In Search of My Body - Not the One I Ate... Vol. 6: Goddesses just want to have fun

Oh, as well as exercising I also have to practise walking in heels again! I seem to have forgotten how to do it! :confused3. I used to live in heels, even though im tall but lately ive been in flat shoes - its only 3 more sleeps until Ladies Day at the races and I have to have my dress, shoes and fascinator mastered :lmao:

I hope everyone is having a great day! :upsidedow

Kelly - fascinators.... I love those - you must take pictures of the final look and share them with us!

Don't know how I missed that when reading before.
Nancy - me, the slacker, in your head? Aww.

I love the air. It makes me want to run. Emily starts school on Friday - I KNOW! - so maybe I'll even get to it before October!
I hate when I miss hit some darn thing on my keyboard and it deletes everything!

I'll re-post later.

Baylor has first day today and they are having him go to a few classses in mainstream school and the other part of the day in that private class. Hoping he can re-integrate back into everything by the end of the year. He still has to lotion 30 minutes a day and stand every 20 minutes for circulation so not exactly ideal for many classes.

Carsyn starts tom after the 9th graders get a day at the HS by themselves.

Treyner had college classes yesterday! I have never heard of a college holding a normal day on Labor Day. E - is this common?

Lyz - Word Find story is my new fave of yours.
Paula - glad your tukkus likes your seat and that ride is fantastic!

Everyone else - read and caught up and will try to remember what I had highlighted later!:)
Dawn. To have the 9th graders a day of their own in the high school, great idea. Hadn't heard of that before.

Good luck to the kiddos!

I love the air. It makes me want to run.

YES!!!! Except I totally romanticize running. I think it's the bees knees and in my head I'm a runner, but when I give it a go, OMG, I HATE it. Going to try again today.

Emily starts school on Friday - I KNOW! - so maybe I'll even get to it before October!

Is she excited? Are you?
Good morning all....if you can even call it that....

We leave for WDW in 3 days and I am sicker than a dog!!! :scared1::sick:

If this doesn't go away, it will be a very awful start to my vacation.

I'm skipping my college classes tonight and have no class tomorrow but have to go on Thursday.

Oy. Anyone have any good remedies for a horrid cough, sore throat, bit of a fever, and lots of congestion.

Off to work with me. BLEGH!
Good morning all....if you can even call it that....

We leave for WDW in 3 days and I am sicker than a dog!!! :scared1::sick:

If this doesn't go away, it will be a very awful start to my vacation.

I'm skipping my college classes tonight and have no class tomorrow but have to go on Thursday.

Oy. Anyone have any good remedies for a horrid cough, sore throat, bit of a fever, and lots of congestion.

Off to work with me. BLEGH!

Okay, you're going to think I'm crazy, but it's just a lot of common sense stuff and some home things.

Sleep. Clean sheets all the time. Clean towels. Lots of hand washing.

No dairy. At all. Makes more mucus and you don't want that. Lots of fruits and veggies and a vitamin, if you don't take one. I do juices and broths and really only saltines. I drink green tea, water, no diet soda. Lots of tea for me, actually, but I try for the good ones that have something in them - like real green, etc.

Also, tumeric and honey is supposed to be great for what you've got going on. I have made little tumeric/honey balls and eaten them, or dropped them in my tea. Or you can buy tumeric tea and throw some honey in it.

If it sounds like a system flush, albeit a gentle one, it is. Totally. It's letting your body rest while supporting it with lots of vitamins and nutrients. Giving it water and letting it mend.

Also, you can make a big veggie soup and serve that for dinner with a salad and bread, to make it more family friendly. I do what I need to during the day, and give some options to bulk it up at night for the other people in my life.
Liz is right--great suggestions for getting rid of a cold. The only other thing I would add to that is to open all of your windows, twice a day, for like 15 minutes. I do this even in the dead of winter to get fresh air and get rid of the stale germy air.
Hi everyone!

S0--I put my kids on the bus this morning. I didn't cry and I didn't follow the bus. This is progress, people! :lmao: As much as I need to have my days clear again, I really do miss them when they go back. We had such a great summer!

And therein lies the problem...such a great summer also means I ate and drank my way through it. So today I am on and on with a vengeance. I have a trip coming up (October 17 - 24, Amy and Kat) and I am not going back fatter than I was last time. And last time I was thin, so there you have it. 10 pounds in 5.5 weeks. Totally doable.

