Is this pretty accurate what we are going to be looking at over Christmas Eve - New Years?

Would it be possible to have smaller crowd around Christmas because all the annual passes are blocked? I read that lately Saturdays and Sundays are less busy then weekdays.
I have wondered if that has been impacted. I do know to AP holders and both of them buy tickets during blocked times when they want to go & I could see the holidays being one of those.
Would it be possible to have smaller crowd around Christmas because all the annual passes are blocked? I read that lately Saturdays and Sundays are less busy then weekdays.
For years and years prior to the ending of the Dream pass, the parks were insane crowded starting on the 26-Jan1, and a very limited number of APs were included. I had been told once about 2018, that from Dec 26-Jan 1, only 8% of attendance was AP holders. So, out of 56000 guests on a day, less than 5000 were APs.

We have always called that week "Newbie Week". People walking with maps open, trying to get to "Big Thunder Mountain" while pointing at Matterhorn, trying to walk up to sit down restaurants and unable to understand why they are full, wondering why all these people are at Disneyland when they should be home with their families, and people talking about taking the monorail to DCA........ Its fun if your take your sense of humor with you!
We went Dec 26-31 (2022), with park days the 27-30th. We expected the crowds to be terrible, and they often were, but there were times it wasn't quite so nightmarish. Downtown Disney was consistently a mass of humanity. One evening it rained, and it was late enough that many people left the parks. (I know the common knowledge is that the locals won't do rain, but I don't think that generally applies to weeks like Christmas week. When it rained during the daytime, it didn't lighten crowds.)

We had 4 day hoppers. This was plenty of time for us. DH and I split up from our teens at times, b/c they wanted more rest/break time than we did and can also tolerate reruns on Matterhorn that we cannot ha. I am probably the only one who wanted to do it all. (The teens avoid "boring" dark rides, and I'm the only one who wants to go to parades/shows, unless food is involved like WOC dessert party.) I'm still a little cranky that no one would go to Fantasmic with me. Aside from that, the only things I actually did not get to do were a couple dark rides, and this was b/c I was literally the only one actually interested in them, so they were at the bottom of the family priority list.

I guess my general advice would be:
  • Make absolutely sure to set appropriate expectations for crowds, lines, how often you will be able to ride the main attractions, and the need for flexibility. This is especially true these days, when rides break down all the time.
  • Use Genie+ as much as possible. Set expectations even with that, b/c this isn't going to remove all line waiting. (We had one 45min wait for Space in the LL.)
  • Even if it's not your norm, if possible - book ADRs at least some of the time to get a planned respite from the crowds
  • Plan to eat at weird times (and even then, expect to wander in search of a table at many places)
  • Use mobile ordering (it's baffling how many people stand in lines when they can mobile order)
  • Take advantage of any weather oddities
  • Unless you are at the front of the rope drop crowd, just wait a while to enter the parks*
*The absolute worst part of our trip was trying to get into DL on the 27th. It was just a crush of humanity in security and at the turnstiles. My kids (both teens) point-blank refused to get up that early again, or to get up even earlier. So we got there at like 9:30, 10am after that, and it was easy-breezy. This is basically the opposite of all common advice, and the downside is that you are losing out on some Genie+ bookings, but it truly did work better for my family. YMMV.
It sounds like you are looking for reasons *not* to go, but your heart is telling you you really want to do this regardless. We took a family trip just before Christmas in 2021 (week of the 13th) and to this day as now local Mkey holders it is one of my boys fave Disney memories. It was also our first big one post lockdown so we went all out as it sounds like you are planning.

One of the best things we did was prioritize! We have 3 boys of different ages (5-8-12 at the time) so I started our “rule of 3’s”: 3 rides (top priority, one each), 3 snacks (1 each), three hour break!! Go in with realistic expectations and a plan to enjoy the Christmas everything and you will be fine. Will there be crowds, yes. Will they be intolerable every single day to the point you will not enjoy yourself no matter what? I highly highly doubt that. Now if you expect to ride everything everyday with minimal waits you will be disappointed, but make each day a different priority and take it easy.

Also, given the ages of your kids I would suggest being ok splitting up your group one day or for part of the day. I took my 5 year old on a fantasyland/no G+ morning while my hubby did all the DCA thrill rides multiple times with our eldests on that trip, and it was awesome for all of us.

Oh, and also - my boys loved pool time in December. And you can’t beat a dole whip with rum in the hot tub at the Dland hotel. ;)

Have a great trip!!!
It sounds like you are looking for reasons *not* to go, but your heart is telling you you really want to do this regardless. We took a family trip just before Christmas in 2021 (week of the 13th) and to this day as now local Mkey holders it is one of my boys fave Disney memories. It was also our first big one post lockdown so we went all out as it sounds like you are planning.

One of the best things we did was prioritize! We have 3 boys of different ages (5-8-12 at the time) so I started our “rule of 3’s”: 3 rides (top priority, one each), 3 snacks (1 each), three hour break!! Go in with realistic expectations and a plan to enjoy the Christmas everything and you will be fine. Will there be crowds, yes. Will they be intolerable every single day to the point you will not enjoy yourself no matter what? I highly highly doubt that. Now if you expect to ride everything everyday with minimal waits you will be disappointed, but make each day a different priority and take it easy.

Also, given the ages of your kids I would suggest being ok splitting up your group one day or for part of the day. I took my 5 year old on a fantasyland/no G+ morning while my hubby did all the DCA thrill rides multiple times with our eldests on that trip, and it was awesome for all of us.

