In Search of My Body....Not the One I ATE! Vol. 5: Goddesses are Always on Top!

I see you in a unitard with tights and a big ole cape with AG on the back!

Amish Girl...
Off to fight famine and stink with Goat Cheese and Soap.
May not be the most technologicaly gifted but will combat crime with wit and a mean apple pie!

I love you Nancy. You always make me laugh and glad to have my day.

Ok. here's what's goin' on. One of my High School classmates sent an email concerning a reunion. Along with an invitation to join a Facebook group.

mmm.k. I registered with Facebook, but didnt' know how to do anything else. Just registered.

NOW. My 76 year old AUNT just sent me a friend request :eek: How come SHE can do this and I'm completely paralyzed :confused3 I made DD13 promise not to mock, belittle or otherwise taunt me - and set me up.

I thought she was going to wet herself laughing at me 'cause I'm so challenged :laughing:

oy. I'm so not cut out for the technology age :lmao:

I'll go back and read the thread after I'm done with my panic attack :rolleyes1
You got bested by an old lady! At least it wan't in a cage fight!:lmao:

My kids would look at me the same way. The call the Dis the MySpace for adults as it is.

Checking in:
Exercise - done! Yoga on Wii, BL Sculpt video, quick one mile walk. It's like no points, because it's not high intensity, but it's movement.
Proud of You Liz!
Food - so far, so good! Except for those peanut butter cups, which I have banished!
And some people say evil doesn't exist! Peanut Butter cups are Satan with a chocolate disguise!
Okay, off to do errands with Nick. Aren't we romantic?
Yes - I think any guy who wants to run errands and spend his day with his wife is romantic!
Oh, and Dawn - keep forgetting to say - so jealous of your trip to WDW! I so wish we could go. Emily keeps asking when we are going again. It's my fault for spoiling her by taking her so young - three times, but who's counting - but I just feel like this is the perfect age to go! Sigh. I have to talk Nick into it, really!

Liz - I hope you can go. I really do. They really do have great deals on the buy 4 get 3 free with the gift card also. Without this we would not be going. That and the fact we already have hopper tickets that have days left helps a ton.

Nancy - I think you had joked awhile back about sharing with you my treasue map - I never responded but wanted to.

Here are a few things I have done that have worked for me to help cut some of my spending and money that was going out the door and not wisely.

My biggest regret in my life before Dan was all the things I spent money on trying to make me happy. Clothes that were maybe someday going to fit, things for the kids that they did not need, stuff for the house to replace stuff I already had. I was looking for happiness in things and of course that never happened.

I can't tell you the last time that I just bought something I did not need because it was a good deal or on clearance.

Yes, we still buy Fudge or picture frames - things I could do without - but they are so much less frequent than before and is thought out vs aimlessly walking Walmart or Target looking for a deal to feed my lonliness.

Some changes we have made to be able to go to look at wedding venues was a big help for us. No more eating at FF or ordering food just cause it was easier than packing a meal or cooking at home on a normal week.

We added up all the movies we have seen in the past year and it has been less than 5 we paid for - most at a Drive In with kids for cheap. One thing I would like to allocate money for is seeing music concerts. Like Liz - I used to enjoy seeing live performances but have not since the kids minus a handfull at best. That is something I would really like to do again.

One major financial help for me has been shopping thrift stores for everything I can before I look at the regular ones and that helped save money huge. I rad a book about a guy who did this for a year - food undies etc was bought new of course - the majority else was bought used whenever possible. He saved over 50% of what he had spent the year previous on the same sort of things.

For me knowing certain items are brand new is not worth the money spent. I would rather put it towards vacations and tickets to see Treyner next year in Colorado.

Good News:
I just scored on a $4,500.00 set of stainless steel fridge and stove (they still sell them and I found easily on line the retail value) that was used for 2 months. The lady moved to Florida - her daughter had them in her garage for 6 months and then decided to donate them to a Christian thrift store before the end of the year for a tax write off. They look brand new and I only spent $480.00 total for them. That will cut a ton out of my budget for the kitchen remodel. I also found a builders direct outlet for the cabinets and counter tops. Installed total will be less than $6,000 for everything including sink. Not as much selection but I found things I like very well and I would rather spend that than $15,000 which I was qouted elsewhere.