Sitting here getting caught up with life as I wait for the cable guy (any time between 7am and noon...oy). Then off for a run and a pedicure.
Okay, you're going to think I'm crazy, but it's just a lot of common sense stuff and some home things.

Sleep. Clean sheets all the time. Clean towels. Lots of hand washing.

No dairy. At all. Makes more mucus and you don't want that. Lots of fruits and veggies and a vitamin, if you don't take one. I do juices and broths and really only saltines. I drink green tea, water, no diet soda. Lots of tea for me, actually, but I try for the good ones that have something in them - like real green, etc.

Also, tumeric and honey is supposed to be great for what you've got going on. I have made little tumeric/honey balls and eaten them, or dropped them in my tea. Or you can buy tumeric tea and throw some honey in it.

If it sounds like a system flush, albeit a gentle one, it is. Totally. It's letting your body rest while supporting it with lots of vitamins and nutrients. Giving it water and letting it mend.

Also, you can make a big veggie soup and serve that for dinner with a salad and bread, to make it more family friendly. I do what I need to during the day, and give some options to bulk it up at night for the other people in my life.

Thanks so so so much Liz-some great great tips!!!! I brought some green tea with me to work, and am going to get some vegetable beef so from the cafeteria for lunch today, and I think tonight we'll have chicken noodle soup. Adding the salad and bread will help so the people in my household don't pitch a fit haha!

After work today I'll definitely be getting some rest, going to go home and likely just sleep.

I didn't know about the dairy thing, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

Thanks so much for the tumeric/honey tip, going out to get some on my lunch break.

Liz is right--great suggestions for getting rid of a cold. The only other thing I would add to that is to open all of your windows, twice a day, for like 15 minutes. I do this even in the dead of winter to get fresh air and get rid of the stale germy air.

I am going to try to get outside a couple of times today to get some fresh air, then open up the house once I get home.

Hi everyone!

S0--I put my kids on the bus this morning. I didn't cry and I didn't follow the bus. This is progress, people! :lmao: As much as I need to have my days clear again, I really do miss them when they go back. We had such a great summer!

And therein lies the problem...such a great summer also means I ate and drank my way through it. So today I am on and on with a vengeance. I have a trip coming up (October 17 - 24, Amy and Kat) and I am not going back fatter than I was last time. And last time I was thin, so there you have it. 10 pounds in 5.5 weeks. Totally doable.

Sitting here getting caught up with life as I wait for the cable guy (any time between 7am and noon...oy). Then off for a run and a pedicure.

Not crying-that's a good thing! Not chasing the bus--a VERY good thing! :rotfl:
I'm so glad you liked the suggestions!

And E, proud that you didn't follow the bus or cry! :thumbsup2

So, I have to stub for something here.

As many of you know, my best friend gave birth to her daughter at 24 weeks gestation. Yep, that little. She has survived and thrived, and it's all due to the wonderful care she received at the Regional Newborn Center at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. So we are raising money to help them expand their NICU and save the lives of more precious babies like Genevieve.

Here's the link if you want to donate. We are doing a small walk this upcoming Sunday.
Ok, so I am finally caught up! WOW!

I have already had 64 ozs of water today (while getting caught up), but my goal is 80 since I work out a lot.

KELLY--So glad that you are on! WOO HOO! Let's stay on together, k?

Cathie and Kat--wow! Trip are coming right up! Exciting, exciting! Cathie, by the way, we require live trip reports around here! So you best be bringing a laptop! :lmao:

Paula--for so many reasons and so many of the posts I just read, you are brilliant. Love you!

Nancy--come on. You know you want to. I saved that post that you made me save...the one where you begged me to remind you how good you feel when you are all the way ON?!?! I'll post it if I have to! :lmao:

Lyz/Nancy--OMG, so funny on the Labor Day mix-up! But the really funny thing was that as I was reading it I thought to myself, that is SO something Nancy would do! And then she posted that same thought! HI LAR IOUS.

Liz/LisaV--LOVED the pics. Sounds like you had a great time! Both of you are looking gorgeous, natch. ;)

LisaV--how I missed you! Loved the TRs and pics and all of it! Yes, come back on the crazy amount of exercise bandwagon with me and Nancy. Of course, Paula is driving that particular wagon these days!

