Is this realistic?

Things are quiet in here. I am just stopping in to say hi. I am kinda bummed out because training is going awful and I am 32 days away from my trip which will likely leave me dead on a road in FL somewhere at this point.

Nobody can help me. Sick kids are now the roadblock to my training. I will hopefully get out tomorrow night since I will have 2 kids home sick with me all day.

So that's all from me. I am just in a panic and figured I would vent here to get it off my chest. :D

Hopefully everyone's holiday stuff is going well from shopping to holiday parties, etc...

That really stinks that your kids are sick. Unfortunately it is that time of year. :( I hope that you are able to get out and run tonight.

Holiday stuff is pretty much done for me. Majority of my shopping is complete and I just need to start wrapping. I am not making cookies this year but my kids are begging to. Instead I've made over 20 pumpkin rolls so far to give out as gifts. The awesome thing about that is I don't like them so no temptation there! But I am going to a cookie exchange so the kids will have their treats still. :)

Today marks the 30 days for my meal plan. I am down just over 7 lbs in that time and given that it spanned over Thanksgiving, I am ok with that. I am down at least 1 full pant size in the 30 days which means more to me. I am starting to see definition in my arms which is cool because it was always my weakest area. I'm lifting more weights than I ever thought I could and I love it. Weight lifting makes me feel powerful. It sounds silly but it gives me a sense of confidence.

I'm planning to continue on with the meal plan as is for now. My trainer is getting ready to change things I think because he keeps asking me about it. I just need to get through the rest of the holidays and it will be easier. Mostly because that is when everyone else renews their choice to eat better and exercise! lol

Have a great day! :)
That really stinks that your kids are sick. Unfortunately it is that time of year. :( I hope that you are able to get out and run tonight.

Holiday stuff is pretty much done for me. Majority of my shopping is complete and I just need to start wrapping. I am not making cookies this year but my kids are begging to. Instead I've made over 20 pumpkin rolls so far to give out as gifts. The awesome thing about that is I don't like them so no temptation there! But I am going to a cookie exchange so the kids will have their treats still. :)

Today marks the 30 days for my meal plan. I am down just over 7 lbs in that time and given that it spanned over Thanksgiving, I am ok with that. I am down at least 1 full pant size in the 30 days which means more to me. I am starting to see definition in my arms which is cool because it was always my weakest area. I'm lifting more weights than I ever thought I could and I love it. Weight lifting makes me feel powerful. It sounds silly but it gives me a sense of confidence.

I'm planning to continue on with the meal plan as is for now. My trainer is getting ready to change things I think because he keeps asking me about it. I just need to get through the rest of the holidays and it will be easier. Mostly because that is when everyone else renews their choice to eat better and exercise! lol

Have a great day! :)

StayCool- these results are EXCELLENT. 7lbs, one pain size, seeing definition in arms in JUST ONE MONTH. This is so exciting. I am glad you found something you love. That's when you see the biggest results because it doesn't feel like work anymore.

Not only that but your issues with food seem to be much better too. The fact you are able to make something without snacking on it, or at least avoiding foods you might be tempted to snack on, so great. All of this during the time of year you struggle with the most as far as motivation.

Just imagine where you will be in a few more months, just as the warm weather, and your cruise, approached.

My daughter was sick until today. She is still feeling crappy but back at school at least. It was almost 60' here and I had the day off, so I did 10 miles. It felt really good, although soreness is setting in now. But I am feeling much better about the race after today.

I had a phone interview for a new job today. The job is back in the field I like (financial planning). It isn't my ideal job but the benefits are even better than I get now, which are still good, it pays more and I would be back to having weekends off. I have to take a couple of assessments next and if those go well I move on to the final interview.

On top of that, I am 29 days from my trip and starting to get really excited now. I even told my kids about my trip and they are excited for me so not feeling as guilty as I did last year, yet.

Overall, all is well.
StayCool- these results are EXCELLENT. 7lbs, one pain size, seeing definition in arms in JUST ONE MONTH. This is so exciting. I am glad you found something you love. That's when you see the biggest results because it doesn't feel like work anymore.

Not only that but your issues with food seem to be much better too. The fact you are able to make something without snacking on it, or at least avoiding foods you might be tempted to snack on, so great. All of this during the time of year you struggle with the most as far as motivation.

Just imagine where you will be in a few more months, just as the warm weather, and your cruise, approached.

My daughter was sick until today. She is still feeling crappy but back at school at least. It was almost 60' here and I had the day off, so I did 10 miles. It felt really good, although soreness is setting in now. But I am feeling much better about the race after today.

I had a phone interview for a new job today. The job is back in the field I like (financial planning). It isn't my ideal job but the benefits are even better than I get now, which are still good, it pays more and I would be back to having weekends off. I have to take a couple of assessments next and if those go well I move on to the final interview.