So no treasue map at all - just better choices financially and now I hope that change can continue onto my eating - better choices.

Liz - if you want that trip with Em - you can make it happen. I believe you are one of the strongets people I have ever met. You will succeed if that is what you want. Again - your weight loss is a huge pointer towards your mindset of achieving things your mind and heart truly want.

We don't exchange valentines either. Not by my choice. Just sayin. My girls, well they got a new webkinz and chocolate.
I am sorry Lyz - if You are that sappy, romatic woman - you deserve the things that you need in your life. I hope that someday you will get all the hearts and flowers and poems and love in all the forms you dream of.
Valentines Day or not - that is what I want for your everyday.

Stacey! 2 hours at the gym! You go!
No joke - Stacey is on a roll!

Ok, Dawn, since I rag on you for your food, I guess I will post what I eat. These are some of my standards (note: fruits and veggies and grain are all organic for the most part)--

Thanks for some alternative thinking - can you print when you have time some recipies - I have all the basic cookbooks of the midwest - no tofu among any of them!

On to why I quoted and I'm posting. OMG, I LOVE HUMMUS :yay: !
Roddy - can you share your guac and hummus recipies? It sounds like we share the same pallette of garlic love and lime love!

I finally started my PTR ~ it's
I am going to log on there tom!

Food wise I did all right until dinner. I was totally rocking my planned food for the day (JC muffin for breakfast w/ tea, JC tuna salad for lunch over a large fresh veggie salad) until we got to dinner. The group decided on BBQ. I tried really hard to portion control and had 4 ribs, some green beans, a little cole slaw and a half of a corn muffin. Overall, not too bad, but the amount of sugar in the BBQ sauce and the excess fat in the ribs has me a bit concerned. I really wanted to come back and get a good workout in, but that is not happening :sad2: . I am going to do some squats, some lunges a little bit of core and some stretching before I go to bed though. I feel like I need to do something.
Paula - you are so on track - a feight train could not push you off.:worship:


Thanks Dawn.

Nothing like sweat. Nothing. Well some things :lmao: but you get the picture.
Lisa - you are a joy to laugh with...
That is exciting news. Love it! But now I'll have to buy it and let it sit. cause that's what I do.

I lived that life - wait - I still do!

[Ok, off to the office. Oh and I dreamed about taxes and easter candy.

"HI" to everyone. I should be on and off all day.
I see an IRS man with Peeps in his pocket!
:rotfl: Sorry to laugh! I took ages to set up a Facebook account - I still don't know how people find the application thingys that they send you :confused3 Oh well, im on there and thats enough! :rotfl:

Kelly - that is me - don't even have a pic or any info - the only reason I knew my friend from Norway found me was I was sent a message to my e-mail!

Last year on Valentines Day me and DH went and did the grocery shopping, then when we got back we ate a pizza and listened to my favourite football (soccer) teams game on the radio, while watching the rest of the football scores on the tv with the sound down! Hows that for romance :lmao:

Some futbal and red sauce = Lovin Time ! :lovestruc

Hi Everyone!

So last night me and DH had an Indian Takeaway. It was so good! However, it did put me around 10000 points over my daily allowance. Not really, it was 30 points over :scared1:
So, to try and undo some of the damage I have done the Disco Dance DVD this morning, then I took my niece for a walk for an hour earlier. Will it undo the damage - who knows :confused3

Gald you enjoyed your meal though - it was good right? What is bad is when you splurge and don't even enjoy the splurge. Then it is just a waste!

Off for the day - have a great Sunday all.
Hummus and Guacamole recipes? Sure thing.

For my hummus. Simple:

Can of Chick peas drained
2 cloves fresh garlic
A heaping tsp of ground cumin
about 1/3 of a cup of lime or lemon juice. But sometimes I like a little more, sometimes I like a little less.
Put it all in the food processor and blend til it's smooth.

Sometimes, I put in 1/4 of a small onion.

For my guacamole I usually make a batch of fresh salsa and guac at the same time so it goes like this.

