In Search of my Body...Not The One I ate...#3 "Crowning Goddesses As We Go"

And why, oh why, do I drink on school nights?? :confused3 To anyone I chatted with last night, please forgive me.

I feel your pain my friend :rotfl:

Welcome Kelly. You are already cracking me up. This means good.

Why thank you - I love it here already!

Loved the pics. You are beautiful. Hen Party? Splain?

:lovestruc Thank you! Hen Party - I think you guys would call it a Batchelorette Party - excuse my spelling! Basically, girls going out - drinking, dancing and general tomfoolery are usually involved! :rotfl:

At this point they just use a turkey baster. Cause their is NO WAY she's holding his package for any meaningful amount of time.

:lmao: I have just learnt about the Duggars. They scare me!

Whats this cross trainer?

I think its called a cross trainer - when I describe it I may have totally made the name up or got the wrong machine! You stand on it and move your legs backwards and forwards, and you have handles to hold onto so you can move your arms too. Does that make sense?! :rotfl:

He doesn't really care what I look like. Honestly he's happiest when I have on sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he knows I'm uncomfortable in my body so he encourages me constantly, eats the "diet foods" and goes with me walking or bike riding, and even convinces me when I'm not so willing. Sorry so long, but there's a history to how I got where I am.

:hug: Its great that hes so supportive. DH is very supportive, but sometimes he just doesn't 'get it' when I feel totally rubbish in something im wearing or have a little freak out about clothes not fitting etc.
Edward not swoonworthy???? What???that is crazytalk!! I was totally swooning after the first book. The movie just raises it to another level!

Me too! The first book totally got me!
The film opened here on the 19th, but due to one thing or another im not going to see it till the 27th :scared1: Im ready though, bring on the swooning!
Lyz, you slay me. Turkey baster?? :rotfl2:

Cross trainer is the same as an elliptical trainer, I think? Or close anyhow.

Leanne, oh, we all have histories!! I am 5'8", and was 150 when I met my husband, and 4 years later wound up at 220. I am probably 175ish now, although I got down to 160 in July and have backslid. I am hoping to lose the rest in early 2009.

Present wrapping is going on here too tonight. Sigh. Only have 4 more to go. And thankfully the hangover is a lot better. (and yes, E, go on gloating over there)

I am off until next Tuesday. Yay! Tomorrow we go out to dinner for my birthday (Brazilian steakhouse I think), Thursday is the Jones family xmas in Charlotte, and Friday I fly out to Pittsburgh to spend the weekend with my parents. So not really off...
Hey, at least now you believe me that I can drink and drink and not get hung over....
Present wrapping is going on here too tonight. Sigh. Only have 4 more to go. And thankfully the hangover is a lot better. (and yes, E, go on gloating over there)

hey, there some kind of....*training schedule* that we need to know, build up our endurance for drinking? :confused3 ...'cause if so...I'm in training tonight, in case you were wondering :rolleyes1

I am off until next Tuesday. Yay! Tomorrow we go out to dinner for my birthday (Brazilian steakhouse I think), Thursday is the Jones family xmas in Charlotte, and Friday I fly out to Pittsburgh to spend the weekend with my parents. So not really off...

Wait a second here...are you saying that tomorrow is your BIRTHDAY? :cheer2:



Each time we go I get a shot of them in a spinning teacup.



Too beautiful.



Absolute Favorite!

Darnit Kat - I wanted to be the first to wish you Happy Birthay! This isn't it. Mkay.

Mmmm steak.

Tonight we had our traditional Christmas Eve Eve dinner at Red Lobster. Just Us. Don't laugh. That's fine dining here in Podunk.

Off to make cookies.
Well...happy ALMOST birthday, Kat! :cheer2:

LYZ! Love the pictures. Please...when you have time, do do I properly size my photos???? :confused3 (the Amish girl needs to know! :laughing: )

Red Lobster sounds good to me. Can I come? :confused3 I have 18 coming for dinner tomorrow...then 22 for the day on Friday. Fun...but a lot of work! :eek:
That is awesome Paula! And absolutely no need to push it. You are right...just get the feel of it.

I *strongly* recommend the recumbent bike (this is the one that has more of a chair-like seat on have a back rest). First, this is better on your lower back, but more importantly (for me anyway), it is SUPER easy to read! OMG, I can stay on that thing for hours if I am into a good book!
You could read TWILIGHT!!!! I'm just saying!!!!!

Lyz, you slay me. Turkey baster?? :rotfl2:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes1 :yay: :dance3:

Ok So I am going to post some pics of the TREE and some of the winter storm from sunday, though storm not as bad as Erika got but still you can't see my pool anymore!
Pics in next post!:cheer2:
Well...happy ALMOST birthday, Kat! :cheer2:

LYZ! Love the pictures. Please...when you have time, do do I properly size my photos???? :confused3 (the Amish girl needs to know! :laughing: )

Red Lobster sounds good to me. Can I come? :confused3 I have 18 coming for dinner tomorrow...then 22 for the day on Friday. Fun...but a lot of work! :eek:

I'll say. Tons of work.

The pics. I don't know what you see Nancy, but your pictures are not too big on my computers.

To resize, couple options:

1. When uploading to photobucket or where ever your picture hosting site is, upload them to the size you want. Not sure what size I just did. It was called "large". But you choose this BEFORE you upload them. That way they are the size you want them to be.

2. Pictures already in your picture hosting site, go to edit and there should be a resize option. Play with it till you get the size you want.

3. Lastly, you can download this program, PIXresizer. But it's more for photos already on your computer, you'll still need to load them on the web somewhere afterwards to post them. (I think. Kat?)
Sam NOT happy that I am taking her Picture!
Zeus AKA: Fat Ba$tard
HMMM I think there is a Pool there!
The garage and trampoline and river!
The neighbors house across the street!
The neighbors house across the street
The Christmas tree as Stephen left it for me
up close and personal
The poor tree after I moved it SEVERAL TIMES It was so crooked.
Finally decorated ( with flash)
Without flash
The boys!
the fire is so delightful

Dining room decor!
Steph... FAT tree. And FAT CAT!! I showed D and he was like, that looks like our cat ate a beach ball. You can keep the snow, though.

And yes, you must upload pictures to photobucket or flickr or some picture hosting site in order to post them here. I use photobucket, which also has resizing tools. But Nancy, your pics look fine to me.
OMG, that is one fat tree! :rotfl2:

And Nancy...this is one sport I don't need to train for. :lmao: But are going to be busy. Most of my entertaining is done. We had the inlaws a few days ago, and tomorrow night we are at my parents, so I just have to bring dessert (which Karen makes, so I really don't have to do anything). Then Christmas Day is here at my house and I do a big brunch, but that is super easy. Then the 26th is the Open House, but that is catered, so not a big deal. Yes, Christmas is a 3-day festival here. PK and all, you know.

And Lyz, I will beat you to be the first to say Happy Birthday to Kat. Cause I am competitive like that. :rotfl2:


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