JOY--are you still here? I didn't get to welcome you! Come back and play! I am a college professor as well, so we can talk the talk, you know?

EE--loved the Indy TR! Who knew that Indy was a place to visit for a little get-away? :lmao: Like Nancy, I am in a tiny town (definitely no panhandlers here) and Snooty McSnootsville.

Ok, finally the cable guy is here, so I have to logoff.
And while I am getting caught up...Dawn fill me in about Treyner and soccer. Like, he has to MAKE the team???? I thought he was recruited and there was a scholarship and all of that. What happened? What sid I miss? Did he turn away scholarships from other schools just for the chance that he might play at Fort Lewis?
Thanks to a friend of mine, I just joined the DIS boards and this is my very first post. This looks like an interesting group you have here. I just may have to stick around...
I'm so glad you liked the suggestions!

And E, proud that you didn't follow the bus or cry! :thumbsup2

So, I have to stub for something here.

As many of you know, my best friend gave birth to her daughter at 24 weeks gestation. Yep, that little. She has survived and thrived, and it's all due to the wonderful care she received at the Regional Newborn Center at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. So we are raising money to help them expand their NICU and save the lives of more precious babies like Genevieve.

Here's the link if you want to donate. We are doing a small walk this upcoming Sunday.

Wow, 24 weeks!!!!??? :scared1:

Work won't let me look at the site (really? seriously? stupid filter) but I will definitely try to pull it up when I get home, and it nothing else, that whole family is in my thoughts and prayers! :goodvibes

Ok, so I am finally caught up! WOW!

I have already had 64 ozs of water today (while getting caught up), but my goal is 80 since I work out a lot.

KELLY--So glad that you are on! WOO HOO! Let's stay on together, k?

Cathie and Kat--wow! Trip are coming right up! Exciting, exciting! Cathie, by the way, we require live trip reports around here! So you best be bringing a laptop! :lmao:

Paula--for so many reasons and so many of the posts I just read, you are brilliant. Love you!

Nancy--come on. You know you want to. I saved that post that you made me save...the one where you begged me to remind you how good you feel when you are all the way ON?!?! I'll post it if I have to! :lmao:

Lyz/Nancy--OMG, so funny on the Labor Day mix-up! But the really funny thing was that as I was reading it I thought to myself, that is SO something Nancy would do! And then she posted that same thought! HI LAR IOUS.

Liz/LisaV--LOVED the pics. Sounds like you had a great time! Both of you are looking gorgeous, natch. ;)

LisaV--how I missed you! Loved the TRs and pics and all of it! Yes, come back on the crazy amount of exercise bandwagon with me and Nancy. Of course, Paula is driving that particular wagon these days!

JOY--are you still here? I didn't get to welcome you! Come back and play! I am a college professor as well, so we can talk the talk, you know?

EE--loved the Indy TR! Who knew that Indy was a place to visit for a little get-away? :lmao: Like Nancy, I am in a tiny town (definitely no panhandlers here) and Snooty McSnootsville.

Ok, finally the cable guy is here, so I have to logoff.

Well, no laptop, but I'll have my blackberry so I'll be on here and there to give little quick updates, and will also be uploading pictures to my facebook, so if anyone wants to follow me on that, just PM me and I'll give ya my name so you can add me!

It is so close, I'm going into panic mode. I feel like I am forgetting to do something, or pack something or make arrangements for something....haha it's tough trying to get everything in order!

On my third water bottle for the day. That's 48 oz down the hatch already. And eating some veggie beef soup. I have to say, the contrast between ice water and the soup is really helping the sore throat. Now if the cough would just die down!

Oh, and I know it's small, but I wanted to share...after last week's disappointment with the water weight thing, I weighed myself today and I lost 3.4 lbs from last Monday. That puts me up to total loss of 4.4 lbs...almost at the 5 lb mark! Maybe not a huge deal, but to me, I am just amazed at myself that despite the yo-yoing and not always doing very well, I am sticking with it and not throwing in the towel. Very encouraging.
"3 more sleeps". :laughing: Love that. That's how I used to get my kids to understand the concept of time! Good luck with those shoes. Be very careful, would ya? We don't want any injuries!