Fresh tomatoes - peeled and finely diced, I scoop out the nasty seeds and slimy insides of the tomato (but then again, I go light on the tomatoes because I don't like them although I can deal with them in the salsa and guac because I'm trying to eat some because they're suppose to be so good for you. I'm a strange eater.)
Lots of red, white or yellow onion, which ever I'm feeling like that day (very finely diced)
Jalapeno peppers - (once again, very finely diced)
Cilantro - chopped up fine.
A whole lot of lime juice.

I hand mash my avocados and then spoon in some of the salsa and mix it all up with a few dashes of ground cumin.

Sorry I don't give very precise amounts or directions. I don't measure stuff, I just throw it together and eat it. :lmao:
Paula - buy yourself a cheap portable DVD player. Then you can bring along any exercise DVDs with you when you travel. Really, really helps.

Also, stairs. Stairs, stairs, stairs. Oh you have knee issues, yes? Forgive me if I got that wrong.

I love that you are sad that you are wanting a good workout in - is that wrong? :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

Paula - you're really rockin' sweetheart. And I forgot to tell you way back when you said something about looks. I have no idea what you are talking about. You are one cute woman. So cute that I considered making you co- cutie. :lmao:

Have you seen the sparkle in your eyes? Look at yourself. Cute, cute, cute. And I know cuties.

And Lisa! You are SO RIGHT about Paula being a cutie! Totally cute!

Funny story--

So while in Epcot on Day 1, we get a call from Paula on my cell. We were scheduled to meet up with her for the first time that night. I asked, "Where in the park are you right now?" She said she was in the cue at Mission: Space. I told her that we were walking by MS at that exact moment. So we hung up and Kat, Liz and I bolt into MS. There is Paula...we all hug and say our hellos, etc. Chat for a couple of minutes and then make our plans for getting together later that night.

Anyway, the very first thing I said to her was, "OMG, look how cute you are!" And Liz, Kat and I all agreed that her pics on the thread have not done her justice! A friend of hers had taken several of the pics she had posted of herself. Liz banned him from ever taking her pic again! :rotfl2: We all were like, "No...he cannot take your picture anymore! He doesn't do you justice!"

We then went our separate ways and I swear the 3 of us talked about how we couldn't believe how cute Paula is for like 20 minutes!

So yes, Lisa, she is definitely a cutie for sure!

You all are way too sweet to me and I love you all for that. Lisa - I can't take Lyz's cutie title away from her. That somehow feels just plain wrong to me.

I normally bring a DVD with me to play off of my laptop, but like I a dope I didn't bring this time (won't make that mistake again). I did make use of the stairs so I made the best of a bad situation.

Good morning everyone - i hope everyone is doing well (Erika-hope you make it through the day without falling over and can get some sleep tonight!)

Ack, so i went to the gym (at 7:30 again) and again, was there for 2 hours, what the hell! I burn from head to toe (ok, maybe shoulder to toe) and it feels, awesome. lol

I can see how this can get addicting...

Off to shower..... Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Yeah - Stacey is coming to the dark side. The pain will go away - really...

I use the landing and first step to get some extra cardio in and add some arm movements. Nothing too specific, just movement and I walk the steps too.

Thanks for the info Amiee. I will definitely try that the next time I am trapped somewhere and can't work out.

This is a quick post before I head out to meet my parents for dinner.

I'll check in when I get back.

Quick fly-by. No nap for me, so I will head to bed early.

I RAN TODAY. Oly 2.8 miles and it was with Cam so it was slow and easy. But I ran. I am a bit sore, the ham is definitely feeling the activity, but so far so good. Tomorrow I will either bike or swim. Get back into my routine, but slowly. Adding only one thing at a time. I will aim to run a 5-miler by Friday, and I will have to consider that my long run for now.

Paula--glad you are back! Hope the week-end went well!

Kat--looking forward to hearing about today's games!

Lyz--hope you are enjoying those gorgeous roses! :love:

Nancy--hope Becca's concert is a hit!
Dawn - I DID get roses! I was so suprised.

Liz is sick. She thinks it might be the flu! That's why she's not on. She'll try tomorrow.

Roddy - enjoyed the whole Billy Maize rant. Yes, he screams. And the recipes. Yum.
Hi everyone...

