Inconsiderate people in lines

Either way, we do not know the true motives of line-cutters or jumpers. If two people are trying squeeze by and they point a party member at the front of the line, who is clearly waving to them or whatnot, I won't have too big a problem letting them pass. But I would definitely not let anyone pass if they clearly had no reason to jump up.
I agree that if you can see them waving to family or if you saw them get out of line but I have been stepped on and pushed only to see the person get way up near the front of the line without meeting up with anyone.

Grizzly Rapids first opened and I was in line with friends and this pair of guys would say they were with the person in front of them, wait then move on up. I stopped them and asked if anyone new them, nope, as we passed a CM they were asked to leave and did not protest.

I do not think anyone posting here has a problem with kids on potty break or someone who is waving to their party who is waving back. I think the problem is the people who lie about their nonexistant family being at the head of the line and the ones who are off having lunch or running errands instead of waiting like everyone else.
Either way, we do not know the true motives of line-cutters or jumpers.

Sure we do! Whatever else might be true of the situation, all line jumpers have the same motivation: not waiting in line. If they want to catch up to their party, they could always have their party wait for them, or they could skip the ride and meet their party at the exit. But that's not what they want to do. What they want to do is go on the ride before the people they are cutting in front of.

I do not think anyone posting here has a problem with kids on potty break or someone who is waving to their party who is waving back.

Maybe not a small child on a potty break, but just because someone is waving doesn't mean that line jumping is OK. Think of the poster above who listened to the person in front talking on the cell phone and inviting others who were at lunch to meet him in line. Sure, they were catching up to someone they knew, but that is still completely unacceptable. It's wrong, and people like that should suffer for it. Not physical violence, but definitely the humiliation of being thrown out of line by a CM (ideal) or just general public shaming/humiliation if they get away with it (less ideal, but more fun).
Well I'm the one that even takes issue with potty breaks. Have to get out of line? That's the way it goes. Start at the back again afterwards, or wait for the rest of your party to ride it. It's what we do. I'm not going to go pushing my way back through a long line. I find that incredibly rude.

I don't block people, or start a fight, but I will say something. I'm not just going to stand there and not. I am there for a good time, and that hinders it.
Every time this point comes up I can't help but find the whole argument petty, ridiculous and irritating since it always blows up into assumptions and 'Holier than thou' attitudes. Actually physically blocking someone (or worse) from making their way to their group (Whether there really is one or not)? Are you kidding me? Did I miss the ceremony during MMs where Mickey Deputizes guests as line Police? Here's a scenario for anyone that may consider that tactic.

Let’s say that the person you are blocking (taunting) might take offense to that in an equally physical way. You now have a confrontation on your hands. At this point the CMs will get involved and most of the other people in line will be doing whatever they can to distance themselves from you to keep from ruining their own vacations so it now is a 'My word vs. your word' situation and Disney isn't going to believe either of you so both of you will get escorted out the gate to enjoy the rest of the day (or even trip) on Harbor blvd at Denny’s. But at least that person didn't cut in front of you. Right? Was it worth it? :sad2:

Besides, I've never had more than 5 or so people jump in line ahead of me during the entire duration of a line for whatever reason and most of the time, they have just jumped a rail or unclipped a line to get with whomever they are with so there rarely is any pushing past people going on anyways.

To make this big of a deal out of it is creating a mountain out of a molehill. It really doesn’t happen in numbers large enough to affect queue times in any truly noticeable way. If it did, Disney would have already addressed it somehow. Getting hung up over the principle of the matter rather than the actual affect just makes people angry for the sake of being angry and I've got much better things to be thinking about while at DL than whether someone just cut in front of me or not. If that makes me a pushover, than whatever. Personally, I think it means that I'm not a whiner.
I wouldn't make a confrontation out of it, if anything then because there are some crazy people out there. Who knows what they would do. Nor is it worth fighting about. But still doesn't make it right, still doesn't make it not rude.

Oh and yes I've been pushed aside MANY times in lines. A lot of the rides it comes a point where you can't just go under the chain. And even when they do you get shoved back so they can fit in front of you.