:lmao: The injuries have started already - I fell into the door at work today and ive grazed and bruised my leg a little - just in time to wear my dress on Thursday!

Kelly - fascinators.... I love those - you must take pictures of the final look and share them with us!

Don't know how I missed that when reading before.

For your viewing pleasure I will post pictures!

Hi everyone!

S0--I put my kids on the bus this morning. I didn't cry and I didn't follow the bus. This is progress, people! :lmao: As much as I need to have my days clear again, I really do miss them when they go back. We had such a great summer!

:rotfl: Have you followed the bus before? :rotfl:

As many of you know, my best friend gave birth to her daughter at 24 weeks gestation. Yep, that little. She has survived and thrived, and it's all due to the wonderful care she received at the Regional Newborn Center at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. So we are raising money to help them expand their NICU and save the lives of more precious babies like Genevieve.

Here's the link if you want to donate. We are doing a small walk this upcoming Sunday.

Great cause Liz, I'll check out the website now

KELLY--So glad that you are on! WOO HOO! Let's stay on together, k?


KAT - I had a dream last night and you were in it! It was very bizarre! I dreamt that I went to South Carolina, and I called you whilst I was there to tell you and you said it was impossible that I was there, because South Carolina doesn't exist! :lmao: Even stranger is the reason I was there - I was going to hang out with Dr Kay Scarpetta - yes, the character from the Patricia Cornwell novels! :lmao:

Today so far - food tracking, check. 2 litres of water, check. Exercise, check. :cool1:
So, I caved and got a haircut today. Last cut was in Feb or so (yes, I am lazy). I decided to try the local salon chain's academy, and am very pleased. Trim and shape for $10 + $5 tip.

Cathie, sorry you are sick. Sucks to start a vacation that way! Hope you feel better soon. I don't have any tips, other than to 2nd the sleep. I usually just shoot Nyquil every 4 hours for a day or two and then rejoin the living, but Liz and E have much healthier approaches!!

Kelly! How funny!! South Carolina definitely does exist... and if you ever find yourself there I will find a way to get down there.

We are actually all packed except for last minute stuff and toiletries.

FIL's scooter is reserved, all reservations have been verified, BIL has been informed he can NOT cancel Friday night's CSR reservation now (sigh), and all beer and snacky food has been purchased.

D even has all of the beer in the cooler, ready to be iced tomorrow night. The plan is to come home from work, pack up the truck, then go to bed around 8PM. Get up at 3-4AM, and get on the road! We should be at CSR by lunchtime.

I will have a laptop but no net access until Sunday or so, other than my phone. We just got a new camera so expect lots of pictures. :)
Had a great work-out today. Ok, not great. My run sucked, but I got it in. And I did 150 squats and 100 lunges, so at least that part was good.

Tomorrow back on the bike! It has been ages since I have had a good ride. So tomorrow is the day!
So, I caved and got a haircut today. Last cut was in Feb or so (yes, I am lazy). I decided to try the local salon chain's academy, and am very pleased. Trim and shape for $10 + $5 tip.

Cathie, sorry you are sick. Sucks to start a vacation that way! Hope you feel better soon. I don't have any tips, other than to 2nd the sleep. I usually just shoot Nyquil every 4 hours for a day or two and then rejoin the living, but Liz and E have much healthier approaches!!

Kelly! How funny!! South Carolina definitely does exist... and if you ever find yourself there I will find a way to get down there.

We are actually all packed except for last minute stuff and toiletries.

FIL's scooter is reserved, all reservations have been verified, BIL has been informed he can NOT cancel Friday night's CSR reservation now (sigh), and all beer and snacky food has been purchased.

D even has all of the beer in the cooler, ready to be iced tomorrow night. The plan is to come home from work, pack up the truck, then go to bed around 8PM. Get up at 3-4AM, and get on the road! We should be at CSR by lunchtime.

I will have a laptop but no net access until Sunday or so, other than my phone. We just got a new camera so expect lots of pictures. :)

Kat! Thanks for the details. Makes me happy. Start with a picture of your hair! Can't wait for the pics. Just think back to when family was sick and this trip was in limbo. I'm glad it's happening!!!!

Welcome RT. Tell us about yourself.


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