night shots. P&S cameras like my Canon can only do so much for night shots; I had a really difficult time finding the right setting to use.

Maybe if you and I post just a couple of pictures per day, we can drag out our vacations into July!;)

Looking forward to both of your pictures! :yay:
OK I have the grand total of photos taken..... 2,498!

Now I have no idea how many of those are "share worthy". I am converting from raw to tiff now. I have the trip to WDW done as well as our first official day. That is all I am doing for now - it is getting late and I am getting sleepy.
OK I have the grand total of photos taken..... 2,498!

Now I have no idea how many of those are "share worthy". I am converting from raw to tiff now. I have the trip to WDW done as well as our first official day. That is all I am doing for now - it is getting late and I am getting sleepy.

HOLY COW Jen!:scared1: I took 1,408, ended up deleting 398 once I saw them on the computer screen, and my DH had a fit! Of course, you were there a lot longer than we were........

Can't wait to see them!
Amy we were there for 11 days and I could have easily taken more.... but well I kept getting "that look"! :confused3

I had to keep reminding my family "ya know you will enjoy these when we get back - whether you like it or not!". ;)
Amy we were there for 11 days and I could have easily taken more.... but well I kept getting "that look"! :confused3

I had to keep reminding my family "ya know you will enjoy these when we get back - whether you like it or not!". ;)

ahhh, I know that look well:rotfl: welcome back( imo i am never glad to be home but ya gotta go home sometime.....) and we look forward to seeing your 2,496 "keepers";)
HOLY COW Jen!:scared1: I took 1,408, ended up deleting 398 once I saw them on the computer screen, and my DH had a fit! Of course, you were there a lot longer than we were........

Can't wait to see them!

Our last trip was just a long weekend (3 1/2 days) and I ended up with somewhere between 1300 and 1400. So, you're just fine! Keep snappin' away!
That's pretty close to my number... I did just over 2,500 on a 10-day trip, though I was pretty sick the first few days so wasn't snapping away like I did later in the trip.

I know all about the time involved in going through them all - especially since I've started them all over with Lightroom. Almost 200 done so far, 2,300 to go. :)
That's pretty close to my number... I did just over 2,500 on a 10-day trip, though I was pretty sick the first few days so wasn't snapping away like I did later in the trip.

I know all about the time involved in going through them all - especially since I've started them all over with Lightroom. Almost 200 done so far, 2,300 to go. :)

I would have loved to have taken more. My family however was getting a bit tired of stopping so Mom could take yet another photo.

I think my next trips photos will be even better. I have learned alot on this trip.

I divided the photos up by the day I took them. So far I have converted May31-June3rd (drive down), June 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. I am going to do the 9th later this afternoon hopefully. So far I am pretty happy with the amount I have been keeping - over half for most of the days. I wasn't expecting it to be that high.

Groucho - why are you redoing them with Lightroom? Is it a better program for conversion? Gives you more options compared with the cameras program? My birthday is coming up next month and I was thinking about asking for that - but would like to know more about it first. Is it user friendly - or more of a challenge to figure out?
I would have loved to have taken more. My family however was getting a bit tired of stopping so Mom could take yet another photo.

I think my next trips photos will be even better. I have learned alot on this trip.

I divided the photos up by the day I took them. So far I have converted May31-June3rd (drive down), June 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. I am going to do the 9th later this afternoon hopefully. So far I am pretty happy with the amount I have been keeping - over half for most of the days. I wasn't expecting it to be that high.

Groucho - why are you redoing them with Lightroom? Is it a better program for conversion? Gives you more options compared with the cameras program? My birthday is coming up next month and I was thinking about asking for that - but would like to know more about it first. Is it user friendly - or more of a challenge to figure out?

they have a free trial that would take you up to next month;)


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