"Interminable" BCV point wait


DIS Veteran
Aug 12, 2009
I was wondering how long any of you out there have had to wait to wait to purchase BCV points direct from Disney. I realize there are a variety of factors that play into availability but wanted to hear some wait times to see what I might be in for. We have been on the wait list for a month (for a specific UY) and nothing so far. I really wanted to use the points to book at the 11 month mark which is Saturday so I'm getting pretty nervous. We only want a small contract, so that should speed things up (I hope!)

It seems like it's taking forever. I'm checking our credit card to see if the deposit has been charged twice a day, I hope every hone call is from our guide, I keep checking our dvcmember account to see if a third contract is there....(You could say it's a bit all-consuming at this point!)
It's probably similar to what's going on with the wait list for VGC. I've been on that for 3 months, and there are people ahead of me who have been waiting since February.

It's almost as though Disney acts in bad faith with these lists, since they are no longer using ROFR to acquire inventory, even for resorts with long wait lists where people are basically begging Disney to take our money.

If it works for you, I suggest you might want to look at the resale market. I did that and am currently waiting for Disney to pass on my contract. If I get it, I'll wind up paying $74/point vs the $120 Disney wants. For that, I can live with restrictions.
Over a 3 year period that ended 2 years ago, we bought 180 BCV points direct. The longest waitlist I was on was about 3 weeks. We wanted 100 points at that time, and first 40 came through and then 60. The other times, maybe we waited 1-2 days tops.
Last August (2010) we added on 100 points (March UY) while we were there. Did it over the phone with our guide while we were at SAB. Our paperwork arrived at our house as soon as we got home. I have to admit that I was surprised we didn't have to wait at all.
Hmmm. It sounds as if we may be on the long end of the normal wait time. We had asked about availability a few months ago and they were readily available (of course!) Really wish we had pulled the trigger then. I'm not at all patient by nature so the wait is killing me.
I'd start looking at the resale market. We just closed on a SSR resale and it took 5 weeks from offer to the points being in my account. Yes, I can't use them for Disney collection, adventure collection, etc but who cares, those take just too many points anyway......
Even when I was getting the points, there was a specific UY that had a much longer waiting time. I remember seeing a thread on the topic "Waiting for BCV points direct from Disney" and the different wait times for the different UY was very evident.

I hope you get what you need, soon!:wizard:



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