Is it just me or...


<font color=6600CC>Each food in its own time<br><f
Jul 4, 2000 other people have a little hesitation using the childcare services provided at the resorts? I'm just uneasy with having a total stranger come to my room and watch my children while I go out. I understand that they are licensed and bonded but that doesn't really matter if you get someone who decides to do something to your kids. Does anyone have any experience with this or should I just go with my gut? Please know that I'm not putting down this service in anyway I'm just not comfortable with it I guess.
Its not just you, I agree with you.
I am having my first child in 6 weeks and even if my child was older i would not want some total stranger coming into my room.
Not only would i be worried all the time i was away but how does anyone know that the sitter isn't going to steal something from your room. This would not be very relaxing.
I too understand that the people are licensed, etc.
But that doesn't matter for me. I would rather have someone I know and trust. I know no one else will prob. agree with me but this is MHO.
WE would have never considered the in-room nannies. We have read and heard amny first hand accounts on the Kid Club and will use them when he is of age.
I agree! There is no way I would do that. I would even be reluctant to leave them in the kids club with people I dont know. I wont put my kids in daycare at home so I wouldnt feel right doing it on a family vacation either.
I would not be comfortable leaving my children with someone I didn't know. Also, I know my children would not feel comfortable either. I've read on these boards about parents using the child care and they were very satisfied. To each his own.
I would never use this service. Bonded and insured is no guarantee that the person is not a psycho. They could walk away with your child if they wanted to! But, I won't even put my kids in the church nursery, so maybe I am more "over the top" than most people. I would not be able to enjoy a night out at Disney knowing a complete stranger had my child in a hotel room. No way.
we have never had luck with babysitters - unless they were a family member or close family friend.
I did have my son in day care but that was a necessity, and trust me i researched the heck out of those places before placing my son there.

when we are on vacation at WDW we go there specificly to spend time together as a family. I want my kid around. If DH and i want to have a nice evening to ourselves, we can do that when we are not at WDW. (and have a family member or friend watch him.)

just my 2 cents

- lori
If DH and i want to have a nice evening to ourselves, we can do that when we are not at WDW. (and have a family member or friend watch him.)
I think this is an important part of your post.
I think the inroom babysitting services to have a few hours alone with DH would probably directly relate to how often that happens elsewhere -away from WDW. If it NEVER happens because you don't have any friends/family to watch them at home- it can be a really nice thing to take advantage of while on vacation!

DH and I have done this twice so far. Both times last year. Once at our trip in San Antonio and we researched the company the hotel used and chose our babysitter's age/experience/etc. I tend to go more for the older woman type than the really young. I don't know why- but I trusted her more that she was in her upper 50's and talked about her children, grandchildren, etc. and had been babysitting with this service for over 20yrs! I highly doubt that this person would jeapardize a job she had that long to do something to my kids. Ofcourse I also had an 8yr old within my 3 kids ages so she could certainly call me if necessary or tell me if the lady did anything wrong while we were gone! They had a blast with her and in fact upon returning to our hotel the next day BEGGED for her to come over again.
Apparently they had a blast. LOL

On our WDW vacation we also used one evening this way- and we had a very enjoyable time doing things we couldn't have done with the kids. (read my report on the other forum if you are interested in details) Again, not just YOUNG children... I mean like a few years old- my oldest made me feel more secure about this because she could call and/or let me know what happened when I returned. I might be a quite leary of using this service if I ONLY had a child very young (unable to defend herself in any way, unable to tell me what has happened/gone on that night, etc.) But for us.. it sure was nice to FINALLY have a few hours to ourselves.

I'm quite sure if we had a babysitter at home at our disposal anytime we wished or anytime at all- that we wouldn't have used this service (btw- why don't we? Well because most of my friends work and/or have 3+ children of their own- adding 3 to that is very stressful for them and I understand that, my mom is quadraplegic, my husband's family lives out of state- many states, etc etc. We live in a small rural town in Texas- so there are not babysitting services around here besides normal daytime daycares that all close around 6pm. So we don't have the luxury of having a babysitter when we want an evening out. We can't even watch movies until the come out on cable- EXCEPT for children's movies ofcourse. Because we have to take them all- every time.)

So I think it just depends. If you can get time to yourselves at home- then I certainly wouldn't think you'd want to while on a trip to WDW!! But if you never do and finally have a service available to you to take advantage of a few hours out with DH... then you might go for it like we did.

We used FG 2 years ago, and were quite satisfied. However, we did have our friend's 8yo there, and he knew his dad's cell phone number, so if anything went wrong, he could call us immediately.

I think I would be more hesitant if my kids weren't able to tell me in detail what they did while I was gone.

You can also do what we did for our next trip next week - invite a family member to stay with you so they can babysit a night or two! (My dear, sweet sister is coming with her dd7, and all they want to do is go to the parks during the day, so she will be at the OKW condo at night. VERY convenient! ;) )
I would love to do that- and probably will someday... maybe. But the problem is that anyone I invite (best friend, sister, etc) would also come along with 2-3 or more children. And I'd have to pay for all of them if they were coming along just because I wanted them to? No thanks. LOL I'm not rich!)

Oh and I also forgot to mention before- that with one child who is 2 and not potty trained- the "Kids clubs" were not an option for us. If they had been, we would have paid whatever it took to stay in a resort and have the option of paying for them to stay in something like that for an evening. It would be a lot of fun for them! (or is the kids clubs okay to use if you have APs also? I'm not sure if it's only for resort guests or what. I know it costs regardless- just not sure who CAN use the kids clubs). But in any case... since they all require either age 4 and up or potty trained and up- that leaves us out of luck until my youngest FINALLY decides to go potty instead of a diaper. *sigh* She's taking so long! LOL
I am not a parent but I say always go with your gut. Think about it - you would be worrying the whole time so would it really be worth it??
Oh heck, these aren't times to leave your children with strangers in a hotel room.

They say they check references and such, but nothing guarantees the dafety of my children but my presence. If I can't bring them along to an activity and they're too young to come, *I* will have to wait for another time then...
Oh heck, these aren't times to leave your children with strangers in a hotel room.

They say they check references and such, but nothing guarantees the dafety of my children but my presence. If I can't bring them along to an activity and they're too young to come, *I* will have to wait for another time then...
Everyone has their own reasons for doing what is best for themselves, but for us it was never an option to leave our children with someone we don't know.

Everyone that has used the babysitting services seems pleased with them, but I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving my 3 DD's with strangers.

We wait until we get home to enjoy a night out without the kids.

:D :)
Nope, couldn't do it. There is no way that I'm leaving my children in a room with people I don't know. They have never been away from me and my husband (live nowhere near family and friends) so they wouldn't be comfortable. I just think that Disney is the place for family. Although, letting them take a baking class or tour would be o.k. as they would be surrounded by other children.
We wait until we get home to enjoy a night out without the kids.
Not everyone has that option. :(

I just think that Disney is the place for family.
I hope everyone doesn't think that when I'm there by myself next week. :( Seriously. I'm not trying to say that snotty or mean or anything. I mean it. I hope no one thinks I'm weird for going alone. They better not make me feel bad -cause I wanna have fun! LOL
You have a great time, Sybah. I could never think you're weird for wanting to do the World on your own. I'd love to do that one day (when I'm old and gray! lol My dh would never let me go without him and our 3 children.)

That's what makes America great. We have choices! :)


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