In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate... Vol. 6: Goddesses just want to have fun

Joy - WELCOME!! :cool1:

OK, I have a few more questions today - you all are going to hate me if I keep this up. :rotfl:
- How often do you weigh yourself?
- What are your favorite healthy meals and snacks?

I love questions! You can never ask too many!

Im Kelly, 28, married, no kids! I got down to my target weight last year, and since then Ive gained back around 10lbs.

My main way of losing weight is WW, its easy for me to follow and I like to be able to eat all kinds of food!
I struggle with drinking my daily allowance of water - Im like you, I love diet pop. Ive cut down to one can a day from 3 cans a day and have found it quite easy to manage on that.

I haven't weighed myself for around 4/5 weeks, no reason other than im terrified to! I will change that this weekend, and then stick to getting weighed once a week.

I love stir-fry. The more vegetables the better, some one-cal oil spray and some noodles or brown rice :lovestruc

LisaV - I think your hair looks fantabulous on that picture :lovestruc

Dawn - :hug: Im sure things will work themselves out with Treyner

Lyz - I dont think you stink, but then again I am far away! :lmao:
Hi everyone...

Long day today at work. Got to the office at about 6:45AM and left around 6:30PM. Drove right to the gym to get some cardio in and after my bike ride (since the spin bikes were full), I hopped onto the treadmill to see what a 16 minute mile pace is really like. All I can say is I have a little way to go to be ready for the Princess 1/2. Time to get this girl walking!

Off to crash... At least I get to sleep in tomorrow. I don't go in until about 7:45 - 8:00ish.

Joy - I weigh myself daily (just before I get into the shower) to keep tabs on things, but only track my JC weigh in on Mondays. It may be a little neurotic, but I know that my weight will fluxuate over the week based on what is going on with my body, so I look at it as a quick gauge and move on. If you don't think you can deal with that, than weigh yourself once a week.

Favorite foods and snacks (besides pizza and cookies right?) - I am loving anything fresh and grilled right now - chicken, pork, etc. I love all of the fresh fruits and veggies that are out there and am finding myself snacking on those. Off course I am also a big fan of Pirates Booty. A yummy cheese puff thing that is actually pretty healthy (130 calories for a one ounce serving). I also love my greek yogurt with fruit. My typical post gym snack.

Hope this helps.
Insane couple of days for me- between my back-to-school work schedule and some wicked wonky computer issues, I've been pretty much out of commission here

I have a race in like 4 weeks... :scared1:

More info please.....

I'm struggling because I lived in two condos with gyms and didn't realize how much that helped me stay on track. If I had an excuse I was like "upstairs now". Yes I talk to myself. :laughing: I've tried to build something in my basement but it's not turning my crank obviously.

I feel I'm at a very critical point here - twenty back on. There are people on the thread that are confident regardless of their weight but unfortunately I'm not one of them. I long to be but I'm not. And I feel like I'm losing confidence very quickly. Plus, for me, exercise is critical for my mental health. Critical. So I feel like I'm sliding on all fronts. And quite frankly it's scary - the weight I can handle - the lack of mental health I can not.

LISA! Hold the phone....what are you telling me here? When is the last time you worked out? Don't make me pull out my whistle. Or my can of whoop-a$$. Tomorrow is day 1 of your 6 on/2 off routine, right? RIGHT? Get on it.:mic:

Seriously - you know how much better you feel when you are doin' your intervals, kickin' some butt...:flower3:

Starting Tuesday, I get to work 7am-4pm!! Finally after about 3 years of working 10-7. I am so excited.

:woohoo: So happy for you EE!!!

Wait - does that mean they hired someone to help you?

Do I stink? What's the problem?

Sorry. Didn't want to tell you this way. :rotfl:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It is nice hearing from Treyner now a few times a week. Probably every other day.

Sure. Rub it in. I do get emails a couple times a week, but he still hasn't been allowed a phone call home....
Gabes mommy said:
- How often do you weigh yourself?
- What are your favorite healthy meals and snacks?

I weigh every couple of weeks. The health club at work has a doctor's office style scale. I usually weigh on a Friday. I avoid the week of my period.

For snacks I like frozen grapes, dry cereal, sugar free jello, cucumber slices, apples and bananas.