Guess I'm just amazed at how accepting people are these days about rude behavior. What happened to being considerate of others? Since when does that make someone "'Holier than thou"? Oh well, I guess as long as you don't want to wait longer, too bad for anyone else. Sad the way society has gone.
Did I miss the ceremony during MMs where Mickey Deputizes guests as line Police?

I guess you did, which is too bad because the ceremony was very emotionally moving.

Some of us who are truly holier than thou get to go beyond mere "Line Police" and become the "Line AJBs." It stands for "Agent Jack Bauer" and those are the people who are allow to do whatever it takes to keep the lines orderly. That way Disney doesn't have to get its hands dirty.
Every time this point comes up I can't help but find the whole argument petty, ridiculous and irritating since it always blows up into assumptions and 'Holier than thou' attitudes. Actually physically blocking someone (or worse) from making their way to their group (Whether there really is one or not)? Are you kidding me? Did I miss the ceremony during MMs where Mickey Deputizes guests as line Police? Here's a scenario for anyone that may consider that tactic.

Let’s say that the person you are blocking (taunting) might take offense to that in an equally physical way. You now have a confrontation on your hands. At this point the CMs will get involved and most of the other people in line will be doing whatever they can to distance themselves from you to keep from ruining their own vacations so it now is a 'My word vs. your word' situation and Disney isn't going to believe either of you so both of you will get escorted out the gate to enjoy the rest of the day (or even trip) on Harbor blvd at Denny’s. But at least that person didn't cut in front of you. Right? Was it worth it? :sad2:

Besides, I've never had more than 5 or so people jump in line ahead of me during the entire duration of a line for whatever reason and most of the time, they have just jumped a rail or unclipped a line to get with whomever they are with so there rarely is any pushing past people going on anyways.

To make this big of a deal out of it is creating a mountain out of a molehill. It really doesn’t happen in numbers large enough to affect queue times in any truly noticeable way. If it did, Disney would have already addressed it somehow. Getting hung up over the principle of the matter rather than the actual affect just makes people angry for the sake of being angry and I've got much better things to be thinking about while at DL than whether someone just cut in front of me or not. If that makes me a pushover, than whatever. Personally, I think it means that I'm not a whiner.

Cheers! :cheer2: Be thankful you're on vacation. Or be thankful that you live close enough to enjoy the fun more often than those of us who have to travel a long distance. I don't feel it's worth letting it ruin even one minute of my day. "So pass me already and get on!"
Two years ago, was the first time I had been back to Disneyland since I was a teenager with my parents. I have to say that my first trip back, I found myself getting slightly irritated throughout our time there with various types of rude people. Line cutters, people interrupting CM's when you were checking out or talking to them, people standing there at the counter after already being in line for 20 minutes, trying to figure out what they want to eat, etc.

I had to stop at one point and tell myself that I wasn't going to let things like this ruin my trip. Especially since the cost of hotel, flights and parkhoppers, not to mention spending money, adds up to a pretty expensive trip. I admit I'm quick to anger sometimes. I have a little bit of a temper and I'm the first to admit it. I was a huge step for me to take a deep breath and count to ten, put on a smile and ignore it. Now, it's not even a problem while at the parks.

Times have just changed and so have people. Especially kids are different today then they use to be. I was noticing this recently when I opened the door for someone at work. Not even a thank you. Or when I held the elevator door, to let everyone step out before I exited myself. Nothing. Handing someone a dollar in the grocery line recently because they were short 50 cents. Can you believe I didn't even get a thank you? Don't even get me started regarding tipping a bartender. I throw down a dollar or two when I buy a drink, I expect a "thanks!"

I believe in Karma.

Luckily, the fleeting moments of rudeness or what we would consider inconsiderate behavior at home or at the parks, is outweighed by all the people who still in my opinion, were raised right.

My Mama raised me to say thank you, hold doors for people and to refer to people as Sir or Maam.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. :)
from the most recent area theme park guides I have:

Magic Mountain:
Line jumping is strictly prohibited. Guests are not permitted to save places in line or exit the line and return for any reason. Violators may be ejected from the Park without refund.

