In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Woe is me. I've been on the phone off and on all day with the guys at work and my boss, then at 4:45 I had to go in to work. Yes, that's right 4:45 pm I had to go to work. On a Saturday. I'm still here. Good thing we did date night last night!

On the plus side, I haven't had a thing to eat since I've been here. No soda, no vending machines. I'm thinking about a Fiber 1 bar because I'm starting to get hungry and I don't want to be tempted to make a McD run once I finally leave here. (Interesting tidbit - McD makes darn sure that on the weekdays the drive-through staff speak good english. Saturday night would be a crapshoot, though - not many gringos down in 'little Cuba' this time of day.)

Deb - that sucks about work. I am so sorry! Good luck warding off the McDonald's!

Lisa - Yes, tomorrow I am part of a relay team for the Danskin Triathlon. I am running the 5K. I am not a runner. So I have been trying, and will do a run/walk. This is emotional for me because of my mom. My mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996 and has hda two mastectomies, reconstruction, radiation and years and years and sessions and sessions of chemo. Four diagnosis since the first - 1996 was stage 3, very bad but she survived. 2002, 2nd time , Stage 2, but she had a mastectomy to avoid being diagnosed a 3rd time- guess what! in 2004 she was diagnosed with breast cancer cells in her lungs, the fluid in her lungs. She went on hormone therapy and was in remission, then in the fall of 2007, she was officially diagnosed again and went through 6 rounds of chemo, finishing in April.

She is now in remission. So that's a very good thing. But that's the back story.
Hey, wanna see my numbers?

Deb - that sucks about work. I am so sorry! Good luck warding off the McDonald's!

Lisa - Yes, tomorrow I am part of a relay team for the Danskin Triathlon. I am running the 5K. I am not a runner. So I have been trying, and will do a run/walk. This is emotional for me because of my mom. My mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996 and has hda two mastectomies, reconstruction, radiation and years and years and sessions and sessions of chemo. Four diagnosis since the first - 1996 was stage 3, very bad but she survived. 2002, 2nd time , Stage 2, but she had a mastectomy to avoid being diagnosed a 3rd time- guess what! in 2004 she was diagnosed with breast cancer cells in her lungs, the fluid in her lungs. She went on hormone therapy and was in remission, then in the fall of 2007, she was officially diagnosed again and went through 6 rounds of chemo, finishing in April.

She is now in remission. So that's a very good thing. But that's the back story.

Wow Liz. Deep sigh here. I'm so sorry. It must be horrific to watch your mother go through so much. Good to hear about her diagnosis.

Hey, wanna see my numbers?


Forget your friggin' numbers. :lmao: ;) What a lovely neck. I'n always envious of swans.
You guys have been such prolific posters! :laughing: Me - I think I'm narrowly avioding a food coma this weekend. :faint: HOLY CRAP has it been a food-fest for me. :sad2: And plenty o' fermented grape juice with which to wash it all down....:scared:

We've had *network issues* the past few days - everytime I go to log on, I have no internet :badpc: that and work. bah. That nasty little 4 letter word! "apple season" has to be the most horrific phrase that one can utter around me. :laughing:

PLEASE, OH PLEASE. can someone PLEASE give me a step-by-step, idiots guide to posting pictures??? :confused3 I just am completely clueless. I so love all your photos and would be happy to prove that I am a real person here :rolleyes1...perhaps I'll check the "tech" board...

that is...after I make a dress....more costuming.
Wow Liz. Deep sigh here. I'm so sorry. It must be horrific to watch your mother go through so much. Good to hear about her diagnosis.

Forget your friggin' numbers. :lmao: ;) What a lovely neck. I'n always envious of swans.

Get OUT of my head!! :laughing:

You guys have been such prolific posters! :laughing: Me - I think I'm narrowly avioding a food coma this weekend. :faint: HOLY CRAP has it been a food-fest for me. :sad2: And plenty o' fermented grape juice with which to wash it all down....:scared:

We've had *network issues* the past few days - everytime I go to log on, I have no internet :badpc: that and work. bah. That nasty little 4 letter word! "apple season" has to be the most horrific phrase that one can utter around me. :laughing:

PLEASE, OH PLEASE. can someone PLEASE give me a step-by-step, idiots guide to posting pictures??? :confused3 I just am completely clueless. I so love all your photos and would be happy to prove that I am a real person here :rolleyes1...perhaps I'll check the "tech" board...

that is...after I make a dress....more costuming.

Okay, first go to Make an account. It is pretty easy to upload pictures there but if you need more help on that front, PM me.

Once you have pictures there, select the text next to "Direct Link" and copy it. Go to your post, click on the Image button (it is the 3rd button from the right), and paste the image link there. Voila! Image is in post.

Again, if you need more help, PM me!! :)

And yes, I am a geek. :surfweb:
Only time for a quick post and it has to be for Liz.

You CAN do this. And it is SO worth it. We all believe in you. And we believe in your mom and what it means to be a Survivor.

I will be thinking about you all morning and cheering you on. You know that if I didn't have my own race next week, I would be in my car right now on the way to NJ to run this with you.

Have fun, enjoy the moment, run when you can and know that you are doing this for all of the right reasons.

Only time for a quick post and it has to be for Liz.

You CAN do this. And it is SO worth it. We all believe in you. And we believe in your mom and what it means to be a Survivor.

I will be thinking about you all morning and cheering you on. You know that if I didn't have my own race next week, I would be in my car right now on the way to NJ to run this with you.

Have fun, enjoy the moment, run when you can and know that you are doing this for all of the right reasons.


What she said. Except if I tried to run it with you, the paramedics would hate me. But I would be on the sidelines cheering you on for sure. :hug:
I'm beating you all to the first post of the day!

It's 5am and I am hopping in my car to drive to the beach, where the tri is being held. I've got my bag packed and ready and a cooler with water and food - since I have a long wait - and a chair and blanket.

I wrote your names on the back of my sign for my mom, so I have all of you with me. :goodvibes

See you after it's over!
Just off the phone with Liz...she is on her way to the starting line (long walk from where she parked) and is doing great and (unlike me) is NOT freaking out! It is a nice day in NJ, so no rain and that is a plus. The race hasn't even started yet and there are already tons of spectators out.

Nick and Emily will be at the finish line and I made her promise to make Nick get a pic of her crossing the finish line--cause we need to see it, right?

Liz will likely start running around 9-ish, so that is when we can all think of her...and her mom...and all women who are fighting this disease.

And Liz, I LOVE that you wrote everyone's name on your bib! Totally empowering.

This is YOUR race, babe--kick it! Love you.
Good Luck LIZ BABE! I left you a cell message~ (incase you didn't know who stephanie was!) I guess I should have said the snuffster!!!
Liz - you were with me in church today.

I can't wait to hear how it went!:banana:

E - love the update!

Ditto--I added all of the athletes competing today to the prayer list as well as all of those affected by breast cancer.

And I texted Liz and Lyz from church. Yeah, I am going straight to hell, but whatever. :lmao:
Hope it all went well... wow on the names on the sign. Can't wait to hear the details!!

You are the strongest, most capable woman I know. I know this week has been hard for you. :hug:


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