For meals I love grilling. I prefer to grill outside using gas. When the weather's bad I use a small George Foreman. They are a pain to clean. TIP -after you pull the plug and remove the food, put a couple water soaked paper towels in the grill and close the lid - steam cleans and softens to crusty stuff while you eat.

I also have a steamer/rice cooker that gets used several times a week. I especially like rice done this way - spin the timer and walk away. We use Costco turkey burgers. Very low in fat and tasty. I can no longer find the low calorie bbq sauce we ran out of last month. It's 10 cal per serving and great on grilled meats.

I will stir fry a huge heap of veggies (onion, carrots, mushrooms, brocolli, bean sprouts) add shrimp and serve over noodles. I use a little bit of a jarred stir fry sauce or this great spicy peanut sauce that I cannot name right now. A little sauce can go a LONG way.

We also use a product called Butter Buds on veggies. Nice taste and very little fat.

My last kitchen tip for tonight is to grab a rotosserie chicken for dinner. Eat a couple pieces (minus most skin and fat). After it cools pick it clean and freeze the meat. Later it goes into stir fry and chicken salad. Then, boil the discarded bones and skin for an hour or so to make stock. Pour the stock into ice cube trays. They eventually get popped into a zip lock bag and stashed in the freezer.

I use There are lots of recipes that don't NEED half a stick of butter. I just leave it out.

I am also over the 200 pound mark, and like you, it crept up slowly through pregnancies, and eating whatever I wanted and well, just not really ever caring or doing anything about it! It's hard to make that committment but I've found that just committing to yourself that you're going to TRY, or at least that you're going to CARE makes a big difference for me.

I missed this somehow... I didn't realize you had kids?

I am not on the wagon. At all, at all.
I missed this somehow... I didn't realize you had kids?

I am not on the wagon. At all, at all.

No....sorry....actually I guess that's not a particular story I'd shared. Sorry, sometimes my hands work quicker than my brain and so does my mouth :rolleyes1

I've had 3 pregnancies, all a little different but in the end, obviously, all not carried to term and all failed because of their own reasons. The first one went the longest, at 14 weeks and I swear, my body knew the day I concieved because I gained a ton of weight...I was hungry all the time and couldn't figure out why and worked at Walmart with a McDonalds so conveniently located nearby. So, breaktime? Oooo time for a big mac. Lunch break? I'll have a number 5 please. Last break? Hmmm mcnuggets this time. You get the picture. Not that I don't have the control to stop myself from eating or fix the consequences, I blame no one but myself...but...well after the first two failed I just didn't care anymore and the third was a miscarriage which sent me into a horrendous downward spiral, which for me, meant eating. A lot.

But, past it now, have been through therapy and dealt with it all, and doc says my plumbing is all getting back to normal as should be, so hopefully no worries for future babies!

Sorry, like I said, I didn't think about that story being one I hadn't shared.
He is strong. And that's what I told him before we left. He's not "average" or "ordinary" or "typical".....he's more than that. He just needs to keep his head in a positive place, control what he can and let the rest slide. I am really looking forward to parents weekend at the end of September....


Well, I faced the scale this morning. I was not the least bit surprised at what I saw.:sad2: Disgusted yes, but sadly not surprised.

So - I'm turning my attitude around. Had a healthy breakfast, went to the gym where I had a solid workout, and have just finished my post-workout snack. Journal is dusted off and ready to be written in again.

I'm going back on the wagon - at a minimum Sunday-Thursday. Perhaps I may consider allowing myself something on Friday or Saturday....we'll see. And I'm going to bore you all with my daily health/fitness decisions :upsidedow

Hope you all have a happy, healthy Monday.

Good for you Nancy.

Work is kicking my butt today.... thinking of you all and will check in after JC and the gym tonight.

Amy - hope your first day at work is going well. :)

Me too Amy. I mean I hope it was great. Was thinking about you and Little D.

Nancy - yeah for sticking to your plan!!!! I know how much that means to you right now.

JC was all right. I was doing so well this week until I went to camp. I am not sure what it is, but there is something about going there where my mind says "please - eat crap all day... its ok" I so need to break myself of that because I was a little over a pound down on Saturday before I went and only lost .2 pounds this week. So - no new clippie for me yet... I am feeling myself get a bit out of control food wise so I need to rein it in and start journaling again.