Knott's Berry Farm:
To permit guests to enjoy rides as quickly as possible, line jumping is not allowed. Line jumping is defined as: cutting in front of other guests already waiting in line; leaving a line, then trying to re-enter the line at the same point; or saving a place for someone. This includes using rest rooms and purchasing food and drink, so please make all stops before entering the line. Line jumping, regardless of the reason, will lead to dismissal from the Park. This rule is strictly enforced, with no refunds.


Disney's California Adventure Park:

zeitzeuge, some people may consider you old fashioned but I am of the opinion that good manners never go out of style.
I am by nature, a calm and patient person but I do, at times get annoyed by all the rude, inconsiderate behaviour talked about here.
However, I too am not going to let it ruin my trip!
I am also not going to let it affect the way I behave or the way I teach my children to behave!
When we experience "bad behavior", we discuss it quietly and my children now understand why even though a lot of people behave this way, it is not right.
You can only be responsible for you own behavior!
I am always very pleased when people do nice things like open doors, help me pick up change I have dropped etc and always thank them appropriately.
Although sometimes it may seem that the world is full of rude, inconsiderate people, they really are in the minority and I believe we all must continue to exhibit good behavior to serve as the opposite example!
zeitzeuge, some people may consider you old fashioned but I am of the opinion that good manners never go out of style.
I am by nature, a calm and patient person but I do, at times get annoyed by all the rude, inconsiderate behaviour talked about here.
However, I too am not going to let it ruin my trip!
I am also not going to let it affect the way I behave or the way I teach my children to behave!
When we experience "bad behavior", we discuss it quietly and my children now understand why even though a lot of people behave this way, it is not right.
You can only be responsible for you own behavior!
I am always very pleased when people do nice things like open doors, help me pick up change I have dropped etc and always thank them appropriately.
Although sometimes it may seem that the world is full of rude, inconsiderate people, they really are in the minority and I believe we all must continue to exhibit good behavior to serve as the opposite example!

I totally 100% agree. A person can only lead by example and hope that others will follow. The good behavior I've seen tremendously outweighs the bad in my opinion. Personally, I just need to pay attention to the good behavior more and try not to focus on the bad. Especially at any sort of themepark. :rotfl:

My patience is tested at times. :)
i some times find it funny how out of hand this convo gets. CM"S have told me personally they encourage some family's to take the others around to do other stuff while the line is long. with nemo an toy story i have heard of it happening to
Cheers! :cheer2: Be thankful you're on vacation. Or be thankful that you live close enough to enjoy the fun more often than those of us who have to travel a long distance. I don't feel it's worth letting it ruin even one minute of my day. "So pass me already and get on!"

I feel the same way as you do. Que Sera Sera...I may have been oblivious, but to be honest, I never ever noticed or gave line cutters a second thought until I first read about it here on the Dis a few years ago. I honestly thought the group of kids cutting really were going to meet up with their parents. I found myself getting a little perturbed on my last trip when it happened twice in 2 days from a large group of teens. (About 7 of them) Then I thought about it and realized I was wasting my energy on something I have no control over. They weren't my kids, and I wasn't going to start a confrontation with anybody. Really, unless we confront people who are 'cutting' we don't really know for sure what the circumstances are, and/or why they are 'cutting.'
I don't have a problem with someone holding a space in line for their family who had to go do whatever it is they do -- whether it's gather a FP or go to the potty. I don't have a problem with people who politely ask if I mind if they move up to meet the rest of their party. And for anyone else who 'cuts' I decided on this last trip that I won't give them a second thought. My thinking is that I'm on vacation, my DH and I work hard to be able to take vacations, and I'm not going to stress out over the small stuff that I have no control over. I can't control their behavior, but I can control mine. Like my DH says, "It's not worth dying over." People get killed minding their own business. Is it really worth risking getting punched out or worse to prove a point or make someone else feel small? Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff. And besides, unless we point blank confront them and demand the truth, and assuming they tell the truth, there is no way to prove or disprove anyone is being a line cutter. I try really hard not to make assumptions about people. You know what they say about people who assume things...
I think its funny that people are saying "let it ruin your trip"? I don't let it ruin my trip. But when people come by 10 or 12 in the course of waiting in line, it gets frustrating being pushed to the side or having to move out of their way. I don't let this ruin my trip, but when you are constantly being pushed aside, it does get a little irritating especially in a line that's long. Just makes me wonder if the people that are okay with it are guilty? I dunno. It is a problem. It really isn't fair. And it won't ruin my trip, I just think how sad it is that people value themselves over others. I will continue to do it my way, by NOT line jumping, and I'm sure others will do it there way by line jumping. But Disneyland is still fun! And it doesn't ruin my trip.
from the most recent area theme park guides I have:

