In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

Training Day 9: Yoga

Today was yoga day and the relaxation was welcome after the active weekend. I decided to switch it up a little and did three rounds of my usual routine, but stuck to a 15 second pose length. That timing let me stretch the muscles without feeling like I was overdoing it or straining to hold the pose.

My legs are a mess of bruises from the various tree-trimming tools I was using, but they don’t ache anymore from the walking on Friday, so I should have no trouble with my 16 treadmill minutes tomorrow.

2021 workout data to date: 111h 4m 2s of exercise; 38,905 active calories burned; 49,898 total calories burned
Training Day 10: 16 Minute Walk/Run

Today was a good day. I’m fully recovered from the weekend (aside from the bruises 😆) and I was able to go 1.04 miles in 16m 1s. That puts me under the minimum required pace for Disney! 🥳🥳 Now I just need to extend that beyond a single mile. I also did a short Sworkit Lower Body Endurance Barre workout because my legs were feeling a little stiff a couple hours after I got off the treadmill.

The air quality is not great here, I can’t imagine how horrible it is in places closer to the wildfires. I’m hoping it clears up before the weekend, I’d like to do my 2 miles on Saturday outside. Which will also involve getting up early, before it gets stupid hot (forecast is 95°F).

2021 workout data to date: 111h 32m 51s of exercise; 39,118 active calories burned; 50,163 total calories burned
Training Day 11: 15 Minutes Rowing

Not much to say about rowing day. 546 strokes in 15m 8s, all on resistance level 1. I got a lot of other random activity today, my exercise ring was closed before I even did my workout.

2021 workout data to date: 111h 47m 59s of exercise; 39,206 active calories burned; 50,279 total calories burned
Training Day 12: 19 Minute Walk/Run

19m2s on the treadmill today and I did 1.2 miles. A little slower pace than Tuesday, but still good. I also did a little yoga to close out my watch rings. The weather forecast is looking good (or as good as can be expected for July in MN) to do my 2 miles outdoors on Saturday.

2021 workout data to date: 112h 21m 57s of exercise; 39,456 active calories burned; 50,591 total calories burned
Training Day 13: Yoga

I did an hour of yoga tonight while watching the Olympic parade of nations. I’m really enjoying shorter poses and more rounds, I wish I’d thought of doing it this way sooner.

Tomorrow’s 2 mile walk/run is scheduled for approximately 7am 😰😰 But getting up early is better than doing it on the treadmill or in the heat of the day. Is it time for fall weather yet???

2021 workout data to date: 113h 25m 57s of exercise; 39,891 active calories burned; 51,125 total calories burned
Training Day 14: 2 Mile Walk/Run

I actually did a 5K this morning, instead of just the 2 miles on my training schedule. But the last 1.1 miles was just walking, no running, so it was kind of a cool down. I like the path I found to run on, it’s a converted rail line, so it’s basically flat and it goes on for about 75 miles, so it can handle any distance I might need to go for training. On the other hand, it’s useless once the snow comes because it becomes a snowmobile trail; and it’s surrounded by trees (which keeps the sun off, but blocks the breeze).

Anyway, I felt good on my training miles, except for a little pain in my right foot. I’m going to go to get a foot analysis done this week because I have a feeling I need some kind of insert or something. I have high arches, and it hasn’t been much of a problem when I’m just walking around normally, but I think the running bits of my training might be stressing something.

I can’t believe I actually went out exercising that early on a weekend 😆 But check it out, I’ve cut 2m 48s off my pre-training 5K time. And I earned my Wonder Woman 5K medal and sweatshirt, so that’s cool.


2021 workout data to date: 114h 15m 57s of exercise; 40,244 active calories burned; 51,569 total calories burned
Training Day 15: 25 Minutes Stationary Bike

Made it 6.52 miles, which is a much better pace than last week. I also did a short dumbbell workout after dinner.