I did get 35 minutes of spinning in tonight with some intervals. If the calorie thingy on the spin bike is to be believed (and I am skeptical because I don't have the heart rate monitor yet - hoping to get one for a birthday present) I burned off about 350 calories during that 35 minute session. It just doesn't seem possible to me, but there it is.

I am off to bed. I have an early morning meeting with some contractors tomorrow so I have to be at work by 7:30 so I have to leave here by 6:45. :scared1: Did I mention how much this new project is kicking my butt? One benefit though - when we move offices, I get the corner office with the view of downtown Albany. No more desk under the stairs for me. Goodbye Harriett Potter.... :rotfl:

Have a great night everyone. I'll catch you on the flipside.

The spinning? Class Paula - or on your own on the bike. I assume class - let me know - do you love it?

I did something very stupid last night. I left my purse on campus and it's gone. I have my debit card since it was in my back pocket, but I have lost alot. I will never ever allow anybody to coerce me into carrying a %U&@ing purse anymore.

Yikes Amiee.

My girls went to school today. I can't tell you the peace that has come over me. I'm not one of those mothers who enjoys mothering. I love my children, but I just want to shop for them and have them be perfect and quiet. This has been a L.O.N.G. summer.



I love it!

See why I miss you when you're off. You are too hysterical and not to mention real.

Hey all!

Work is good. Feeling overwhelmed with all the information being thrown at us but good. Delena is doing good at preschool. She has some tears at drop off but never cries for more than a few minutes.

Eating has been good this week because I have been back at work. My runs are off mainly because I am still figuring out how best to schedule them. I had been planning to do them after work, but I am so tired when I get home. It may be better for me to get up early to do them. And next week I may work second shift, so I will definitely do them in the morning then. I did get a wog in last night and core this morning so that's good.

there is a new session of WW starting next week at work. I am thinking about joining to hopefully kick these last 20 pounds off me permanently!

I hope to get back on here more once I get settled in at work.


Love to hear more about work Amy. And congrats on doing so well holding your weight loss. I've been thinking about that and forgot to voice it.

*peeks head in*

Lots of hockey coming up!!

Oh, and I scored Monday night. First and only goal of the season. :)

Nice and nice!!!!:thumbsup2

Hi...tired. Kel is in pain. Lots of it. She can't sleep, which means I can't sleep. We were at Children's all day today and just get back in time to turn around and run out the door to Cam's soccer game. SO incredibly tired. But, things should settle down now. Just get to take care of her at home, etc. And Riley and Cammie are being angelic. Just perfect. That is a huge help. It is Thursday, which means I have my online conferences--terrible timing. So there is no way I can get to bed before 12:30. Tomorrow, I sleep.

Erika. :hug:

In my thoughts.

Hi Everyone :flower3:

We are home from the coast - a fabulous week was had by all, but now I feel like a big fat wobbly jelly, I SO need to get back on track!

I have read back, and decided to quote this, because it says it better than I ever could:

Hope everyone is having a good day :)

Glad to hear you had a good time. I was watching Roddick tonight and begrudgingly sent your love :lovestruc to him. :laughing:
Lisa - Welcome home!!!! Great photos and great trip report so far. Can't wait to see and hear more.

Thanks Paula. Getting on it. :lovestruc

You success is keeping me motivated. Soon it will push me into action. :lmao:;)

Hi everybody!

I haven't had time to read yet, but I just had to pop in and share some great work news.

Starting Tuesday, I get to work 7am-4pm!! Finally after about 3 years of working 10-7. I am so excited.

I am working on a report, so I will be back before bed.

That's lovely Amiee.

Welcome Joy!

I'm Ronda. 45, DGF is Sue. I've lost 70 pounds over the last 9 years. About


That's me. The length of time. So since I've gained twenty back - it's 60 plus over YEARS. I so need it to be forever. :3dglasses

:hug: I know how it feels to lose confidence because of your weight. I have been fighting that for the last few years too. Thank you for the warm welcome!! I love all your pictures and I agree about your hair - I think it looks beautiful in that picture and I also love the top you're wearing. :goodvibes

That is great news! Congrats!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome Ronda! I have heard about the Couch to 5K program. DH bought me a treadmill about 6 months ago so I may try that and see how it goes. :goodvibes

Dawn - The Treyner situation must be so stressful for you. Extra hugs for today. :hug::hug::hug: Please keep us posted if you hear any news. :goodvibes

OK, I have a few more questions today - you all are going to hate me if I keep this up. :rotfl:

- How often do you weigh yourself?
- What are your favorite healthy meals and snacks?