On top of that, I am 29 days from my trip and starting to get really excited now. I even told my kids about my trip and they are excited for me so not feeling as guilty as I did last year, yet.

Overall, all is well.

So how did the job interview go? Does it sound like something you would want to do? Hopefully things work out for you. I'm glad to see you getting excited about your trip too. :)

I'm hanging in there. Most of my holiday stuff is done. Wrapping is 95% done and my last few gifts were delivered yesterday. Tomorrow starts the beginning of holiday parties for me which isn't too bad. I've got my workout plan squared away and I'm not worrying too much about my eating habits right now. I'm eating well about 90% of the time. That's good enough for the moment. I measured my waist a few days ago and in 2 1/2 months I have lost 2 1/2 inches from my waist. :) I feel good. I believe I'm on track to lose the 30 lbs before my cruise and hopefully a little bit more. Either way I am happy with my progress.
The phone interview went well. The next step was to take 2 different assessments, which I did yesterday. They will call me in the next 2 days to let me know how I did and schedule a final interview if I made it that far. The job is not my ideal job, but it is back in the field I like. It will get me my license that I need. The problem is, a company needs to sponsor you to get that license. If I get this job and the license then I will be able to move on to another job in the future. In other words, its a stepping stone.

I am so proud of your progress. You sound like a different person than you were 6 months ago. You sound like you are confident and on top of your game. I hope it keeps up and I hope you get to that 30 lbs by your cruise. How is your husband doing?
The phone interview went well. The next step was to take 2 different assessments, which I did yesterday. They will call me in the next 2 days to let me know how I did and schedule a final interview if I made it that far. The job is not my ideal job, but it is back in the field I like. It will get me my license that I need. The problem is, a company needs to sponsor you to get that license. If I get this job and the license then I will be able to move on to another job in the future. In other words, its a stepping stone.

I am so proud of your progress. You sound like a different person than you were 6 months ago. You sound like you are confident and on top of your game. I hope it keeps up and I hope you get to that 30 lbs by your cruise. How is your husband doing?

Well I hope you get the job if that is what you want. :D Stepping stones are how you get where you want to go.

I'm happier with myself. I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of months vs the year before that. I just can't do it alone and now I have support people around me to push me to do better. My husband is not doing so well. His shoulder was bothering him and not getting better. He finally went to the walk in and was told that he has arthritis. He was pretty upset. Right now he is to rest it for the next week or so. He plans to go back to the gym to walk on the treadmill even if he can't do anything else. But I'm hoping he follows through and does what he needs to to feel better.
Well I hope you get the job if that is what you want. :D Stepping stones are how you get where you want to go.

I'm happier with myself. I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of months vs the year before that. I just can't do it alone and now I have support people around me to push me to do better. My husband is not doing so well. His shoulder was bothering him and not getting better. He finally went to the walk in and was told that he has arthritis. He was pretty upset. Right now he is to rest it for the next week or so. He plans to go back to the gym to walk on the treadmill even if he can't do anything else. But I'm hoping he follows through and does what he needs to to feel better.

I have arthritis in both shoulders as well. Even after my surgeries a couple years ago my right shoulder doesn't feel any better. But, it can be worked through. You just need to moderate stuff to find what you can do without making it hurt, but it can be done. I am glad you turned things around and you are continuing on even during this time of year, which has been tough for you. It's awesome.

I am 2 weeks away from my trip. I am just running as much as I can given my crazy work schedule. Now that Christmas is over things should get back to normal again. I need to refocus after I get back from my trip. I need to keep working on the job situation. So far I have nothing to report on that front.

Finally, Merry Christmas to you both. I hope you both had a great day. We don't post as often as we used to but I am always thinking about you guys and how you are doing.
Happy New Year ladies. This thread seems to be dying down. Just in case it does I hope you all have a great 2016. I am 8 days away from my trip and the wife informed me she has finally filled out the divorce papers for me to review so we can get this filed soon. Looks like it will be a scary, but interesting year for me. :-)
Happy New Year to you as well. I hope the thread does not completely die out. I know it is slow but I hope that is it.

Good luck with you race. I hope you have a blast on your trip.

As scary as it is, getting the divorce is a positive thing. I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you. This will let you start over and move on. It does get better.
Happy New Year to you as well. I hope the thread does not completely die out. I know it is slow but I hope that is it.

Good luck with you race. I hope you have a blast on your trip.

As scary as it is, getting the divorce is a positive thing. I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you. This will let you start over and move on. It does get better.

Thanks. I'm not looking forward to it as much as other trips but I'm sure when I get there I will be fine.

