Is there a final list for MG meets?

Originally posted by Barry Hom
Yep, go to the Magic Meetings page for the information.

Okay gotta make myself look stoopid again....
How do I find the magic meetings page? I don't see it listed on the main DisCon page?
:smooth:'re not looking stoooooooopid at all! ;)

When you go to the main DIS page (not the discussion page...the home page) scroll down on the left side to the Community/Misc. title, and Magic Meetings is listed there to click on. I'll enclose the link too...but I figured you might also want to know HOW to get there! :rolleyes:

:) Found it easily by your directions, and a bonus too- stumbled across some very interesting info about getting a small pontoon boat for a private birthday fireworks cruise @ Epcot's Crescent Lake for only $150 including cake, soda, and balloons! Something I am seriously considering as a surprise for my daughter....

Meanwhile I printed out all of the MG-Con meets and greets. Only signed up for the Mythos lunch, but I am going to try to get to as many of the meets as my kids will alllow LOL!
Can't wait to meet you and everyone else!
I, too, was wondering where the list was. Like susysezso I only signed up for the Mythos lunch but will try to hit most of the other as as well (although 9 a.m. seems afully early).

Another question: I take it meeting at MIB at 5 p.m. on 2/9 is for the shoot-out? I was foolish, er, generous enough to say I'd give three books to the winner so I guess I should show up.

Actually, now that I think of it, I should probably sign up for some more.
Yes, Kelly...the MIB meet I guess is a shootout...although, with only an hour it seems kind of rushed, I know MIB999999 has to help some people with their scores, etc.
I'm thinking the book-winning run should be one of the ones where MIB is training, so his score will be 0!!! :D

I think maybe the top 3 scorers should get a book (since maybe, just maybe I might stand a chance then! :rolleyes:) just kidding tho, really, that's very generous of you!

I'm looking to score to get a hold of "The Other Orlando" - as if kicking MIB's butt isn't enough incentive!!! :D :D :D

No rides for you, however...especially AFTER eating at Mythos! ;)

The MIB training will occur in the morning hours or right after MYTHOS as the meet times will allow for this.

Sorry Grasshopper, it is tete a tete time on 2/9. You will have to show us what you got!!!:D
Lets see if your other trainee from last week can get the 9's again.


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