So, a funny thing happened yesterday. I did my walk/run in the morning, and that was great and all, but later in the day, I felt like I wanted to do more 😱😱! I didn’t actually do more because I didn’t want to overdo it (and it was a bajillion degrees out) but the desire was definitely there. Why didn’t anyone warn me that this running thing could be addictive? 🤣🤣🤣

2021 workout data to date: 114h 53m 49s of exercise; 40,484 active calories burned; 51,877 total calories burned
Training Day 16: Yoga

I did the same yoga workout as Friday, 4 rounds of 15 second poses. By the fourth round, I actually feel like I’m working out, and it feels good.

I’ve figured out that having a workout schedule is really good for me. Before, I was just winging it and doing whatever random exercise I felt like in order to fill up my watch rings; and, more often than not, that ended up being yoga because I could do that with very little effort and without leaving the room with the TV. Not that that was bad, per se, but it didn’t give me much cardio or aerobic exercise on a regular basis.

2021 workout data to date: 115h 57m 49s of exercise; 40,919 active calories burned; 52,411 total calories burned
Training Day 17: 19 Minute Walk/Run

Congrats to everyone that got registered for Marathon Weekend today! Barring any issues with Friday’s registration, I’ll be joining you virtually for the 5K and 10K.

I did 1.19 miles in 19m 4s, which is just a tiny hair slower than last Thursday’s 19 minutes. I’m going to blame it on the shoes. I had my foot analysis after work today, and it turns out the pain in my right foot is caused my left foot being weak and forcing me to pivot more on my right foot. So I got some inserts, and a new pair of shoes. There wasn’t anything wrong with my NB 880s, and I’ll still use them, but I wanted to have 2 pairs of shoes. So I got some NB 860s. And they’re black! I very much prefer that to my light blue 880s.

Anyway, I tried out the new shoes and the inserts on the treadmill tonight, and it was eventually good, but it took about half the time before the awkwardness and minor pain from the inserts went away. But I didn’t have the pain in my foot that I had on Saturday, so I guess the insert is working? 🤷‍♀️

I also did a dumbbell workout before getting on the treadmill because my arm strength is just pathetic 😅

2021 workout data to date: 116h 29m 41s of exercise; 41,178 active calories burned; 52,727 total calories burned
Training Day 18: 20 Minutes Rowing

Rowing is boring. But it’s slightly less boring while watching Hamilton. 751 strokes in 20m 4s, so I’m maintaining the same basic pace from the last 2 weeks (technically, I was one stroke/minute better this week 😆)

Since everything training related is boring today, I thought I would introduce a couple more of my chipmunk friends. Speaking of chipmunks, I had a short sprint workout this afternoon. The neighbor’s darn cat, Fez, walked past my patio door while I was working, just as proud as can be, carrying a chipmunk in his mouth!! I leapt out of my chair, flung the door open (and closed again) and chased him a quarter of the way around the house before I caught the orange furball and rescued my chipmunk. Fez is a sweet cat, and I wish his family would keep him inside where he can be safe and non-destructive.

This is Duchess. Yes, she is named after the mama cat from Aristocats. When I first started feeding her, she had three children (who have since been kicked out of her territory because they can fend for themselves)


These are her children shortly before they left to find their own places in the world. Duchess is on the left and the kids are on the big rocks.


This is Gus, named after the mouse in Cinderella, because he’s very sweet, but also very piggish about his food. He just learned today how to jump into my hand to eat so other chipmunks can’t try to chase him away.


2021 workout data to date: 116h 49m 45s of exercise; 41,291 active calories burned; 52,877 total calories burned
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Training Day 19: 22 Minute Walk/Run

1.43 miles in 22m 5s on the treadmill. This is getting closer to the pace I got on my 2 outdoor miles on Saturday. The news shoes are still good, and the inserts are feeling less weird. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do my 2.5 miles on Saturday outside or not, the Canadian wildfire smoke was pretty nasty here today; I wore a mask to go out to feed my chipmunks and when I went garden shopping with my grandpa and I could still smell/taste it.