I'm not scared because of the divorce. I'm scared because I can't afford to live on my own still. On top of that my kids will become strangers as I will hardly see them. But I know it all needs to happen so I might as well get it done sooner rather than later. Then I just need to trust everything will work out.
Hey, sorry I dropped's been busy in the real world and six months of 14 hour work days on top of the occasional 3am phone calls are finally catching up to me. My running has been pretty much non-existent these days, maybe 6 miles between Thanksgiving and today. I did get in a six mile hike with the dogs last Sunday when it was warm, and it looks like the temps are going to warm up again this weekend, so I may do that again.

Popped in because my Facebook feed is filling up with Marathon Weekend posts and I wanted to wish you luck. Go out and have fun - if you aren't ready to train for Boston, so be it...take pictures with everyone, ride the rollercoaster, and have a margarita in Epcot!
Thanks. I'm not looking forward to it as much as other trips but I'm sure when I get there I will be fine.

I'm not scared because of the divorce. I'm scared because I can't afford to live on my own still. On top of that my kids will become strangers as I will hardly see them. But I know it all needs to happen so I might as well get it done sooner rather than later. Then I just need to trust everything will work out.

Sometimes the thing you're the most afraid of turns out to be the best thing to happen.
I know things will be fine with the divorce. I know everything will work out. I just need to refocus on finding a better job once I get back from my race.

Thanks for stopping in and wishing me luck. I am leaving very early in the morning. My kids are all sad I am leaving, of course, so that's making it hard. But I just can't wait to get there and get back "home". I'll stop in and give an update when I get back.
Hey remember me! I know I've been MIA but work got super crazy and I wasn't really doing anything more than work and sleep. I'm hoping things will slow down now that we finally have a new CEO and I can go back to doing just my job. I also wanted to pop in and see how the marathon went for you Waiting :) We leave in 12 more days! The girls were very excited on Christmas morning when they found out we were going.
HI Dizzy, welcome back. Be prepared for some big crowds. Man was it busy down there. It will be less when you go because the marathoners made it more busy but it was still just really busy.

My race was so much fun. I can't even explain how fun it was. I ran with my friend so I helped him get through his first marathon. It was all so fun. I am so tired I am not making sense. I slept maybe 10 hours all weekend. I have to get ready for bed.
Hey, sorry I dropped's been busy in the real world and six months of 14 hour work days on top of the occasional 3am phone calls are finally catching up to me. My running has been pretty much non-existent these days, maybe 6 miles between Thanksgiving and today. I did get in a six mile hike with the dogs last Sunday when it was warm, and it looks like the temps are going to warm up again this weekend, so I may do that again.

I can't imagine your schedule. I am thinking it is probably a good thing that they limit your length of service in this position. The burnout rate has to be insane. I'm glad that you haven't forgotten us. :)

I know things will be fine with the divorce. I know everything will work out. I just need to refocus on finding a better job once I get back from my race.

Sometimes life gives us what we need even if we don't think so. :/ Just take it a day at a time.

Hey remember me! I know I've been MIA but work got super crazy and I wasn't really doing anything more than work and sleep. I'm hoping things will slow down now that we finally have a new CEO and I can go back to doing just my job. I also wanted to pop in and see how the marathon went for you Waiting :) We leave in 12 more days! The girls were very excited on Christmas morning when they found out we were going.

Have fun on your trip! Hope you will be able to "come back" after you get back. :)

My race was so much fun. I can't even explain how fun it was. I ran with my friend so I helped him get through his first marathon. It was all so fun. I am so tired I am not making sense. I slept maybe 10 hours all weekend. I have to get ready for bed.

Woohoo! So glad that you had a good time. :D I'd love to hear more about it when you are rested.

I'm still hanging around. I'm going to bootcamp 4 days a week and personal training 1 day. I've gotten a lot stronger but the scale movement is slow. I was able to clean and press 120lbs at the end of my workout last week which was awesome. I really wish I could figure out how to block out my face in pictures. I would post one from January 2015 and December 2015. There's a pretty big difference. Here's to sticking to it!
Hi, all

Sorry for butting in -- I just spent the last couple of days reading this entire thread, and I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your journeys. I'm in kind of a similar boat, massively overweight and hoping that a runDisney event will force me to make some much-needed changes. I'm planning to walk more than run (old injury), but I figure that something was better than nothing.

So thank you, and best of luck in future races!
HI Dizzy, welcome back. Be prepared for some big crowds. Man was it busy down there. It will be less when you go because the marathoners made it more busy but it was still just really busy.

My race was so much fun. I can't even explain how fun it was. I ran with my friend so I helped him get through his first marathon. It was all so fun. I am so tired I am not making sense. I slept maybe 10 hours all weekend. I have to get ready for bed.
Sounds like the perfect race weekend!
Woohoo! So glad that you had a good time. :D I'd love to hear more about it when you are rested.