I started a new diet ticker and I'm hoping it will help keep me motivated. My starting weight from this morning is 202.5 and my first goal is 180. I am going to try to do 20 pound increments.

Have a great day everyone! :goodvibes

I was successful when I never weighed myself - ever. Just clothes.

But progress was much faster when I weighed myself every week. But I'm not like Paula - unfortunately - the scale was playing with my mind.

Healthy? :laughing: ;)'

Meals - just cause I love to talk about food. Said it before - trapped on an island with only Korean, West Indian and Indian food. OMG. If someone snuck in some gyros - well I wouldn't push it back. ;):lmao: Oh heaven.

Thanks for your words Joy.

I weigh every couple of weeks. The health club at work has a doctor's office style scale. I usually weigh on a Friday. I avoid the week of my period.

For snacks I like frozen grapes, dry cereal, sugar free jello, cucumber slices, apples and bananas.

For meals I love grilling. I prefer to grill outside using gas. When the weather's bad I use a small George Foreman. They are a pain to clean. TIP -after you pull the plug and remove the food, put a couple water soaked paper towels in the grill and close the lid - steam cleans and softens to crusty stuff while you eat.

I also have a steamer/rice cooker that gets used several times a week. I especially like rice done this way - spin the timer and walk away. We use Costco turkey burgers. Very low in fat and tasty. I can no longer find the low calorie bbq sauce we ran out of last month. It's 10 cal per serving and great on grilled meats.

I will stir fry a huge heap of veggies (onion, carrots, mushrooms, brocolli, bean sprouts) add shrimp and serve over noodles. I use a little bit of a jarred or this great spicy peanut sauce that I cannot name right now. A little sauce can go a LONG way.

We also use a product called Butter Buds on veggies. Nice taste and very little fat.

My last kitchen tip for tonight is to grab a rotosserie chicken for dinner. Eat a couple pieces (minus most skin and fat). After it cools pick it clean and freeze the meat. Later it goes into stir fry and chicken salad. Then, boil the discarded bones and skin for an hour or so to make stock. Pour the stock into ice cube trays. They eventually get popped into a zip lock bag and stashed in the freezer.

I use There are lots of recipes that don't NEED half a stick of butter. I just leave it out.


Ummm - please Ronda - please name it. :laughing:

No....sorry....actually I guess that's not a particular story I'd shared. Sorry, sometimes my hands work quicker than my brain and so does my mouth :rolleyes1

I've had 3 pregnancies, all a little different but in the end, obviously, all not carried to term and all failed because of their own reasons. The first one went the longest, at 14 weeks and I swear, my body knew the day I concieved because I gained a ton of weight...I was hungry all the time and couldn't figure out why and worked at Walmart with a McDonalds so conveniently located nearby. So, breaktime? Oooo time for a big mac. Lunch break? I'll have a number 5 please. Last break? Hmmm mcnuggets this time. You get the picture. Not that I don't have the control to stop myself from eating or fix the consequences, I blame no one but myself...but...well after the first two failed I just didn't care anymore and the third was a miscarriage which sent me into a horrendous downward spiral, which for me, meant eating. A lot.

But, past it now, have been through therapy and dealt with it all, and doc says my plumbing is all getting back to normal as should be, so hopefully no worries for future babies!

Sorry, like I said, I didn't think about that story being one I hadn't shared.

Sorry Cathie. :hug:

And I wanted to tell you that my side business (I'm an ESL teacher) travel has business sh!t like your cake sh!t - like give a client time and the world but a few abuse that. Business. Just is. But frustrating sometimes, eh?
LISA! Hold the phone....what are you telling me here? When is the last time you worked out? Don't make me pull out my whistle. Or my can of whoop-a$$. Tomorrow is day 1 of your 6 on/2 off routine, right? RIGHT? Get on it.:mic:

Seriously - you know how much better you feel when you are doin' your intervals, kickin' some butt...:flower3:

:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc and :lovestruc.

