In line with toddlers....will I lose them?


Earning My Ears
Apr 29, 2003
I'll be in Disney in June....with my 2 1/2 triplets....:eek:
My friend is bringing her 1 1/2 year old as well....and our other kids will enjoy the parks with they're dads.....

thats 4 toddlers....2 parents....:eek: :eek:
my 3 son's can walk...and talk...
and by the time we friend's daughter will be walking as well....

what should we do in lines:confused:
I don't want to lose one of them...
I know someone mentioned name tags on another site....but does any one have any god tips out side of that!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: <---those are really cute
When my girls were younger, I would dress them in matching bright flourescent shirts and big poofy hair scrunchies (scrunchies wont work for your boys though!) to spot them easily. Maybe Flourescent blue or green for you would work or perhaps bright hats????. They weren't the cutest shirts and scrunchies, but there weren't any other kids there with them on. I haven't lost one yet! I do not use name tags--- a stranger can walk up to your child, read their name tag, and say "Hi Johnny, I'm a friend of your mommy's and she wants you to come with me." It's just a personal choice of mine. On a different note, my biggest challenge in line with my 2 small girls was them getting their heads stuck in line in the wrought iron (Disneyland). 3 times I had to use the generous help of strangers to get me out of those! I even had a man go to the nearby burger stand to see if they had any butter one of those times.
I would get some reins/leashes, either the wrist ones or the other ones that go around the body, my dd hated the wrist ones but didn't mind the normal ones.
We have also attached the wrist one to her trousers (looped through a belt loop), or to a bum bag.
They don't seem to get in her way on her waist, but she likes to be able to use her hands without me pulling on her wrist (which is understandable!)

I know some people object to them in principle, but personally I'd rather know where everyone is! I can tell you that the child-care places near where I work often take large groups of kids for a walk, each on a leash, with the teacher holding 3 or 4 leashes - it looks quite funny but it seems to work and noone gets lost.

we also use a name tag with our hotel details on, and I would add a mobile phone number - you don't even need the kids name, just put your name and number, if you put it inside the shirt - the CMs will have a good look if they need to find a name tag, but noone else will be able to see it. Although I have to say, as often as I holler my dd's name, i figure any 'bad guy' that wants to know it will be able to figure it out pretty quickly.

I agree -- my ds will be 3 in June and we go to WDW all the time and the toddler teathers are wonderful. Esp. now that he doesn't want to be in the stroller so much anymore. It gives him enough freedom to not have to hold my hand but I still have him attatched to me. It works great and with 3 kids I'm sure it would work even better. You can pick them up right in wal-mart pretty cheap and they sell them in the baby centers at the parks in WDW as well.;)
Another vote for leashing your kids. I got a few dirty looks with my kid on a leash, but when dad handed me the second leash (mine are a year apart), the dirty looks generally stopped.

Two adults can watch one unleashed toddler at Disney. Three adults can probably watch two unleashed children. But when the adult to child ratio is even - one of the adults is going to need to use the bathroom - and "zone defense" becomes stressful - especially if you have kids who are prone to wander.
We are leaving in 3 more days for our first trip to Disney ever. We bought my son, age 4, a leash back in March to see how he would do with it and he loves it. We got the kind that goes around their upper body. He tells everyone that we are practicing for disney world. LOL. I bought my daughter, age 2, one as well for the trip. We still plan on taking the double stroller to some parks but we thought it would be nice for them to get to walk some too. I get all kinds of strange looks but I don't care. I prefer safety over looks anyday. Oh and I should mention that my kids love to run in opposite directions.

Good luck on your trip!

When we are standing in line one adult is in front one in the back and kids in between us. Bring a snack like teddy grams, chereos ect..
nothing sticky. Also we have found little personal fans at Target for like 99cents don't know if my kids are weird but they will play with these for hours.
I used to be one of those people that would give the leash parents dirty looks untill I had children of my own ! I have used a harness type for both my middle DS(now 6) when he was a toddler and now for my 2 yr. old DD. I have had people say loudly "that's a child not a dog" and I just say to them I'd rather be safe than sorry.
We use what we call "Get Lost Tag" We just put it in DDs fanny pack or pocket or shoe. We have showed them what a CM tag looks like and if they get lost go to a CM and get help and they can give the "Get Lost Tag" to the CM. It has parents names on them, hotel and cel number.
Over here (in the UK) safety reins are extremely commonplace - most of us walk around busy towns with our children, and it only takes a second for a child to be distracted and run out into the road with disasterous consequences, so children are routinely seen wearing them. Although I also like to hold my dd's hand, she can wriggle free of my hand quite easily.

I have always thought it odd that it was considered ok to keep a dog safe with a leash, but not a child, surely a child's safety is at least as important as a dogs.

thanks guys...

I guess I'll stick with the leashes in line...

Tandy- I love that idea...we'll be sure to do that....

hayesmama- we can definatley do the hat idea....I may use the scrunchie idea for my daughters...they're 4....

thanks for your help....
Hi Handsfull :D

I wouldn't worry about in line as much as out in the open (They are a bit traped in line) but that all depends if you plan on letting them out of the strollers much. Don't get the leashes all mixed up, it invokes images of one parent getting all tried up like a dog walker!

Depending on their verbal and comprehension skills you might want to have a talk with all of them before you go and then again each morning before going into the parks. Explain what a cast members ID looks like or to ask another mommy with kids for help and the importance of keeping together.

Good Luck
One tip to help keep the kids occupied in lines is bubbles. You would be surprised at how long you can keep your little ones occupied with something so simple.

And think about where you will be at. WDW. As a mom of 4 Ihave been in many lines (sometimes alone) with all 4 (7,5,3 & 10mos) as so has DH. Don't under-estimate the power of strangers and CM's.

I would also suggest that you rent two double strollers at the park. Since you have toddlers they won't be able to walk & you won't be able to carry them. Definately go for the fanny packs for each one with ID and info in them - just in case.


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