Oh, and also - my boys loved pool time in December. And you can’t beat a dole whip with rum in the hot tub at the Dland hotel. ;)

Have a great trip!!!
You are 100% right! One of my earliest(fondest) memories was being at DL when I 4 yrs old on Christas day when new were AP before we moved... that and seeing Toy Tinkers on a TV special! I wasn't allowed to really watch TV but was able to watch Disney -- Chip & Dale still remain my favs & I grew up with Rescue Rangers LOL The parade must of made a permanent imprint on and might be why I still tear up even watching people get excited on videos seeings people get excited -- for people who say kids can't remember things at that age they totally can!!!

The crowds do 'worry me' but it is more so not having enough time in the 5 days we are there to do what we want -- this I know is silly. Even with crowds I feel like we should still be able to accomplish this! My husband struggles with crowds but is 100% ready for them & I know won't even complain because he knows how much this trip means.

Our son will be 15 and we are going to let him kind of do his own things at time if he wants. I am also 100% planning mid day breaks. What I am thinking is hitting the park rope drop & go till 12-1? then maybe come back in around 5-6 or even later because the parks will be open till midnight and also doing G+ I could see us splitting like that also. I am go glad to hear about the pool because I don't care if it is raining(I grew up in the Pacific Northwest lol) I am experiencing those Monorail slides & hanging out in the hot tubs! Will I need a cabana like I wanted... probably not but we are totally going to the pool!

Our original plan was 12/24-1/1 and that was when I was really worried. I think moving to 12/19-12/25 will help a lot. NYE was really concerning for DH when he saw videos of how it was like and was like our 5 yr old is going to get squished!!! I know they have availability for the room we want the 1 & 2nd week of December which we played around with. But I hate to say it if the crowds really aren't THAT different I might as well just keep the same reservations.

I know I am over thinking things but this is a big trip & one that is long time coming. We had to push it back because of my brother dying unexpectedly, COVID that we had to quarantine for most of it because of my Inlaws being so high risk, and then my FIL passing -- it got pushed back years. Which in some ways our daughter who will be 5 1/2 when we go is probably the prefect age to experience it the 1st time.
I am so sorry for your losses. Truly can not imagine. I completely get the wanting everything to be magic and awesome, etc. that adds another layer, but also adds extra emotion that IMO often make the most memorable visits. I still tear up at parades as well and imagine my late father doing his ridiculously embarrassing goofy dance down Main Street. 💕

On that Dec trip I mentioned, we had one day when it POURED down rain. I mean poured. I had switched our reservations at the front desk (GCH) the day before anticipating this, and managed to snag a Storytellers Brunch. We slept in, had a leisurely brunch and hung out in the hot tub when it was just a light drizzle. I bought Yahtzee and a deck of cards in the gift shop and we hung out in the room, got got chocolate in the lobby, etc. Then we had a great dinner at downtown Disney. It was one of the best days! All that to say: things never going according to plan. Determine your priorities and make those the first things you tackle.

Your mid day break plan is what we do. I try and be headed out of the gates by 1pm latest. Every time I stretch that by “just doing one more thing” I regret it.

One mistake I see many make (myself included) is saving the “must do/priority” thing for your last day (like fireworks or a lightsaber build.) Recipe for disaster. Do those things early on, and then you can experience them again if you like. But nothing can ruin a vacation like missing out on the one thing you love the most (like fireworks) because you wanted to “save it” for the last day.

Also, make sure you read up on G+ and modifying. It will make your trip much more enjoyable and less stressful.

Have a fantastic trip making new memories with your family!!!
I am so sorry for your losses. Truly can not imagine. I completely get the wanting everything to be magic and awesome, etc. that adds another layer, but also adds extra emotion that IMO often make the most memorable visits. I still tear up at parades as well and imagine my late father doing his ridiculously embarrassing goofy dance down Main Street. 💕

On that Dec trip I mentioned, we had one day when it POURED down rain. I mean poured. I had switched our reservations at the front desk (GCH) the day before anticipating this, and managed to snag a Storytellers Brunch. We slept in, had a leisurely brunch and hung out in the hot tub when it was just a light drizzle. I bought Yahtzee and a deck of cards in the gift shop and we hung out in the room, got got chocolate in the lobby, etc. Then we had a great dinner at downtown Disney. It was one of the best days! All that to say: things never going according to plan. Determine your priorities and make those the first things you tackle.

Your mid day break plan is what we do. I try and be headed out of the gates by 1pm latest. Every time I stretch that by “just doing one more thing” I regret it.

One mistake I see many make (myself included) is saving the “must do/priority” thing for your last day (like fireworks or a lightsaber build.) Recipe for disaster. Do those things early on, and then you can experience them again if you like. But nothing can ruin a vacation like missing out on the one thing you love the most (like fireworks) because you wanted to “save it” for the last day.

Also, make sure you read up on G+ and modifying. It will make your trip much more enjoyable and less stressful.

Have a fantastic trip making new memories with your family!!!
Thank you seriously 💕

One nice thing about me is I AM a planner but I almost plan for things to not go as planned & don't get upset when they do... if that makes any sense?

I am really planning on it to just be pouring rain(another thing that isn't realistic lol) the whole time we are there. I am hoping to have a resort day for at least one of the days we are there and seriously am considering adding on CL even more because I know it is the rainy season. That actually sounds like a really awesome relaxing day you had!!

That is REALLY good advice because I was just thinking about where we were going to fit BBB & the Lightsaber build in. The lightsaber build is the only thing my husband bas asked to do.... well that and bring our daughter on Peter Pan LOL I am going to try to book those 1st thing in the trip to just make sure they are done.

I feel like I need to read a book on G+ and I have almost put off diving into. IDK why but it just feels daunting & this come from someone who loves planning! I am just am worried I am going to be tied to my phone all day & I don't want.


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