I worked out (intervals) once in AKv and once in NYC - probably only b/c I was so psyched to see a gym gym.

I maybe should join a gym. But I've been so spoiled. You know - no "you can only be on for this long" etc. Sometimes barely anyone in there the same time with me.

Okay, shutting up now.:rolleyes1

Yes, tomorrow is day one of six on - two off.

In general - exercise is off and water - I'm not sure what the heck happened there.

Thanks so much Nancy.
lisaviolet;33438862I maybe should join a gym. But I've been so spoiled. You know - no "you can only be on for this long" etc. Sometimes barely anyone in there the same time with me. [/QUOTE said:
Yes! Or at least see if you can do a trial period...I'm sure you'll love it :goodvibes

I'm off to the gym, then to work - so I'll catch up with you all later today! Happy Friday everyone!
Thanks Paula. Getting on it. :lovestruc

You success is keeping me motivated. Soon it will push me into action. :lmao:;)

Lisa - I am here for you...

As for my spinning, I am doing it pretty much on my own following a workout I found online. The classes at the gym start up next week and I am not sure if they will fit into my schedule or not yet. We shall see. Jesse is already after me to take one of his, but he is teaching at 5:15AM!!!! I so don't see that happening...

Not much going on here today. I am wrapping up some things at work and getting out of dodge around 3:00ish for the weekend. I am heading to the track tomorrow for one last visit (and to see Rachael Alexandra kick some butt) before the end of the meet and then to my parents' camp for dinner. The rest of the weekend will be a quiet one and I plan on spending lots of time on my bike since the weather will be perfect for it. I want to check out a few new trails.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?
You success is keeping me motivated. Soon it will push me into action. :lmao:;)

Sorry Cathie. :hug:

And I wanted to tell you that my side business (I'm an ESL teacher) travel has business sh!t like your cake sh!t - like give a client time and the world but a few abuse that. Business. Just is. But frustrating sometimes, eh?

Lisa I know how you feel, I am so motivated by Paula as well. it's just executing that that is the hard part sometimes.

Thanks for the condolences! It was really a pretty rough patch in my life but thankfully has now passed and I moved on and learned from it.

The business-oh it is so frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I started this business because I love baking and decorating. Love love love it. And doing it on the side as a hobby was fun, but I wanted to do it more often, so I thought what better way to do that than turn it into a business. I'm starting to learn just how sticky that can get, especially because when you start, you are dealing mostly with family and friends, so business situations have to be handled delicately. Still waiting on money from the Caillou cake from the beginning of August.... :rolleyes1

But this girl with the baby shower cake was just ridiculous. When I told her I had already spent three hours working on a template she just said oh haha well that sucks. :scared1: No sorry, no nothin. Some people. :sad2:

BUT! I am leaving for the world in a week, so nothing gettin me down!

Lisa - I am here for you...

As for my spinning, I am doing it pretty much on my own following a workout I found online. The classes at the gym start up next week and I am not sure if they will fit into my schedule or not yet. We shall see. Jesse is already after me to take one of his, but he is teaching at 5:15AM!!!! I so don't see that happening...

Not much going on here today. I am wrapping up some things at work and getting out of dodge around 3:00ish for the weekend. I am heading to the track tomorrow for one last visit (and to see Rachael Alexandra kick some butt) before the end of the meet and then to my parents' camp for dinner. The rest of the weekend will be a quiet one and I plan on spending lots of time on my bike since the weather will be perfect for it. I want to check out a few new trails.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

This weekend is unbelievably busy! Going to see my friend's band play tonight, doing homework and going to a baseball game tomorrow night, Sunday homework and packing, and Monday, cuz I have it off, running errands to get ready to leave next Friday! Man. Too too busy haha!!!!

It sounds like you are going to have a pretty nice weekend! Do you live near an area with a lot of trails, like a park? I only live about 30-45 minutes to get to the mountains out here in CO, so it's nice to just go up and find a trail. Until half way up then I am cursing myself haha!
So I have a question for ya'll...