Disney's California Adventure Park:


This is very interesting! I take it to mean that Disney really has no stated Line cutting policy, in which case there are a lot of people wasting their Disney energy getting angry for nothing...

i some times find it funny how out of hand this convo gets. CM"S have told me personally they encourage some family's to take the others around to do other stuff while the line is long. with nemo an toy story i have heard of it happening to
I agree.
I have heard the same, and was told the same by CMs a few years ago too. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I may have read about it about 9 years ago in one of those Disney planning books like UG or Birnbaum's. Not sure, but I know I read it somewhere...That's why it never really bothered me until I started allowing other people's thinking about it as line cutting to inluence me. I seriously thought when people pushed past me that they really were meeting up with family/friends -- and had no problem with it. :)
I think its funny that people are saying "let it ruin your trip"? I don't let it ruin my trip. But when people come by 10 or 12 in the course of waiting in line, it gets frustrating being pushed to the side or having to move out of their way. I don't let this ruin my trip, but when you are constantly being pushed aside, it does get a little irritating especially in a line that's long. Just makes me wonder if the people that are okay with it are guilty? I dunno. It is a problem. It really isn't fair. And it won't ruin my trip, I just think how sad it is that people value themselves over others. I will continue to do it my way, by NOT line jumping, and I'm sure others will do it there way by line jumping. But Disneyland is still fun! And it doesn't ruin my trip.

I agree that it starts to get frustrating when large groups of kids/teenagers are pushing past you, especially when the line is long. I just choose to let it run off my back, because like I wrote, I didn't even think that they weren't really meeting up with family until I read about it here on the Dis. Then when I realized I was getting irritated over something I have no control over, I chose to let it go. I don't cut in line. I don't condone anyone behaving like they think they are more special than anyone else. But I wouldn't begrudge a parent holding a place in line for their kids at a ride. What if the parent is physically unable to ride certain rides because they get sick on it or something? It doesn't bother me to see that parent then go to a ride they can ride, get in line and hold a spot for the rest of their family. (As long as it's only a few people like 1-3, and not 12!) I think it would be respectful of the parent, if they got past a certain point to just stop and let others go while they wait for their kids, but unfortunately, not everyone shares the same beliefs. Again, it's not worth getting angry over imo.
And it appears as Perlster posted above, DL has no stated line cutting policy in their Theme Park guides which basically means, we're lucky if it doesn't turn into a free for all!:eek: ;)
I just find it really funny that this is the same board of people in which a heated debate can come from the disabled, with actual health problems, being able to "cut the line," and how terrible that is. But a bunch of teens, or family who needs to potty is okay!

I don't let it ruin my trip, but I will use it as an example to my son that it's the wrong thing to do. I do wish the world had a little more consideration for others that's all.
I just find it really funny that this is the same board of people in which a heated debate can come from the disabled, with actual health problems, being able to "cut the line," and how terrible that is. But a bunch of teens, or family who needs to potty is okay!

I don't let it ruin my trip, but I will use it as an example to my son that it's the wrong thing to do. I do wish the world had a little more consideration for others that's all.

Whaaaat?:confused::confused3 I've not heard or been a party to any conversation in which anyone begrudged a disabled person or person with health problems from using the wheelchair access, or cutting lines in the case of parents with autistic kids who can't stand in long lines. I hope that wasn't directed at me, because my MIL and my mom both had to use wheelchairs due to cancer/illness on prior trips. We didn't get the GAC pass because it was during those years in which they stopped offering it due to some people abusing the privilege.


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