I am knee deep in catching up on all of my chores that were waiting for me after my weekend away. The trip was a good one and the two day board meeting was long and at times painful due to the issues we were discussing, but I made it through. Sounds like you all have had an interesting weekend as well.

My JC weigh in is tomorrow night and I have no idea how that is going to go. It is what it is at this point and my new week starts tomorrow so all will be fine.

Hope you all have a great start to the week!!!!
Dawn - I DID get roses! I was so suprised.

Liz is sick. She thinks it might be the flu! That's why she's not on. She'll try tomorrow.

Roddy - enjoyed the whole Billy Maize rant. Yes, he screams. And the recipes. Yum.

Lyz! So excited for you.

Oh I hope she doesn't have the flu. It's hitting our area pretty bad.

Please add me to the Billy Maize anti-fan club.
Quick drive-by -- I read through the thread, way too much to comment on everything.

Paula, definitely a cutie. We will find another word, though.

Amy, so proud of you!!

Stacey, yay for kicking the gym's butt!

Erika, what is this brand of hot cocoa to which you were referring? Can't just drop that and not NAME it!! Loved your post on foods, btw.

Liz, hope you feel better.

Lyz, I totally was on the ice when you posted that. Our game started at 9:30 so we were already warming up.

Amiee and Sunny and Kelly and everyone else, :wave2:.

I am so tired I can barely see. What a LONG weekend!! We lost all of our games, of course, but I think we put in a pretty good effort. 3 of the 4 were within 2-3 goals, and only one was a total blowout. This getting up at 6 and 8AM for games is brutal, esp since I didn't get home until 11:30 either night. I tried to nap between games yesterday but failed.

Oh, and I also kept score for the 2 games after mine last night, and the championship game today. I had never done that before, so learning the official scoresheets and how to run the scoreboard was a fun experience. Luckily I have been watching hockey for many, many years, so the knowledges of the game rules and such really helped.

The game today I shared the booth with a 14 yr old from a local high school and spent much of the game teaching her about hockey, which was also fun.

Anyhow, they took tons and tons of pics of Friday's game, and others should be showing up as the week progresses. I will find a few and post them tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
I don't know what happened - had an entire post deleted :headache:

Too bad too....'cause I had some really great things to say!:laughing: Let's see if I can give you some highlights...

Billy Mays/Maize/Mayes....annoying. Hate him. Would never buy a product he promotes even if it was the greatest thing on earth :laughing:

And hummus. YUM. Do you ever throw in roasted red peppers? :love:

Liz - :hug: being sick sucks. Feel better.

Lyz - roses. Nice.

Erika - lookin' for the 3 stooges smiley so I can smack you :laughing: running? Today? Really? And you were thinking exactly what? :confused3 Hope it feels ok tomorrow :hug:

Thanks for the good wishes for the concert. Yep. She's a goddess! :cheer2: I can't take credit for her talent....just for her quick wit and sarcastic tendancies (so proud :laughing: )

Paula - welcome home :flower3: Good luck at your weigh in tomorrow.

Dawn- IRS man with peeps in his pocket :laughing:

Hi everyone! Hope you had a great weekend! :upsidedow
Checking in....

food: 29 points

alcohol: none

Exercise: day off

not too bad on food today, all things considered. Went to an "after party" after DD's concert tonight. TONS of amazing food (had this incredible garden veg soup! ), wine, beer, Mikes....I had water.

Oh - and on the alcohol at the party - I should note for those of you who don't know - she was invited to be a guest performer at her voice teacher's special adult ensemble's concert. She ROCKED. So - totally appropriate to have booze at this party.

Kids have the next week off :headache: I expect to be spending alot of time sewing costumes - AND going to NYC to see Guys and Dolls on Broadway.:yay:

Catch y'all tomorrow!
Nancy, I bet you are so proud of her!! What a great accomplishment.

Forgot to check in:
1) Calories, at or under 1200, under 20g carbs. Check
2) Exercise, at least 60 min, all 3 days. Check
3) Water, 96oz+, all 3 days. Check
4) No alcohol, all 3 days, sigh. Check
Checking in....

food: 29 points

alcohol: none

Exercise: day off

not too bad on food today, all things considered. Went to an "after party" after DD's concert tonight. TONS of amazing food (had this incredible garden veg soup! ), wine, beer, Mikes....I had water.