On a fun note, I got my reward bundle for my Wonder Woman virtual 5K: a medal, a lightweight zip up hoodie, and a headband, which was a surprise. They also sent a bib and a finish line (which might’ve been fun if I’d had it before I ran it 😆)

2021 workout data to date: 117h 20m 22s of exercise; 41,515 active calories burned; 53,157 total calories burned
Training Day 20: Yoga

I wanted to add a little extra to my workout tonight, so I upped the pose length from 15 seconds to 20. It still felt good, not too little and not too much. The air quality was better today, but the alert has been extended through Tuesday afternoon and it’s supposed to hit the purple level (AKA: very unhealthy) so I’ll be getting up early tomorrow and getting on the treadmill instead of hitting the Luce Line trail for my 2.5 miles 😩😩

I got my Batman virtual 5K reward bundle today. I got a surprise visor! Tomorrow, the Superman bundle is scheduled to arrive. I wonder what surprise will be in there??

I signed up for my first in-person 5K for next Saturday (my training schedule says 3 miles, so what’s an extra .1?) at our local Corn Days festival (“how to tell people you live in the Midwest without telling people you live in the Midwest?”). I figure it should be pretty casual, and there’s a pancake breakfast I can hit afterward, so YAY! I also got registered for the virtual Walt Disney World marathon weekend 5K and 10K.

2021 workout data to date: 118h 37m 10s of exercise; 42,058 active calories burned; 53,796 total calories burned
Training Day 21: 2.5 Mile Walk/Run

After my second alarm (yeah, I need 2 spaced out alarms to actually wake up) went off at 6:30am this morning, I checked the AirNow app and it said that my air was moderate(as opposed to the unhealthy rating it had at midnight)! Yay for an outdoor workout! I did a full 5K like last weekend, using the excess mileage as a cool down. 3.1 miles in 46m 41s


I decided to go east this time, instead of west like last Saturday. No particular reason, just to see what the trail was like that way. I think I like going west better, no roads to cross within 3.5 miles. I wore my old running shoes since they were already dirty from the trail, but added the inserts I’ve been using in the new shoes. These inserts are definitely worth the money, I didn’t have any foot pain, and shaved almost 3.5 minutes off my 5K time from last Saturday. It’s almost like training actually works or something?? 😂😂 Now I get to hang out and have a lazy Saturday.

Editing to add: I got my Superman virtual 5K bundle (which I haven’t earned yet, but the package was filthy so I had to open it). I got my medal and hoodie, and my free surprise was a running belt! It felt pretty comfortable when I tried it on, so that’ll be handy in the future when I want to run and my 2 pair of leggings that actually have pockets are in the laundry.

2021 workout data to date: 119h 23m 51s of exercise; 42,421 active calories burned; 54,243 total calories burned
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Training Day 22: 30 Minutes Stationary Bike

Today had a bonus workout: 3.28 miles walking at The Arb! It took 1h40m20s because I was limited to “Grammy pace” walking with my grandmother. We had fun though, and it was nice to get out there with someone else for a change.

As for my scheduled workout, I got 7.55 miles on the stationary bike in 30m8s. A little slower pace than last week, but not surprising after the walking beforehand.

I’ve been thinking ahead to winter (yes, I know it’s the middle of summer—I’m an overplanner, sue me 😆😆) and where I’m going to run. The trail I’ve been using becomes a snowmobile trail in winter 😡 and my cheap, fold-up treadmill isn’t my favorite thing. I can’t get a bigger, better treadmill for a variety of reasons. And Minnesota winter being Minnesota winter, finding an alternative trail might not actually solve the problem. So what I really need to do is probably pick a gym or something. I hate living in the middle of nowhere.

2021 workout data to date: 121h 34m 19s of exercise; 42,851 active calories burned; 54,910 total calories burned
Training Day 23: Yoga

First of all, I want to tell all of you that you’re terrible influences and put terrible ideas in my head 😂😂😂 I’ve been feeling so good about my training that I’m starting to wonder if I can do a half 😧😧 I’ve done some date crunching, and I can complete the Galloway schedule about a month before Princess Weekend if I start it after I get home from Universal in September, even factoring in taking a week off for my Disney vacation at the beginning of December (otherwise the schedule would call for an 11 mile run on the Saturday of my trip, and that’s a bit much for me without a medal being involved 😝). I’m going to do a virtual 10K before Princess registration, just to see how that distance affects me before I make any actual decisions. But this is definitely all your fault everybody!

I took it easy on the yoga today, just 3 rounds of 20s poses. My legs are a little tired after the walking and biking yesterday and I don’t want to overdo it.