I'm sure it's become apparent by now, because I am so excited I can't SHUT UP about it lol...but I am leaving for WDW next week. We're going for free dining with the basic DDP

All of our table and counter service meals are planned, and none of them are for breakfast. The beyonce and his parents aren't breakfast people, and so I'm the only one really worried about it. What can I get with a snack credit for breakfast that will be A) filling enough for breakfast and B) healthy? Last year I got these giant chocolate muffins a few mornings from the food court at all star sports....oh heavens they were good but I'm pretty sure they weren't very healthy haha and they were very heavy, which isn't really good for someone like me who gets off the bus and runs from ride to ride (the kid in me never grows up, I swear!).

Any suggestions????

Thank you all in advance!!! This is truly an amazing group of people. It is so supporting, encouraging, and inspiring, and is BY FAR the friendliest group I've found in my time being on the Dis. Thanks for being awesome! :thumbsup2
So I have a question for ya'll...

I'm sure it's become apparent by now, because I am so excited I can't SHUT UP about it lol...but I am leaving for WDW next week. We're going for free dining with the basic DDP

All of our table and counter service meals are planned, and none of them are for breakfast. The beyonce and his parents aren't breakfast people, and so I'm the only one really worried about it. What can I get with a snack credit for breakfast that will be A) filling enough for breakfast and B) healthy? Last year I got these giant chocolate muffins a few mornings from the food court at all star sports....oh heavens they were good but I'm pretty sure they weren't very healthy haha and they were very heavy, which isn't really good for someone like me who gets off the bus and runs from ride to ride (the kid in me never grows up, I swear!).

Any suggestions????

Thank you all in advance!!! This is truly an amazing group of people. It is so supporting, encouraging, and inspiring, and is BY FAR the friendliest group I've found in my time being on the Dis. Thanks for being awesome! :thumbsup2

I was just thinking about the same thing last night. We are leaving in 10 days and will be using the dining plan too. I am a breakfast person - I do better physically and emotionally with a solid, healthy breakfast - so I think we're going to end up just paying out of pocket for breakfast every morning. :goodvibes
Yes! Or at least see if you can do a trial period...I'm sure you'll love it :goodvibes

I'm off to the gym, then to work - so I'll catch up with you all later today! Happy Friday everyone!

Thanks Nancy. I just might. And I still have to get my workout in. I will. Cause I wouldn't want the whistle.

I'm playing the "must charge my MP3" game first. :laughing:

Lisa - I am here for you...

As for my spinning, I am doing it pretty much on my own following a workout I found online. The classes at the gym start up next week and I am not sure if they will fit into my schedule or not yet. We shall see. Jesse is already after me to take one of his, but he is teaching at 5:15AM!!!! I so don't see that happening...

Not much going on here today. I am wrapping up some things at work and getting out of dodge around 3:00ish for the weekend. I am heading to the track tomorrow for one last visit (and to see Rachael Alexandra kick some butt) before the end of the meet and then to my parents' camp for dinner. The rest of the weekend will be a quiet one and I plan on spending lots of time on my bike since the weather will be perfect for it. I want to check out a few new trails.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

So sweet Paula. Thank you.

So are you on a lifecycle then or some kind of Schwinn like bike? Very curious.

Have fun tomorrow. Love the three o'clock. Love it!

Me - we're having Jean's family here on Sunday. Other than that if I can get my head in gear I should hit the trails. And I would love to go down to TO and back to the Ex.

So I have a question for ya'll...

I'm sure it's become apparent by now, because I am so excited I can't SHUT UP about it lol...but I am leaving for WDW next week. We're going for free dining with the basic DDP

All of our table and counter service meals are planned, and none of them are for breakfast. The beyonce and his parents aren't breakfast people, and so I'm the only one really worried about it. What can I get with a snack credit for breakfast that will be A) filling enough for breakfast and B) healthy? Last year I got these giant chocolate muffins a few mornings from the food court at all star sports....oh heavens they were good but I'm pretty sure they weren't very healthy haha and they were very heavy, which isn't really good for someone like me who gets off the bus and runs from ride to ride (the kid in me never grows up, I swear!).

Any suggestions????

Thank you all in advance!!! This is truly an amazing group of people. It is so supporting, encouraging, and inspiring, and is BY FAR the friendliest group I've found in my time being on the Dis. Thanks for being awesome! :thumbsup2

I was just thinking about the same thing last night. We are leaving in 10 days and will be using the dining plan too. I am a breakfast person - I do better physically and emotionally with a solid, healthy breakfast - so I think we're going to end up just paying out of pocket for breakfast every morning. :goodvibes

Wolfgang Puck's Express has fabulous breakfasts. But that is no help for snack Cathie. But great ones - DD. Great food in general. I often eat the Spinach Salad with mashed potatoes on the side. :lovestruc Just sharin'.