Oh - and on the alcohol at the party - I should note for those of you who don't know - she was invited to be a guest performer at her voice teacher's special adult ensemble's concert. She ROCKED. So - totally appropriate to have booze at this party.

Kids have the next week off :headache: I expect to be spending alot of time sewing costumes - AND going to NYC to see Guys and Dolls on Broadway.:yay:

Catch y'all tomorrow!

So awesome about your kiddo's concert. Hang in there next week!

I am more than willing to help if you need it when you visit NYC.:worship:
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

I didn't track my food from yesterday so here it is:

Breakfast - Apple
Lunch - Chicken Salad with baby new potatoes, followed by a WW Lemon cheesecake
Dinner - 4 cream crackers with cheese and wafer thin ham

Water - 8 large glasses.

All together I did 2 hours of exercise!

I did NOT eat enough yesterday, I was so full from the Indian Takeaway the night before.

Food today:

Breakfast - Weetabix with skimmed milk
Snack - WW Blueberry Bar

For Lunch I have WW country vegetable soup, an apple, and a low fat yoghurt.

Afternoon snack - 2 satsumas

Dinner (Jack Bauer night! :banana: ) Sweet and Sour pork chops (WW recipe) with Jacket Potato and salad.

Hope everyone has a great day! :)
Morning everyone! :goodvibes

I came down with the flu yesterday and spent the day either in the bathroom or on the couch. By about 3 p.m. I finally started getting a little energy back. I was able to get up and make dinner for my family and then went straight to bed. Today, a little tired and being careful what I eat but I am upright and working (which they are grateful for). So happy Presidents Day everyone, I hope someone else is working too!!

Paula, I totally agree. You are super cute girl! I take a Leslie Sansone DVD with me when I travel. It is the worst case scenario as I hate jumping around the hotel room with my family around but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Erika, glad to hear you got out for a short run. I am pretty grumpy when I cannot run, except for yesterday....:rolleyes1

Kat, loved the hockey game details! It sounds like you all held your own. David lost his front tooth on Thursday and I told him NOW he looks like a hockey player in all his gear. Too funny. I will have to post a pic. Great job!!

Rod, loved the recipes. I too put roasted red peppers in my hummus. Love the hummus!!!

Dawn, nice score on the appliances!!! I would be :woohoo: :woohoo: if I could find a deal like that. The thrift stores around here take books and clothes. Not much else. I donate to them, I hope that counts!! I buy most of my clothes either from Athleta or TJ Maxx. Aside from the Michael Kors stuff, most of it is organic natural fibers.

Amy, nice 10K time. I was 10K-less until last years Beach to Beacon. I have not done a 15K but I have done a 13K, does that count as a complete? I have the full in April. I told Mike I was going to tattoo myself after that with 5K---10K---13K---13.1---26.2. I got a lot of eye rolling and then Shelby said "you'd pass out before they got the 5 on mom..." :lmao:

Valentines day, Mike does not subscribe to all that. Mother's day either. Easter he only does because there is chocolate involved. LOL. We went out with my SIL and BIL to the local Mexican restaurant and heard about what they got each other for valentines day. I am a romantic soft squishy at heart so for the first 5 years with Mike this really bothered me. Now, not so much. Shelby got chocolate and a little stuffed bee that said "bee mine" from her boyfriend. :lovestruc

Everyone else: :flower3: I hope you are all well and NOT down with the flu...:sick:

As for me, I missed my long run yesterday (obviously) so I am planning that today. It is school vacay here so the kids are around. I also have to work until 2 today which is not normal for me so I am a little off in the chakras. A long run will do me good this afternoon! Just a little rearrange of the workouts and I should still be on track. Next Sunday marks the upping of miles. Instead of 8, I have a 10 miler and then up 2 miles every Sunday until mid-March. time to get serious then...:scared1: Swimming tonight for David. He had a mini-meet on Saturday where they record their times but don't really compete. He has improved a lot from the beginning of the season. Shelby had field hockey yesterday and I guess I missed one of the best games. Fortunately, the 2 teams face off in the finals in 2 weeks so I get a replay of the game!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Good Morning All -

I second that I hope everyone is healthy! Bruce and I had been feeling a bit off, but that has passed.