I think I’ve solved my winter running dilemma—there’s a Planet Fitness about 20 minutes from me. That maybe seems like a long way, but almost everything useful is 15-20 minutes from my house, so I’m used to it. Not happy about it, but used to it. I’ll go for a visit sometime in September or October and make sure it’s as good as it seems online.

2021 workout data to date: 122h 31m 55s of exercise; 43,259 active calories burned; 55,388 total calories burned
Training Day 24: 22 Minute Walk/Run

Today was the first day of running where I was thinking “is it over yet??” I don’t know why, but it just didn’t feel good today. I did get 1.37 miles in 22m3s, so I wasn’t too much slower than other treadmill workouts.

I spent so much time at my desk today that I needed to do a bit extra to fill up my move ring, so I did a short upper body cardio workout tonight. In hindsight, maybe all the time at my desk messed with my run? I guess I’ll try to make sure I spend more time out with my chipmunks on running days and see if that makes a difference.

Speaking of chipmunks, this is Nacho. So named because of the notch in his left ear.


2021 workout data to date: 123h 6m 46s of exercise; 43,471 active calories burned; 55,662 total calories burned
Training Day 25: 25 Minutes Rowing

It felt like I was going slower than usual on the rowing machine, but I actually had a marginal increase in my strokes/minute from last week (37.64 vs 37.55–like I said, marginal). I do think I may be approaching my maximum time on the rower though. We’ll see how I do in the final 2 weeks of the training schedule.

I’m almost finished watching Hamilton during my rowing. I think I might do Greatest Showman next. Or Newsies. Or Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Or The Prom. So many musical choices! I think I’ll also switch to watching musicals during my treadmill workouts; having my running playlist going while watching muted art videos on YouTube isn’t doing it for me.

2021 workout data to date: 123h 31m 50s of exercise; 43,603 active calories burned; 55,840 total calories burned
Training Day 26: 25 Minutes Walk/Run

Today felt much better than Tuesday! Also, I had a thought about what was going on the other day, did a quick Google search, and discovered my thought was right. The leg pain/fatigue is connected to a perfectly natural thing, and should be avoidable/minimize-able with sufficient amounts of ibuprofen. I probably experienced it before, but since I wasn’t on a workout schedule, I just did something easier instead.


Anyway, I did 1.61 miles in 25m2s and it felt good. I was able to do more running than past treadmill workouts. My grandma and I had to go to the local garden store this afternoon, which happens to be just a mile or so away from the route for the 5K I’m doing on Saturday, so we drove the course afterward. It’s got some hills, but nothing drastic. I’m excited for my first in-person race, and also for the pancake breakfast afterward (hey, you gotta have something to look forward to when there isn’t a medal involved 😝)

Speaking of medals, I got my most recent Yes.Fit medal today, and they always include a little card with something witty or motivational on it, and this was the one I got today 😂😂:


2021 workout data to date: 124h 2m 46s of exercise; 43,795 active calories burned; 56,087 total calories burned
Training Day 27: Yoga

4 rounds of yoga today, with 15s poses. I also signed up for my first in-person 10K on October 2nd. And tomorrow morning, I have my first in-person 5K. Hopefully the rain holds off (or finishes beforehand), but I have my visor to help keep rain off my glasses.

My grandparents and Chinese food for dinner, and I got to eat a fortune cookie.


2021 workout data to date: 125h 6m 46s of exercise; 44,230 active calories burned; 56,600 total calories burned
Training Day 28: 5K Walk/Run 35 Minutes Stationary Bike

Well, I woke up to thunder and rain, and called off my in-person 5K. I have no idea if it was actually called on account of weather, since there wasn’t any kind of notification system, but I wasn’t going. There’s $20 down the drain. Oh well.

Since it wasn’t running weather, and I didn’t want to do the treadmill, I switched Saturday and Sunday and did 35 minutes on the bike, and got 9.32 miles, which is faster than last week. The weather looks like I should be able to go out for my run tomorrow around 8 or 9, and the temps shouldn’t be bad.

2021 workout data to date: 125h 41m 49s of exercise; 44,403 active calories burned; 56,836 total calories burned


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