The Boardwalk Bakery has an amazing fruit plate. Amazing. I spend so much of my time sitting my a$$ on the BW porch eating that and a brownie from there.

All Stars have oatmeal. AKL has some grain type hot cereals.

I often purchase the kiddie breakfasts at the *** - with grapes. (too funny they thought I was spelling a bad word - I was trying to say All Stars) So you have what you want but smaller amount.

I'm not much help with healthy - although I do eat relatively well - because I eat only what I love.

Also, the Beach Club has a cute little market area (same area as store).

Coronado's Pepper Market has a good selection.

Well I'm not being a lot of help because I'm sending you all over. But the BW area could be before HS and back door of Epcot.

And all of the CS at the MK area hotels have great selection.

So excited for you both.
Kat! I forgot to say this. Holy cow I would never have guessed that your hair is fine. Mine you can tell most times (it's baby fine) - but yours no.
Cathie, :hug:. Sorry if I brought up a sore subject!!

As to healthy WDW meals... well, I am not the person to ask. We are actually doing the regular DDP for the first three nights, then Deluxe DDP for our family portion of the trip. We wanted to do some signatures, and D's parents are sit-down breakfast people. So, we are doing mostly breakfasts and dinners.

Usually, though, for breakfast I bring a bunch of stuff (sweet rolls or something like it) from home and have that and coffee. One of the nice things about driving down is that you aren't limited on storage space!!

Kat! I forgot to say this. Holy cow I would never have guessed that your hair is fine. Mine you can tell most times (it's baby fine) - but yours no.

No-one ever does, in fact, most people feel it and go WOW. It's rather irritating because the frizz/large factor needs something strong to keep it down, but the fine factor can turn such things into grease and badness.

Sadly, my hair always looks best if I flat iron it with a wet-to-dry, then sleep on it.

Speaking of which, I am thinking of some radical change to said hair. Has anyone here ever had their hair stripped of color?
Hi guys!!! Went shopping with the girls today. They have a 4 day weekend. We had a good time.

I'm not joining the diet talk until I'm actively dieting! Any day now, any day.
Just a tiny bit of drinking going on here tonight...:rolleyes1...yesterday was hubby's b-day. Today we are celebrating.

Cathie - I'm *out* on the breakfast question. Like Kat, we usually have something in the room. We typically stop at the store and get can get protein bars, fruit, bagels....we'll sometimes buy granola & yogurt or cereal & a quart of milk... and a cheap styrofoam cooler. Just fill with ice from the hotel ice machine every morning (wrap in bath towel for extra insulation) and you're good to go.

I am a true believer that breakfast is a MUST. For so many reasons, which I won't start spewing at you right take care of YOU and get something that is healthy and get your day started off right.

Thanks Nancy. I just might. And I still have to get my workout in. I will. Cause I wouldn't want the whistle.

it's my "tough love" approach. Is it working? 'cause I know that you know that you will feel 1000 times better once you just get that workout done. :hug:

I'm playing the "must charge my MP3" game first. :laughing:

oh! I need to do that too. Thanks for the reminder!

Hi guys!!! Went shopping with the girls today. They have a 4 day weekend. We had a good time.

I'm not joining the diet talk until I'm actively dieting! Any day now, any day.

:woohoo: for a 4 day weekend! Shopping sounds much more fun than my day...gym, work, bale hay, wrangle a cow....dinner out - that was nice at least! We have a super busy weekend as well - just trying to keep my head above water right now.

Anyone have any FUN things planned this weekend? :confused3
Cathie - I would get cereal and milk along with some bananas and eat it in the room before you leave. Picking up a pint of milk from the grab and go is cheap and easy if you don't want to deal with the cooler issue. You can buy a variety pack of cereal and pack it in your suitcase. Easy peasy...

Protein bars are another way to go, but I would still pair it with some fruit or yogurt to add to the taste and the flavor. Breakfast is a definite must for me. Without that and some much needed caffeine, I can't function.

Good luck and I am so jealous. I so want to be there...


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