I'm still hanging around. I'm going to bootcamp 4 days a week and personal training 1 day. I've gotten a lot stronger but the scale movement is slow. I was able to clean and press 120lbs at the end of my workout last week which was awesome. I really wish I could figure out how to block out my face in pictures. I would post one from January 2015 and December 2015. There's a pretty big difference. Here's to sticking to it!

All you need to do is just cover up your face with something with one of the editing software on your computer. I would love to see the differences in the pictures. Just so I am clear, you are working out 5 days a week now, during the winter? Isn't this the time of the year you struggle with the most? I am glad you found something you love so much. Now figure out the picture thing so I can get a look at these changes.

Hi, all

Sorry for butting in -- I just spent the last couple of days reading this entire thread, and I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your journeys. I'm in kind of a similar boat, massively overweight and hoping that a runDisney event will force me to make some much-needed changes. I'm planning to walk more than run (old injury), but I figure that something was better than nothing.

So thank you, and best of luck in future races!

No need to be sorry. You will need to tell us more about yourself so we can help you. I know we haven't been on here as much lately but I know these ladies would be happy to help you, as would I.

If you are looking for someone to talk you into running a Disney race to change your life you have come to the right place. Signing up for ToT was the best decision I have ever made in my life, after deciding to have each of my kids. I know it sounds dramatic to say that but I mean it. I was at a low spot in my life after learning my wife wanted a divorce. I wanted to challenge myself and I turned to Disney. I hated running so it seemed like a perfect challenge. I KNEW if I signed up for a Disney race that I would absolutely follow through on my training and I did. It changed my life. Now I am healthy. I no longer feel worthless. I now know, after my 2nd marathon, that I can accomplish anything I want if I am willing to put in the work.

The only thing stopping you from doing this is your mind. Once you decide you can do it, nothing will be able to stop you. Not even an injury.

No Excuses.png
I passed this guy during the marathon. He didn't let anything stop him. I also heard he ran the 1/2 the day before so he did GOOFY! There was also a blind guy that ran the race as well. My whole point is, he decided he was going to do this and he did it. So if you want to reclaim your life and running a Disney race will be your motivation then sign up and put in the work.

You decide what you want to do and I will help you with the logistics of how to sign up, the best hotel to stay in, etc...

Sounds like the perfect race weekend!

It was so much fun. I am still tired but I don't care. I normally get nervous before a race but this race I will standing in the middle of these massive crowds (I thought ToT was a big race :scared:) and I was 100% relaxed. I was at peace even with the 26.2 miles that were to follow.

I had my GoPro with me. I got so much video and pics. I plan to make a video at some point. Staying at the Contemporary was an excellent decision. It was so easy getting to the race on the monorail. My only issue is that I normally eat a huge breakfast before a race and I couldn't with a standard room. So I was hungry very quickly after the race began.

Helping my friend through his first marathon was a fun experience as well. He worked hard this year and even though he was very scared at the beginning of this race he powered through and we had fun. He didn't probably seem to have fun during the race but reflecting now I think he really enjoyed it.

I really need to try and do this again next year. I am so bummed already. I just love these races so much I have to find a way back to one as quickly as possible.
Thanks! It's been a long time coming to this…I've never been particularly coordinated or athletic, but was (relatively) active as a kid and on the varsity swim team in H.S. Looking at pictures, I was *tiny* but had no idea (my mother, whom I love very much, is generally a great person with the exception of instilling in me some SEVERE body issues). I've never really taken care of myself, academics were always top priority, health be damned. A complete mental breakdown in college really wrecked things. Between the depression and the subsequent medication, I put on over 100 pounds.

I've been picking up the pieces ever since, and things have generally been on an upward trend, with a few setbacks here and there, but attending to physical health was still always on the back burner. Since finding out about the runDisney races, I've gotten it into my mind that it'll give me a concrete goal to work for -- my sister is actually the one that's Disney-obsessed, but I'm all too happy to be her enabler :) So I figured that I could use the Disney aspect to rope her into this with me. We're hoping to sign up for the Wine & Dine event this year.

There's already been progress -- after a year of hedging, I've finally committed. My mom was all too happy to get me a treadmill; I figured that if nothing else, if I'm going to veg in front of the t.v. for a couple of hours each night, I could at least be walking on it. I've signed us up for a couple of local races (5k in March, 10k in April, 12 miler in September) that are walker-friendly and part of a series with some nice gifts (can't help the hoarding tendencies, I'm a museum person…). Since getting back into town, I've started up on the treadmill and have done at least 30 minutes per day, just to start getting into a habit. It's a slow start, as I'm really just getting used to the treadmill, but it's something.

If nothing else, I could go out tomorrow and walk a 5k in under an hour, which I'm using as encouragement. My only concern is that the motivation I've got going now is taking the place of any motivation to finish my dissertation :P

Didn't mean for so much of this to come out! But thank you for being so welcoming. And I'm sorry about the issues with your wife, but it's wonderful that this is helping you through that.


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