Thanks for all the support on the gym, i was there by 6AM this morning :scared: and it was great, so it looks like i'm enjoying the dark side.

Back on the eating wagon today. I've tracked everything this weekend, but all told, it was pretty ugly. Bruce picked out dinner on Valentine's and he wanted strip steak, buttery cheesy garlic parmesean mashed potatos and ice cream sundaes.... i indulged more than i should have..... oh well, on to another day right? All tracked and movin on, planned out my meals for today and tomorrow so i'm not tempted to be bad.

Kat - you go girl, i can't even imagine how tired you must be from this weekend!

E - i hope your leg is feeling OK, i'km glad you were able to get in at least a short run, i'm sure you must have been stir crazy.

To all the sickies - i hope you feel better! The flu has been hitting hard around here too....

Paula - Welcome home!!!

Roddy - the recipes sound great. I wish i liked hummus and guac.... i think they sound fantastic, then everytime i take a bite, i think it's horrendous.... i dont get it!

Nancy - i'm glad your dd did so well!!!!

Alright, if i don't get moving i'm going to be late for work, everyone have a great day!
Good Morning Everybody!

A quick pop in before the chaos of getting to kids to school kicks in. Ahh, the joy of working in the banking industry ~ it's a holiday, so we are casual! I just love my casual days and wish it was everyday.

See ya on the flip side!
I am alive! After 11 hours of sleep, I feel much more myself today. The ham is bothering me a little, but not too bad, considering I did a short run yesterday. And Nancy, no need to smack me! It was a PT-approved run. :rotfl2:

Humus--yes, I make my own. But Roddy, you cannot make humus without tahini! :lmao: It is like the main ingredient after chickpeas! (But it does keep the fat content lower without it, so I always use less than what is called for.) There must be a health food store somewhere near you? If not, I will SEND you the tahini! :lmao: See? I am passionate about humus!

I make it a bit differently each time. Sometimes extra garlic, sometimes with roasted red peper, etc. I use lemon though, not lime. I will try it with lime and see if I like it! :thumbsup2

Guac--my recipe is exactly the same as Roddy's and I don't measure either. Just throw it all in there. Kat, this means you would not like my guac since it has tomoatoes in it (from the salsa).

Salsa--this is where I draw the line and do not make my own. My mom does, though, so all summer I have HER fresh salsa. The rest of the year we go with store-bought.

LisaPR--SO sorry you were sick! Don't push the long run though. Give yourself another day to heal.

LIZ! You are sick! I am so sorry. I will give you a call later in the day...MUCH later so that you can get some sleep. The flu is no fun.

Stacey--great job at the gym!

I have PT today and then will either bike or swim this afternoon, assuming they ok it.

Kids are home all week, so we are making plans for what stuff they want to do over vacation. This is week when LOTS of their friends go to Disney, so they are feeling pathetic and unloved since they are not going down. :rotfl2: Yes, we reminded them that there were just there 4 months ago and are going on a Disney cruise in 3 months. Does it help? No.
So EriKa you're saying it's Maine Week in Disney! (as opposed to Jersey Week:lmao: ) Can you imagine. All the high energy healthy people running from ride to ride!:lmao:

:rotfl: Ok, couldn't help myself.

No, there is no such thing as "Maine week" and even if there was, it would have no measurable impact crowds since we have like NO population in this state.

And here's the thing. The state is pretty evenly split. Lots of outdoorsy types like me and Lisa. The other half of the state is made up of people wearing stretch pants (that shouldn't be, if you know what I mean) and with bad/no teeth, who say things like "I ain't go not erl [oil] for my truck which is a right mess and all stove up, ayuh. I tried to pahk it down the dump, but they wouldn't take 'er so I 'ad to call the wife to get the cah and drive on down dump to git me. It don't matter none, though, we are goin' up camp and I got me another truck up there that ain't much stove up."

This is why I live in the southern part of the state. You get way up north and it can get downright scary! Or Downeast. Or the western part. I am in the south and Lisa is in the central part of the state.:rotfl2:


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